Sun Studio 11 for Solaris 8. Oracle site does not have it (Dead Link) - solaris

I need Sun Studio 11 specifically since it is the last one supported on Solaris 8.
The Oracle site simply does not have it. It seems to be a bug, and goes around in circles. i.e. Oracle site says "Sun links are dead, go here on Oracle site", and Oracle site links to the same old Sun site.
And of-course the bottle-neck is Solaris 8, so if Sun Studio 12 installs and works on it. I am more than willing.


SQL Server Integration Services Version

I have a production system which had installed SQL Server 2012, so this system has the Integration Services 11. Then we upgraded the system with SQL Server 2014, so the system had two Integration Services 11 & 12. Then we upgraded to SQL Server 2016, so the system has now three Integration Services 11, 12 & 13.
I done some research on the Internet and i realized that even we upgrade the SQL Server the integration services are installed side-by-side. This is also confirmed from SQL Server Management Console.
When i run DTEXEC on CMD get default version 11, this means that my DTSX packages inside the SSISB Catalog are running using the Integration Services 11 and not the latest one? If this is correct how can i change this to the newest one?
I was recently part of such discussion. It is important to understand SSIS Backward compatibility before.
Also, refer SSIS through its SQL Server Data Tools version, as most commonly people understand it in that way. You can link your thoughts with below mentioned details:
SQL Build# PackageFormatVersion Visual Studio Version(SSDT)
2005 9 2 2005
2008 10 3 2008
2008 R2 10.5 3 2008
2012 11 6 2010 or BI 2012
2014 12 8 2012 CTP2 or 2013
2016 13 8 2015
source: sqlstudies
From this microsoft document you'll understand which SSIS version is compatible with which SQL Server.
Target version of SQL Server Development environment for SSIS packages
2016 SSDT 2015
2014 SSDT 2015 or SSDT-BI 2013
2012 SSDT 2015 or SSDT-BI 2012
In simple words, SSDT 2015 is capable of deployment on any server from 2012 onwards, whereas 2012, 2013 are restrictive.
Beware that, if you open sql server 2012 dtsx in SSDT 2015, then you cannot go back to open it from SSDT-BI 2012.
If this is correct how can i change this to the newest one?
Hence, if you want to upgrade all your packages, open them through SSDT-2015, select deployment version(right click project -> properties -> Target Server Version).
you can read more about these changes here(MSSQLTips)
I think the previous answer provides some very useful information. However, I think I understand the misconception here:
First, there is NO benefit or advantage of "changing this to the newest one". Some people think that SSIS 2016 (11) is better than SSIS 2014 (10) or lower - the fact is that , with SSIS2012 nothing changed except addition of several new features and a new way to deploy items. You will not obtain any speed or performance enhancement. It's just that you get access to a few extra components.
Second, this will never fail because of my answer above. Firstly, SSIS is backward compatible (which is what Microsoft brags about - but honestly, why wouldn't it be?? it's the exact same product sold under different titles, why would it NOT be backward compatible). Secondly, your previous editions of SSIS are there for those like a few features (such as ActiveX) to run in compatibility mode. All in all, I think the question is answered by the fact that SSIS is backward compatible and that NOTHING has changed in the past 3 editions of the product (2012, 2014 and 2016 are nearly identical, and no performance or architectural changes exist between 2008/2008R2 and 2012+)
If you'd like more information, have a look at this link, which starts off by stating:
SQL Server 2014 Integration Services (SSIS) can co-exist side-by-side
with SQL Server 2008 Integration Services and SQL Server 2012
Integration Services.

Error when start an instance of SQLLOCQLDB 2017 on windows 7 64bit (entry point not found except)

I tried to start an instance of SQLLOCALDB 2017 on win7 (x64) but this message box Appears :
"The procedure entry point BCryptKeyDerivation could not be located in
the dynamic link library bcrypt.dll"
Anybody knows it's reason?
more info from CMD:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft
Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\hashem-7-x64>SQLLOCALDB INFO MSSQLLocalDB
C:\Users\hashem-7-x64>SQLLOCALDB VERSIONS Microsoft SQL Server 2017
C:\Users\hashem-7-x64>SQLLOCALDB START MSSQLLOCALDB Start of LocalDB
instance "MSSQLLOCALDB" failed because of the following error: Error
occurred during LocalDB instance startup: SQL Server process failed to
sta rt.
I had the same problem and I resolved it by uninstalling Sql Server LocalDB 2017 and installing the 2014 version.
Apparently the 2017 version is not compatible with Windows 7.
SQL Server 2017 Express LocalDB isn't supported on Windows 7. The SqlLocalDB.msi installer for me but when I tried to start an instance it would give the "BCryptKeyDerivation could not be located" error. Anecdotally the 2016 version is supposedly not supported, but it installed and default instances run for me.
Per Microsoft :
Supported Operating System:
Windows 10 , Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows
Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016
Some additional information indicating that you'll need at least Windows 8
BCryptKeyDerivation function
The BCryptKeyDerivation function derives a key without requiring a
secret agreement. It is similar in functionality to BCryptDeriveKey
but does not require a BCRYPT_SECRET_HANDLE value as input.
Minimum supported client
Windows 8 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Install DotNET Core v2 SDK (More specifically v2.1.4 as of now)
The problem is caused by the version of assemblies for cryptographic algorithms currently installed on your PC offered via DotNET:
The mentioned update provides the missing dependencies. Read more about the dependencies on Nuget information page.
Install Sqllocaldb 2016 that work great in windows 7. i facing the same problem last few days and finally i get the answer to install localdb 2016. sqllocaldb 2016 support very well and even we don't need to downgrade the database version.i try sqllocaldb 2014 to but it get me error the database version is not supported. but sqllocaldb 2016 support great sqllocaldb 2016

Visual Studio Community 2015 with Crystal Reports 14

I have upgraded my VS to new version VS community 15 which requires CR 14 to work with it. I installed but it is not showing its components in toolbox. Does VS 15 give proper compatibility with CR 14? If So what are the steps to make it work?
Install the Crystal report service Pack 15 and check the list of fixed issues: Incident 508399
It works for me with Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition (with .NET 4.6)
Visual Studio 2015 is not compatible with crystal reports yet.
Compatibility is planned for the next service pack which is due out sometime in September.

What is required to develop using Unreal Engine 4?

I have just paid the $19 fee to start using Unreal Engine 4 and have been playing around with the interface for a few hours now.
I've decided that it's finally time to start writing some code, but I'm worried I may not be equipped to do so.
My machine is 5 or 6 years old and running Windows Vista, I have Visual Studio 2008 Professional installed. I've noticed that Unreal seems to only support Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 (Professional only, not Express).
Do I need Visual Studio 2012 or 2013 to write code for Unreal 4? I looked around for Visual Studio 2012 but it doesn't seem to support Vista, and I don't really want to drop $399.99 on 2013 unless there is no other option.
I'm really excited to start work on a game with Unreal Engine 4, but can I? If I should be asking this question somewhere else please let me know and I will gladly move it.
The system requirements are listed here:
System Requirements
Desktop PC or Mac
Windows 7 64-bit or Mac OS X 10.9.2 or later
Quad-core Intel or AMD processor, 2.5 GHz or faster
NVIDIA GeForce 470 GTX or AMD Radeon 6870 HD series card or higher
So it would seem that Windows Vista simply isn't supported at all. Presumably, this means Epic cannot guarantee that the engine, if it happens to run, or any version of VS that happens to work on Windows Vista is supported either. Unfortunately, you may be out of luck.
I ended up buying a copy of Windows 7 and downloading a student version of Visual Studio 2013 from DreamSpark.
This seems to be the only comfortable way to develop using Unreal Engine 4 as they support Visual Studio 2013 very well, including intellisense. It seems that UE4 and VS2013 go hand in hand.
My computer ended up being just too slow in the end though, where it would take almost 2 minutes for VS2013 to fire up, and over 4 hours to compile the UE4 source code.
A friend of mine ended up bringing over a beast of a machine and we set up our game dev environment on it, including UE4 and VS2013, and I managed to compile the UE4 source on it in about 20 minutes.
In the end, the answer is NO, my old machine as it was could not run the tools necessary to develop using UE4 "comfortably".
Ideally you would have a beast of a machine running 64 bit Windows 7 or higher, and VS2013 seems like a natural fit.
PS: I feel bad answering my own question.
"Do I need Visual Studio 2012 or 2013 to write code for Unreal 4? I looked around for Visual Studio 2012 but it doesn't seem to support Vista, and I don't really want to drop $399.99 on 2013 unless there is no other option."
You don't need to have vs2012 or 2013, generally you will just need the redistributables (I think this is what they are called) which are free to download and should automatically download when you install UE4.
You can start things off by using their graphical script builder Blueprints. The amount of things that you can accomplish with Blueprints is fairly amazing and they are actively adding in new features literally by the day. My opinion is that it should keep you satiated until you decide whether to get VS or not.

Quickbooks integration failing with new Office 2013

having trouble with getting my new Windows 7 laptop with 64 bit Office 2013, to integrate with Quickbooks 2013 from MSAccess 2013, using QBFC 11. Previous version that worked was Windows XP 32 bit, Access 2010 and QB 2013, with same QBFC11.
Using the new install, integration code fails immediately with "error 429 Active X component can't create object" when i try to create a session requestmsgset. I have searched a bunch to find non-specific answers which don't seem to apply or give me clues, does anyone have any idea how to fix this for Quickbooks?
When installing Office 365 (the sister product to Office 2013), you are given the option to install 32-bit or 64-bit. But it recommends you use 32-bit, saying that most software is still operating with only 32-bit hooks and that a 64-bit version of Office will not work properly. I don't know that this is your difficulty, but that's what I would look at first.