ASP MVC 3 RAZOR dynamic form generation post - forms

I'm trying to create asp mvc 3 page with a form with text fields that are dynamically generated based on the number of object in a list that is in the model I passed into page controller. The problem I'm running into is that whenever I post to the controller the list maintains the values but not the names of the objects in the list. Here is an example:
The Model:
public class SomeModel
List<Field> fieldList;
public SomeeModel()
fieldList = new List<Field>();
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Field> FieldList
return fieldList;
The controller:
public ActionResult Preview()
SomeModel model = new SomeModel();
model.FieldList.Add( new Field { name = "test 1"});
model.FieldList.Add( new Field { name = "test 2"});
model.FieldList.Add( new Field { name = "test 3"});
return View(model);
The View:
#using (Html.BeginForm()) {
<legend>Input Field List</legend>
#for (var i = 0; i < Model.FieldList.Count(); i++)
<div class="editor-label">
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => Model.FieldList[i].value)
<input type="submit" value="Generate PDF" />
I saw a similar post here .NET MVC Razor Dynamic Form Generation but answer runs into the same issues as I got. Hope I'm being clear! If not I'll post more info. Thanks!

You could include those names as hidden fields. This way their values will be posted to the controller action:
#for (var i = 0; i < Model.FieldList.Count(); i++)
#Html.HiddenFor(model => Model.FieldList[i].name)
Also instead of writing those loops I would recommend you using editor templates:
#model SomeModel
#using (Html.BeginForm())
<legend>Input Field List</legend>
#Html.EditorFor(x => x.FieldList)
<input type="submit" value="Generate PDF" />
and the corresponding editor template (~/Views/Shared/EditorTemplates/Field.cshtml) which will be rendered for each element of the FieldList collection:
#model Field
#Html.HiddenFor(model =>
<div class="editor-label">
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.value,
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.value)
Another possibility instead of using hidden fields would be to externalize those names into some data store and then have a repository which would return them. So in your two actions you would simply query this repository for the names. Because they cannot be changed it is not necessary to include them in the HTML.


How can I bind form fields to a nested model on post?

I am coding a solution where the user will submit a form, posting the values back to my ASP.NET MVC controller. My model is complex and the form fields are contained in a nested object (I'm using CQRS via MediatR). When I submit the form, the values come across as null. How can I get the complex model to recognize the form fields?
Here is my code:
public async Task<IActionResult> Edit(UpdateApplicationCommand command)
await _mediator.Send(command)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
public class UpdateApplicationCommand : IRequest<Unit>
public ApplicationEditGeneralViewModel ApplicationEditGeneralViewModel { get; set; } = null!;
public class ApplicationEditGeneralViewModel
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Description { get; set; } = string.Empty;
#model ApplicationEditGeneralViewModel
<form method="post" asp-action="Edit" asp-controller="Applications">
<div class="form-floating mb-3">
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Name, new { #class = "form-control", placeholder = "Application Name"})
<label for="Name">Application Name</label>
<div class="form-floating mb-3">
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Description, new { #class = "form-control", placeholder = "Application Description"})
<label for="Description">Application Description</label>
<div class="d-flex flex-row-reverse bd-highlight">
<input type="submit" value="Submit" class="btn btn-primary mt-2" />
I've tried to reduce the complex model to its fields, by placing the contents of the ApplicationEditGeneralViewModel directly into the UpdateApplicationCommand class. This worked, but I'd really like to keep the nested structure so that I can reuse the ApplicationEditGeneralViewModel object.
I saw this solution here:
How to bind nested model in partial view
But I'd rather avoid adding the name as a route object (if possible) for every form field. Is there another, more simple way that I can do this?
The first way, you can custom model binding like below:
public class CustomModelBinder : IModelBinder
public Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
if (bindingContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bindingContext));
var model = new UpdateApplicationCommand()
ApplicationEditGeneralViewModel = new ApplicationEditGeneralViewModel()
Description = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue("Description").ToString(),
Name = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue("Name").ToString()
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Success(model);
return Task.CompletedTask;
Apply the custom model binding like below:
public async Task<IActionResult> Edit([ModelBinder(typeof(CustomModelBinder))]UpdateApplicationCommand model)
The second way, just change your razor view like below:
#model UpdateApplicationCommand
<form method="post">
<div class="form-floating mb-3">
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.ApplicationEditGeneralViewModel.Name, new { #class = "form-control", placeholder = "Application Name"})
<label for="Name">Application Name</label>
<div class="form-floating mb-3">
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.ApplicationEditGeneralViewModel.Description, new { #class = "form-control", placeholder = "Application Description"})
<label for="Description">Application Description</label>
<div class="d-flex flex-row-reverse bd-highlight">
<input type="submit" value="Submit" class="btn btn-primary mt-2" />

mvc4 ef5 return points to folder not controller

I have 3 sequential date fields: Start, End, Certify. When the user indicates he wants to update a date in a given row, I actionlink to the controller for that table, Task, where I have added code to determine which field is null and then direct to a view customized to that field. My concept was that the return would go to the scaffold generated edit where the data would be saved. So 3 views with a common return.
I'm getting a 404 error. Since I know the name is present, it must be unavailable.
The scaffold generated post code:
public ActionResult Edit(Task task)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
db.Entry(task).State = EntityState.Modified;
And my selection code:
public ActionResult EditBegin(int? id)
Task ViewModel = db.Tasks.Find(id);
if (ViewModel.SStart == null)
ViewModel.TaskID = id.Value;
ViewModel.SStart = DateTime.Now;
return View("EditStart", ViewModel);
else if (ViewModel.SEnd == null)
ViewModel.TaskID = id.Value;
ViewModel.SEnd = DateTime.Now;
return View("EditEnd", ViewModel);
else if (ViewModel.SCert == null)
ViewModel.TaskID = id.Value;
ViewModel.SCert = DateTime.Now;
return View("EditCert", ViewModel);
return View("EditCert", ViewModel); //solves not all paths have return error
And in the EditEnd view the EditorFor and Actionlink.
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.SEnd) // preloaded with NOW
#Html.ActionLink("Save End Date", "Edit", "Task" ) //is the TaskID passed back as part of this?
So in the EditEnd view, press the "Save end date" button and I get the 404 error. I've tested the Task edit function to confirm "the resource is available" and it works fine.
I've discovered the path is to a folder .../task/edit not the controller.
How do I get it to reference the controller. Removing the quotes doesn't help.
My entire view is:
#model MVCBSV.Models.Task
ViewBag.Title = "Scanedit";
<h2>Add Start Date</h2>
#using (Html.BeginForm()) {
Html.BeginForm("Edit", "Task", FormMethod.Post);
#Html.HiddenFor(model => model.TaskID)
<div class="editor-label">
Step Name
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.DisplayFor(model => model.StepName);
<div class="editor-label">
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.SStart)
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.EditorFor( model => model.SStart)
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model)
#* <p>
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
#Html.ActionLink("Save Start Date", "Edit", "Task" )
#section Scripts {
You edit method is decorated as an HTTP Post method. An anchor tag will provide a link which your browser uses to make an HTTP GET request. You can change from attribute to HttpGet and this will work.
However, it's better practice to actually POST a form to your save method.

Upload in MVC4, got 2 parameters in my action but file is empty

I'm trying to upload a file to a directory. The following code worked for me
public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase uploadFile)
//string path = #"C:\Users\thomas\Desktop";
if (uploadFile != null)
string filePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("/files"), Path.GetFileName(uploadFile.FileName));
return RedirectToAction("Index");
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
<form action="/Post/Index" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<label for="uploadFile">Upload file: </label>
<input name="uploadFile" id="uploadFile" type="file" />
<input value="uploadFile" type="submit" />
Now i'm trying to implement this in a function where i create a message which is created by a model that is containing a message and an item class. When i submit the form the model is passed to my savecontroller but the file is null in my parameter controller.
Create new message
#model GeoCitytroopers.Models.MessageItemModel
ViewBag.Title = "Create";
#using (Html.BeginForm()) {
<div class="editor-label">
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.Message.MessagePicture)
<label for="uploadFile">Upload file: </label>
<input name="uploadFile" id="uploadFile" type="file" />
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.Message.MessagePicture)
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Message.MessagePicture)
<div class="editor-label">
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.Item.ItemTitle)
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.Item.ItemTitle)
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Item.ItemTitle)
<div class="editor-label">
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.Item.ItemDescription)
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.Item.ItemDescription)
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Item.ItemDescription)
<input type="submit" value="Create" />
#Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "Index")
public ActionResult Create(HttpPostedFileBase uploadFile, MessageItemModel ViewModel)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
Utility ut = new Utility();
Item viewItem = ViewModel.Item;
Message viewMessage = ViewModel.Message;
if (uploadFile != null)
string filePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("/files"), Path.GetFileName(uploadFile.FileName));
viewItem = ut.AddUserToItem(viewItem);
viewItem.ItemCreateddate = DateTime.Now;
viewItem.DistrictID = ut.GetUserDistrict();
viewMessage.Item = viewItem;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(ViewModel);
How can i pass the uploading file to my controller?
Thanks in advance!
You forgot set the correct enctype to the form. You cannot upload files without that:
#using (Html.BeginForm(null, null, FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" })) {
Now the upload will work and your uploadFile parameter will not be null.
My initial guess is that the you created using Html helper doesn't have the necessary encrypt on it.
try using
FormMethod.Post, new { enctype="multipart/form-data"}){
with appropriate values for action-name and controller-name

Getting data from view to create controller in MVC

Getting data from view to create controller in MVC
I know this is very simple but I am just learning MVC.
I have a Create controller and a create view (used the generator)
I can hard code data into the controller and that does get saved but I want to know how to get the data the user put on the form back into the controller.
My controller is like this.
public ActionResult Create(Seller newSeller)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
newSeller.SellerID = 34324442;
newSeller.State = "NA";
newSeller.UserType = "Seller";
newSeller.FirstName = "sdfasd";
newSeller.LastName = "dasdfadsf";
newSeller.Phone = "33333";
newSeller.Email = "dfasdfasdf";
// write to database
return RedirectToAction("Details", newSeller.SellerID);
catch(Exception ex)
return View(newSeller);
My view looks like this
<% using (Html.BeginForm()) {%>
<%: Html.ValidationSummary(true) %>
<div class="editor-label">
<%: Html.LabelFor(model => model.SellerID) %>
<div class="editor-field">
<%: Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.SellerID) %>
<%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.SellerID) %>
... Lots of propterties and then
<input type="submit" value="Create" />
<% } %>
<%: Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "Index") %>
I am using MVC 2 if it matters.
You usually have two actions on the controller: one for rendering the form and one for processing the posted form values. Typically it looks like this:
public class SellerController: Controller
// used to render the form allowing to create a new seller
public ActionResult Create()
var seller = new Seller();
return View(seller);
// used to handle the submission of the form
// the seller object passed as argument will be
// automatically populated by the default model binder
// from the POSTed form request parameters
public ActionResult Create(Seller seller)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = seller.SellerID });
return View(seller);
then your view looks as you have shown, it contains a form and input fields allowing the user to fill each property of the model. When it submits the form, the second action will be invoked and the default model binder will automatically fill the action parameter with the values entered by the user in the form.

Passing Parameters from textboxes in a view to a controller in ASP.Net MVC2

I am trying out ASP.Net MVC2 by building a small sample website which, amongst other features provides the user with a 'Contact Us' page. The idea is to allow a user to enter their name, email address, message subject and message. To send the message the user clicks on an ActionLink. This is the view:
<% Html.BeginForm(); %>
<%: Html.Label("Name")%>
<br />
<%: Html.TextBox("txtName", "",new { style = "width:100%" })%>
<br />
<%: Html.Label("Email address")%>
<br />
<%: Html.TextBox("txtEmail", "", new { style = "width:100%" })%>
<br />
<%: Html.Label("Subject")%>
<br />
<%: Html.TextBox("txtSubject", "", new { style = "width:100%" })%>
<br />
<%: Html.Label("Message")%>
<br />
<%: Html.TextBox("txtMessage", "", new { style = "width:100%" })%>
<div style='text-align: right;'>
Html.ActionLink("Send", "SentEmail", new { name = Html.g, sender = "txtEmail", subject = "txtSubject", message="txtMessage" })
<% Html.EndForm(); %>
The idea is once the ActionLink has been clicked a method in the controller is called into which the username, email address, subject and message will be passed. This is the method in the controller:
public ActionResult SentEmail(string name, string sender, string subject, string message)
//Send email here and then display message contents to user.
ViewData["Name"] = name;
ViewData["Message"] = message;
ViewData["ThankyouMessage"] = "Thank you for contacting us. We will be in touch as soon as possible.";
return View();
However... when I click the link the values which are passed into the method are null. I have tried creating a route to do this but it doesn't work either. Should I be using another method?
Thank you,
Actually to achieve what you want to is easier than in your sample. Never heard about Model classes, Model Binder and strong typed views? Here thery are
Model class
public class ContactUsModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Subject { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
Then in your controller you should have two action: the first that show the form with default values and the second that receive the form with the data placed by the user. These two actions maps exactly to the HttpGet and HttPost verbs.
public virtual ActionResult ContactUs() {
ContactUsModel model = new ContactUsModel();
return View(model);
public virtual ActionResult ContactUs( ContactUsModel model ) {
//e.g. Save the contact request to database
To use this your view shal be strong typed to the ContactUsModel class
<%# Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<ContactUsModel>" %>
<% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>
<%: Html.LabelFor(model => model.Name) %><br />
<%: Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Name, new { style = "width:100%" })%>
<%: Html.LabelFor(model => model.Email) %><br />
<%: Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.EMail, new { style = "width:100%" })%>
<%: Html.LabelFor(model => model.Subject) %><br />
<%: Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Subject, new { style = "width:100%" })%>
<%: Html.LabelFor(model => model.Message) %><br />
<%: Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.Message, new { style = "width:100%" })%>
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
<% } %>
the magic of everything this is called ModelBinder. Please read more and more about MVC here.
The action link isn't going to trigger a http post nor will it pass in the values of your form fields, just a http get and not passing through any form data - ideally you'd use an input submit button to post the data. What is certain is that it is good practise that any request that causes creating/updating of data should be done via a http post.
Submit button would just be like.
<input type="submit" value="Send" />
You then have several ways of accessing the form data firstly you could use a FormCollection to access the data
public ActionResult SendEmail(FormCollection collection)
string email = collection["txtEmail"];
Secondly you could use the method parameters and rely on model binding, but you must make sure field names match the parameter name so
<%: Html.TextBox("txtEmail", "", new { style = "width:100%" })%>
...would require...
public ActionResult SendEmail(string txtEmail)
If this form isn't being posted to the same action thats return the view then you'd also need to change your begin form tag, ideal you should use 'using' with it as well. So you'd get:
<% using (Html.BeginForm("SendEmail", "<controller-name>"))
{ %>
.... form fields in here ...
<input type="submit" value="Send" />
<% } %>
If the button isn't suitable for your design you could use something like:
<input type="image" src="<%: Url.Content("~/Content/images/myimage.gif") %>" value="Send" />
This would have the same effect. To trigger a post from an a tag though you'd need to look at using javascript, I can't remember the exact syntax but off hand I think if you used jquery you'd be looking at something like: (form a single form page only)
But then you create a dependency on javascript where as really you should try have your site degrade gracefully so it can be used by visitors with javascript disabled. There are perhaps more advanced way of achieving this whilst meeting design requirements but that can get heavily into client side code which is probably outside of what you want for your sample.