WCF RIA Services / ChangeSet Complete - wcf-ria-services

I have a business requirement that needs to be executed after all the WCF RIA services changes have been implemented on the server side, but before WCF RIA Services sends data back to the client.
I realize that I could easily add the logic on the client, after a save has been completed. However, I would rather avoid the round-trip back to the server.
Is there an interception point for this on the server?

Take a look at this


WCF RIA send Server notification

Is it possible to notify all clients from the server using WCF RIA ?
We have a requirement in which when we save a data from our Silverlight 5 client,all clients should be notified. we use WCF RIA on the backend,
Would appreicate if someone can point me to the right direction !
Thanks !
I Agree with Leo about SignalR and it shouldn't be hard to do, however has to be said that Silverlight supports FullDuplex, so you can make your client to call your server in order to estabilish the connection and get the callback. Here's a sample http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc645027(v=vs.95).aspx. Keep in mind that in order to use fullduplex you silverlight client have to open ports (4502-4534).
Ther's finally the idea to use a Comet pattern, for which I drive you to this question: Silverlight: Enterprise-grade push notifications however I've encountered some problems with FF/Chrome and long polling

How often does RESTful client pull server data

I have a RESTful web-service application that I developed using the Netbeans IDE. The application uses MySQL server as its back end server. What I am wondering now is how often a client application that uses my RESTful application would refresh to reflect the data change in the server.
Are there any default pull intervals that clients get from the RESTful application? Does the framework(JAX-RS) do something about it Or is that my business to take care of.
Thanks in advance
There are no such rules. Only thing you can use for properly implementing this is HTTP's caching capabilities. Service must include control information how long representation of a particular resource can be cached, revalidated, never cached etc...
On client application side of things each client may decide it's own path how it will keep itself in sync with a service. It can be done by locally storing data and serve end user from local cache etc... Service can not(and shouldn't know) how clients are implemented, only thing service can do is to include caching information in response messages as i already mentioned above.
It is your responsibility to schedule the service to execute again and again. We can set time out interval but there is no pull interval.

Delivery different kind of protocols in a SOA architecture

I have a project that is currently in production delivering some web-services using the REST approach. Right now, I need to delivery some of this web-services in SOAP too (it means that I will need to deliver some of the same web-services in SOAP and others a bit different), so, I ask you:
Should I incorporate to the existent project the SOAP stack (libraries, configuration files, ...), building another layer that deliver the data in envelopes way (some people call it "anti-corruption layer") ?
Should I build another project using just the canonical model in common (become it in a shared-library) ?
... Or how do you proceed in similar situations ?
Please, consider our ideal target a SOA architecture.
In our projects we have a facade layer which exposes the services and maps to business entities, and a business layer where the business logic is run.
So to add a SOAP end point for an existing service, we just create a new facade and call in to the same business logic.
In many cases it is even simpler, since we use WCF we can have a http SOAP endpoint for external clients, and a binary tcpip endpoint for internal clients. The new endpoint can be added by changing the configuration without any need to change the code.
The way I think about an SOA system, you have messages and pub/sub. The message is the interface. Getting those messages into and out of the system is an implementation detail. I create an endpoint that accepts a raw message document (more REST-like, but not really REST) as well as an endpoint that accepts the message as a single parameter to a SOAP call. The code that processes the incoming message is a separate concern from the HTTP endpoint enablement.
You can use an ESB for this. Where ESB receive the soap messages and send the rest request to the back end. WSO2 ESB provides this functionality. Please look at this sample[1].
[1] http://wso2.org/project/esb/java/4.0.0/docs/samples/proxy_samples.html#Sample152

Web Service multi-client basic question

I've been reading up on web service all day but I'm still missing a basic understanding on web services as they relate to multiple clients.
The web service runs on a web server. The service exposes various methods. Multiple clients may call the same service method simultaneously. Question: Does each client get its own copy of the method or does the code in the method implementation have to start a thread for each client and process each client's request in it's own thread? What am I missing?
Thanks in advance.
It depends on configuration. In WCF you can configure 'singleton' ie. one service instance, which will work with all clients. Or you can set another value which will create separate instance for each client calling it. You will definitely get more at MSDN.
Check this attribute: InstanceContextBehavior

Forward HTTP RESTfull API requests from http server to my application

I have a question about the design of an application I'm working on.
I made a monolithic java application with sockets open 24/7, something like a game server. I'm just trying to say it's a single jar application instead of a modular servlet/page based web application.
I would now like to add a RESTful API to this application. So people/clients can make HTTP requests to my application to obtain certain info. Because of the monolithic nature of my java application I'm unsure of how to implement this. One other important thing: I'm expecting multiple requests per second, so it would be nice if I could have an existing http server handle the requests, and somehow forward them to my app to set up a reply, and have the http server send it again.
Some things I have thought of:
wrap my application in a tomcat application, although I'm not sure if tomcat can run an application continuously instead of mapping to servlets on request.
open a socket and parse incoming http requests myself (or there is propably a lib for that?). I fear this will have an impact on performance, and would rather use existing http servers because they are optimized for high traffic.
use an excisting http server to handle the requests (apache, lighttp, ...) and have it forward requests to my app via things like scgi, or use a server that can forward via XMLRPC. Are there any other technologies/protocols to do this?
Any advice on how to handle this?
I'd decouple your RESTful service endpoint as much as possible from your original application. This allows you to scale (add multiple servers for your REST endpoint), but also to change your original application without having to change your REST API directly.
Clients <== REST (HTTP) ==> RESTful endpoint <== legacy (sockets) ==> Legacy backend
So your REST server is one the hand a service provider for your clients, but represents at the same time also a client for your original backend.
I would design the RESTful API and then pick one of the existing REST frameworks for Java, like Restlet, and implement the REST service itself. At the same time you can start implementing a gateway between the REST server and your original backend, by using sockets.
Pay attention to scalability and performance (i.e. you may want to use connection pools for the rest <=> backend bridge and not spawn a socket per incoming API request) and also think of possible advantages of HTTP. You might benefit when you're able to use caching, etc. as far as your backend application logic allows so.