how to pass a string from one uiviewcontroller to another - iphone

I have tried a bunch of different things and feel like I am missing something really small..
I am trying to pass a string to another view controller but when i NSLog it i get a return of (null)...
heres what It looks like, I have tried so many examples I am almost ready to give up..
#interface SearchResultsViewController : UITableViewController {
NSString *setRequestString;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet NSString *setRequestString;
#synthesize setRequestString;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
NSLog(#"%#", setRequestString);
#import "secondview.h"
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
// Navigation logic may go here. Create and push another view controller.
//--- Idendify selected indexPath (section/row)
if (indexPath.section == 0) {
//--- Get the subview ready for use
secondview *sec = [[secondview alloc] initWithNibName:#"secondview" bundle:nil];
switch (indexPath.row)
case 0: sec.title = #"Manufacture";
sec.setRequestString = [NSString stringWithString:#"yo"];

Declare a method in the class to which you want to send the data and call this method from the other class and pass the data as a parameter of the method. If u want keep it very simple u can try using NSUserDefaults. Hope this helps. Happy coding.... :)

Are you sure that "switch (indexPath.row) { case 0:" is getting called?
Try putting an NSLog in that case of your switch statement to make sure of that first.

First, you are using a pretty uncommon object name; "setRequestString" should better be named "requestString". Otherwise your synthesized setter will be called "setSetRequestString".
-- rest removed as that was bullshit, sorry, its late over here ;) ----


Sending data from NSObject to UIViewController

I have been working on this problem for close to 4 days now.
I am at the point where I think its not so much a problem with my code, but the structure of my application that is causing the issue.
I am trying to implement protocols and delegates to get an array from one NSObject(class) to a ViewController.
my code is pretty much line by line copied from this tutorial the only differences are in the face I have ARC turned on so have had to replace (nonatomic, retain) to (strong) and have not used dealloc :)
so with that being said its still not passing the data back to the viewcontroller. (highly annoying) I have tried dozens of different combinations of solutions that I have had help with and nothing has worked. This has lead me to believe that maybe there is an error in the structure of my application or the way things have been initialized etc, which I will attempt to explain now.
When my viewcontroller with tableview loads the viewdidload method called the delegate of my parser class, then once the first cell of the tableview has loaded it called my connection class and tells it to download some data from the server.
Inside my connection class I use NSURLConnection delegates from the apple library, in the delegate method connectionDidFinishLoading the data that has been downloaded is passed over to my parser class (however this is where i think its going wrong because i declare the object again.. which i think is where things are going amiss)
this is how I call my parser class from my connection class.
parserClass *myparser = [[EngineResponses alloc] init];
[myparser ReciveResponse:receivedData];
then once the data is in my parser class it gets parsed and then I try to pass the data across to my viewcontroller.. but its never accessing that delegate method that I set up.
Hopefully this is where the problem is because I just dont know where else I am going wrong.
what do you think?
UPDATE: heres my code -
#import "EngineResponses.h" //delegates & protocols
interface SearchViewController : UITableViewController <PassParsedData> {
//delegates to parser class
EngineResponses *engineResponses;
#import "EngineResponses.h"
//this is where I set up the delegate/protocol for the parser class
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
engineResponses = [[EngineResponses alloc] init];
[engineResponses setMydelegate:self];
//this is where i set up and call the connection class
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
if(indexPath.section == 0){
if (indexPath.row == 0){
EngineRequests *engineRequests = [[EngineRequests alloc] init];
[engineRequests initalizePacketVariables:0 startCode:#"myReg" activationCode:#"myAct" methodName:#"GetStuff"];
#pragma - Reciver methods
- (void)sendArray:(NSArray *)array
ICMfgFilterArray = array;
[self.tableView reloadData];
//connection delegates etc..
//then I pass the data from the connection delegates over to the parser class
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection
EngineResponses *engineResponses = [[EngineResponses alloc] init];
[engineResponses ReciveResponse:receivedData];
#protocol PassParsedData
- (void)sendArray:(NSArray *)array;
id <PassParsedData> mydelegate;
#property (strong) id <PassParsedData> mydelegate;
- (void)parserDidEndDocument:(NSXMLParser *)parser
[[self mydelegate]sendArray:filteredArray];
Allright. I will re-do it based on your updated code. To make it easy I copy your code and do the amendments.
#import "EngineResponses.h" //delegates & protocols
interface SearchViewController : UITableViewController <PassParsedData> {
//delegates to parser class
EngineResponses *engineResponses;
EngineRequests *engineRequests;
You are using ARC. If you define the pointer locally, as you did before, and to not
retain it - which you can't because of ARC - then it will be released directly after its
creation. You will have to keep at least one reference to the object.
Bare in mind that ARC means Automatic Reference Counting. As soon as there is no
reference to an object it will be released.
This proposal with the engineRequests object defined here only works while you
submit only one request at a time. If you have several requests, i.e. for more than one cell or
whatver, then you may go for a mutable array or mutable dictionary where you keep the requests while you use them.
#import "EngineResponses.h"
//this is where I set up the delegate/protocol for the parser class
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
engineResponses = [[EngineResponses alloc] init];
[engineResponses setMydelegate:self];
engineRequests = [[EngineRequests alloc] init]; // Use instance variable instead of local variable
[engineRequests setEnineResponses:engineResponses];
//this is where i set up and call the connection class
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
if(indexPath.section == 0){
if (indexPath.row == 0){
[engineRequests initalizePacketVariables:0 startCode:#"myReg" activationCode:#"myAct" methodName:#"GetStuff"];
#pragma - Reciver methods
- (void)sendArray:(NSArray *)array
ICMfgFilterArray = array;
[self.tableView reloadData];
Explanation: The engineRequets is now an instance varaible and should not be re-defined locally.
You could define a variable of the same name locally which would hide the instance variable. I think
in that case you get a compiler warning but that will work and will most probably confuse you.
Again, if you use more than one request at a time then this solution will not work!
EngineResponses *engineResponses;
#synthesize engineResponses;
//connection delegates etc..
//then I pass the data from the connection delegates over to the parser class
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection
//EngineResponses *engineResponses = [[EngineResponses alloc] init]; //This Object has already been created!
[engineResponses ReciveResponse:receivedData];
Explanation: Here, too, the reference to EngineResponses is now an instance variable, not a locally defined one. The object will not be newly created but it references to that very object that was created in the view controller. That is the one EngineResponses that 'knows' its view controller object and can therefore pass back the parsed data.
#protocol PassParsedData
- (void)sendArray:(NSArray *)array;
id <PassParsedData> mydelegate;
#property (strong) id <PassParsedData> mydelegate;
- (void)parserDidEndDocument:(NSXMLParser *)parser
[[self mydelegate]sendArray:filteredArray];
... give it a try :)
Always check for nil objects. Sending a message to a nil object will do nothing and your app will continue. I bet this is the problem since you are locally allocing all over the place. Why dont you make the receivedata method a static method instead since it looks like you dont need these classes for more than a few moments for some calculations and parsing. Then nil objects wont be a factor.

Objective C access variables from other classes?

I'm trying to get a variable from a class that I made from a table view. Basically what I want this to do is tell the other controller what row was selected so this is what I tried to do.
Table View Class .h file:
#property(nonatomic) NSInteger itemId;
I would then make methods that set and get the variable in the .m file of the Table View Class
(I synthesized it and did all that stuff, I'm just showing you the methods)
-(NSInteger)itemId {
return self.itemId;
And now the table cell selected method...
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)
indexPath {
NSUInteger row = [indexPath row];
self.itemId = row;
//segue stuff (if you want me to include this just let me know)
Thats all for that class and now the class that I need the value for
View Controller Class .h that is being pushed via segue
#property (nonatomic) NSInteger itemId;
View Controller Class .m
#import "TableViewController.h"
//Skip a few things
#synthesize itemId;
//skip a few things
-(void)viewDidLoad {
TableViewController *tvc = [[TableViewController alloc] init];
itemId = [tvc itemId];
NSLog(#"%i", itemId);
For some reason this doesn't work... When I print out the "itemId" in the "didselectrow" method it returns the right number but when I try to print it out in the other class it just gives me '0'
Any thoughts?
If there are things that I left out that you want to see in my code I'd be more than happy to write it out :) I just wanted to save time and space by cutting down the code a little.
Thanks in advance!
I did find a possible solution but it involves using the delegate. I'm sure there's got to be a better way of doing this so if you have any ideas, just let me know.
TableViewController *tvc = [[TableViewController alloc] init];
Doing this in a different class you create&initialize a new object, so it will be nill(for int 0). For sharing data between classes&view controllers use Delegates and properties.
With a little code i shall explain;
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface YourClassName : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate>
NSString *uName;
NSDictionary *YourDictionary;
#property (copy, readwrite) NSString *uName;
#property (copy, readwrite) NSString *YourDictionary;
And in the other class you want to use this string and dictionary,
//import your delegate class
#import "YourClassNameAppDelegate"
//to me, do this in viewDidLoad(or something like that) method of new view controller
YourClassNameAppDelegate *sharedData= (YourClassNameAppDelegate *)([[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate]);
NSLog(#"Shared String: %#\n And Shared Dictionary: %#, sharedData.uName, sharedData.YourDictionary);
The - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *) is not invoked - you have to select a row to change the value of itemId, and that is not possible between the initialization of the table and the itemId = [tvc itemId]; line.
this code may helps you.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
extern int outsider;
#interface ViewController : UIViewController {
#property int outsider;
to all the .m files you #import the .h file where you declared the variable in can acces it.
You are creating a new instance of your table view controller within your detail view controller, this is incorrect and is not going to give you a reference to your original table.
Simply create a property on your pushed view controller which holds whatever detail information you want to pass. Then set this in prepareForSegue: in your table view controller, where segue.destinationViewController will give you a pointer to the VC that is about to appear.
Also, fix your accessor method as suggested by Yuji in comments.
I suggest saving the indexPath for the pressed row in a singleton. Here is a guide on how to use the singleton class to store objects and use them across classes.
In this example you can also just declare an instance variable in the singleton and set it when the row is pressed in the appropriate delegate method for your UITableView. This could be done like so:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface Singleton : NSObject {
NSIndexPath *tableViewPath;
#import "DataContainerSingleton.h"
#implementation DataContainerSingleton
#synthesize tableViewPath;
static DataContainerSingleton* _theDataContainerSingleton = nil;
+ (DataContainerSingleton*) theDataContainerSingleton;
if (!_theDataContainerSingleton)
_theDataContainerSingleton = [[DataContainerSingleton alloc] init];
return _theDataContainerSingleton;
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
tableViewPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:0];
return self;
In your view controller with the UITableView just do like this:
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView
didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
tableViewPath = indexPath;
You should adjust your initialization to what would be appropriate for your specific program!
Try this:
#property NSInteger itemId;
Hope this helps you

UITableView refreshing problem

I am trying to refresh an UITableView every time I navigate the the view that contains this Table.
I Have a ViewController and a custom UITableViewController that manages to set the Table Correctly when the application starts, using an NSMutableArray contained inside the controller.
When I navigate to the page containing the table, the ViewController calls a function that gets the data from a server with an HTTP request and parse it in an NSMutableArray.
Now here is my problem. I manage to send this array to my UITableViewController, but when I want to refresh my tableView, nothing happens.
I tried to use [myTable reloadData], but it doesn't calls the numberOfRowsInSection, or cellForRowAtIndexPath functions. I saw that people with the same problem solved it using [self.myTable ReloadData], but I get an error :
accessing unknown getter/setter method
I am pretty new to objective-C, and this error is still a bit mysterious to me as I get it a bit randomly.
Anyway, there is a high probability that I made a mess with the declaration of the UITableViewController (where am I supposed to declare it?) and with the Interface Builder links, so this can be a clue to find the solution.
Any one have an idea?
Thank you very much!
EDIT : Here is my tableview controller class:
#import "MyCell.h"
#class Mycell;
#interface MyTableController : UITableViewController {
IBOutlet MyCell * myCell;
IBOutlet UITableView * myTable;
NSMutableArray *data;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITableView * myTable;
- (void) EditTable : (NSMutableArray*) param;
And now the .m:
#implementation MyTableController
#synthesize myTable;
- (void) viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
myTable = [[UITableView alloc] init];
data = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
return 1;
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section {
return [data count];
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
static NSString *CellIdentifier = #"MyCell";
MyCell *cell = (MyCell *)[tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier]; >
if (cell == nil) {
NSArray *topLevelObjects = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"MyCell" owner:self options:nil];
for (id currentObject in topLevelObjects){
if ([currentObject isKindOfClass:[UITableViewCell class]]){
cell = (MyCell *) currentObject;
NSString *datastring = [listenom objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
[cell setCell: datastring ];
return cell;
- (void) EditTable : (NSMutableArray*) param{
//This function is called by the ViewController when the user goes to the page containing the view
data = param; //The param array contains the data from the HTTP request
[self.tableView reloadData];
[self.myTable reloadData]; //I tried both, but only the first one actually calls the previous functions
You have a number of problems in this code sample. I'll point out a few of them here but I highly recommend reading the relevant Apple documentation at:
Some issues in your code:
Since the class MyTableController is a subclass of UITableViewController you don't need the attribute and property for myTableView. The tableView property is defined and initialized as part of UITableViewController's implementation with its dataSource and delegate set to the UITableViewController instance. This is why [self.tableView reloadData] is calling your delegate and dataSource protocol methods.
You are also using interface builder so if you did want to create your own subviews you should either do that within IB and set the outlet there or do it in your code which means creating the subview(s) in viewDidLoad and then adding them to your view with [view addSubview:mySubView].
A better way to set the data for your table would be to create a property for your data attribute and call setData from the view controller that has initialized the MyTableController instance. You would use the setData: method to do this. You can call [self.tableView reloadData] in setData. You don't need to explicitly reload the table when the view is loaded as this is done automatically. A more minor point, if you stay with EditTable I would rename it to be more descriptive and to use camel case (e.g. setDataForTable`) to be consistent with iOS conventions.
You don't show any init/alloc for the listenom attribute referenced in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:. Did you mean to use data instead?
Is your MyTableController.m file the complete version? If so, you are missing viewDidUnload and dealloc methods. Both of which are required. viewDidUnload should release any objects allocated in viewDidLoad and dealloc should release anything retained by the controller (including objects released in viewDidUnload.
As you are using tableViewController you should be able to use self.tableView instead to reload the data like this
[self.tableView reloadData];
you need to synthesize first then you can use self.myTable
do on the top
#synthesize myTable
and then
[self.myTable reloadData];

iPhone add to NSMutableArray from another viewController

I have a bit of a dilemma and I was wondering if the good folk here could lend me their programming expertise. I'll try to be as simple and precise as I possibly can so here goes:
I'm a new IOS developer and have only been learning for a couple of months. I am developing an iPhone application for my dissertation at university. The app is simply a guide for people who wish to develop for the iPhone themselves, consisting of tutorials. It consists of numerous Table Views but there is one thing that has got me stumped.
What im trying to do:
One feature im trying to include in my app is a bookmarks facility, this will be accessible from a tab bar. I want to be able to click on a button from any nib file (tutorial) which adds a string to an existing NSMutableArray. This string will correspond with the name of the tutorial where the IB-Action was performed and after added to the Array I can load the nib file when selecting the row at index path.
The Problem:
I can add any object to the array from within the implementation file that contains the array but cannot figure out how to add it from a different implementation file. The UITable view populates from the array perfectly but adding a new entry is another story.
I'll show you my code but i'll leave out anything that is unrelated.
#interface BookmarksViewController : UITableViewController {
NSMutableArray *bookmarksArray;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *bookmarksArray;
-(void)viewDidLoad {
bookmarksArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSLog(#"String Added");
[bookmarksArray addObject:#"String"];
[super viewDidLoad];
-(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
// Configure the cell...
cell.textLabel.text = [bookmarksArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
return cell;
-(void)dealloc {
[bookmarksArray release];
[super dealloc];
#interface Ch01GettingStarted : UIViewController {
IBOutlet UIScrollView *ScrollView;
-(IBAction) pushChap01Bookmark:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) pushChap01Bookmark:(id)sender{
BookmarksViewController *bookmarksViewController = [[BookmarksViewController alloc]init];
[bookmarksViewController.bookmarksArray addObject:#"NewString"];
[bookmarksViewController.tableView reloadData];
[bookmarksViewController release];
BTW - the IB-Action was declared in the header file.
Ah, i originally tried doing this as '[BookmarksViewController.bookmarksArray addObject:#"NewString"];' but I came up with an "expected ':' at '.'" error and I read somewhere that I needed to use an instance variable of BookmarksViewController so i declared it just above the addObject method.
Please be gentle with me as I haven't been doing this for long but this is certainly something that's going to be a big part of my professional future.
Any insight anyone could offer to me would be magical.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
The problem lies in this method:
-(IBAction) pushChap01Bookmark:(id)sender
You are creating a NEW bookmarksViewController here, by doing this:
BookmarksViewController *bookmarksViewController = [[BookmarksViewController alloc]init];
You don't want to do that because you want to update the current view controller. You need to create a link from Ch01GettingStarted.
Assuming you are using Interface Builder, you could create this link using an IBOutlet. In the Ch01GettingStarted interface, add the following line:
IBOutlet BookmarksViewController *bookmarksViewController;
(Between the brackets)
I think you already know how to link this in Interface Builder.
Then just remove this line:
BookmarksViewController *bookmarksViewController = [[BookmarksViewController alloc]init];
And this line:
[bookmarksViewController release];
And it should work.
Why? The 'bookmarksViewController' variable now references the original object (the one you created in Interface Builder) that is actually displayed.
Just to be sure.
Do you have this method in BookmarksViewController.m?
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section {
[bookmarksArray count];
Because after bookmarksViewController is created. ViewDidLoad method not run yet. bookmarksArray has not been created. So bookmarksArray = nil. You can't add object to nil object. In Second Viewcontroller, You should create bookmarksViewController in loadView method. And addobject in pushChap01Bookmark.
I'm not good English. I hope you can understand it. :D

How to call a method of another Class?

EDIT2: I try to summarize my problem and the solutions:
I've got a TableViewController named DetailedViewController. My intention was to activate TouchesBegan to recognize actions like sliding etc, and normally, the method touchesbegan is replaced with the DidSelectRow method. In many posts on stackoverflow, subclassing the UITableView is the only possibility to realize this.
So i created a SpecificTable with .xib file and i used this as a subclass of UITableViewController by adding the SpecificTable as the nib-file.
Selecting a row works fine, and also the TouchesBegan method (i called a method IN the SpecificTable.m with an Alert.) But now i want to call a Method in the UITableViewController (DetailedViewController) where moveToNextItem is declared like
pushViewController:bbarChart animated:YES];
But by calling this method with [self moveToNextItem] the App crashes by touching. (in the Debugger-Mode, the App crashes in the line of [self moveToNextItem].
What is the right way to call the method of DetailedViewController.m?
Update: You should probably subclass UITableViewCell rather than UITableView. Then in your table view controller's cellForRowAtIndexPath: method, return an instance of this subclass rather than an instance of UITableViewCell.
You will also need to pass a DetailedViewController pointer on to the cell, so that you can invoke its moveToNextItem method in the touchesBegan, etc. methods.
Adapt this example to your needs:
#class DetailedViewController;
#interface MyTableViewCell : UITableViewCell {
DetailedViewController *dvc;
#property (nonatomic, retain) DetailedViewController *dvc;
#import "MyTableViewCell.h"
#import "DetailedViewController.h"
#implementation MyTableViewCell
#synthesize dvc;
- (void)someMethod { // This would be your touchesBegan, etc. methods
[dvc moveToNextItem];
- (void)dealloc {
[dvc release]; // We retained dvc so we have to release it when we're done with it
[super dealloc];
#interface DetailedViewController : UITableViewController {
// iVars here
// Methods and properties here
- (void)moveToNextItem;
#import "DetailedViewController.h"
#import "MyTableViewCell.h"
#implementation DetailedViewController
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
MyTableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:#"MyTableViewCell"];
if(cell == nil) {
cell = [[[MyTableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:#"MyTableViewCell"] autorelease];
cell.dvc = self; // This gives the cell a reference to the detailed view controller
return cell;
- (void)moveToNextItem {
// ...
There are probably far better ways to achieve what you want, but this is the best I can do without more information.
Declare the method in DetailedViewController.h, and #import that file in SpecificTable.h.
if SpecificTable is really a subclass of DetailedViewController you can call
[self moveToNextItem];
as already mentioned.
but i think you mean a subview or not? so SpecificTable.view is a subview ob DetailedViewController.view
you have several options then. for example using NSNotificationCenter.
or what is probably also a good way for you is to setup an instance variable of DetailedViewController in your SpecificTable and assign it when you init your SpecificTable.
as an example:
// the parent view .m
testTVC *tableview = [[testTVC alloc] initsomething];
tableview.parentVC = self;
[self.view addSubView:tableview.view];
[tableview release];
now in your testTVC
// the .h
#interface testTVC : UITableViewController {
testVC *parentVC;
#property(nonatomic,retain) testVC *parentVC;
// the .m
[parentVC moveToNextItem];
you also have to synthesize and release your parentVC.
Is [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] something you are looking for?