MPMoviePlayerController - handle phone call - iphone

I'm using MPMoviePlayerController to play a video.
When a call comes, i want to pause and when he completes, i want to continue the video.
I couldn't find relevant solution in my search.
Is this something possible?
Its possible to handle the interruptions using AVAudioSessionDelegate "beginInterruption" and "endInterruption". But when I am setting the session to play back, my movie player sound is not heard at all.
Does any one know the solution?

There is a callEventHandler in Core Telephony framework. I hope, You could find what you want here.

We've to set the session active after endInterruption.


Playing a movie file and then various audio files while movie is playing back. (iOS)

Is it possible to play some audio files while my movie is playing. I don't want it to interrupt or pause he movie. Just the audio to play at same time at various predetermined points.
Many Thanks,
You shouldn't have any problems with it.
If you want to synchronize or delay these players you should use
the code they provide in AvAudioPlayer Class Reference using
playAtTime: method.
Sadly MPMediaPlayback protocol doesn't provide the same method
so exact synchronizing with video is a bit harder task.
EDIT: RoLYroLLs mentions using MPMoviePlayerLoadStateDidChangeNotification to achieve this here and this approach seems promising.
Use two or three Audioplayer at same time . Play that audio when u need it

Movie is played with some delay after calling play on MPMoviePlayerController

I am developing an iPhone application in which I play videos using MPMoviePlayerController.
Sometimes, some of the videos don't play immediately after I call play on MPMoviePlayerController.
I have called prepareToPlay and in the notified method of MPMediaPlaybackIsPreparedToPlayDidChangeNotification, I am calling play on MPMoviePlayerController.
Could someone help in identifying the problem here?
From my answer in a similar thread (reducing-the-initial-delay-when-playing-remote-video-content) - Note this fragment of the solution is valid for both, remote and local video content.
Use theMPMoviePlayerController.movieSourceTypeproperty when initializing your
player to cut down the media
recognition delay.
From the MPMoviePlayerController Class Reference:
The default value of this property is
MPMovieSourceTypeUnknown. This
property provides a clue to the
playback system as to how it should
download and buffer the movie content.
If you know the source type of the
movie, setting the value of this
property before playback begins can
improve the load times for the movie
content. If you do not set the source
type explicitly before playback, the
movie player controller must gather
this information, which might delay

is it possible to change URL dynamically inMPMoviePlayerController

I am using MPMoviePlayerController to stream movie from the internet. And now my first application start to look nice :) BUT :) I have 4 URLs to stream (different movies), and I wan't when I tap to the movie to stop current movie and play another from another URL. Like changing channels on TV. I know how to catch tap, but I don't know how to change URL and start to play movie from that URL (like TV), any help?
I have used this tutorial to make application.
I think setContentURL is the function you're looking for. See:
Apple Documentation on MPMoviePlayerController
use [self.moviePlayer setContentURL:newUrl] to show the next video/movie. It is given in the Apple Documentation on MPMoviePlayerController. :)

How to keep MPMoviePlayerController open after movie ended?

If I use MPMoviePlayerController to play video in my iPhone app, it opens, loads the movie, plays it and then closes. Is it possible to force it to stay open after the movie finishes, so that user can replay it using its controls, instead of using controls in parent view? Also, is it possible to start MPMoviePlayerController in the paused mode?
thanks for any advice.
None of that is possible using the available API in the Pre-3.2 OS. One thing you could do is take a scerenshot of the last frame and stick that behind the movie so when it's done playing, it looks like it's still there, then just stick a button on it to replay. you could make an interface that looks/behaves similar to the standard movie player interface just for the play button if you need to.
For anyone stumbling over this now... There is a way to do this. Check out this question :)

MPMovie player how to get the amount of time played?

I was trying to go through the iPhone's sample code for mediaplayer.
I want to be able to capture the amount of time the media player has played the video. The duration at which the media player has stopped. Is there a method or property that will tell me the duration of play of the media??
Unfortunately the current API for MPMoviePlayerController allows basically no control. You can tell it to play and stop... otherwise where's a delegate method so you can be notified when the movie finishes playing and that's it, there's no additional controls. (a real bummer)
However, while we cant discuss the new 3.2 SDK yet, I'll give you a tip and say go look at the documentation of MPMoviePlayer in 3.2 and I think you'll be happy.
It's not possible to do KVO on it but you could do like me and create an scheduledTimer which updates every second to check what the current playbacktime is and update your graphics accordingly :)
Yes, You can use the property "duration" defined by MPMediaPlayerController. Plese try it out and check the output. U can refer the here duration property