best approach for modal text popup, after user clicks on "assistance" icon? - iphone

In terms of providing a nice text popup for users in an iPhone application, after they click on a help icon, what approach/style do people recommend?
In my view (re User Experience) I would have thought something that say:
has a thin border with rounded edges around it
takes up most of the screen
has a vertical scroll bar if there is more text than can fit on one screen
has a way for the user to dismiss
Interested in:
recommended approach re UI design
how to implement (which IOS UI objects to use)
nice to have - example code

The thing about designing iPhone UI elements, including popups, is that you're very strongly recommended to do it "Apple's way" - follow their Human Interface Guidelines and use standard UI controls. The two ways I can think to do this offhand:
Use a UIAlertView for a single chunk of text - it includes buttons for dismissal, properly shaded and colored for consistency with the rest of the OS and other apps. This is a quick, one- or two-line way of putting text on the screen and taking it off again. The downside: there's no scrolling capability, and the box scales with the text you put in it (i.e. you can't fix a size for the view).
Use a new view (in a UIViewController) presented modally. This option gives you more flexibility and the capability to scroll, but at the cost of greater setup.
If you decide to go the second route, follow your existing instincts for how to lay it out - you'll take over the entire screen on an iPhone, so you have some wiggle room. Your rounded-edges guess and vertical scrolling are right on (consider a UIScrollView for implementation).


Application walkthrough when opened for the first time

How do you setup in your application to show little bubbles with text and block the rest of the screen from being used and only allow a small section / button to be pressed. I am wanting to create a walkthrough to show users how to use the application and where to find things within the application when it is opened for the first time.
I would like to dim the rest of the application except for the part I want them to click on. Is there a framework already with these features?
There's no frameworks that provide this functionality, as far as I know.
One way you could do this though is to have a set of overlay images which you overlay over the whole screen the first time the user goes to that screen. To determine if the user has already been to a screen, I suggest you look at NSUserDefaults. To create the overlay images, I'd make the image the full size of the screen (i.e. 460x320 if you are showing the status bar) and then have transparent sections where you want to "see through" to the element below. Add a gesture recogniser to the overlaid image view to detect a tap and then hide the image and set the flag in NSUserDefaults to make it not happen the next time the user goes to that screen.
If you don't get a better answer, you could look at MAAttachedWindow on the page at this link. It's written for Cocoa, not Cocoa Touch, so you would have to convert it. I am considering doing this myself. You might find it to be worth the trouble, but I haven't looked at every detail, yet, so I couldn't say for sure. There are only tow files that are involved (.m and .h).

How to Display Two Scrolling TextViews At Once

I'd like to display two windows on screen with scrolling text in them e.g. top window will have one bible translation while the bottom view would have another.
Ideally, I'd like them to stay in sync so they're both showing the same point in their respective translations (i.e. switch to John Ch1 in top view, bottom view follows and does same). But for now I'm just curious how to get these into two seperate viewable windows.
Any ideas?
In all honesty, I dont think you have the screen space to do this for the iPhone in such a way that is visually comfortable for the user.
That aside, the best method would depend on how the rest of your app is built. You can create a view that contains two UITextViews in it, each taking up roughly half the screen. You should be able to scroll one as a response to the other scrolling, though I haven't done this, so I cannot tell you how to do it exactly.
Another option that you have is to use a main UITextView, and then a second UIModalView that is overlaid above it. It all depends on the app structure.
Just to note, unless you have specific markers for points of translation, it would be very hard to have them sync up in that way. You could try to match line numbers, or something like that, but due to languages being so different, one might take 3 lines, and a translation might take 4 to say the same thing.
This is a fairly basic question, so you should perhaps revisit the iOS Application Programming Guide, but in a nutshell, you'd have two UITextView elements inside a view in your application, and you can synchronize between them using the built in setter method
- (void)setContentOffset:(CGPoint)contentOffset animated:(BOOL)animated
You have two needs here:
(1) You need to create a data model that can hold the translations and link each chapter and verse in each translation to the chapter and verse in all the other translations. For that, I would suggest learning Core Data. Be prepared to spend some time learning it.
(2) You need to display the translations. For this I would suggest you use two UITextViews in the same containing view. However, as Karoly S noted, there really isn't room on an iphone screen for two text views. I would recommend using two views connect by a flip transition which will allow you to have one translation on a full screen and then flip over to the other translation. The user could flip rapidly back and forth to compare.

iPhone - Proper UI controls for calculations

I am pretty new to iPhone development and currently working on an application which includes a view that performs a simple numerical calculation. In particular, the user enters 3 or 4 values into text fields and the view displays the result. Something along the lines of
What is the nicest way to achieve this? I am currently using simple UITextFields and a UILabel for the result but it doesn't look nice or "native-like". What UI object would be best to use?
Thank you!
It's entirely up to you. You're using the right classes for actual input- it comes down to how you choose to style those classes. I'd suggest looking at the documentation for UIView and CALayer (youView.layer, and include QuartzCore framework in your project).
A good start might be to choose a color scheme, a background for your app, and the look and feel you're shooting for- this will inform your styling. Try looking for apps that you think are elegant and attractive, and boil down what they do and what you like about them.
I'd say;
use a grouped table style (with the white tables with round corners on a blueish striped background)
embed settings values directly in the cell (aligned to the right) as much as possible
you can show a relevant keyboard (text, numbers) or picker view to let the user pick values, directly when they tap the cell. Use sliders and switches where relevant.
You may want to take a look at, we are currently investigating it for the same purpose and it seems to do the job
You can use either a UISlider or a UIPickerView if some of your values have limits.
You can use UISwitch for toggles.
You can also switch the default keyboard for your textfields to be numeric.
Other than that you seem to be on the right track.
Also, sometimes putting a view inside a scrollview makes things seem cooler even if its only one page. The auto bounce on scrollviews is kind of cool.

Creating a tableview in the form of a 'film strip'

I am developing an RSS-reader-type application. I am toying with the possibility of using a normal TableView application but showing the articles as a film-strip. I am mainly thinking for an iPad application (but possible it works on the smaller iPhone as well).
The idea is to have the cells passing/scrolling across the screen using swipe touches (but horizontal, and not vertical as with the normal TableView). They will be some-kind of miniatures of the full article, and when tapped (or with multi-touch zoom to have better control) can be enlarged to read. Then can then just be be moved on as soon as the user has seen enough of it.
Does anybody know if there is an easy way of accomplishing something like that?
The most obvious solution that springs to mind would be to use a UIScrollView, as this will provide the inertial effects, etc. for free - all you'd have to do it populate it with the relevant sub-views. (UITableView's actually use a UIScrollView.)
For more information and sample code, see Apple's UIScrollView docs.
If you want horizontal scrolling, take a look at Jeremy Tregunna’s JScrollingRow. It’s open source under a public domain licence.

Iphone default behaviors that need to be implemented?

When I've learned that I have to write some code to make the iphone keyboard go away. I was quite surprised. I was surprised even more when it become apperent that it is just the top of the iceberg.
What are the expected UI behaviors that aren't provided by system OOTB?
Is the list below complete?
The expected UI behaviors:
Focusing next text field when [done] is hit
Hiding the keyboard when background is hit
Using Touch Up Inside to fire a button action. (To give user opportunity to change his/her mind)
Supporting the screen rotation.
Some of that is silly, but some of it has uses as well.
Focusing next text field when [done] is hit
Which field is "next"? If you have a large form with fields both next to and above/below each other, next might not be so obvious. Even if they are in some linear layout, the iPhone would have to work to figure out which one is next. Do you want to wrap around at the end of the form, or dismiss the keyboard, or submit the form?
Hiding the keyboard when background is hit
I mostly agree with you here, though there are a few cases where this is useless. For example, adding a new phone number in the contact app.
Using Touch Up Inside to fire a button action
This one I really don't get. I can only guess that it's designed to allow you to use buttons instead of the touchesBegan/Moved/Ended methods. I guess it could be useful, but I've never used anything but Touch Up Inside.
Supporting the screen rotation
Many apps just don't work in any other orientation, such as games. If you want to use rotation, you only have to add two lines of code assuming you've done your layout well.
I hope this helps explain some of the strangeness. Aside from the keyboard dismissal, I've never really found anything too annoying. The one thing I wish they supported was using the highlight state of UIButtons for the set state. It would be a quick and easy toggle button, but I've taken to screenshotting a highlighted button and using that for the background image of a selected button.
Want a rounded rectangular button that isn't white? Since that one uses a background image, you can't just click something somewhere that makes it the color of your choice. You have to create your own image or you could even use CSS (WTF!?) to do it.
Unfortunately, the iPhone SDK lacks a lot of helpful things one would think would just be there. However, many people have taken the time to write wrappers for many of these kinds of things to help facilitate development - a quick google search into the functionality you are expecting may turn up a lot of useful answers!
For example, you could make the keyboard go away when you tap outside of it by creating a new view when it appears, and placing that view behind any user-interactable views on the screen. When that new view is tapped, it will become first responder and cause the keyboard to slide away (because the UITextField is no longer first responder).
Such a thing could be easily implemented as a drop-in fix for pretty much anything you'd need it for with very little code.
Still should have been included in the SDK in the first place, though!