How do I catch the constraint violation exception from EclipseLink? - jpa

I am using EclipseLink in my web application, and I am having a hard time gracefully catching and handling Exceptions it generates. I see from this thread what seems to be a similar problem, but I don't see how to work around or fix it.
My code looks like this:
public void persist(Category category) {
try {
} catch (RollbackException ex) {
// Log something
} catch (HeuristicMixedException ex) {
// Log something
} catch (HeuristicRollbackException ex) {
// Log something
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
// Log something
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
// Log something
} catch (NotSupportedException ex) {
// Log something
} catch (SystemException ex) {
// Log something
When persist() is called with an entity that violates a uniqueness constraint, I get an explosion of exceptions that are caught and logged by the container.
Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.3.0.v20110604-r9504):
Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: The statement
was aborted because it would have caused a duplicate key value in a unique or
primary key constraint or unique index identified by 'SQL110911125638570'
defined on 'CATEGORY'.
Error Code: -1
I have tried the following:
try {
} catch (PersistenceException eee) {
// Never gets here
System.out.println("MaintCategory.doNewCateogry(): caught: " + eee);
} catch (DatabaseException dbe) {
// Never gets here neither
System.out.println("MaintCategory.doNewCateogry(): caught: " + dbe);
I realize that using DataBaseException is not portable, but I need to start somewhere. The exceptions never get caught. Any suggestions?

It looks like I won't get any more activity on this question, so I will post my work-around and leave it at that. A number of web searches haven't found much of anything that is helpful. I would have thought this is a textbook case but none of the tutorials I have found covers it.
As it turns out in this condition with EclipseLink, the Exception you can catch when the SQL constraint is violated is the RollBackException that is the result of the em.commit() call. So I have modified my persist method like this:
public void persist(Category category) throws EntityExistsException {
try {
} catch (RollbackException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(CategoryControl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
throw new EntityExistsException(ex);
} catch (HeuristicMixedException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(CategoryControl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (HeuristicRollbackException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(CategoryControl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(CategoryControl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(CategoryControl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (NotSupportedException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(CategoryControl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (SystemException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(CategoryControl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
So the caller catches the EntityExistsException and takes the appropriate action. The log still fills up with the internal exceptions but that can be shut off later.
I realize that this is a bit of an abuse of the intent of the EntityExistsException that is normally only used when an entity ID field is re-used, but for the purposes of the user application it doesn't matter.
If anyone has a better approach please post a new answer or comment.

Edit your persistence.xml adding the following property:
property name="eclipselink.exception-handler" value="your.own.package.path.YourOwnExceptionHandler"
Now create the class YourOwnExceptionHandler (on the correct package). It requires to implement org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ExceptionHandler.
Create a non argument constructor and the required method handleException(...).
Inside this method, you can catch the exceptions!

EclipseLink should only be throwing either a PersitenceException or a RollbackException depending on the environment and the order of operations you are calling on the EntityManager.
What is your logging level? It is likely that you are seeing these exceptions logged by EclipseLink but only thrown as causes of the RollbackException.
You can turn off exception logging with the PU property but for diagnostic purposes it is generally better to allow EclipseLink to log the exceptions.

As its a very well viewed question and I just had a very similar issue with EclipseLink, in a Maven multi module web application running on Weblogic 12c server and using JTA, I am going to post my solution here, hoping to save a couple hours for someone.
In the persistence.xml we are having:
< property name="eclipselink.persistence-context.flush-mode"
value="commit" />
The REST resource class was marked with #Transactional, meaning that the transaction starts at the point when the request has been received by the related method of the resource class, and it ends when this method returns.
JTA used for managing the transactions.
Now, JTA commit time happens to occur AFTER the resource class's method returns (with a response to the REST client).
Which subsequently means that:
Even though you had a very proper setup to catch the Exception, you
cannot, as exceptions like SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException
occur only AFTER your INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE query
--that has been sitting all this time in your JPA provider cache--,
now finally sent to the database.
Which happens just after the resource class's method returns, and at that point, all the exceptions has been skipped already.
Since no query sent == no exception occured at the time when the execution ran through the try{...}catch(Exception e){...} lines, you were not able to catch it,
but at the end, you will see the exception in the server's log.
I had to manually call flush() on EntityManager to force flush and the exception to occur at the proper time and line (basically in the try block) to be able to catch it, handle it, and allow my REST method to return with my intended response.
The final caught exception in the log (I have masked some not related info):
javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - x.x.x.v00000000-0000000): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (XXXXX.UNIQUE_KEY_NAME) violated
Related pseudo code:
try {
} catch (Exception e ) {;

I'm using Spring Boot 1.1.9 + EclipseLink 2.5.2. This is the only way I can catch ConstraintViolationException. Note that my handleError(ConstraintViolationException) is a very simple implementation which just returns the first violation it finds.
Note that this code was also required when I switched to Hibernate 4.3.7 and Hibernate Validator 5.1.3.
It seems that adding PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor exceptionTranslation() to my persistence JavaConfig class also has no effect.
import javax.persistence.RollbackException;
import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation;
import javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ControllerAdvice;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler;
class GlobalExceptionHandler
public ResponseEntity<Object> handleError(final TransactionSystemException tse)
if(tse.getCause() != null && tse.getCause() instanceof RollbackException)
final RollbackException re = (RollbackException) tse.getCause();
if(re.getCause() != null && re.getCause() instanceof ConstraintViolationException)
return handleError((ConstraintViolationException) re.getCause());
throw tse;
public ResponseEntity<Object> handleError(final ConstraintViolationException cve)
for(final ConstraintViolation<?> v : cve.getConstraintViolations())
return new ResponseEntity<Object>(new Object()
public String getErrorCode()
public String getMessage()
return v.getMessage();
}, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
throw cve;

I use this.
if (!ejbGuardia.findByPkCompuestaSiExiste(bean.getSipreTmpGuardiaPK())) {
} else {
showMessage("Excel : El registro ya existe. (" + bean.toString() + ") ", SEVERITY_ERROR);
and my function from above:
public boolean findByPkCompuestaSiExiste(Object clasePkHija) throws ClassNotFoundException {
if (null != em.find(this.clazz, clasePkHija)) {
return true;
return false;
With that I dont need to program a validation for each Persist, its common in the my DAO Classes.


Vert.x : How can i catch exception in handler onSuccess?

Here is my code:
private static void testExceptionInHandle() {
try {
var handler = future().onSuccess(v -> {
throw new RuntimeException("hello exception");
}).onFailure(e -> {
System.out.println("onFailure:" + e.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("catch:" + e.getMessage());
I wonder what happened with an unpredictable exception but get nothing.
This causes the route processing method to not end properly.
This kind of runtime issues normally bubble up to the exception handler of the Vert.x context or of Vert.x itself (by default, it simply logs the exception).
To make sure the routing process finishes, you should setup a TimeoutHandler on your routes.
Otherwise, you can try using another programming model like Mutiny or RxJava. Any runtime exception will be reported to the subscriber (and then of course terminate the subscription).
You can define failureHandler on your route and catch all runtime exeptions. More details:

Good design to Insert multiple records

I am working on a program that read from a file and insert line by line into Oracle 11g database using JTA/EclipseLink 2.3.x JPA with container managed transaction.
I've developed the code below, but I'm bugged by the fact that the failed lines need to be known and being fixed manually.
public class CreateAccount {
private EntityManager em;
private ArrayList<String> unprocessed;
public void upload(){
//reading the file into unprocessed
for (String s : unprocessed) {
private void process(String s){
//Setting the entity with appropriate properties.
//Validate the entity
This first version takes a few seconds to commit 5000 rows to database, as it seems taking advantage of caching the prepared statement. This works fine when all entities to persist are valid. However, I am concerning that even if I validate the entity, it is still possible to fail due to various unexpected reason, and when any entity throw an exception during commit, I cannot find the particular record that caused it, and all entities had been rolled back.
I had tried another approach that start a new transaction and commit for each line without using managed transaction using the following code in process(String s).
for (String s : unprocessedLines) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Any exception that a line caused can be caught here
The second version works well for logging erroneous line as exception caused by individual lines were caught and handled, but it takes over 300s to commit the same 5000 lines to database. The time it takes is not reasonable when a large file is being processed.
Is there any workaround that I could check and insert record quickly and at the same time being notified of any failed lines?
Well this is more likely a guess, but why don't you try to keep the transaction and commiting it in batch, then you'll keep the rollback exception at the same time will keep the speed:
try {
for (String s : unprocessedLines) {
} catch (RollbackException exc) {
// here you have your rollback reason
} finally {
if(em.getTransaction.isActive()) {
em.getTransaction.rollback(); // well of course you should declare em.getTransaction as a varaible above instead of constantly invoking it as I do :-)
My solution turned out to be a binary search, and start with a block of reasonable number, e.g. last = first + 1023 to minimize the depth of the tree.
However, note that this work only if the error is deterministic, and is worse than committing each record once if the error rate is very high.
private boolean batchProcess(int first, int last){
try {
for (String s : unprocessedLines.size(); i++) {
} catch (Exception e) {
if(em.getTransaction.isActive()) {
if( first == last ){
} else {
int mid = (first + last)/2+1
batchProcess(first, mid-1);
batchProcess(mid, last);
For container managed transaction, one may need to do the binary search out of the context of the transaction, otherwise there will be RollbackException because the container had already decided to rollback this transaction.

Assert exception from NUnit to MS TEST

I have some tests where i am checking for parameter name in exception.
How do i write this in MS TEST?
ArgumentNullException exception =
() => new NHibernateLawbaseCaseDataLoader(
Assert.AreEqual("lawbaseFixedContactRepository", exception.ParamName);
I have been hoping for neater way so i can avoid using try catch block in the tests.
public static class ExceptionAssert
public static T Throws<T>(Action action) where T : Exception
catch (T ex)
return ex;
Assert.Fail("Expected exception of type {0}.", typeof(T));
return null;
You can use the extension method above as a test helper. Here is an example of how to use it:
// test method
var exception = ExceptionAssert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(
() => organizations.GetOrganization());
Assert.AreEqual("lawbaseFixedContactRepository", exception.ParamName);
Shameless plug, but I wrote a simple assembly that makes asserting exceptions and exception messages a little easier and more readable in MSTest using Assert.Throws() syntax in the style of nUnit/xUnit.
You can download the package from Nuget using: PM> Install-Package MSTestExtensions
Or you can see the full source code here:
High level instructions, download the assembly and inherit from BaseTest and you can use the Assert.Throws() syntax.
The main method for the Throws implementation looks as follows:
public static void Throws<T>(Action task, string expectedMessage, ExceptionMessageCompareOptions options) where T : Exception
catch (Exception ex)
AssertExceptionMessage(ex, expectedMessage, options);
if (typeof(T).Equals(new Exception().GetType()))
Assert.Fail("Expected exception but no exception was thrown.");
Assert.Fail(string.Format("Expected exception of type {0} but no exception was thrown.", typeof(T)));
More info here.
Since the MSTest [ExpectedException] attribute doesn't check the text in the message, your best bet is to try...catch and set an Assert on the exception Message / ParamName property.

Bean Validation constraint(s) violated while executing Automatic Bean Validation on callback event: 'prePersist'

I created an EJB Session facade in my Netbeans 7 for saving my entity.
I have a manytoone mapping between my Insurance and RatePlan Class.
public class Insurance{
private RatePlan plan;
public class RatePlan{
private Set<Insurance> insuranceItems;
When I tried saving in my database using my EJB Session Bean, I am encountering below error.
Caused by: javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException: Bean Validation constraint(s) violated while executing Automatic Bean Validation on callback event:'prePersist'. Please refer to embedded ConstraintViolations for details.
What I did was to turn off my Bean validation in my Persistence.xml file.
I would like to know what Bean validation error has occurred but I dont know how or where to find it or how to configure and catch it.
My EJB facade is a simple class like tis.
public class InsuranceFacade{
public void saveInsurance(Insurance insurance){
Any hints?
I would like to know what Bean validation error has occurred but I dont know how or where to find it or how to configure and catch it.
To know what specific constraint violations have occurred, you could just inspect the exception caught. ConstraintViolationException.getConstraintViolations() returns a Set of ConstraintViolations which you can iterate and inspect.
I got the same problem, but after hours looking for the answer, Finally I Found it.... You should edit your class and add this code
public void create(T entity) {
ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
Validator validator = factory.getValidator();
Set<ConstraintViolation<T>> constraintViolations = validator.validate(entity);
if(constraintViolations.size() > 0){
Iterator<ConstraintViolation<T>> iterator = constraintViolations.iterator();
ConstraintViolation<T> cv =;
System.err.println(cv.getRootBeanClass().getName()+"."+cv.getPropertyPath() + " " +cv.getMessage());
JsfUtil.addErrorMessage(cv.getRootBeanClass().getSimpleName()+"."+cv.getPropertyPath() + " " +cv.getMessage());
Now this method will alert you which property and why it fails the validation.
I hope this works for you, as it does for me.
catch (EJBException e) {
Exception cause = e.getCausedByException();
if (cause instanceof ConstraintViolationException) {
ConstraintViolationException cve = (ConstraintViolationException) e.getCausedByException();
for (Iterator<ConstraintViolation<?>> it = cve.getConstraintViolations().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
ConstraintViolation<? extends Object> v =;
}"ejb exception");
Catch the following exception where you persisting the entity. In my case its in the EJB add method. where I am doing em.persist(). Then check the server log, you will see which attribute having constrain violation.
catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE,"Exception: ");

NUnit & Exceptions

Is there anyway one can output to the console the message of an exception that may be throw during an NUnit test? Currently I use the ExpectedExceptionAttribute but that doesn't output the message itself, only checks it.
If Method doesn't throw test fails. If it throws it additionally writes exception message to the console.
public void Method_throws_exception()
var ex = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(sut.Method);
That assert is only at tab tab with
I use:
public void SomeTest(){
try {
... stuff ...
Assert.Fail("ExpectedExceptionType should have been thrown");
} catch (ExpectedExceptionType ex) {
// Assert.Stuff about the exception
However I've just noticed NUnit 2.6 and it's Exception Assertion helpers.