SWT Rendering small Fonts - eclipse

I am currently trying to render small fonts (Tahoma regular 8) using the SWT GC on Windows 7. My problem is, that the last two digits are always very close to each other:
(source: iachelini.de)
I noticed the same effect when drawing beveled strings:
(source: iachelini.de)
According to the javadoc the setAntialias method only relates to non-font drawings. I wonder what other things I could do. To turn Clear-Type off is -unfortunately- no option.
Thanks for your time.

Have you tried GC#setTextAntialias?

I have also win7 and turning off the antialiasing by setAntialiasing(SWT.OFF) is working for me in SWT examples..


very small fonts and icons on 4k screens

I'm using CFeclipse on Windows 10 OS.
With the adaptation of new 4k resolution laptops. Eclipse displays small icons and fonts. Its also reported as a bug in https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=451693.
The mentioned bug has been fixed, Eclipse automatically scales images on high-DPI monitors on Windows since Eclipse Neon (4.6). So, make sure your Eclipse IDE is up to date.
If upgrading does not fix your issue, in eclipse.ini add the following line below the line -vmargs (see Tweaking SWT's auto-scaling):
(In contrast to the compatibility mode of Windows, this is the way to get the double-resolution icons.)
To solve the problem in Windows 10.
Right click Eclipse Icon
Select Properties
Compatibility Tab
Under Settings Section check
Override High DPI scaling behaviour. Scaling performed by.
Select System.
Then Apply or Ok
I haven't encountered it yet in other application but this solution might also work for other apps that displays small icons and fonts.
This solution also works in Ultraedit,FastStone capture
The steps also helps for Coldfusion installer that appears too tiny to be readable or other Application installer in a 4k screen that shows everything too small.
I was having problems with a Windows 10 RDP connection using a Surface Pro machine. A recent update made Eclipse virtually unusable.
This solution worked perfectly :
Right click Eclipse Desktop Icon
Select Properties
Compatibility Tab
Change high DPI settings
Override High DPI scaling behaviour. Scaling performed by. Select
Then Apply or OK
I then had to slightly adjust the font size within Eclipse itself. I found I could use a slightly smaller font

Eclipse: large toolbar icons

Does anybody know how to use large toolbar icons? Edit: How do I do it?
At first, close eclipse and be sure it is closed.
Than edit eclipse.ini and add the following lines:
The -Dswt.autoScale=150 will increase your Icons, 150 will say 150%. If it is not enough, increase it or decrease it otherwise.
Here is what to do for an easy solution:
Go to the start icon of your eclipse or PLCXpressoand
Click your right mouse bottom
Go to down and click properties
Click compartibility
Check overwrite high DPI scaling
Select system (enhanced)
Click OK at the bottom
Start Eclipse and enjoy
There is no support in Eclipse for large/small icons in the toolbar.
As this bug describes:
The other issue though is really that the GNOME toolbar style, similar to Mac OS X, is for a small number of large icons, while the Eclipse toolbar style is for a large number of quick-access buttons.
This means that the recommendations for, say, icons vs icons+text don't really apply to the Eclipse toolbar.
Update 2016 (5 years later)
Since 2011, you have some workarounds, like this answer referring to davidglevy/eclipse-icon-enlarger, which double the size of the icon in the eclipse main jar.
You have more instructions at PhantomYdn/eclipse-icon-enlarger.
You have the same idea (double the size of icons) implemented as a script (here is an gene1wood/scale_eclipse.sh)
But if the issue is poor (too small) resolution on HiDPI / Retina displays, try also the actual official Microsoft workaround (as illustrated here)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > SideBySide: create a DWORD PreferExternalManifest set to 1.
Beside eclipse.exe, create an eclipse.manifest file with, as content, one similar to this article.
I have searched and searched for weeks for a solution to this problem If you want to solve it go to your eclipse folder and *.png search. Resize all the icons from 16x16 to 32x32 Then do the same for *.gif.
As you can see in the image I have not finished the task but it does work if you want to put in the time. I am sure there is an easier batch method of doing it I am sorry I have not found that yet. Just in case anyone is still using eclipse (which I prefer) and wanted larger toolbar icons there you go.
EDIT: I found an easy to use batch tool called Fotosizer. It remembers all the icons file locations when you drag and drop your *.png *.gif found files into the image selection area. Just set up the options for sizing and set the output like the image I just uploaded. If 32x32 is too big for you just make them a little smaller. Fotosizer Click Here I used the free version.
Screenshot Click Here
Be sure when you do your search to right click and sort the images by dimensions to make it easy for you to find all the 16x16 files in a group. This is in windows 7 64 bit version and RapidClipse Version:
Take care,
I solved it on Linux by appending this line to eclipse.ini:
See the original answer on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/61zsds/eclipse_neon_on_hidpi_screen_and_plasmaa_5/
In 2022 on linux with an UltraHD display:
set your system as zoom 100% (forget 200% or fractional hacks, it's slow and buggy)
only use font scaling : gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface text-scaling-factor 1.5
To launch Eclipse (with perfect text and icon size) from terminal, use :
GDK_SCALE=2 GDK_DPI_SCALE=0.5 ./eclipse
I can't comment, because <50 reputation points.
I refer to the method of resizing the images to let's say 32x32.
I wrote a little python script, in case someone might be interested.
It changes the size of all .gif and .png to 32x32.
Use on your own risk :)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from PIL import Image
for path,dirs,files in os.walk(r"D:\win7\apps\renesas_e2_studio\eclipse"):
for f in files:
uri = os.path.join(path,f)
for t in ".gif .png".split(" "):
if uri[-4:] == t:
img = Image.open(uri)
img = img.resize((32,32))
add -Dswt.autoScale=150 in eclipse.ini, is working for my hybrid win10 12.3"
Thanks to Markus B
Running Eclipse 2020-09 R (i.e, v4.17) on Linux (openSUSE Tumbleweed with XFCE session) on an HP Spectre x360 with 283 dpi, I found that out of the box the fonts were fine but the icons were unreadably tiny. Also, setting -Dswt.autoscale=300 in the eclipse.ini made the icons look perfect but completely disrupted the layout and functionality of SWT (couldn't click on tabs, many texts were unreadably clipped). So I had to resort to the method of scaling all of the icon files. Here's one way to automate it.
After running eclipse for the first time (since that first run unpacks a lot of icons), go to the top-level eclipse directory (the one in which the eclipse executable resides), and enter xonsh (the python-based shell) in that directory. Then you can execute the following commands (at your own risk), for example by copy-pasting them at the prompt:
pngl = $(find . -name "*.png").strip().split("\n")
for png in pngl:
if not ('#2x' in png):
print(f"Found icon {png}, moving...")
pngo = png.replace('.png','-orig.png')
mv #(png) #(pngo)
pngbig = png.replace('.png','#2x.png')
if pngbig in pngl:
print(" ...has enlarged, scaling that by 150")
convert #(pngbig) -resize 150% #(png)
print(" ...no enlargement, scaling orig by 300")
convert #(pngo) -resize 300% #(png)
Of course if you wanted a different basic scaling factor, say 250%, you would change the 150% scaling of the double size icon in the pngbig branch to 125% and the 300% scaling of the original-size icons in the other branch to 250%.
In case you use STS 4, edit SpringToolSuite4.ini instead with the properties suggested by #Frank

What are some good emacs font faces to manually set?

There is alllll kinds of information out there about emacs color schemes, font locks, etc but I am having trouble getting where I want to be. Basically I would like to know what are some of the best font faces to set in order to have a nice solid color theme which is a good cross language solution. I am ending up with lots of language syntax (parens, brackets, operators, etc) not highlighted in some places when I expect them to be.
Below are the faces I am currently setting:
What if any major faces am I missing here?
Don't do it like this. Choose a colour-theme that looks "okay" and when you're doing some work and find something unsatisfactory, customise that face to suite your taste.
I once knew someone who actually did an xlsfonts and opened an xterm for each one to decide which one he wanted to use while coding. Not thing kind of way I'd like to spend my time. :)
zenburn is a beautiful color theme. I use the terminus font on debian.
anyhow, I give up trying to use best font in GUI system. I revert to Raster Font, use in DOS Prompt / if it is in Linux, a TTY. Now that is so simple :)
My main workstation is Windows. There is (off course) native Win32 GUI version of Emacs, but I prefer to run it in DOS Command Prompt, using I am using emacs -nw. Using a few trick (write app that draw black border around screen edges), a found it able to make an illusion that it is in a console mode.
I love console mode :)

Gigantic Tabs in Eclipse on Ubuntu

EDIT: For anyone coming to this question through searching, you can install a Gnome Theme called Clearlooks Compact to shorten your tabs in Eclipse. This will free up a lot of screen space. You can also check out the answer below to learn how to make the tabs more horizontally compact.
Short version: How do I make a short version of Eclipse's tabs & toolbars in Ubuntu?
I've been looking around for a fix to this on Google, but to no avail. With any GTK theme, I still have this same issue and it's very, very annoying--to the point where I've stopped using Eclipse in favor of gEdit. However, after running pylint from a terminal too. many. times. I've decided I need to find a solution to this issues with Eclipse so I can have PyDev back. Here's what the tabs look like:
alt text http://c0496682.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/big-tabs.png
As you can see, not only are the tabs exaggerated, but the toolbar is, too: so is the toolbar on the bottom; so are the tabs in the bottom pane. Overall, it's eating up a lot of screen space, which is a hard item to come by on a 17" screen. Any suggestions/fixes?
This can be solved changing your GTK settings;
gedit ~/.gtkrc-2.0
Then add this;
style "gtkcompact" {
class "GtkWidget" style "gtkcompact"
borrowed from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1465712
In addition to #Varun Mehta answer, I recommend the following tips for Eclipse 4 (Juno), whose interface is partially dictated and configurable by CSS rules:
In YourEclipseDir/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_4.x.y.v2012zzzzzzzz/css, edit:
... and adjust those files. I use the following set of tweaks:
set all the margin-* and padding to 0
set swt-shadow-visible: false everywhere you find it, to get rid of those huge shadows
set .MPartStack {font-size} to something smaller than 12
Finally, remember you can disable the toolbar. In 4.0, its state wasn't remembered across sessions, but it seems like the issue is solved in 4.2.1
Bonus resources: Eclipse4/CSS will get you started on Eclipse4 CSS, E4/CSS/SWT Mapping lists other interesting CSS attributes, and CSS Spy will help you inspect the UI.
Screenshot of what I end up with:
EDIT: see also How to remove the close (×) button from Eclipse Juno tabs?
In Addition to Ronans answer, it is possible to change the height of the tabs directly in Eclipse Juno.
edit the css file of your current style (e.g. e4_default_gtk.css) and add
CTabFolder {
tab-height: 16px;
Note: CTabFolder ... not add this to CTabFolder Canvas!
I too have suffered from this quite a bit, before I found the solution by changing the general appearance of my IDE.
You can try and customize the look-and-feel or you Eclipse Environment from,
Go to : Window -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance.
try setting,
Current Presentation to " Default ".
Enable " Traditional Style Tabs " (for rectangular tabs.)
Disable Animation ( if you don't like swoosh effect.)
Note: the Default Eclipse 4 just got a bit better with bug 420238 closed:
[CSS] Reduce whitespace usage in the default Eclipse themes
See Lars Vogel's article about it:
If you fire up the next Eclipse 4.4 milestone build, Eclipse uses much less whitespace and leaves more space for the important content.
(That would be 4.4 M5)
While this is on a technical level a trivial change, I hope that this will improve the initial perception people have in using Eclipse.
A big thanks to Daniel Rolka, Robin Stocker and Dani Megert for doing the majority of the work and a big thanks all involved parties in the Bug report to get this change accepted.
If you really want to make the tabs nice an' short, take a gander at Clearlooks Compact.
I preferred to just hit the whole IDE with a splash of "meh," so here's what I ended up with.

How to set a fixed width of editor window in Eclipse?

Recently I have got a new 22" monitor. Finally it's possible to keep all needed windows in Eclipse open while having the main editor window wide enough to display all 120 columns. Problem now is when I wide up or narrow down windows on the left or right side of the editor. Editor's width narrows down or wides up. I'd like to set its width fixed to some value and let the other windows 'breathe' in width.
Take a look at the illustration.
You should rather use detached views, that way your main editor is not affected by the other windows resize operations.
(source: eclipse.org)
Either that, or use fast views, which minimises the views down to an icon that can be conveniently popped up when you need to use them. This is especially handy for things like the JUnit test view, as suggested by the JUnit Eclipse documentation