Can an unused workflow argument be removed/deleted? - workflow

I have a TFS 2010 workflow template that I am currently working on that has multiple variables and arguments which are used for my build process, however, at some point whilst adding an argument, I accidentally clicked on the Create Argument cell in the Arguments table. This has created a new and unwanted argument1 that I cannot seem to remove from my workflow. I have tried deleting the name of the argument but this does not remove the argument, just brings up an error message saying that the argument cannot have an empty name. This is really annoying!
Is anyone aware of how to remove an unwanted argument from a workflow template?

Right click on the Workflow Template in Solution Explorer and select "Open with...". Then select "XML (Text) Editor".
You are then presented with the xaml for this template.
Try removing the argument from here:
<Activity mc:Ignorable="sap" ...snip... >
<x:Property Name="BuildSettings" Type="InArgument(mtbwa:BuildSettings)" />
<x:Property Name="argument1" Type="InArgument(x:String)" /> <!--Delete this line-->
</x:Members> of xaml...

The simplest solution should be to mark the row with the argument and then press delete.


Adding suggestionItems Fails: "Cannot add direct child without default aggregation defined for control sap.m.SearchField"

I am adding a SearchField with suggestions in the XML view. When I execute, I get the error
Error: Cannot add direct child without default aggregation defined for control sap.m.SearchField.
Please tell me what mistake I am making.
placeholder="final search"
tooltip="Search for datastore source names"
Try to have a look to this example
suggestionItems="{/ProductCollection}" is the collection with all the available entries, text="{Name}" is one of the attributes of the collection item.
Check this example without search help or
You must be using an old UI5 version. The aggregation suggestionItems was introduced in 1.34.
Here, you can see that the app crashes throwing the same error if run with the version lower than 1.34:,js,output
To see with which UI5 version the app is currently running, press Ctrl+Left Alt+Shift+P.
See also Versioning of SAPUI5.

Surround selection with method call

Often when I'm writing code I forget to surround a section of code with a method. For example, when printing an array, I realize that I forgot to pass the array into Arrays.toString().
String[] foo(){
return new String[3];
main() {
Is there a way in Eclipse that I can select foo() and then use auto complete or something to surround it with Arrays.toString()? So I want to end up with this:
main() {
I know I could use templates, but I would have to make a template for each method I want to use. I'm looking for something like Eclipse's auto complete feature, which knows about every class and method in the build path.
Yes, you could use templates for that:
First, experiment with existing templates:
Go to the source editor and select "foo()".
Open the view General > Templates.
Select some template, for example, Java > toArray and see how it works.
Then, add your own template:
Windows > Preferences > Java > Editor > Templates > New.
I think the right context should be "Java".
Another way of accesing templates is through the content assist: In the source code, in a new line, start typing the first letters of your template, then press [CTRL][SPACE]. A selector will appear with the matching templates. You may find it useful to check the checkbox "Automatically inserted" in the template definition window.
And yet another way to access them is to select a line of code and then Context Menu > Surround With.
A quick way:
Double click or use select enclosing element and its cousins to select the expression you wish to wrap. ctrl-x to temporarily cut it. Type a few characters and ctrl-space to insert your method name and parentheses. Finally, ctrl-v to paste what you just cut.
with templates - under Java Statements: ${method}(${word_selection})${cursor}
You can make a template like the one described by #LittleSanti. If you use a fake template variable for the method name (like ${method} or ${name}) instead of a constant like foo, Eclipse will highlight it and let you paste or type or complete over it. Then when you hit return or tab, it will jump the cursor to the end (the position indicated by ${cursor}
Unfortunately I don't think Eclipse provides a "real" template variable for selecting methods in scope. It would be nice if it would let did completion for you on methods.

How to auto-update matching html/xml tag in Code Mirror

I really like how Visual Studio html editor updates the matching tag. Example:
If we replace <h2> opening tag with <h3>, then the closing tag should change automatically to </h3>. This should happen as we type.
I'm trying to implement this on my own, but no luck so far. I thought that matchtags addon would be a good starting point, but it stops working if tag names do not match.
Also, I noticed that xml mode marks closing tag as error on tag name mismatch, but I'm not sure how to use this to update the closing tags.
I would appreciate any help from more experienced CodeMirror users.
So once the edit has been done, you no longer have the information needed to find the matching tag (which is why the matchtag addon can't help anymore). A good solution might be to track the current matching tag when editing starts (when the cursor is in a tag name) by using the CodeMirror.findMatchingTag function exported by the addon/fold/xml-fold.js file. Then, on "change" events that look like local editing inside the tag name (i.e. their start and end are inside the tag name), immediately follow up by modifying the matching tag.
add matchtags.js, xml-fold.js
config : matchTags: {bothTags: true}

iReport: localized default values for parameters

How to use localized default values for parameters in iReport?
Using a $R{message.key} as the parameter default value has negative consequences in the "Read fields" functionality of iReport's SQL editor. More precisely, the following error is shown (after pressing the Read fields button in Report query dialog):
Sourced file: inline evaluation of: ``$R{message.key}'' : Attempt to access property on undefined variable or class name
Any way around this iReport problem?
Here is the image to illustrate the problem:
I think this is a iReport's bug.
You can temporary comment the defaultValueExpression expression and add the fields via the Report query -> Read fields button.
Or you can manually add the fields declaration.
This is iReport bug ! To solve this issue please follow the below steps.
Open XML File
Remove defaultValueExpression tag value.

Eclipse: "Simple" Template Problem with ${word_selection}

i got a (hopefully) simple problem with a Code Template on Eclipse. I try to use a Code Template to surround a word with somehing. The Replacement is nearly successful, but i have a problem with handling the selected word.
My task is to select "save " on this example
<button type="submit">save</button>
and want to have
<button type="submit"><?= $this->_('save') ?></button>
The problem is, that i got this after replacement
<button type="submit">save<?= $this->_('save') ?></button>
Is there a possibility to remove the selected word after using a code template? I am thankful for every help i get. Smile
I forgot, the template looks like this:
<?= $$this->_('${word_selection}') ?>${cursor}
Maybe this question is somewhat old, but I came across the same idea in Java for adding String constants by simply typing the desired name and then replace it with a template, like this for example:
type VALUE and get it replaced with private static final String VALUE = "VALUE";
I use eclipse 3.6 and got it working with the following template:
private static final String ${word_selection} = "${word_selection}";
Then I do the following steps:
type VALUE
select it by double-clicking and hit CTRL+SPACE
enter first few chars for the template name in the opened proposal pop-up and select the template (see image below)
And the result is this:
Maybe this is helpful.
Using templates and the ${line_selection} or ${word_selection} variables, Eclipse (Helios, 3.6.1 here) always seems to insert the rendered template after the text you initially selected.
I've experienced this myself (in the HTML editor) while trying to implement a similar 'Surround with Tag' template, and gave up and reverted to using Ctrl+1 (after selecting text), and using 'Surround with new element...'. Unfortunately this workaround doesn't help you much w/ PHP.
Possible bug report?
I also faced the same problem in jsp page. I resolved this issue by using 4 or more characters to select the template in eclipse. And I got the correct result.