How to modify ajax response before jsTree creation? - jstree

How can I modify ajax response before jsTree creation? I would like to access each node ID and add prefix to it. On jsTree page the only clue is this: the function will receive two arguments - the node being loaded & a function". I need to do that before the tree is actually created, to avoid duplicate ID in the document.
"json_data" : {
"ajax" : {
"type": "GET",
"url" : "tree.json"
"data" : function(node, func){
//how to use that?
I have expected to get JSON data here, modify it and return? But this will explode.

I have successfully manipulated data using the success callback in the instantiation of the jsTree. In my case, I am parsing XML data returned as JSON from a .NET webmethod. It should work for your case in a similar manner.
"ajax": {
"type": "GET"
"url": "tree.json",
"success": function (x) {
//manipulate string x to change id's here
return x;
}, ...
Another method is to use the "complete" callback function to manipulate the jsTree in its final form. I don't recommend it in your case of duplicate id's, however.


URL parameter vs post form data

URL parameter or post form data; which is more computationally efficient for a backend API to query?
GET : user/:id
POST: user/ { "id": "some_id" }

Use output from Web Activity call as variable

I'm using ADFv2 to transfer some data. As a part of this operation I need some configuration values to pass into the pipeline.
The config values must be pulled at runtime from a REST service - not as parameters.
I can successfully query the REST service with Web Activity and I can see the output in the debug view.
Now the problem :)
How do I use this output in other activities further in the pipeline?
My Web Activity configuration is like this:
"name": "Web1",
"type": "WebActivity",
"policy": {
"timeout": "7.00:00:00",
"retry": 0,
"retryIntervalInSeconds": 30,
"secureOutput": false
"typeProperties": {
"url": "",
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
I have tried to access the output after is has executed, but it seems empty:
they are all empty. Any suggestions?
I set up an ADF2 and try to get a response.
This works for me:
Have you checked the output in the debugging?
Here is my output:
"test": {
"value": 123,
"text": abc
"concat": 123abc
I use the stored procedure to insert the values into the destination table on a Logical Server.
In ADFv2, you access the output of previous activities using #activity('ActivityName').output.
For the web activity defined, the response from your function should be in JSON format, so you would reference specific JSON values using their attribute names in the response. For example, your defined web activity, named Web1, calls a function that returns a response of:
"foo": "bar",
"some": "value"
To use the value of foo in a subsequent ADF activity, you would reference #activity('Web1') ADFv2 provides multiple type conversion functions, should you need the returned value converted to another type.
If your function is returning an empty JSON response back, you may want to inspect the response from your function using Postman or another tool to ensure you are returning a properly formatted response, and that your function isn't failing for another reason.
Inside your Azure function code, you should be returning a JSON object, along with a success code, similar to return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, json);.
Also note that if you reference a property of the response and it does not exist, ADF will fail at that point, so you can use an If Condition activity to check for the required values to better handle failures in ADFv2.

Talend read JSON data from tRESTRequest

I am trying to learn Talend.
I have to create a REST endpoint (i am using tRESTRequest) which takes a POST request at http://localhost:8086/emp/create and accepts below json and prints each json field and sends a sample json response containing only name field.
How can I do so ?
How to read the json data into a java component like tJava?
"emp" :
"name": "testemp1"
"name": "testemp2"
Expected Response:
"emp" :
"name": "testemp1"
"name": "testemp2"
I am using tRESTRequest -> tExtractJSONFields -> tRESTResponse.
For looping on the right elements and parsing the contents, please see my answer JSON Deserialization on Talend
I did not understand the second question. When deserializing JSON, the data will already be available in the usual row format for processing further. Beginner tutorials will show you the standard structure. The component tJava is - of course - an exception to that rule. Handling data is different in this component and not neccessarily row based.
Talend has an excellent knowledge base for components and examples, see

REST API Multiple PUT or DELETE in one time

Greeting everyone, I have a datatable in my html page that I populated using REST API. I can create new row and also update or delete by selecting a row and clicking the edit or delete button.
But currently I am unable to delete update or delete multiple row at once due to url error,
e.g : PUT,7,9/ 404 (Not Found)
how can I split this this into several separate url with respective id when I update or delete.
e.g :
Below is my code, any help is much appreciated thank you.
idSrc: 'id',
ajax: {
create: {
type: 'POST',
url: content_path,
data: function (content_data) {
var create_data = {};
$.each(, function (id, value) {
create_data['name'] = value['name'];
create_data['description'] = value['description'];
create_data['category'] = value['category'];
return create_data;
success: function () {
edit: {
type: 'PUT',
url: '/dashboard/content_detail/_id_/',
data: function (content_data) {
var updated_data = {};
$.each(, function (id, value) {
updated_data['description'] = value['description'];
updated_data['category'] = value['category'];
updated_data['name'] = value['name'];
return updated_data;
success: function () {
remove: {
type: 'DELETE',
url: '/dashboard/content_detail/_id_/',
data: function (content_data) {
var deleted_data = {};
$.each(, function (id, value) {
deleted_data['id'] = id;
return deleted_data;
success: function () {
If you're going to allow the update of a large number of items at once, then PATCH might be your friend:
Looking at the RFC 6902 (which defines the Patch standard), from the client's perspective the API could be called like
PATCH /authors/{authorId}/book
{ "op": "replace", "path": "/dashboard/content_detail/5", "value": "test"},
{ "op": "remove", "path": "/dashboard/content_detail", "value": [ "7", "9" ]}
From a design perspective you don't want several ids in your url.
I would prefer single calls for each change, thinking in resources you only manipulate one at a time.
In case this is a perfomance issue, I recommend a special url marked with action or something simliar, to make clear this ist not REST.
In HTTP it is not required for information to only exist on a single resource. It is possible to have multiple resources that represent the same underlying data.
It's therefore not out of the question to create a resource that 'represents' a set of other resources that you wish to DELETE or PUT to.
I do agree that it might not be the most desirable. I think we tend to prefer having information only exist in a single part of tree, and I think we like to avoid situations where updating a resource effects a secondary resource's state. However, if you are looking for a strictly RESTful solution to solve this problem, I think it's the right way.
Therefore a url design such as:
Is not necessarily non-RESTful or goes against the HTTP protocol. The fact that you're getting a 404 on that URL currently has to do with your application framework, not the protocol (HTTP) or architecture (REST) of your API.
However, for cases such as these I feel I would personally be inclined to sometimes create a separate POST endpoint that, acting outside of REST like an RPC endpoint. Specifically for these types of batch requests.

Apigility: How to render embedded objects?

How do I render embedded objects in Apigility? For example, if I have a 'user' object and it composes a 'country' object, should I be rendering the 'country' object as an embedded object? And how should I do this?
I am using the Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ArraySerializable. My getArrayCopy() method simply returns an array of properties that I want exposed. The array keys are the property names. The array values are the property values. In the case of user->country, the value is an object, not a scalar.
When I return the user object from UserResource->fetch(), here's how it is rendered:
"id": "1",
"firstName": "Joe",
"lastName": "Bloggs",
"status": "Active",
"email": "",
"country": {
"code": "AU",
"name": "Australia"
"settings": "0",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://api.mydomain.local/users/1"
Note that 'country' is not in an _embedded field. If it is supposed to be in _embedded, I would have thought that Apigility would automatically do that (since it automatically adds the _links object).
As a related issue, how do I go about returning other rel links, such as back, forward, etc?
The easiest way to get Apigility to render embedded resources is when there is an API/resource associated to the embedded object. What I mean for your example is that you'd have an API resource that has a country entity. In that case, if your getArrayCopy returned the the CountryEntity, Apigility would render it automatically as an embedded resource.
If your getArrayCopy is returning country as an array with code and name, you'll end up with what you saw.
For the other part, the rel links for first, last, prev and next will come from the fetchAll method when you return a Paginator. Your collection extends from this already, but it needs an adapter. The code could look something like this:
public function fetchAll($params)
// Return a \Zend\Db\Select object that will retrieve the
// stuff you want from the database
$select = $this->service->fetchAll($params);
$entityClass = $this->getEntityClass();
$entity = new $entityClass();
$hydrator = new \Zend\Stdlib\ArraySerializable();
$prototype = new \Zend\Db\ResultSet\HydratingResultSet($hydrator, $entity);
$paginator = new \Zend\Paginator\Adapter\DbSelect($select, $this->sql, $prototype);
$collectionClass = $this->getCollectionClass();
return new $collectionClass($paginator);
There are other paginator adapters as well - an ArrayAdapter which will take in an array of however big and then paginate it so you only get the desired number of results. The downside to this if you use it with database results, you'll potentially be retrieving and discarding a lot of results. The DbSelect paginator will modify the $select object to add the limit and order clause automatically so you only retrieve the bits you need. There are also adapters if you're using DbTableGateway, Iterators or even callbacks. You can also implement your own of course.
Hope this helps. If you have more specific needs or clarification, please comment and I'll do my best.
I posted this example on github.
Hope this helps.