Does JNLP (java web start) require server cooperation? - java-web-start

I am trying to load a JNLP but my server always return a 404. The path is correct and I haven't modified anything from the demo so I am certain that is not the problem. Is it the case that my hosting simply does not support JNLP and I should find a one that does? Or is it me doing something wrong?
Here is the test
I am using the supplied demo downloaded from

The only 'co-operation' that JNLP requires from the server (as far as I can recall at this instant) are:
The server must supply all resources requested, the JNLP & any extension JNLP files, Jars, icons etc. The 404 indicates that part is not happening as per plan. Either the JNLP is not where you think it is, or (less likely, given it is the wrong error code) the server has been configured to disallow access to that document or directory.
The server should provide the correct content-type for the JNLP. We can look into that after you have sorted the 404.

Server was blocking JNLP extension from executing.


How do I change Netbeans's webserver port from 8383?

How do I change Netbeans's webserver port from 8383?
I know I could install and use a separate webserver, but I'd prefer to just use the embedded one.
Some of what I've read online makes me think it might not be possible to change the port. But, then bug makes it sound like using other than 8383 is possible.
I can't find such a setting with the UI. I searched under the installation directory for 8383 and can't find anything.
So, how do I do this? I'm using Netbeans 8.0.1.
I'm using the internal webserver that comes with Netbeans.
I don't think this is possible, definitely not via UI. Looking at the java class, port number seems to be hardcoded in the source. You would have to build the particular NetBeans module and then replace the one in NetBeans installation folder with yours module.
From what I can tell from the issue, it fixes cases when default port 8383 is occupied, IDE uses different one (increment by 1) and thanks to the fixed bug, this incremented port is also used in browser (prior the fix, even with incremented port, old 8383 was being used in browser).
You can file enhancement with request for it.
Under Window / Services / Servers you'll find every registered server. Right-click on your server, choose "Properties" and under the "Connection"-tab you can define your port.
(You haven't mentioned which server you are using, but that's the way where you usually define your port).
I can't find Servers option either and I'm using NetBeans v8.0.2. But you can use an external server [ex. IIS, Apache] as an workaround: right-click the project in Project Window > Properties > Run. Then change the Web Server to External and Project URL to your desired address.
If your project is not in an web accessible directory you must make it web accessible first by configuring your web server or adding it in an web accessible location.

Cannot load anything on Tomcat 7 : configuration issue

I'm currently developing a web project running on Tomcat 7 and I cannot see anything who's suppose to be on Tomcat (blank page when I do a HTTP request in my browser).
My Modus Operandi:
I launch a new instance of server in locahost (apache-tomcat-7.0.34) within Eclipse (I work with Indigo and tried with Juno as well)
Tomcat's ROOT folder has been pasted in the 'wtpwebapps' folder of all my servers in my Workspace
I add a simple web project on this server instance and try to access it from a HTTP request and I get a blank page. If I try to run a .html file of this web project on this server, I get a 'HTTP 404 Not Found' Error.
What I tried:
I tried to build the whole configuration from scratch (new Eclipse, new Apache-Tomcat) and I still get the same result. But when I do that from my personal computer at home, everything's working fine!!
I tried to put an old version of my code or a tutorial project, but nothing can be launched (therefore, it must be a configuration issue).
I checked the server.xml and web.xml files and nothing looks suspicious (I can paste them if you want but those are the same than those who worked at home)
The only thing I can think of is that I changed the internet connection (and the IP address) of the computer I'm working on, but I don't think it could make any difference when trying to reach localhost, right?
When I follow the steps of the very good tutorial, I do get a blank page on the 'Run Tomcat' topic, but I don't get the Tomcat welcome page once I copied the ROOT folder into "wtpwebapps".
Does someone have any idea where it could come from?
Ok guys, finally got the solution.
I was about to format my computer when i realize that the port 8009 was actually used by another process.
I thought that's the kind of things who are checked when you launch a Tomcat server within Eclipse but it didn't show any error.
The HTTP request went through the port 80, but as the default AJP port is already in use, Apache could not forward this request to Tomcat, therefore a blank page was returned.
At least that's my understanding of this situation...
Hopefully this may help someone who'd run into a similar situation.
Thanks for your help.

Apache Felix not binding my configuration correctly - wrong inputstream version

I had a bundle deployed in an Apache Felix (Sling, in fact) host. The bundle contained some configurable elements, and its version was 2.0.
I have updated the bundle to v2.0.1 for some small code changes, and now the bundle will not pick up its configuration correctly - it remains at the defaults set in code rather than picking up the values configured in the Felix Web Console.
There is an error message in the log: "[Configuration Updater] org.apache.felix.scr Cannot use configuration pid=com.mypackage.MyClass for bundle inputstream:my-bundle-2.0.1.jar because it belongs to bundle inputstream:my-bundle-1.0.jar" which sounds like the cause of the issue.
I can't edit the inputstream value through the web interface - only by stopping the server, editing the config file manually, and restarting. Surely when I update the bundle, the config should be updated too?
Although the inputstream specifies v1.0, the bundle did not have a problem when it was upgraded to v2.0. What's made the difference here?
I have done the same thing (though perhaps not exactly!) on two servers, and one server seems to have the config specify inputstream=v2.0 (and the bundle at v2.0.1) and it works fine. What caused inputstream version to update on this server? (Presumably the same as the answer to 2 - I imagine it'll depend exactly which steps in the process have been executed and in what order.)
Any advice gratefully received - I haven't been able to find any documentation that gives instructions or troubleshooting suggestions for administering bundles through the Felix Web Console.
If at all possible, I would simply stop and remove the bundle altogether and install it using Sling , e.g. with the maven-sling-plugin or dropping it in the /apps/myapp/install folder using WebDAV .
I find it easiest to be consistent this way and the installation is nicely automated and it handles bundle upgrades properly.

tomcat6 application deployment error

I am new to tomcat and servlets and am trying to deploy my first web application in tomcat and the index.jsp page is showing up blank.
It works fine in eclipse. I have the web.xml for the application setup to have the index.jsp as the default page. I am able to run the application and debug it in eclipse but when I export it as a WAR file and deploy it in tomcat and try to access it through a regular browser I get a blank page.
What am I missing here? Any help is greatly appreciated.
- Vas
If you ever get a blank page, the most important information you (and we) need are:
The request URL.
The already sent data -if any- (webbrowser > View Source).
The response headers (Firebug? Webdeveloper Toolbar?).
The server logs (stdout, stderr, webapp).
This usually indicate a wrong URL (to be proven by 1), or an exception halfway a JSP page (to be proven by 2 and 4), or an internal server error without an error page (to be proven by 3 and 4).
You need to configure your server.xml file and declare a context for your web application. You can find the documentation here:
But a blank page is kind of weird, because I think if your web application wasn't deploy correctly, you will get a Http 404 error.

How to force ClickOnce deployment url?

I'm having a bit of a hair-puller here.
I'm publishing a VS 2008 application to a server, to be installed via ClickOnce. So far, so good. It installs just fine. Then I added in a ClickOnce update checker - one that uses ApplicationDeployment to handle checking for & applying updates.
So far, so good.
Then, on some of the machines it was installed on, the updater wouldn't work. The error it returned was that the application had already been installed from another URI - which it wasn't.
After enough digging around, I found that:
URL 1: htfp://
URL 2: htfp://www.domain.dom/App/myapp.application
ClickOnce considers URLs 1 and 2 to be entirely different - even though "app" contains a capital A in URL 2, and both point to the same, valid .application file.
When I found that out I edited all our intranet links to point to an all-lowercase version of the URL, which is working for now, but there's always the chance that someone might install it from an "incorrect" URL - the only solution being to forcibly uninstall and reinstall the application from the correct URL.
How do I force the deployment URL ClickOnce checks against for updates? It seems to generate its manifest based on the URL it was installed from, so I'm not sure I can fix it from VS' end.
~ Wogan
Try this: