is paypal's iphone sdk for payment approved by apple? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
1)is paypal's iphone sdk for payment approved by apple?
2)Apple guideline says in-app purchase only is accepted by apple.anyother third party payment will be rejected when we integrate it?
3)is appstore having any application which uses paypal iphone sdk?

The distinction comes down to what you want you're selling. If you're selling digital content that's used on the device (i.e., an upgrade, new content, enhanced features) then you have to use In App Purchase. Sales in the "real world" are not explicitly covered by this rule.


Cannot connect to iTunes Store (in Sandbox mode) [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm experiencing this error when I try to buy a product in sandbox mode in my application.
I'm getting the error in the simulator ios 5.0 and also on the device ios 5.0.
I've checked the IDs and they are correct, because the products return to my application correctly, I can see them in the selling product list but I can't buy them because it gives me an error. A code 0 error that correspond to a Unkown Error Code.
I've also done a reset on the simulator and the device.
The purchase fails before asking me the test account.
Anyone is experiencing this kind of error? It seems to be a server error because a few days ago (before the servers closed) the same code works well.

sell ebooks in app [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I will be making an iPhone app that will sell ebooks. we have a website version of this and we want to have mobile version also. So, my question is what is the best approach(approved by Apple) for this kind of model? In our website version, we do payment by paypal. In my understanding, selling digital goods via paypal that is integrated within the app is not allowed(correct me if I'm wrong). Also, we have like 5000+ books on the website, so adding all books in iTunes(if it can be done) is no cake work I think. :D So help me out guys, this is my first app that involves buying and paying. After a successful payment, this book can now be read from within the app. Thanks!
Your correct, Apple does not allow any payment method for in app content that circumvents the IAP model.
You have two real options. One is to use IAP (In app purchase). This will give users the best native experience and will allow you to use apples framework BUT there are two downsides:
- Apple takes a 30% cut of all IAP revenue
- There is a chance that patent trolls Lodsys will come after you for unauthorized use of IAP (its not actually unauthorized, but they will try and argue that it is and sue you for it, google 'IAP Lodsys' for more info)
The other option that gives you more control over the payment system and gives you full revenue it to allow users to purchase books for their app on your website (The way kindle works). Not the best experience for users, but definitely best for your wallets.
Unfortunately I am not aware of any other payment methods, would be interesting to hear of some if anyone has any.
Hope that helps :)

The facebook dialog api not working [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
i develop an ios app and use the facebook dialog api, it worked fine over a month.
How ever it suddenly not work now
The reference facebook document from
and i Tried the sampele link. the same error message appeared
Any one knows what happened.....
it shows "There was a problem generating the Feed story from the provided data."
it works today.
I think this problem was facebook server side error.
i didn't change any thing and it works today.
Same here, with that request (I removed good params but the error is here) :

see who entered profile with facebook api [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I have recently see facebook api, I am interested in that.
Does Facebook have any API that help me to visit who entered my profile.
I want to know is there any way to track who entered my Facebook page.
To build an app that tracks profiles is against the Facebook platform policies. You can read about it in the "Prohibited Functionality" section of their policy guide.
No, Facebook does not give that information out. That would be a huge violation of privacy.

How to run my iPhone application once a while even the user doesn't open the app? [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
Is it possible to do this?
Edit: Not even if I try to have an alarm after my application is closed for a short period of time??
Unfortunately, the short answer is no.
You can use the Push Notification Service to pop-up an alert to the user. But they will still have to click on it to launch your app.
I believe there's a way if you jailbreak the phone.
Also, the latest OS has push notification.
In general, third-party apps don't run in th background. There have been some rumors that Apple might open this up a bit, if only to certain apps.
No this is not possible on an un-jailbroken device.