FB - Problem with getting "manage_page" permission - facebook

I'm using the following to get "manage_page" permission.
But when I goto this link, it was successful and redirected to MY_SITE_LINK. But when tested on another FB user, it gives an error saying:
Sorry, something went wrong.
We're working on getting this fixed as soon as we can.
What happened ?

My_site_url is canvas URL? Like http://apps.facebook.com/…


insight using fql for facebook application

I tried the below query
SELECT metric, value FROM insights WHERE object_id=3232322 AND
metric='application_active_users' AND end_time=end_time_date('2011-12-12') AND
I've got read_insights permissions,object_id,i'm passing the page id.
This insights,i create as an facebook app ,to this i'm passing the app access token.
I get an empty array as output.Am,i missing some thing?
I don't think it is an authentication issue because it would return an error (authentication error)
This might be a known issue with end_time; check bug already reported to facebook. I have posted a work around there too that works.

FBConnect Issues: Authentication and post won't work the first time

I've two issues with Facebook Connect:
1) I use the new Single Sign On Authentication. It works great, but the first time, I authenticate an user with my App when I request the token, i immediately want to post a link to the users wall, but then I get this error:
2011-10-11 15:42:44.831 [1717:707] Dialog DidFail With Error: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-999 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -999.)" UserInfo=0x7487290 {NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://m.facebook.com/dialog/feed?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.example.it%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D4%26no_cache%3D1%26tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D%3D103184&access_token=_test-Z0Ru37mpEAbffAn9n5wlWUaIVOH2tsF8.eyJpdiI6IjYyUXVBOTJKZVVwWjF5bmxZUmluUGcifQ.VxaUq2QcPXUgcYTjvqtnhLcBK27wflAIv3XoNVNcRT6dtQqfJZZ9NdLqLXxPdpBFl1U1DGF8xetLy8TOcLuLmU9l2AQ0JzYKmm9d-7azAYCYiZc51BiXKgHlpzw9Hsplr-tTKAfkXF2oJSOkbeN7UDMyLqDdCyhwiFTdVX3tGzA&app_id=1535027294&redirect_uri=fbconnect%3A%2F%2Fsuccess&user_message_prompt=Teilen&sdk=2&display=touch, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://m.facebook.com/dialog/feed?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.example.it%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D4%26no_cache%3D1%26tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D%3D103184&access_token=_Wtest_modifiedF8.eyJpdiI6IjYyUXVBOTJKZVVwWjF5bmxZUmluUGcifQ.VxaUq2QcPXUgcYTjvqtnhLcBK27wflAIv3XoNVNcRT6dtQqfJZZ9NdLqLXxPdpBFl1U1DGF8xetLy8TOcLuLmU9l2AQ0JzYKmm9d-7azAYCYiZc51BiXKgHlpzw9Hsplr-tTKAfkXF2oJSOkbeN7UDMyLqDdCyhwiFTdVX3tGzA&app_id=688535027294&redirect_uri=fbconnect%3A%2F%2Fsuccess&user_message_prompt=Teilen&sdk=2&display=touch}
The second time I try to post something to the wall I get a success, there I don't need to request the permissions again. But the first time it always fauls. With the facebook.app installed, but also with the redirect from Safari.
I only requested "stream_publish", when requesting also "offline_access" then it works. Seems to be a Facebook issue.
We are seeing the same thing over on First dialog after authenticating fails immediately and closes dialog
I know yours was first, but the discussion ended up over on that question.

The page cannot be displayed error Facebook

This is the FB Url I am trying to access.
It says
The page cannot be displayed
There are too many people accessing the Web site at this time.
It was working fine until last night
Even when I type it in the browser, it has no response. All it shows me is a green progress bar even after 20min
What should I do?
Here is your URL :
When changing redirect_uri to http://localhost it works fine for me. So I guess it is your page http://localhost/TestConnect/Facebook.aspx that does not works fine.
The redirect_uri will be called with GET parameters, be sure to handle them correctly :
If the user allows your app, he will be redirected to :
and you will need to get a ask an access token to facebook with that code (the code parameter) by calling :
If the user doesn't allow your app, he will be redirected to :
so you can detect that error by testing the get parameter error.
Hope that helps !

Facebook C# SDK ver 5 - Samples

I'm trying to run the samples but having a couple of problems.
1. the CASPNETWebRegistrationForm - I get an error of "Invalid 'client_id'." when I run app. I've set the app id and key in web.config.
I just can't get the CASPNETWebsite to run - I always get a response from Facebook that says "An error occured - please try again later"
The URL returned from Facebook is https://www.facebook.com/dialog/permissions.request?api_key={185034998201688}&app_id={185034998201688}&display=popup&fbconnect=1&locale=en_US&method=permissions.request&next=http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect/xd_proxy.php%23cb%3Df9b7e2c4%26origin%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Flocalhost%253A5000%252Ff7f1e1a04%26relation%3Dopener%26transport%3Dpostmessage%26frame%3Df36d8dadac%26result%3D%2522xxRESULTTOKENxx%2522&return_session=1&sdk=joey&session_version=3
I notice the api-key and the app-id are the same... but I have correctly setup web.config.
Any thoughts ?
I could be wrong, I'm not having much luck with the samples, though I believe you should leave out the curly braces in the config ie.
appId = "185034998201688"
appSecret = "185034998201688"
Have you filled out all the facebook application settings on the facebook webpage. I found i was missing the Canvas URL and a few other URLs, and filling this out made things work a little better.

iphone twitter and sharing

Has anyone encountered the following error message when sending to Twitter?
"Error: Incorrect signature"
And on the debug console:
<0xf14cf80 SHKTwitter.m:(356)> Twitter Send Status Error: {"request":"\/1\/statuses\/update.json","error":"Incorrect signature"}
So far as I can tell I've followed the install instructions on http://www.getsharekit.com/install/#download and it is working with Facebook, e-mail etc. just not Twitter.
It would be great if someone has seen this error before and goes "aha!".
All I did to enable twitter Sharing is:
Regitered my App as a Twitter APP (Application Type: Browser)
#define SHKTwitterConsumerKey #"My..."
#define SHKTwitterSecret #"My..."
#define SHKTwitterCallbackUrl #"http://www.anything.com/callback" // You need to set this if using OAuth, see note above (xAuth users can skip it)
\#define SHKTwitterUseXAuth 0 // To use xAuth, set to 1
\#define SHKTwitterUsername #"" // Enter your app's twitter account if you'dlike to ask the user to follow it when logging in. (Only for xAuth)
Note that for the callback function you can enter any URL you want. even www.google.com. Just make sure it is the same URL in your code.
The issue is that you're signed into your twitter account, and allowed the app to connect to your profile.
However, days go by, the Key and Secret change, and now you're seeing this error. It's because you have to log out and re-log back into Twitter. I spent waaay too much time finding this out when I created a new Twitter App to hook into (and organize my apps) and found this error.
Basically, ShareKit is saving your login info, auto-logging you in, and getting the error when twitter says the app doesn't have permission to connect to your profile.
Follow these steps to log yourself out and test again :
Check this previous SO question, it might be able to help you solve the problem:
Twitter API status update always returns "Incorrect signature"