Paypal transactions on fresh seller account, Completed and Pending transactions - paypal

I using sandbox in my application and made some tests transactions, after each transaction i made ipn sent to my ipn controller shows that transaction status was Pending, but i expecting Completed status instead.
Then i login to my seller account to see the transactions and i saw that all transactions status was Pending and Order status/Actions was contain buttons Accept/Reject. Then i decided to click Accept in the first transaction to see what would happend next so after i click to Accept the first one and all the rest transactions status became Completed, it is heppend automatically and also i get for each of them ipn sent to my controller again (i get ipn for these transactions before but with "Pending" status), but now all ipns was with status Completed. it all was a big surprise for me but i was happy that i find out that.
After that, i tried to create new transaction to see what would happend and after i did that ipn sent back to my ipn controller showed that transaction status was Completed, so it is what i was expecting initially.
So my question is, on live environment i want the first and all the next transactions to have Completed status, what should i do to make it hapend? Should i configure the account somehow for that? Or should i myself send the first transaction and than click Accept so all the next coming transactions will be accepted/completed by default (the same as i accidentally done in my sendbox environment)?

You probably have 'Payment review' switched on for the (first) sandbox seller account.
Go to > Test accounts and set 'Payment review' to 'Disabled'.


Can ExpressCheckout identify if the transaction is approved?

Some time ago I developed a custom shopping cart for a simple website which sell mainly digital goods. I integrated ExpressCheckout on it, and after the DoExpressCheckout operation, if the response contains ACK equal to Success or SuccessWithWarning (just as the sample code at that time says) then I immediately set access to the content for the user.
I see this is a great mistake, since yesterday a transaction did not appear at the owner's account, but appears in the site since user had access. After contacting PayPal we checked this particular transaction was denied. To late, since access was already granted to the user.
So what should I do? Is it because of the SucessWithWarning not reviewed, or never I should grant access to a user just by finishing DoExpressCheckout? Shall I use IPN to receive information about the transaction to only after grant the user access to the content?
Yes, you'll want to use IPN for post-transaction processing, and you'll only want to grant access once the payment status is completed.
In the case of an e-check you'll get an IPN with a status of pending, and then you'll get another IPN with updated status once that e-check clears (or fails).
Of course, this happens in real-time so you can automate the process accordingly based on the data sent.

Execute tasks after PayPal chained payment is successful

Current Status
I'm quite new to PayPal and I'm currently integrating chained adaptive payments on our website. Already successfully called the PAY API call via the .NET SDK. Money (sandbox enviroment) will be correctly transferred to each participants of this payment (sender, primary and secondary receiver).
My goal is to execute vital tasks after the payment is successful (update DB, send mail, ...) or has been cancelled (clean up stuff, ...).
Possible solutions
First approach was to create the payment with actionType set to CREATE, redirect the user to (wait for approval), redirect user back to website and execute the payment and then perform the vital tasks. But it seems not to work, the payment will be paid and is COMPLETED before the second redirect.
Another possible solution would be to get the preapproval from the user, redirect back to the website and execute the payment. Haven't tried this solution yet, don't think that this is best practice.
Call PAY with actionType set to "PAY" and wait for IPN. Haven't tried that either, because it is quite difficult to test it locally (even though I've already found this question: Paypal Sandbox Test Tool IPN Simulator in Localhost).
Which solution is best practice? I guess the recommended solution would be to wait for an IPN?
If I'am using IPN how long is the average response time after a payment has been completed? Seconds, minutes, hours? I know it depends on the load of the PayPal webservers and that there are 15 retries over 4 days, but what are some real world numbers?
Can I store additional information (e.g. UserId) about the sender in a payment (besides the memo field) which I then get back in an IPN?
Here is how I do it.
When I'm going to initiate PayPal payment (before I send a request to obtain TOKEN), I create new transaction in my database and set it's status to PENDING. In transaction table I also have userID column, which is foreign key to user table. This way I connect transaction with user.
When transaction is created in my table, I use transactionId value, and save it to PHP $_SESSION variable.
Please note that if you want to support recurring payments, you can provide transactionId to PayPal. This you can do by setting:
This value will be sent when PayPal sends you IPN request after recurring payment happens.
Go back now to the story
User is redirected to PayPal, and when user fills PayPal username and password, and when user confirms payment details, user will be redirected back to your website and you have to call DoExpressCheckoutPayment to make payment itself.
If the result of DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call is success, that means that transaction was successful and you have money. At this point, you can send email, notifications, or any other important action.
$transactionResponse=$paypal->request("DoExpressCheckoutPayment",$requestParams);//Execute transaction
if(is_array($transactionResponse) && $transactionResponse["ACK"]=="Success")//Payment was successfull
//Send email
//Notify user
//Do other important changes in database, for example mark this transaction as successful
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR RECURRING PAYMENTS: PayPal can/will send you several IPN requests for the same recurring transaction which means that you have to add logic which will chekc weather specific IPN request is already processed or not. Usually I do it in a way to check weather status of my transaction with transactionId is 'PENDING' or 'SUCCESSFUL'.

IPN payment_status variable

I am using PayPal's IPN service to confirm payment. My listener is checking the payment_status variable hoping to find "Completed". I don't want to do anything in my database unless the payment comes back "Completed". My question is, what if it does not come back with that status? Will PayPal continue to communicate with my listener until it is complete? For example, the status could come back as "Processed", which appears to be a step before "Completed". Below is a link to a document with all of the variables:
On page 10:
Because IPN messages can be sent at various stages in a transaction’s progress, make sure
that the transaction’s payment status is “completed” before enabling shipment of
merchandise or allowing the download of digital media.
So yes, I think PayPal will always give you an IPN with Completed status.

Cubecart and Paypal IPN

We seem to be having an issue with a customer who has a cubecart store and Paypal IPN. The issue is that the IPN notification URL's were working and changing the order status upon a successful purchase, but now it seems to have stopped working. The orders go through ok and the item appears in the Paypal account, but it is not updating the order status on the store (goes from pending to processing automatically).
Check your IPN history in your account. First verify that the IPN is being sent out. If the IPN log shows the IPN being sent out, see if it is in a failed or retrying status. Also look at the details of the IPN message and see if it shows the status code that is being returned back from your site. The IPN system expects a 200ok response to be returned. If there is a different status code, this may help to determine the cause of the issue. Also, double check with your hosting provider if hosting with a 3rd party to make sure they haven't done any updates to firewalls or proxy's that may have affected your script.

PayPal express checkout handling "pending payments" with IPN

I cant find anny clear documentations about this.
If you use paypal express checkout, when a payment is pending what happens next?
Does paypal sends you by IPN an update if the states changes, do you have options?
Let say you do an DoExpressCheckoutPayment (with NVP)
and you get this:
&PENDINGREASON= ECHECK //The payment is pending because it was made by an eCheck that has not yet cleared.
So you've made the payment and you want to wait until its cleared? What should you do next.
Update Some (external documentation) I found only sugest you could use (IPN?) to handle pending payments.
"If the Do Express Checkout Payment PENDINGREASON response is a value
other than none or completed , the payment is pending. Typically,
this means the customer has paid with aneCheck. In such a case, funds
are not guaranteed, and you should not ship or deliver items or
services until the payment has successfully completed. NOTE:
PayPal recommends that you block eChecks as a payment method if you
are unable tohandle pending state payments.To find out the status of a
pending payment, you can:
Submit an Inquiry transaction.
Check the status using PayPal Manager. See PayPal Manager online help
for details."
The paypal sandbox seems to have the option to check IPN messages for the express checkout type. The only correlation (if its ment to be used this way) between the DoExpressCheckoutPayment and the IPN seems you can use the "custom" field to keep track of a pending status. The txn_id (ipn) isn't given in DoExpressCheckoutPayment (nvp). Does any one have any experience with this?
The transaction ID is most certainly given in DoExpressCheckoutPayment, even if the PAYMENTSTATUS=Pending. A pending payment is still a transaction.
So yes, you would be notified via IPN when the transaction is completed. This typically takes a few working days.
Once it has completed, you can correlate the transaction from DoExpressCheckoutPayment to the IPN you will have received via the txn_id in the IPN.
Note: If you want to test a 'Pending' payment in the PayPal Sandbox, simply go to > Test account and click on 'Payment review' for the seller account you're testing with.
Once payment review is enabled on that seller account, any transactions it receives will be in a 'Pending' state.
Simply disable payment review to release the tranasctions afterwards.
I thought i'd add my two pence worth of thoughts to this.
I was getting a pending return status using Express Checkout via the dotNet SDK, according to the doc's and examples I should have been getting an 'approved' status.
I couldn't figure out why but it turned out to be because I was passing through a new currency, in our case 'GBP'. I had to log in as the facilitator sandbox account and decide what to do with the new currency.. convert it or setup a new balance in the currency. Once I did this, and set it as the default action, the pending return status no longer occurred.
hope that helps someone!
One thing not noted here and I haven't found anything else to confirm.. is that Paypal Express API doesn't support passing in the NOTIFYURL with the code. So you have to use the hardcoded IPN url set in your paypal account. This of course causes issues because you need a common callback file that can redirect to the individual payment options.
For example, if you are using Paypal Express AND Paypal Advanced.. Neither of those properly support a notifyurl passed in using the code. Paypal Advanced claims to, but it doesn't seem to work. So there needs to be a common IPN callback file that handles the redirection to each.
Unless someone else can confirm a working notify url for Express Checkout variable that can be passed in the code?