Powershell 2: Unable to suppress warning message - powershell

I am making a cmdlet call to 'set-distributiongroup' in powershell 2. I am simply setting the value of the parameter 'hiddenFromAddressListsEnabled' to a pre-defined boolean value.
However, no matter what I try, it displays a warning message if the boolean assignment is not actually changing the current value of 'hiddenFromAddressListsEnabled'.
Here is the main command I'm invoking:
set-DistributionGroup -identity TestGroup `
Let's semantically define what I have above as 'command'.
Now, I've tried adding several different variants, all with proper line-continuation and syntax. Here are those variants:
command > $null
command 2> $null
command -ErrorAction:silentlycontinue
command -ErrorVariable $throwAway
command -WarningAction:silentlycontinue
command -WarningVariable $throwAway
$var = command
Regardless of various combinations of one or more of the above, I still get a yellow WARNING: message spit to output. Specifically, this:
WARNING: The command completed successfully but no settings of
'<xxxxxx>/Users/TestGroup' have been modified.
Any suggestions on a key concept I'm not understanding? I want the command to not produce this output, and I want it to silently continue if this occurs.

I've been trying to suppress the warning messages when stopping a service:
WARNING: Waiting for service 'Service Description' to finish stopping...
The following worked for me:
Stop-Service $svc.Name -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

If it's just a warning that cause problem why don't you set in your script $WarningPreference variable ?
PS C:\> $WarningPreference='silentlycontinue'
PS C:\> Write-Warning "coucou"
PS C:\> $WarningPreference='continue'
PS C:\> Write-Warning "coucou"

just bumped this topic when searching on the issue,
my case PowerShell v2 , only after setting
$WarningPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Write-Warning "blah" - returned me nothing... the parameter on the command didn't changed much too on my end.

You may be hitting this bug: http://connect.microsoft.com/PowerShell/feedback/details/541500/warning-verbose-and-debug-streams-do-not-respect-action-preferences-the-way-they-should
Anyway, your command should look like:
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity TestGroup -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $true

Your command is wrong. Which is the the reason why you get a yellow error message. The command should look like:
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity TestGroup -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $true
Set-Distributionaliste -Identity TestGroup -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled:$true
But not
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity TestGroup -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled=$true

I was getting the same problem with the Exchange Management Console in 2010. Problem is the EMC runs on PowerShell 2.0, which as stated before has some bugs around warning preferences.
I found a cheeky workaround was to run my script in a vanilla PowerShell 4.0 shell, and then import the EMC cmdlets and start a new remote PS session like so...
. 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1'
Connect-ExchangeServer -auto
...then, -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue suddenly starts behaving itself.

You should try
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity TestGroup -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $true -WarningAction silentlyContinue

I bumped into same issue, the following command seems to do the job (PS 3.0) :
Stop-Service<or whatever command> $svc.Name -WarningPreference SilentlyContinue
Don't know exactly what difference it makes with -WarningAction, though.
Hope this helps !

If you invoke powershell versión 2.0, you should use "-WarningAction silentlyContinue". I was having the same issue, but in the script, if I invoke, for example "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -versión 2.0" , then you can use this parameter. I was trying on a scheduled task and using a ps1 script.

Try something like that:
PS C:\> {command} | Out-Null
For more Information: Technet: Out-Null


what happens if this command is executed (get-vm cmdlet)?

I was curious what will be the result if the $vm_name was undefined
get-vm -name $vm_name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
I did not find any related questions or documentation on this. What i know is undefined variable value is $null but need to know what will be the output of this command
Note: This command was used in VMWare
the output of this command is the VM details of the virtualization server "hyper-v"
as follows:
reference :

How can I capture the Powershell informational console output to a variable?

I can't seem to figure out how to capture the quoted text below for parsing. I've tried setting it to a variable as well as redirecting all streams with *>&1 . How can I grab the output text? The *>&1 works for errors, but not for the text below for some reason? Writing to a file is not an option.
Connect-Mailbox -Identity $guidT -user $targetDNT -Alias $aliasT -Database $databaseT -DomainController $domainSpecificDCsSourceAccountT[0]
I've also tried
$outValue = Connect-Mailbox -Identity $guidT -user $targetDNT -Alias $aliasT -Database $databaseT -DomainController $domainSpecificDCsSourceAccountT[0] *>&1
WARNING: The operation completed successfully but the change will not
become effective until Active Directory replication occurs.
For repro, this command appears to fall into the same situation, and is easier to setup/configure
$var = Set-Mailbox $sourceUserT -LitigationHoldEnabled $false
Some commands like set-mailbox will work if you change the type from a string to an array such as but connect-mailbox is not able to use that?
So this was kind of dumb luck, it works for the set-mailbox command but not the connect-mailbox command?
PS> Set-Mailbox "first.last" -LitigationHoldEnabled $false -WarningVariable wv
WARNING: The command completed successfully but no settings of 'xxx/last, first' have been modified.
PS> $wv
However when it did it this way
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$wvar = #();
Set-Mailbox "onprem.detailee1" -LitigationHoldEnabled $false -WarningVariable +wvar
WARNING: The command completed successfully but no settings of 'xxxx/last, first' have been modified.
PS> write-host $wvar
The command completed successfully but no settings of 'xxxx/last, first' have been modified.
So Powershell cannot cast some outputs (warning, error, etc) to a string, however they can add the object to an array. Strangely enough the non-typing portion of the Powershell language is not applicable here.
You should be able to use the -WarningVariable Common Parameter to capture messages destined for the warning stream.
Connect-Mailbox -Identity $guidT -user $targetDNT -Alias $aliasT -Database $databaseT -DomainController $domainSpecificDCsSourceAccountT[0] -WarningVariable WarningVar
The common parameters include variable options for messages sent to the error, information, and warning streams.
One way I found to do this was to set erroraction explicitly to stop (-ea stop) for the cmdlet in a try catch statement, then I could get the exception value with $_.Exception.Message in the catch statement as it forces the cmdlet to have a terminating error.
This is something I've found to be frustrating coming from c# where a try/catch statement works without having to explicitly define an error as terminating or not. If you do not do that for some cmdlets, the try/catch will not work and it will never catch the terminating error.
Hopefully this helps others, more info
The problem most likely stems from buggy behavior with respect to streams from implicitly remoting commands, such as created via Import-PSSession; this GitHub issue is presumably related.
You have already found one workaround, as demonstrated in your question: if you explicitly create the target variable to pass to -WarningVariable as a System.Collections.ArrayList instance and pass the variable name prefixed with + (-WarningVariable +var) - normally intended for appending to a preexisting variable value - capturing the warning(s) is possible.
A slightly simpler workaround is to call the command via Invoke-Command and apply -WarningVariable to the latter:
Invoke-Command -WarningVariable warnings {
Connect-Mailbox -Identity $guidT -user $targetDNT -Alias $aliasT -Database $databaseT -DomainController $domainSpecificDCsSourceAccountT[0]
# $warnings now contains any warnings emitted by the command.
Did you try the following?
$var = myCommand | out-string

Return code and status from PowerShell command

I'm running the following command from within a Microsoft System Centre Orchestrator PowerShell activity:
Install-WindowsFeature -ConfigurationFilePath C:\DeploymentConfigTemplate.xml -ComputerName ServerXYZ
the command isn't doing what it's supposed to do, and I want to be able to return if the command was successful or not, and any error message if possible. Ignore the fact it's running in Orchestrator, as I'm more concerned about the PowerShell question. When I run the command from ISE it does what it's supposed to do, that's why I want to see what is returned from PowerShell.
It's hard to know what may be happening without more context. The following will record any errors encountered in an xml file that you can import later with import-clixml:
Install-WindowsFeature -ConfigurationFilePath C:\DeploymentConfigTemplate.xml -ComputerName ServerXYZ
IF (!($?)) {
$error[0] | export-clixml C:\myerror.xml
This solves my problem:
$Result = Install-WindowsFeature -Name SNMP-Service -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools
Write-Host $Result.ExitCode

Invoke-Command Powershell "Window Title Cannot be longer than X chacracters"

I am trying to run a script remotely using Powershell, the script still runs, but I receive an error Invoke Command : Window Title cannot be longer than 1023 characters.
Here is my code:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName Test -FilePath "\\Some\File\Path.ps1"
I realize what is occuring when running the line in ISE, it places the comments in the header of the script into the files name. Is there a way to prevent this action? I can use the option ErrorAction SilentlyContinue which suppresses the error, but it also suppresses all other errors which is not ideal.
How about setting the Window Title explicitly? That should avoid the window title being anything except what you specifically want.
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = 'Windows PowerShell';
This web link albeit VBS, does provide clarity and a walk-through for your situation.
This is a more common situation/issue than you would think.
I know adding another answer may not always be agreeable, but had another thought about this..
Instead of displaying a Message Box to the user, you could craft an HTML file and display to the user..
get-service | ConvertTo-Html -Title "Services" -Body "<H2>The result of get-service</H2> " -Property Name,Status |
foreach {if($_ -like "*<td>Running</td>*"){$_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=green>"}elseif($_ -like "*<td>Stopped</td>*"){$_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=red>"}else{$_}} > c:\services.html
get-service | ConvertTo-Html -CssUri "SS64.css" > c:\services.html
Invoke-Item c:\services.html
Ref. http://ss64.com/ps/convertto-html.html
Running Powershell in Azure, I've fixed the problem by typing "exit" and the "enter" to create a new session.

Capturing Non-Standard Powershell CmdLet Output for Flow Control

Currently trying to build a script utilizing cmdlets from the MS released "Team Foundation Server Power Tools" package.
I'm attempting to flow command logic from the success or failure of the "Update-TfsWorkspace" cmdlet however I can't seem get a return code out of the call nor can I capture the output using Out-String. I'm using Powershell v1.
update-tfsworkspace "C:\doesnotexist\" -recurse -version T
Yields a message of "Unable to determine the workspace." which is the error I'm trying to catch.
$ret = update-tfsworkspace "C:\doesnotexist\" -recurse -version T
Is expected to give me a $true/$false indicating success/fail but doesn't work.
update-tfsworkspace "C:\doesnotexist\" -recurse -version T | Out-Null
Is expected to prevent the cmdlet from writing the message but doesn't work.
trap{echo "fail"}
update-tfsworkspace $workspace_path -recurse -version T
Is expected to catch an error and write "fail" but doesn't work.
$msg = update-tfsworkspace $workspace_path -recurse -version T | Out-String
Is expected to populate a $msg variable with the host output but doesn't work.
I'm totally out of ideas here. Help would be appreciated!
Little hacky, but since I don't have TFS to try to figure something else out, see if this helps.
I would say that this cmdlet wasn't written correctly. First, since it didn't succeed it should have emitted an error object which would have caused $? to return false which you could have checked or trapped. Second, you can't suppress the error message using -ea 0. It looks like this snapin is using the Host api to write an error string to the host console. That's a spew!! For now, you could do what EBGreen suggests:
$msg = powershell.exe -nologo update-tfsworkspace "C:\doesnotexist\" -recurse -version T 2>&1
Just watch out for all the text your profile script spits out when a new instance of PowerShell starts up.
Your problem here is that the cmdlet is writing an error (Non-Terminating Error), but not throwing an exception (Terminating Error). You can make it throw an exception by adding the ErrorAction parameter:
trap{echo "fail"}
update-tfsworkspace $workspace_path -recurse -version T -ErrorAction "Stop"
This will cause the cmdlet to make all errors terminating (throwing an exception if it writes to the error stream).