New to EJB:Missing Deploy Tool - jboss

I am new to EJB.I am reading EJB HeadFirst to understand various EJB concepts.Throughout the book the author is using the deploy tool that comes with the J2ee server (as specified in the book).So i also downloaded j2ee server from this urlSun Java System Application Server Platform Edition Multi-language 8.2 FCS
I installed it but i cannot find the deploy tool present in server bin directory.So could anyone please help me out on how to deploy an EJB application on a server.


What's the differences between JBoss Web Server and JBoss EAP for running Redhat Decision Manager?

I'm researching how to deploy RedHat Decision Manger right now, there are two options for running enviroment, JBoss Web Server and JBoss EAP. But I'm new for JBoss and don't know what's the differences between them and which one is more suitable with Decision Manager for production enviroment?
JBoss web server is a server used to deploy web applications, whereas EAP is an application server which can be used also to deploy Java EE compatible applications. EAP gives many more features like messaging, RMI, EJB etc. apart from features provided by Web server.
Which one is better will depend on your use case.
To get more details about the difference between web server and application server refer below post
Difference between a Web server and application server

Deploy JBOSS FUSE 6 as service on application server

I want to deploy JBoss FUSE as war or in any other way on application server (Tomcat for example). In documentation for the old version (3.5) of FUSE there was described a simple way for doing that by running special maven project from examples folder.
But for later releases I just can't find any information about possibility of doing that. I thought that deploying ESB as a service on application server is standard way of working with it, but I only found tutorials for installing FUSE as standalone instance or system service.
I would like to know how can I deploy it or why I can't do this if thats the case.
This is no longer supported. JBoss Fuse 6.x is a standalone application that has its own container (based on Apache Karaf).
The current 6.x release requires running on top of Apache Karaf.
Though we have plans to make Fuse (that would be Fuse Fabric) container agnostic so you in the
future would be able to run Fuse on JBoss AS, Tomcat, Karaf, Standalone, in the cloud, etc. Though we focus on JBoss AS, Tomcat, and Karaf as the main containers at first we aim to support.

What is the App server for fatwire?

Do fatwire has its own app server?
Or it use any standard app servers like Apache tomcat
(I dont mean jump start kit)
In theory, it can run on any Java EE compliant application server, but I always found it easiest to run on Tomcat since it's easier to setup and administer; and it's FoC.
From memory, the JSK used to use JBoss but was switched to use Tomcat in a later incarnation
WebLogic, WebSphere, Tomcat, JBoss are all supported.
For a list of officially supported software for Oracle Web Center Sites(formerly FatWire Content Server), refer to this certification matrix :
Prior to acquisition by Oracle, the JSK was bundled with JBoss and Tomcat server instances and it was possible to select one or the other as the deployment platform.
Now it only ships with Tomcat 6.
Fatwire hasn't its own app server but it can be deployed on Apache Tomcat, JBoss, IBM WAS, WebLogic, Sun Java Enterprise System or Oracle Application Server.

How to develop Liferay project in Eclipsce juno and built it on on Jboss

I have downloaded the Liferay 6.1 with jboss 7.1.1 Bundle and Liferay IDE(Eclipsce Juno).All I have to do is to develop Liferay Project and running it on Jboss server.
I can able to run and open liferay portal in localhost:8080/
I am having issues in developing Liferay portal project.As default server adapter for Liferay in IDE is Tomcat 7.0 and I couldn't able to find Jboss server adapter.I tried by running and deploy it on Tomcat and running the Jboss server by running standalone.bat file.
Please advise and help in develop and running Liferay project on Jboss
There's guide in Liferay Wiki about developing with non-Tomcat Liferay bundles. There you can read about the disadvantages of that kind of development and how to do it if you still want.
But I agree, developing with Tomcat is definetely the better idea.
Liferay IDE is meant for development with Tomcat only since tomcat's start-up time, its simple structure and comparatively easy configuration makes it ideal for a development environment.
If you are development plugin projects like themes, portlets, hook, layouts etc then if it works on tomcat it would work on any other server running with Liferay, so during development you can use tomcat and then when you have completed your development iteration (i.e. when your project is ready to be deployed for testing or for stage environments) you can deploy the WAR to Jboss for testing and can do some testing to see if it works fine.
Since the plugins are made in such a way as to be independent of the underlying Server, there should not be any issues developing them on Tomcat and then running them on Jboss.
Hope this helps.
I achieved it through a work around, steps mentioned #
Benefits of Liferay IDE plugin+ JBoss as runtime configured in IDE.
Only issue is you'll need to use any other eclipse based IDE which supports JBoss AS 7.1.1 as normal server/runtime (like JBoss Developer Studio).

Applet Web service client, with Eclipse Indigo using Apache CXF,

I'm trying to consume a web service within an applet.
For that objective i've tried Apache and Apache2, both with good results
but the problem is that the jar dependencies are far too fat for my application
(the jar for axis or axis2 are over 1.5MB, and the applet is less than 200KB)
So i will try consuming the web service with Apache CXF, hoping that the jars
are at least a bit smaller.
Using eclipse one creates an empty project and in the main classes implements
the applet and blah blah, but to create the web service one must use the web service
I've used this wizard before, to consume the web service using Axis, but the moment i choose other options i get this message:
****The Apache CXF 2.x Web service runtime in Tomcat v7.0 Server does not support the client project****
What i´m missing?
I've already installed, CXF 2.x runtime, and the Tomcat 7 Server, and of course the Eclipse Web Tools.
This question How to generate web service client with Apache CXF in Eclipse Helios?
shows a very hard solution and it´s one year old!
is there any other way to consume webservices within an applet?
ksoap2 has no documentation on complex webservices, and ksoap2-android
Sorry for a boring question, but any help is greatly apreciated
Apache CXF 2-x Web service runtime Tomcat Server not support client
The Apache CXF 2.x Web service runtime in Tomcat v7.0 Server does not support the client project
Answer: If you see above error during creating web service client in eclipse using Apache CXF means you are using java project to generate the client from WSDL. Latest version of JAX-WS supports Dynamic Web Module v2.5 and up. So create client using apache CXF first you need to create Dynamic web project.
Once dynamic project created then open web service client wizard to create client from WSDL and issue should be resolved.