Facebook API manage_groups permission to create a group - facebook

I want to create and manage a group through the Facebook API. There are some older messages here (more than a year old) that say it can't be done -- is that still the case? Has anyone managed to do it?

I'm trying to mark groups' statuses as 'read' (so the unread count in the groups json via the Graph API goes down to 0). From what I can tell, to do anything with groups, you need a manage_groups permission, however using their OAuth for the Graph API, and trying to include the manage_groups permission returns an error suggestion the permission does not exist. Looks like a catch-22 for now.
Please consider subscribing to this facebook bug to help move it along faster:

It looks like user_groups is the permission your looking for.

Any valid access token if the group is public (i.e. the group's privacy setting is OPEN)
"user_groups" permission to retrieve any groups that the session user is a member of.
The "user_managed_groups" permission can be used to read the group content for a group in which the user is an admin. This permission also allows the app to post as the user in the group if the app is also granted the "publish_actions" permission. An app granted this permission can continue to use these capabilities even if the user stops being an admin of the group, although the user can remove the app from the group manually.


Is it possible to read a secret or closed Facebook group feed with the API?

The Facebook API documentation doesn't clearly state if it's possible to read a secret or closed group feed that the user is a member of, and I didn't succeed no matter the permissions asked. It works with owned groups though (and the user_managed_groups permission).
Any valid access token for a public group (i.e. the group's privacy
setting is OPEN).
A user access token for a member of the group.
The user_managed_groups permission can be used to read the group content
for a group in which the user is an admin. This permission also allows
the app to post as the user in the group if the app is also granted
the publish_actions permission.
An app access token can read posts it published in app and game groups that belong to it.
Does anybody succeeded reading a secret or closed Facebook group feed with the API?
The user_managed_groups permission can be used to read the group content for a group in which the user is an admin
As long as the user is admin, it should work. Afaik it does not work if you are just a member.

Accessing the feed of a facebook group without admin permission

I'm interested in reading the posts in a private group that I'm a part of on Facebook.
Facebook's documentation shows that you can access a facebook group's feed with the following URL:
GET /v2.4/{group-id}/feed
However even after generating an access token with all permissions, this query always returns an empty array (and I know the group in question has posts in it):
{ data: [] }
One answer I have found suggests that this is because you need an access token for a user that is an administrator for the group.
Is this true? If so/otherwise, is there any way to access a facebook group's feed without admin access to the group?
Considering normal users have access to the group's feed, I would certainly expect there to be a way to do this.
The docs at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.4/group/feed say:
Any valid access token for a public group (i.e. the group's privacy setting is OPEN).
A user access token for a member of the group.
The user_managed_groups permission can be used to read the group content for a group in which the user is an admin. This permission also allows the app to post as the user in the group if the app is also granted the publish_actions permission. An app granted this permission can continue to use these capabilities even if the user stops being an admin of the group, although the user can remove the app from the group manually.
An app access token can read posts it published in app and game groups that belong to it.
Also, have a look at the changelog at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/changelog#v2_4
the user_groups permission has been deprecated. Developers may continue to use the user_managed_groups permission to access the groups a person is the administrator of. This information is still accessed via the /v2.4/{user_id}/groups edge which is still available in v2.4.
So, if you're using v2.4 and the group is private, and you're not an admin of the group, I think you cannot access the group's feed.

How to get a user's groups/places through API (can see in browser, not through API)

This works: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/145634995501895/?method=GET&path=me/groups
This doesn't: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/145634995501895/?method=GET&path=1234567890/groups
(where 1234567890 is someone who is not a friend, but is in or applying to a group I admin).
However, this works:
and I can see their groups just fine.
QUESTION: Is there a way I can act-as-me or other permission to see someone's groups through an app?
This is likely a permissions/token thing - but I need to 'act-as-me' and see what I can see/have-rights-to.
END GOAL: I need to assist my rejecting of automated spammed join-requests. Easy to recognize who is fake, so I want to automate that. But, how can I have an app see what I see in FB (without screen scraping).
Even though you can see their groups publicly, you can't get their groups using the Graph API unless you have a valid Access Token from that user with user_groups permission.
The documentation for the User Groups clearly says that:
A user access token with user_groups permission is required to view the groups that person is a member of.
A user access token with friend_groups permission is required to view the groups that person's friends are members of.
You can find more details about Access tokens here.

Get list of user's friends using my app and offline publishing to user's stream

I need to perform a couple of actions when the user is logged off Facebook.
First i need to get a list of a given user friends using my application.
Second i need to be able to post messages to user's feeds offline as well.
What kind of permission do i need for that?
How do i achieve it using the Open Graph and the new oAuth 2.0?
What happens if the user initially grant the required permissions but between that and my
app doing the offline work the user revoke them?
How can i check for that?
Thanks everyone!
Ask for the offline_access permission.
It's being deprecated but there's workarounds with the latest information as of yesterday that allows us 60 days of access using a token. See: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/offline-access-deprecation/

Get user approved permissions in facebook graph API

After I add a permission, the user has to remove the app and add it again, in order to grant new permission. The weird thing is that when I request a permission that the user hasn't approved, I don't get an error, but rather only an empty result set.
How do I check if the user approved a permission?
It is quite simple as you can just use the openn graph API to get that information