in app purchase testing is done, do I need to do anything before uploading to app store - iphone

I have made an app and integrated in app purchases feature.
After reading a lot and lot I have finally working in app purchasing featured app and when I use my test account (created through iTunesconnect), it all just go smoothly and works as like expected.
I just wanted to ask that, do I need to make any configuration in iTunes connect or enable/disable any options before going live by uploading the app to the app store?
Or should I consider that if the test account works well, it will be working live too without any additional changes.
Also let me tell you all that I am a beginner for this in-app purchasing concern so please forgive if this is a silly question. :)

Just make sure that you link the in-app purchase to the correct version of your app in iTunes Connect and that your in-app purchase is ready for review. It that is correct, then you're ready for upload and review.


Testing Non-consumable In-App Purchase

I am trying to create my first non-consumable in app purchase for my ios app and I just uploaded the .pkg to iTunes Connect (via XCode) but I still see this warning...
This In-App Purchase is not currently available for testing in the sandbox environment because you have chosen to host your content with Apple, but have not delivered your content. Upload your content to test this In-App Purchase in sandbox.
and the status is still
Waiting for Upload
I have not yet submitted my App's binary yet however.
How do I get rid of the message above and move on with testing in the sandbox env? Do I need to submit my app's binary?
Nevermind! I guess I was just being impatient. I checked back after a couple of hours and now the warning message has changed to
Your first In-App Purchase(s) must be submitted with a new app version. Select them from the In-App Purchases section of the Version Details page and then click Ready to Upload Binary.
For those who also got confused because they did not notify you directly, just make sure that you:
Archive your in app purchase, distribute it through XCode (Open organizer) and wait 1-2 hours.
This error came up for me when I edited an in-app purchase.
I have not received a reply from Apple but found that when I changed the image, I got this on saving.
Instead of being an edit, it turned into an add new.
As I have quite a few apps, I decided to add the in app-purchases to them and found that there was an issue with the graphic. There is no need to change the old one but thought it would be nice.
It is buggy.
I resolved the problem by deleting the new in app purchase and the edits were still saved into the original configuration except for the image.

What is necessary to upload to iTunes Connect for Store Kit testing?

Most tutorials I've been able to find are dated and inconsistent with regard to what is actually necessary to have uploaded and approved in iTunes Connect. Following one tutorial I uploaded incomplete binary and rejected it. I then added an In App Purchase Item. I uploaded an image and filled in all the registration information.
So currently,
App - Status -- Developer Rejected
In App Purchase Item -- Ready to Submit
I am able to make requests to the store kit, but I am getting 0 results. Is it possible to get results with my current iTunes Connect statuses?
Edit: I appreciate the trouble shooting advice. But I want to make sure that it is in fact possible to retrieve purchase items with the above statuses.
Make sure that you provided all the details for the app including the in app purchase details along with screen shot.
Next is to make sure that the app ID's are same in server and in the app.
When testing in-app purchase, create test account in app store and use it for testing. Make sure that the mail you are using is not existing. Also on your device, you have to use those test credentials to test the app.
Hope this helps.
Yes, it is possible as I just managed to do it. My problem was tax info. Thanks to Paul Mason, your comment was the correct answer!

In App purchase is getting rejected again and again

i have implemented the in app purchase in my application and added few in app purchases. on itunes connect i have filled all the details for the in app purchases. Initially the status of in app purchase was "waiting for review" and i was able to test in app purchase in sandbox env. but after every 4 days, in app purchases gets new status "developer action needed" and in the language section there is a "rejected" sign of in app purchase. so to make this use able again i have been using to make little change in description, which makes the in app purchase again in review
as history of the project is: right now application version 1.0 is available on app store in which in app purchases are not implemented
and i have added new application version 2.0 which is in "rejected by developer" state
so i just want to know why itunes connect team is rejecting in app purchase again and again?
also im not getting any email regarding this rejection
any one guide me what is the solution to this problem or any one else has faced this issue before?
Have you uploaded new version on apple store which is having in-app purchase code implemented ? if not then they will reject the in-app purchase items.
also if apple is rejecting your in-app purchased , then have you provided all the details to them. As if they find the in-app purchase improper then they can can reject it. Provide them proper details and proper screen shot for the same.
Also if apple is rejecting your in-app purchase then you may can ask apple review team about the issue. Use the Link. they will let you know the exact issue.
Hope this will help you.
I recently had this problem with an app submitted to Apple.
There is a fallback system that needs to be in place for server side in app purchase validation.
It is documented in Apple, but VERY well hidden in tech note :
Here is the way to do it :
"Always verify your receipt first with the production URL; proceed to verify with the sandbox URL if you receive a 21007 status code.
Following this approach ensures that you do not have to switch between URLs while your application is being tested or reviewed in the sandbox or is live in the App Store."

In-App-Purchasing iPhone application?

I am facing problem on In-App-Purchasing in my iPhone/iPad application.
My Issues are :
1> What is the use of Shared Secret - Where we have to use this?.
2> How we can all our application form store?
3> How we can test our application?
4> To enable in app purchase - We need application on app store?
Please give me some guide line for implementing in app purchasing.
Thank you.
I am gone through the apple process to enable in app purchase but I dn't know what I missed in my steps that's why I need more clear steps to understand the In-App-Purchasing with in my application?
Basically I need full steps for In-App-Purchasing.
Thank you.
Start with reading the Apple "In App Purchase Programming guide":
2)Sorry, didn't get you on this one
3) To test in-app-purchase
step1: log into iTunes connect, Navigate to manage your applications-->add new application (FILL THE INFORMATION)--> Availability date can be set at a later stage, select the price range-->enter the METADATA.
step2: Navigate to contracts, Tax & banking section in Itunes Connect & complete the IOS PAID APPLICATIONS CONTRACT.(Enter bank details, tax & contacts).If your app is free complete IOS FREE APPLICATIONS CONTRACT as well.
step3: Navigate to the manage users section & create a TEST user account.
step4: ADD products to your application.
step5: Transfer the application to your device using developer provisioning profile. The developer provisioning profile should use the SAME BUNDLE ID which was used while adding the application. before transferring the application navigate to settings--> store--> logout from any iTunes user account.
I don't fully understand what you exactly need
Apple has a really good documentation on The Store Kit framework.
I myself never created something for in-app purchase but to clarify a little bit.
I believe there are 2 ways to implement this
one is writing predefined stuff in youre source
for example, in infinity blade they let you buy extra gold.
The user asks for the list of available purchases from the app store the app store produces a list of in-app identifiers (which are predefined in code and on itunes connect)
the user selects for example "10.000 extra gold" for 0.99 dollar cents
The transaction will be made to the app store, the app store after succes returns a ok message in which the code should have a listener implemented that basically in this example add 10.000 to your "currentGold" variable.
The other way I don't know much about is connecting via an app to app store which in his turn connects to a server that is set up by you.
From what I can gather is that is what is being uses for level unlocks in for example sudoku games etc
as for Testing the purchase.
Whenever you have store kit implemented and try to connect it in the iOS Simulator.
The simulator automatically connects to a Sandbox envirenmont and therfore simulates the payment too

In app purchase does not work when live

I have an app in the app store that I have added an in app purchase for, I fully tested it in the sandbox environment and all worked fine. I have had the app update and the in app purchase approved by apple and according to iTunes connect all has gone live. The app updates just fine but then in app purchase simply doesn't work!! No products are returned! Anyone else have this problem? Surely if it worked in the sandbox and apple has approved it, there should be no issues!?
It's all working just fine now! I didn't do anything it just seems to have taken about 36 hours for the in app purchase product to propagate through apples servers! :)
We just went live about an hour ago with the EXACT same issue. Everything worked during testing and even when Apple reviewed the application. I even verified they completed test purchases via analytics. But when users in the app store download the update, try to buy the feature it just fails.
My only guess is our store data has propagated to their live servers? The apps are still using the sandbox environment?
Which URL are you using to connect to the Apple servers?
The sandbox url is:
When launching the app or going live the url needs to be changed to the live Apple servers:
This has got nothing to with the receipts or anything. If it was working in the Sandbox mode, it's gonna get automatically fixed in around 24 hours in the live version, don't worry. The exact same thing happened to us and we could do nothing but wait...
Also, make sure the iTunes account on your device is set to your real account. If you are are still logged into a test user from when you were testing your IAP stuff, your purchases won't work.
So incase a where in app purchase in your app not working past 48 hrs, kindly visit to update your tax information. In app purchase won't function until the in app purchase is updated even the app is live too.