Get list of files in directory on server iPhone - iphone

I am trying to get a list of the available files when from a server and be able to look at the names of the files that are available. I was looking at using the NSFileManager, but it does not seem to want to return any results when I enter a URL. I basically want it to return something like when you type "ls" into bash/terminal
Can someone lend an example of how the contentsOfDirectoryAtURL method works and what arguments I should be putting to get the desired result.

NSFileManager only works with local urls with scheme file:
How you talk to a server to access its contents depends on what protocol the server speaks.


PowerBI/Powershell - Get list of datasources that a PBIX file uses

I am trying to get a list of datasources that a Powerbi file is using. I seen solutions online where I can use the ReportingService module to get a list but this only works when the PowerBI report is published online. Is there a solution that would work for a local file?
Here is the situation.
A user gives me a Powerbi file. In order for me to get a list of datasources, I have to go in manually and to take a look at sources manually. Ideally, I would like to use Powershell to get this list.
There isn't an API that can access the desktop application. You would have to brute force it.
The PBX file is basically a Zip file which then contains separate files with JSON information. You would have to follow the following steps:
Use Expand-Archive to get the files out of the PBX (Not sure if you will need to change the file extension first).
Read the "Connections" file (Which is Json). It will have the various connection strings used by the model.
You can do this manually by changing the file extension to Zip and opening the Zip file directly, and looking at the connections file in notepad.

Get names of files contained in Dropbox directory

I'm in need to read a large number of files from a permanent Dropbox webpage.
The reading part is fine, but I'm having troubles finding a way to list all the files contained within.
To be more precise, I would need something like
files = dir([url_to_Dropbox_directory,'*.file_extension']);
returning the names of all the files.
I've found an example in php, but nothing for MATLAB. Using dir was just an example, I'm looking for any solution to this problem.
How can I get the file list from a permanent Dropbox webpage?
You should use the Dropbox API where you can acces that data by a http request. "file-list-folder" is the specific endpoint that you are looking for.
Here is the documentation for it:
In addition you could use the SDK for PHP (or others programming languages). I have used the SDK for JS and it's easy and works well.
PHP SDK: backend How to list stored files

I'm using parse as my backend and would like to use the rest api to store files.
I've already successfully tested creating new data with the curl request here Now I would like to see what files I have on my parse.
I don't see any view for these in the data browser. Maybe there's a way to get a listing via a get request? How do I list the files stored on my parse backend?
Note that the column type in the parse data browser will be 'file' denoting 'pointer to a file in the parse CDN'....
treat that like a third party CDN where you also, do not have the 'fileList' capability u ask 4.
live with what u get from the parse browser's inclusion of the pointer, click the field in the browser and , depend on your OS/browser/plugins, it will automatic download/play the file depending on the MIME type you supplied in the headers when u uploaded it.
Remember that you can use the parse dashboard to ask it to delete or GC any files no longer pointed to by active class.rows.
IMO - its not hard to live without what you've asked for as long as you know the other features parse includes with these file type pointers/ refs.

TFS 2013 build - uploading build output to servier via FTP

I'm hoping someone can help. I've started using the Community TFS Build Extensions, in particular the FTP activity. I followed the documentation here and got to grips with the it pretty easily. I'm encountering one major problem though.
My Web app has a basic enough structure:
I start by creating the FindMatchingFile activity which places the files in the drop location into an IEnumberable variable called FilesToFTP :
String.Format("{0}\**\*.*", BuildDetail.DropLocation)
When I iterate through the variable and print out the results, all seems correct:
etc etc.
The problem is, when I pass that IEnumerable to the Ftp activity (converting it to a string array), it FTP uploads all the files on the server however it doesn't keep the directory structure of my Web app. It just piles all the output (dlls, aspx etc) into one directory. See the following two screenshots.
Is there any way I can use the FTP activity to upload all the output from the drop location recursively? I feel like I'm doing something simple wrong.
The FTP activity in TFS Build Extensions doesn't upload files recursively.
I think it would be a good value addition to the activity. Please create a request for the project and we will add in it. For now, you can go around it by calling the Ftp activity recursively for each directory and setting the RemoteDirectory for each.

viewing files

i was trying to reverse engineer a website ("") to find out how their yahoo UI AutoComplete Widget is working. Upon finding the view source of it, i saw it is refering to a file called "/", i wanted to know what does this file mean and can i download and open it locally on my machine?
Hope my requisite is legitimate and ethical.
As explained by, the .do extension represents a server side Java code file that runs on the server and outputs HTML to the response.
Therefore, you cannot download it and view its contents. Any requests to the file will either return the same HTML or an HTTP error if it requires parameters/form fields.