How to switch to a TableView from a first View? - iphone

I'm working on my first app and I've issues on how to layout some of its logics.
Basically, what the app is supposed to do is to show a first screen when launched where user can fill in some values and press a button that opens a tableview which shows results. The first screen (view), outlets and connections are all working fine. The issue I'm having is how to leave this "home" search view and show the results to the end user on a table view. Right now, I've only 1 view with its related View Controler and this controller handles the tasks of taking user inputs and get results throughout a HTTP post request.
I need your guidance...Thx in advance

Is there a reason that this all has to happen on one screen? iOS is set up to allow for this to happen very easily and (I think) attractively by using a UINavigationController and pushing in a new view controller (could be a UITableViewController or simply a UIViewController that contains a UITableView).
If you MUST have all of this take place in one view, Swastik is correct that it will require some view acrobatics. One way to do it attractively is to use the UIView animations introduced with iOS 4.
Here's Apple's UIView documentation: UIView Class Reference
Specifically, check out the CLASS methods of:
1. animateWithDuration:animations: (with or without completion:)
2. transitionWithView:duration:options:animations:completion:
Note that these methods will require you to learn a little bit about blocks, but it's worth it and I think blocks give tremendous power!
With the methods mentioned above, you could fade out your form and fade in your tableview, or maybe just move the form off-screen while the table view flies in. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

u can add a table in ur xib.Initially make it hidden, & when u need to show it unhide it & also if u want to update table's data , you can reload the data of the table.


Difference between table view controller and a table view placed within a viewcontroller

I am making an app and would like to direct my user once they log in into their dashboard, I have seen some apps display things in what seem like a table view controller or a view controller with a table view. I would like to display the logo up top and then a table displaying their username then about 4 more rows displaying other info then at the bottom a tab bar. What would be the best way to go about this?
any advice welcomed. If relevant I am using swift, Xcode7 and parse to handle my users
Use a UITableView. This a bit more customizable in terms of Storyboard layout. You can place UIImageViews, toolbars, and other elements all over your UIViewController. You can then put a UITableView in the exact place that would work for you, with the dimensions you need.
Of course, you could always use a UITableViewController. You could embed this controller in a variety of combinations, which would let you add tab bars or navigation bars.
The only real difference in implementation is that you have to remember to explicitly write the delegate and data source methods when using a UITableView.
For your case, I would pick whatever seems easiest to implement in your case. Probably a UITableView in my opinion.
Some differences between UITableViewController (TV) and UIViewController with TableView (VT) I know:
You can add other controls into VT and pin it to anywhere you want. TV can't do that.
You can add many same group of controls without add constraints with TV. VT you have to add constraints.
You don't want to worry about scrolling in TV with many group of controls.
With TV you can create static table cell but you can't with VT. Static table works on TableViewController only.
In your situation, I use UITableViewController with static table to achieve that.
Hope this can help.

Making too many transparent views makes complicated in iPhone

Before Starting I want to make sure one thing whether we can make the ViewController transparent (alpha), as far my knowledge it is NO.
I have a ViewController which consists of 8 UIButton objects over it. Whenever I press Button1, Button2 I am loading a ViewController. Since the ViewController cannot be made transparent, I just moved that View to my HomeViewController.xib and I am loading the view using -addSubView:. And I am changing the alpha value to make it as transparent.
But the thing is in Button1 View and Button2 View, in both views I am having table view. When I bring everything to the same HomeViewController class , I am having too much of code in a single class.
Is there any way to do this?? Adding many Views in the same ViewController not a problem, but it increases the code too. Which looks ugly. Please help me out.
If I have confused about my question here I am giving a short description of what I would like to do
Whenever I press a Button in ViewController, I want to load a View/ViewController Transparently.
Before Starting I want to make sure one thing whether we can make the
ViewController transparent (alpha), as far my knowledge it is NO.
You can't adjust a view controllers alpha directly. You can adjust a view controllers view properties alpha, ex: myViewController.view.alpha, and you can do this for any view that you want except for your root view (the bottom of the view stack). Lowering your root views alpha would allow the user to see the springboard through your app.
But the thing is , In Button1 View and Button2 View , in both views I
am having table view. When I bring everything to the same
HomeViewController class , I am having too much of code in a single
Is there any way to do this ?? Adding Many Views in the same
ViewController not a problem, but it increases the code too. Which
looks ugly. Please help me out.
I'm not sure I understand the problem here. As long as you format your code correctly and keep well organized this isn't a problem. I personally have used view controllers in excess of 15k lines of code and never had a problem, and I'm sure there are developers that have used way more.
If I have confused about my question here I am giving a short
description of what I would like to do Whenever I press a Button in
ViewController , I want to load a View/ViewController Transparently.
Continue the way you have been describing. (adding alpha adjusted UIView's as subviews) There is nothing wrong with this approach.

Is it possible in iOS to have one model/view and create a second view that replicates first view automatically on second screen?

Let's say I have created a model and a view for an iPad. If I have a second screen and want to replicate that view on that second screen is there a facility to do so automatically in iOS (getting automatic mirroring of first view in second view in REAL TIME) ?
Does this mechanism work for both vga and airplay ?
Seems this question is too hard nobody seems to know ?
To precise the first View must stay on iPad and the second view will be on second view and SYNCHRONIZED with first view (same model). ie When User modifies First View, Second View should show same update.
My views would not contain only images, they can contain anything (fields, webview, buttons etc.)
i have not understood your question completely.
do you want same view in second screen as first view or you want make mirror effect of first view in second view?
if you want the same view as first view in sceond view, then directly get the object as first view and add it as subview in second view.
if you want to create mirror effect then you have write a logic code, i dont know there is any third party library for that,
Please do explain your question
I haven't tried it myself, but ReflectionView does something very similar. You may be able to adapt it to solve your problem.

Multiple ViewController - Best Approach

I have a very large form to build in my ipad application and I'm note sure which approach( between create multiple views in or multiple viewcontrollers ) to follow. Well, I have decided to split may form in logical sections, so I want use a splitviewcontroller with a root( a tableviewcontroller with the sections) and multipleviecontrollers for each sections. When the user select a row in tableview I will show the correspondent viewcontroller. I'm saving a reference for each viewcontroller in my app_delegate and the app_delegate also is the responsible for change the viewcontrollers. Is this the best approach? There is other approach to follow? About the multiple view I was thinking to put multiple view in the same xib file and then choose based in tag as the use tap the row in rootviewcontroller's tableview.
Thanks in advance. And sorry for my bad english.. Learning!
I will say this on the subject: currently, having multiple view controllers on the screen at the same time can be problematic if you're not using one of Apple's existing classes, such as a UISplitViewController.
The main issue is that important events your view controllers will want to respond to (rotation events, etc) won't be passed down to them. It's not a huge pain, it's just something to need to take into account - you'd typically create your own parent view controller that could pass these events down to its children.
Now, you are using a split view controller, so alls well on that front. There is no provided way for detail and master controllers in a split view controller to communicate with each other, but Apple recommend you employ a standard delegation pattern. If your application is fairly simple this could certainly happen in your app delegate as you do now.
If you're targeting iOS 5 only there are some changes that are relevant regarding multiple controllers on the screen at the same time, but I can't discuss them on here because of the NDA. You should go to Apple's developer forums ( to learnmore.
Sounds like I'm trying to do the same thing as you (large insurance forms here, how about your project?) Unfortunately I can't help out as you're a bit ahead of me. I've been able to flip back and forth between 8 detail views by tapping on the 8 rows in my UITableViewController, without keeping a reference to either the current or previous one anywhere. The data I enter into various TextFields stays where it should.
I currently have a xxxViewController.h/.m and corresponding .xib file for each detail view. That's an awful lot of code, but I couldn't see any other way to do it. Now I'm having a problem getting my button pressed handlers to fire. Also I've still got to put a database behind these screens.
Were you able to overcome your issue?
Jeff in Alabama

Web-like tabs for the iPhone

What is the best approach to implement tabs that look like web applications on the iPhone, like the screenshot below (notice the "Checkin-Info-Friends" tabs)? These are not part of the UIKit standard library, but seems to be very common lately.
I've spent considerable time developing applications for the iPhone, but not developing controls like that one. What would be the best approach here:
create a new UIView for each tab content, and add the three subviews to the mainview straight away?
create new UIViews only when the user clicks on each of the tabs?
Put all the content in a UIScrollView, and just change the page as the user clicks on each tab?
Maybe there are open source controls for this out there? I couldn't find anything.
My approach to a similar problem was to make all 4 (in my case) tab views, but respond to didReceiveMemoryWarning by releasing all but the current tab view. (Then, of course, you must make sure that you create the new view, if it doesn't exist, when the user chooses a new tab.)
I thought this was a good compromise - a speedy reaction to the user at first (and in my case memory footprint is at its lowest at this point in my app), and then a response to low memory to avoid being shot.
I think it best just to have three UIView* references to the subviews in the parent view or view controller, all initially null, then to have subroutine to hide the other two views if they are visible and either construct and show or just show the new view. Assuming no extraordinary memory requirements.
I think with such a small screen area load/unload concerns at the subview level are unlikely to be a concern, but if the parent views need to be loaded/unloaded, the subviews should all go (be both hidden and unloaded), and on reload, loadView should call the routine described in the last paragraph at startup.
If there is in fact a great deal of memory or resource use by any of the three subviews, then my advice is reversed and each of the subviews and/or any memory-intensive objects behind them should be not only hidden but unloaded whenever possible. I think with your use of Google maps there, a need to unload when hidden might apply to that.
Is this th right point to make? Is there some extra detail I'm missing?
You can have each tab be a real view controller with nib and everything. The only catch is that you must forward on the standard view controller calls you want to receive (viewWillAppear, etc) but it makes the coding much cleaner since you code just as you would for any other view (although for a smaller space).
You call each controllers "view" property to get out the view, which you add as a subview of a container view you have under the tabs.
If all three are table views, you might get away with using a single UITableViewController that changes contents based on the selected tab. Otherwise I second KHG's comment of using real view controllers to back up each of the subviews.
For the tabs themselves consider subclassing UISegmentedControl.