How to send XML as String to Soap Action? - iphone

I have Soap Action
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<From_Iphone xmlns="">
in this i would like to send the
MessageText =#"Testing";
patientID= 10;
user_id= 20;
UserContacts = #"< Contacts > < Contact >< id > 5 < /id > < name > Kiran< /name > < gr_id >11 < /gr_id> < /Contact> < Contact>< id>8< /id> < name>najeer< /name>< gr_id>25< /gr_id>< /Contact>< /Contacts>";
I am passing the UserContacts as string but i am not able to hit the server. Please give me a solution for passing an xml as String..
Thank You...

You have to use tag for this.
In tag u have to put Your xmlstring.
The string between the will not be parsed. I think Your problem will be solved.
fallow the above link it will help You


parsing soap response using Cypress

Facing issues while parsing this response using cypress,
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<p385:summaryOutputArray xmlns:p385="">
Using Cypress How to read userName TAG? I can see in the log that whole xml is printed but can't get to the particular tag. Also, while using the function to get to the particular tag to get the value, I am getting null property
Firstly I used this. This is giving error. property reading null
const parser = new DOMParser();
const xmlDOM = parser.parseFromString(quoteResp, 'text/xml');
cy.log('xmlDOM ' + quoteResp.);
cy.wrap(Cypress.$(quoteResp)).then(quoteResp => {
const txt = quoteResp.filter('Body').find('p385:userName').text();
cy.log('value:' + txt);
Using this I can see the whole response in logs
then(quoteResp => {cy.log('xmlDOM ' + quoteResp.body);
It's not necessary to wrap the response, just query the xmlDOM like this
const xmlDOM = parser.parseFromString(quoteResp, 'application/xml');
const userName = xmlDOM.querySelector('userName').textContent

Perl SOAP::Lite server basics

I'm trying to write a soap server with SOAP::Lite to work with existing soap clients (specifically tr-069 dsl modems), but it's unclear how incoming xml triggers calls. The soap lite mail list moderator is being slow about adding me to their list, so I thought I'd see if anyone here can help point me in the right direction...
For starters, I'm getting:
<faultstring>Unrecognized header has mustUnderstand attribute set to 'true'</faultstring>
which I suspect means that I haven't defined a function to handle something that it wants handled. The handler code (based on the example in the SOAP::Server man page):
package PeakACS;
use vars qw(#ISA);
#ISA = qw(Exporter SOAP::Server::Parameters);
use SOAP::Lite;
my $debugging = 1;
my $console = 0;
my $prog_id = 'peakacs';
my $log = DebugLog->new($prog_id, $debugging, $console);
$log->debug_msg('info', 'handle', '%s', 'handler setup');
sub ID {
$log->debug_msg('info', 'id', '%s', 'got an id');
sub Header {
$log->debug_msg('info', 'header', '%s', 'heading');
sub Inform {
$log->debug_msg('info', 'inform', '%s', 'informing');
If I understand SOAP right (which is far from a given), the tag should translate into a call to Inform - the top of the xml request looks like:
<cwmp:ID SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1">1539095918</cwmp:ID>
If you want to set mustUnderstand attribute to some entity in Header, do this:
$sheader = SOAP::Header->name('someEntity');
And when calling a method:
Which produces:
<someEntity soap:mustUnderstand="1" />

Authentication Issue with eBatNS Trading API trying to get SessionID

I'm trying to get a session ID using the eBatNS SOAP API.
The function which makes the call is pretty simple, but always returns an Authentication error. You can see the function below
public function get_ebay_session()
$ruName = "Forward_Thinker-ForwardT-57fe-4-rybapdi";
$sessionID = "";
//Connect to eBay and get a list of all products
require_once 'eBay/EbatNs/EbatNs_ServiceProxy.php';
require_once 'eBay/EbatNs/GetSessionIDRequestType.php';
require_once 'eBay/EbatNs/EbatNs_Logger.php';
//Get a SessionID
$session = new EbatNs_Session('eBay/config/ebay.config.php');
echo "<hr>";
$cs = new EbatNs_ServiceProxy($session);
$cs->attachLogger(new EbatNs_Logger(false, 'stdout', true, false));
echo "<hr>";
$req = new GetSessionIDRequestType();
echo "<hr>";
$result = $cs->GetSessionID($req);
$sessionID = $result->SessionID;
echo "<hr>";
$_SESSION['eBaySessionID'] = $sessionID;
$return = $ruName."\n".$sessionID;
As you can see I have attached a logger. The logger shows that this is the request being made.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="" encodingStyle="" xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents" ><soap:Header><RequesterCredentials><eBayAuthToken>AgAAAA**AQAAAA**aAAAAA**wS7oUQ**nY+sHZ2PrBmdj6wVnY+sEZ2PrA2dj6wHloSkD5aGog+dj6x9nY+seQ**It4BAA**AAMAAA**CB7yrHTyG3kQbA6KOwf0ZO2MqyPs/Dfn5u5r8ZDVGeWNvB</eBayAuthToken><Credentials><AppId>ForwardT-57fe-41ea-b90e-52fd0b541b88</AppId><DevId>5eefba38-e226-4876-9ada-d8743f571aeb</DevId><AuthCert>b57984cb-ba9c-430c-a8fc-c08f9ac46e75</AuthCert></Credentials></RequesterCredentials></soap:Header><soap:Body><GetSessionIDRequest><Version><![CDATA[815]]></Version><RuName><![CDATA[Forward_Thinker-ForwardT-57fe-4-rybapdi]]></RuName></GetSessionIDRequest></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>
And that this is the response being returned:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<faultcode xmlns:ns1="">ns1:FailedCheck</faultcode>
<faultstring>Authorisation token is invalid.</faultstring>
<DetailedMessage>Validation of the authentication token in API request failed.</DetailedMessage>
My ebay.config.php file has all the correct keys and, as far as I can tell, all of the correct information. Does anyone have any tips for resolution?
This issue was caused by the eBatNS API sending a token from a previous request in the request to get a new token. This isn't supported by ebay.
This is resolved by setting the token mode on the session to 0 or false.

Accessing SOAP services with Google Apps Script

I'm trying to use Google Apps Scripts to call a SOAP service call, and I've been trying to tinker with a number of ways to get a response; however, I keep getting an error. I've defaulted to trying to send an exact copy of a message stored in my spreadsheet that I know works through another service... still no luck. Here's the Apps Script Code:
function getVesselSummaryXMLStringFromName() {
var wsdl = SoapService.wsdl("");
var uscgService = wsdl.getPSIXData();
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
//Get working SOAP message
var envelope = sheet.getRange("D1:D1").getValues();
var result = uscgService.getenvelope;
The SOAP message I'm sending that works through is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:soap12="" xmlns:mime="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tm="" xmlns:http="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" ><SOAP-ENV:Body><tns:getVesselSummaryXMLString xmlns:tns=""><tns:VesselID></tns:VesselID><tns:VesselID></tns:VesselID><tns:VesselName>Atlantic Salvor</tns:VesselName><tns:VesselName></tns:VesselName><tns:CallSign></tns:CallSign><tns:CallSign></tns:CallSign><tns:VIN></tns:VIN><tns:VIN></tns:VIN><tns:HullNum></tns:HullNum><tns:HullNum></tns:HullNum><tns:Flag></tns:Flag><tns:Flag></tns:Flag><tns:Service></tns:Service><tns:Service></tns:Service><tns:BuildYear></tns:BuildYear><tns:BuildYear></tns:BuildYear></tns:getVesselSummaryXMLString></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
The following code returns an answer, so maybe you can help.
var url = '';
var wsdl = SoapService.wsdl(url);
var servicePSIXData = wsdl.getPSIXData();
var params = Xml.element('getVesselSummaryXMLString', [
Xml.attribute('xmlns', ''),
Xml.element('VesselID', ['']),
Xml.element('VesselName', ['Atlantic Salvor']),
Xml.element('CallSign', ['']),
Xml.element('VIN', ['']),
Xml.element('HullNum', ['']),
Xml.element('Flag', ['']),
Xml.element('Service', ['']),
Xml.element('BuildYear', [''])
var result = servicePSIXData.getVesselSummaryXMLString(params);
Both Xml Services and Soap Services are considered deprecated.

xpath soap namespace grabbing items

I am feeling like i am doing something really not correct.
When doing a soap they return me with an xml which may or may not contain an error.
I would like to check if the error exists if not read the values.
somehow, I can't grab it directly :(
Below is a sample return of something with results and one which gives an error (name not found)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soapEnvelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
<envHeader xmlns:env="">
<wsuTimestamp wsu:Id="Timestamp-061df7b5-32a2-4021-852d-2df98953e076">
<searchPersonResponse xmlns="">
<CCR_WS xmlns="">
and the one without results
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soapEnvelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
<envHeader xmlns:env="">
<wsuTimestamp wsu:Id="Timestamp-061df7b5-32a2-4021-852d-2df98953e076">
<searchPersonResponse xmlns="">
<CCR_WS xmlns="">
<exceptie errorcode="1">No Results found.</exceptie>
Here is my code to select the namespace, then check
$results = simplexml_load_string($response);
$lijst = $results->xpath('//ccr:CCR_WS');
$errorcode = $lijst[0]->exceptie->attributes()->errorcode;
$error = $lijst[0]->exceptie;
if (isset($errorcode) AND $errorcode != "") {
// do things with the error code
} else {
$lijst = $results->xpath('//ccr01:searchPersonResult');
$cur = $lijst[0]->CCR_WS->curandus;
echo $cur->ccn."<BR>";
echo $cur->cur_voornamen."<BR>";
echo $cur->cur_voorvoegsels."<BR>";
echo $cur->cur_achternaam."<BR>";
echo $cur->geboorte_datum."<BR>";
echo $cur->geboorte_plaats."<BR>";
surely there is a better way of grabbing
for example...
...Don't know if this is a "better way" to everyone, but here is a direct XPath expression to select the errorcode. You can make it shorter and less efficient by dropping steps and using // (in the beginning or in the middle). Attributes are selected with # (or with attribute:: axis if you prefer the longer syntax). If attribute (or the exceptie element) doesn't exist, nothing is returned.
Remember to register all the namespace prefixes that yo use in your XPath expression.