Use of Orbeon Forms into Liferay - forms

I wanted to know how Orbeon Forms work in Liferay because the Web Forms portlet is very limited, so I visited Orbeon's website and read its documentation. Then I downloaded it and ran in a Tomcat server, I built a form with the Form Builder and then tried it with the Form Runner.
My question is, how can I export one of the forms I created with the Form Builder to include it in Liferay as a portlet for example? Is that possible? Can I export a form into a WAR for example and then deploy it into Liferay?
I know you can deploy Orbeon Forms into liferay but I only want to include a specific form, not all the application with the Form Builder, the examples etc.
Could anyone help me?

First, a clarification: if what you mean is that you just want "the form", in the sense of just the XHTML, that can't work because any form built with Orbeon Forms needs a runtime to function. If the form is created with Form Builder, that means the Form Runner runtime. Either way you will need an Orbeon Forms portlet or servlet.
The forms you create, when published, are stored into a database. By default this is the built-in eXist XML database, but you can use Oracle, MySQL, or your custom persistence layer.
In order to see forms in Liferay, you have two possibilities:
The Form Runner Liferay proxy portlet
The full Orbeon Forms portlet
I recommend you peruse these two pages for details.
How it works depends on which type of portlet you use.
If using the proxy portlet, then the portlet is very lightweight and just forwards requests to a separate webapp running the Form Runner runtime. You configure the portlet to point to a specific form.
If using the full portlet, then Form Runner runs directly as a portlet. Here the portlet will load a landing page, and you probably will want to modify that landing page to point to the forms you want your users to see.
In both cases, your published form will be found as long as Form Runner points to the right database.
In your case it seems like the proxy portlet might be your best option. Note that lots of bug fixes have taken place with the proxy portlet since 3.9, so I would recommend a nightly build. For reference here is the source of the proxy portlet.


Alfresco - create online survey with forms

I am searching for a way (or a case study) where Alfresco is used to perform a survey by providing a form. The Alfresco Share visitors/users fill-in the fields of this form and by submission the results are transfered to a data list, filling in the respective fields. (something similar to google forms).
Does anyone know of such a case? How can something like this be materialized? Can Alfresco forms be used this way, or do I have it totally wrong?
This really isn't a good use for Alfresco.
Alfresco is an Enterprise Content Management system that stores your content as documents, files, etc along with associated metadata and there is nothing I can see in the use case you have provided that has to do with storing documents and/or metadata.
No matter what way I look at this it is going to be difficult to create a configurable survey. Your best bet is to look to having another survey tool such as Encuestame that you can deploy to your same Tomcat container and database and then share links to your surveys in Alfresco and publish results/reports to documents in Alfresco.
You have custom dashlet for creating pools on Share Extras.
I didn't tried it yet, but I don't think you'll have problems with deploying/using it.
It not a good way of using alfresco Instead of that you will find below way usefull.
There is one web application called orbeon forms.Which is helpfull in creating web form. Orbeon provides community version by which you can test.below is the link of site for orbeon form.
Create webform in orbeon.There are 2 interface in orbeon one is form builder using which you can create web form another is form runner using which you can enter data.
Orbeon provides support for submitting data which you can change to alfresco.Here you need to put rest url of alfresco webscript
Create rest api in alfresco for saving orbeon forms.
Hope this helps!!!!!
The question was also asked in the French section of Alfresco forum in 2013. While there are "Alfresco Forms", these have a completely different meaning, nothing in common with Google Forms. As an Alfresco add-on, "Form Factor" is an answer if you have entreprise and 5.5KUSD/CPU to pay each year.

Kendo - form, message box

I am evaluating different JavaScript frameworks.
Does Kendo UI includes 'helpers' that simplify creating forms and message windows?
Thanks, alon
Kendo web is a suite of component that operate in the client. Speak about form has no sense, because the kendo components works with json ajax request with the server services. The suite can works over WEB pure html component, also integrate with MVC 4. Exist a community edition that you can download from Telerik(r) web site if you want to test it.
The suite has a Window widget. You can construct from it your message box, but does not have message box individual component. Exists a third party extension with many of these boxes. (Kendo UI Extension).
I hope that this help you

Assign Portlet Macro Path in eea.facetednavigation

I want to add a 'Plone portlet' widget in Faceted criteria config screen. In particular, here I need a static portlet to add URL links. How do I fill the 'Portlet macro' field for a static portlet? Helper message is 'Path to portlet macro', and I already try values like 'here/portlet_static/macros/portlet' and 'here/portlet_recent/macros/portlet', all failed.
Plone 4.0.2 + eea.facetednavigation 4.0rc1
I don't know anything about eea.facetednavigation but it sounds to me like you have a bad mix of portlet technologies.
The /macros/portlet slot was only available in classic portlets based on simple templates as used in Plone 2.5. Since Plone 3 we have a completely different portlet machinery which no longer has any TAL macros in them.
As far as I know the EEA site is still using Plone 2.5 - so I wouldn't be surprised if many of their add-ons aren't compatible with later versions of Plone.

portlet rendering in liferay

I have two portlets and these two are two different web applications (war).
When the user selects a radio button from Portlet1 it has to switch to Portlet2.
I am able to publish the event from Portlet1 and able to process from Portlet2 and both are getting rendered in separate divisions of the page template created from liferay portal.
But my problem is Portlet2 has to overlay portlet1 division (while displaying the content) and has to display the Portlet2 content in Portlet1 content division.
I am using liferay 6.0.5 and using struts portlet plugin to migrate existing application to liferay portal.
My suggestion would be to package both Portlet1 and Portlet2 into the same WAR file. Both portlets will use the same JSPs in that case and you will just configure the portlet XML files (portlet.xml and liferay-portlet.xml) with 2 portlets instead of one. You can configure both portlets to use a different start view.
With this setup it is easy to move from one view to another, as you're just switching between JSPs inside one WAR file and you don't really need inter-portlet communication.

Web based plugin architecture for simple user interfaces

I have a web based application using Primefaces with a very basic plug-in like architecture. The configuration of these plug-ins was all handled with xml, which is not so user friendly system.
I would now like to allow for each plug-in to be configurable via the web application, what are my options?
I have looked into Portals and Portlets but that seems like a rather big change to my application and my plug-ins do not require such complex user interfaces, a textbox or two of configuration is more than enough.
Does anyone have any suggestions or advice and what would be the best route here?
Create a simple page , per plugin that read the XML file, parse the option that you want to change , present it to the user with a simple interface, and save back the XML file.
Take care of the saving part and password-protect this page!