Localization for an app with video and audio - iphone

I have an app in the App Store, which contains some video and audio in Spanish. Now I want to create a French version and maybe an English one too.
I know how to do it by Localization preferences, but I wanted to know if there is any way to do this as 3 separate binaries, because the Spanish version is already quite heavy (170MB) due to its audio and video files.

You could create 3 versions on your app and make each available only on the AppStores of countries that speak that version's language, sure.

Could you try to separate audio and video?
Assuming that the video is not language specific, you may keep ONE copy of the video and have the audio track for each language separately. Of course, you have to do some programming to play audio and video synchronously.


How to encode artist name image to audio recording in iOS?

I am working for Music app in that one of the feature is recording user voice and playback the same. So far all things are in control. Yesterday I got a thought and straight away I started Googling, the idea is adding artist names and album image to my recorded audio using AVAudioRecorder, But there is not much success in it.
I also seen AV Foundation Audio Settings Constants to set the AVAudioRecorder settings, failed in this also.
You probably can use an existing audio tagging library, so after creating the file, you can use it to add the required data. I did a quick search and found this libraries:
SonatinaTag: It was made for OSX but it may work for iOS (The project state that has very few external requirements). Not sure if support writing.
TagLib-ObjC: A wrapper for the popular TagLib. Seems to be in development.
TagLib: TagLib, I know is just pure C pain, but maybe is not that hard to use.
Good luck!

Audio/video file formats that support embedded markers and comments/annotations?

I am looking at creating an app for OS X and/or iOS that allows the user to arbitrarily embed markers into the audio at various intervals during the audio recording process. It would be nice to have a single file that could contain this information, but may or may not be efficient or feasible. I suppose it is similar to what YouTube annotations allows.
Ability to insert markers at certain time points of an audio recording
Ability to save a name for the marker as well as a brief description
This is for audio created by the app I'm working on, so is not for importing audio from other sources for markup.
-- snip --
EDIT: Maybe MP4 + XMP?
EDIT2: Has anyone tried using custom XMP fields with Audio or Video on the iOS platform? On the Mac platform? I have downloaded the XMP Toolkit from Adobe (which has an Xcode project) - but it is a touch out of my comfort zone. From a high level it appears pretty straightforward, but anyone with experience with the XMP Toolkit have any thoughts?
As is suggested in an answer below, does anyone have experience with alternative solutions such as QuickTime with chapter markers? Pros and Cons to various approaches?
After thinking about it, it would be nice to do something that supports both audio and video formats, even if initially the current requirement is audio only.
EDIT3 (cleanup):
So, just to close the loop here. I ended up digging into the iOS 4.0 APIs for AVAsset, AVMetadataItem, et al in the AV Foundation Framework. Still have not completed the project, but it appears these APIs will satisfy the requirement without the need for an external library.
have you read up on the CAF format?
basically, it functions as a wrapper for many audio formats, and allows you to embed all sorts of data (as well as user defined data). it may be an option since interchange is not an issue (in your case).
The CAF File Specification
You might consider MPEG-4 or QuickTime formats with a chapter track.

Making ringtone of music files on Iphone

Is it possible to edit music files stored on iphone in app and create ringtone from them?
Any help would be appreciated.
If I understand correctly, you want to extract the music from an existing iPhone app, and then turn that music from the app into a ring tone?
The short answer is no, not if you keep your iDevice up to date and within apple's licensed operating paradigm.
The longer answer is maybe. If you jailbreak the device, you may be able to hack access to the application and extract the desired data.
If I don't understand correctly, and you're just looking to change any old mp3 into an iPhone ringtone, try googling for iPhone ringtone hacks. Of course your mileage may vary but google is again your friend.
Sorry to not provide any code. This question didn't seem to warrant it.
No, for a number of reasons. The SDK doesn't give you access to the actual file data from the music library (just an object that will play music back for you), and while you can probably export an M4A file, with an "m4r" extension that iTunes will recognize as a ringtone, you'll have to get the user to take the file off their device and import it into iTunes manually for it to be usable as an actual ringtone on their phone.

Need to play flash videos on iphone

I am building this iphone app for a client and they have a large set of flash video files that they need to play/stream to the iphone. I understand that the iphone doesnt natively support flv playback but isnt there anything I can do to get around this problem?
In case it helps, they are using the akamai flash player on their website to play these video files.
Thanks in advance.
Yes! - You can convert all the videos to m4v format.
There's a javascript hack available, but it will only work if it's installed on the clients web server. It's also pretty clunky and slow and will likely murder battery life.
A workaround, since you're working with video, is to convert to mp4 format.
Short answer: no flash, but conversion will do what you need.
akamai actually supports "auto-packaging" of h.264 content which may be your best option here. By uploading 1 or more h.264 files you can use those to both serve your Flash player, and akamai will also auto-package them for iPhone (chunking them into .ts files and creating an .m3u8 reference file for dynamic mobile streaming).
This allows you to not have separate encodes for mobile and web, thus saving money and time so you can leverage your existing archive.

Can iphone mix two sound files or build custom equalizer?

Can iphone mix two sound files or build custom equalizer?
I have studied for weeks about this problem,
and it seems unable to use iphone-sdk to mix two or more sound files or to build custom equalizer.
Is anyone have the experience to do this?
Yes you can. AVAudioPlayer can play multiple sounds and you can control the volume for each. Or you can use Audio Units and have more control over the audio data.
aurioTouch is a good sample app for what you are thinking of.
For simple playback of sound files you can use the AVAudioPlayer class introduced in the 2.2 SDK. It provides playback and volume controls for playing any audio file. As far as I am aware, there are no restrictions on the number of sound files you can play on the iPhone. The only restriction on playing sound files is that you may only play one AAC or MP3 compressed file at a time, the rest of the files must be either uncompressed or in the IMA4 format.
If your needs are more low-level (If you need to do DSP) you might want to look at AudioQueue Services or AudioUnits - two Mac OS X audio processing APIs that are also available on the iPhone.