XCode4: Project settings differs from Targets settings? - iphone

I don't know the reason but this happens at times. I am setting bundle id correctly and also installing mobile provisioning profile correctly but sometimes build settings for Project doesn't detect my certificate automatically(when I select iPhone developer in signing) but it does for build settings of Targets! I don't understand how this could be possible? AFAIK automatically detection of certificate related to bundle id in plist file that correspond to set in certificate which is I am making sure they both matches! Could anyone think of any scenario where Project and Target differs in signing?

Regarding Project and Target settings; I believe the reasoning here is that one Project can contain multiple Targets if needed. Its usually one in the general case, the Target for your main application.
Therefore, the Project Settings will be the big, overall settings which apply to ALL your targets and I believe you will be able to customize them for different targets if needed.
The general guideline I follow is, I always set the certificates and profiles etc in the Project Settings, then go to the Target settings to verify that they have been applied (sometimes they are not automatically applied); and if not, reapply them there. This always works out for me without a prob.


Remove static library based on certain preprocessor macro

I have one functionality and it is depending on one static library. Actually, Apple is not allowing this static library because of few reasons. So, for now we have decided to add one Preprocessor macro and based on that functionality should be switch on/off.
I have switched my code to behave based on that Preprocessor macro. But I didn't find any to link or unlink the library based on preprocessor macro. I can not allow to link the library all times, as I have already told apple is not allowing it.
One solution that I already know : I can create the multiple target. But problem is that my app has already lots of targets. So, again to manage this I have to create one more target for each target those are already created.
Any help will be appreciated.
I have created configuration like Francesco suggested. But One quick question I have let's say If I will remove the path of library from "Library Search Path" then that library will not be linked to app? Because that library is still in target of App.
Instead of targets you can create multiple configurations. And you can change the linker flags there.
I did this think for Sparkle framework (which is not allowed on App Store)
To create/manage the configurations click on the project in the sidebar. Then in the main window select again the project, not the targets, and select the "Info" tab.
Together with Deployment Target selection and Languages you will find a Configuration section.
You can add or remove configurations from there.
Then to launch it you have to go to Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme -> Build Configurations.
You can duplicate an existing scheme and choose the correct configuration from there.
You can remove the static library from the list of linked items by setting a (somewhat undocumented) Xcode build setting:
You can do this in an .xcconfig file or in the normal target build settings UI (by adding a custom build setting). If you for example set this in the "Release" configuration Xcode will include the library in the "Debug" build but omit if for the release build.
EXCLUDED_SOURCE_FILE_NAMES works with all kinds of files that can be added to a target: source files, resources, libraries, ...
Here's how to do this step by step:
Open the target build settings by clicking on the blue project icon in the Project Navigator and select the Build Settings tab.
Click the plus icon to add a "User-Defined Setting"
Expand the Configurations for the setting and set the "Release" value to the name of your unwanted library.
Credit of this answer goes to Nikolai Ruhe & Francesco
I have combined the answer of both and I got the solution.
Here are the steps that I followed.
Created new configuration. ( To know how to create configuration see
the answer of Francesco)
Added flag EXCLUDED_SOURCE_FILE_NAMES in user-defined setting of Build settings. (For steps see the answer of Nikolai Ruhe). And in this flag I have added the name of my static library under the my custom configuration.
Here is a good tutorial that will definitely help you : Remove tesflight from Distriubtion

Save for Enterprise or ad-hoc deployment not present

I am trying to build an IPA file for my app in view of some ad-hoc enterprise distribution. I have been looking at how to do this with Xcode 4.3.2, the version I am using at present, and I reached the point where in the organiser I should select the 'Save for Enterprise or ad-hoc deployment' option. The problem is that this option does not actually appear in the first place. In fact, I only have the 'Save Built Products' and 'export as Xcode archive' options.
I would imagine the issue lies in some configuration settings for my app, but have been unable to find any help over the web. Hence my question here :-)
Would appreciate some help in understanding what is wrong with my code.
Thanks in advance to anyone helping here.
If your project uses a third-party lib as a sub-project, there are a couple of settings that you may need to change so that xcode will recognize your app as a single–bundle rather than multiple products. Only single-bundle apps can be saved for enterprise or ad-hoc deployment, or submitted to the app store.
First, in the Build Settings tab of the third-party lib target, set the Skip Install setting to Yes.
Second, in the Build Phases tab of the third-party lib target, look in the Copy Headers phase and ensure that there are no headers in the Public or Private section (they should all be in the Project section).
I finally got around this. It turned out the issue was that I was using third-party libs by including their (source) Xcode project rather than as pre-compiled libs. For some reason Xcode sees them as distinct apps, and won't let me wrap all of them under one single IPA.
I removed the project, dropped the actual static libs and headers, produced the archive and...tadaaah: here I could sy my most wanted export option.
Thanks everyone for the help, a special thanks to The Saad who helped me finding out this.
well, I met the same problem when I was using GMGridView. I didn't use Diferdin's solution since I still want to keep the GMGridView project there.
My solution is: Go to GMGridView's target, click "Build Phases" -> "Copy Headers", then move all header files under "Public" and "Private" to "Project".
Redo the Product -> Archive, then you may find the option "Save for Enterprise or ad-hoc deployment not present".
This worked for me, hope it could be helpful to anyone who met the same problem as mine.
Also I believe the idea could also be applied to any other thrid-party projects.
Good luck!
Maybe you've done that already, but we have to be sure.
Did you specified in both product and target the code signing identity for adhoc distribution to be your new prov. profile?
Then did you try to archive your app ? (Product -> archive) If it's grayed, just specify the target to be iOS Device, even if no device is plugged.
If Archive is successful, you should have an archive in the organizer. Select it, and choose to distribute as usual.
I experienced the something today. There is no option to export the ad-hoc. so fix this, by "Validate Settings".
Go to your project targets,
Under the configuration list there will be a clock button called "Validate Settings". Click on it
and click "Perform Changes"
Build for Archiving again
To explain the issue, It looks like Xcode understand project's file as Mac Application instead of iOS App.
Hope this helps.
Just as a follow-up, I know several others have answered. I ran into this issue, and the answers in this post were very helpful. Some summarized responses:
For me, this wasn't a profile issue. I have completed a ton of adhoc and distribution app binary builds successfully, so I knew it wasn't a profile problem in my case.
I took one poster's advice, and did the project "validate settings", and it performed some recommended changes...but that didn't solve the issue.
the issue was in fact project libraries that were not making it into the primary bundle. In my case, I had some libraries, that had their own resource bundles. The key is, when you do an archive build, make sure and select the build, select "show in finder", and then "show package contents" to see what additional stuff is not making it into the main application bundle. That's how I located a couple additional resource bundles that were being bundled into some libraries that I didn't even need.
Helpful thing I found was to turn Skip Install off on your main project. If upon archiving you still see a package created (organizer pops up) then a sub-project is still creating a product. Turn off all the sub-projects Skip Install to NO and get your project to the point where an archive does not popup in Organizer. You can then safely turn Skip Install to YES on your main project and little sparkles of achievement will appear in your brain.

How to configure independent sets of runtime settings in Xcode

My iPhone application connects to three different servers, say: production, staging and testing. There is a bunch of configuration values that the application uses depending on to which server it connects to, e.g. Facebook App ID, TestFlight team key, etc.
I'd like to have all the settings in GIT and only select which configuration the application supposed to use when compiling or releasing. For example, when testing is selected, Product -> Run in Xcode runs the debug version of the app connecting to testing, and Product -> Archive creates the IPA file with the release version that also connects to testing.
I don't want to create more build configurations than debug and release (because that would mean 6 different combinations of build configurations/run-time configurations). The ideal solution, as I see it, would be that I have three schemes: production, testing and staging, and each scheme selects one of three Info.plist files to use with the application. That would allow me to not only define different run-time settings, but also different application versions or bundle identifiers depending on the back-end server. But it doesn't look like I can configure the Archive action in any other way apart from selecting a different build configuration. Any ideas if that could be achieved in any way?
Edit: To make it a bit more clear, production/staging/testing is the back-end server, not the version of the iOS application. The iOS app comes in two versions: debug/release. In other words I may want to run a debug version of the application connecting to the production server for example to debug a crash caused by JSON returned from that server. I could have named the servers as A, B and C for the sake of clarity.
A good way to do this would be with build configurations and C macros. This avoids having to create a separate target for every configuration which is not really the correct use of targets.
First you want to set up the configurations at the project level:
You can create different configurations for debugging, enterprise distribution, and any other type of special build you want.
Next you can define some macro flags for each configuration which will be passed to the compiler. You can then check for these flags at compile time. Find the "Preprocessor flags" build setting at the target level:
If you expand the triangle you can define different values for each of your configurations. You can define KEY=VALUE or just KEY macros here.
In your code, you can check for the existance of these macros, or their value (if there is one). For example:
featureXButton.hidden = YES;
// ...
foobarView.hidden = YES;
foorbarView.hidden = NO;
#error Invalid value for FOOBAR_VISIBLE
You can pass in string values as well, which must be wrapped with single quotes in the build setting, e.g. DEFAULT_LOCALIZATION_NAME='#"en"'.
You can also configure which configuration is used during Debug and Archive time using the Schemes editor. If you choose "Run" or "Archive" in the Schemes editor you can select the appropriate configuration.
If you need to parameterize entries in the Info.plist file, you can define their value using a custom build setting. Add a custom build setting for your target:
And then give it an appropriate value for your different configurations:
Then in the Info.plist file you can reference this setting:
Note that the one limitation of this approach is that you cannot change the following items:
Additionally, in older versions of Xcode without asset catalog support, you cannot change the following items:
These cannot be explicitly defined in the Info.plist file or anywhere else, which means you need different targets to change them.
I would suggest using different build targets for each environment. I successfully used this model before. In your project's settings you can duplicate the current target and change the build settings as needed. There's an Info.plist File property that will let you change the default plist for that target.
After that, you can create a scheme for each environment that will use the according target.
You can get a step further and use different bundle id for each target and different names. That will allow you to install both the staging and the production builds on the same device for example.
The only downside in this is that you have more work when you want to update provisioning profiles.
Here's a much easier solution if the concerned libs allow to set the keys in code, meaning that you can have production value in your plist file, but change them in your AppDelegate (or whichever file they are first used in).
Works with facebook, twitter and google sdk at the moment.
#ifdef DEBUG
// Facebook
[FBSettings setDefaultAppID:#"SandboxID"];
// Fabric / TwitterKit - must be called above [Fabric with:#[TwitterKit]];
[[Twitter sharedInstance] startWithConsumerKey:#"SandboxKey" consumerSecret:#"SandboxIDSecret"];
Same in Swift, just use #if instead of #ifdef.
Note about Facebook This worked with version 3 of their SDK, I'm not sure it's possible with later versions.
It is probably very low tech but I just have a method called apiURL() that returns the URL of the API I want. I have localhost, stage, and production and I simply uncomment the one I want. It's worked well for me so far. I've only forgotten to switch it back a few times. Oops.

Distinguishing development iPhone app versions

I like to keep a store-bought version of my iPhone apps on my phone so that I can reproduce any customer issues that come up, but I obviously also want to run the most current development version. I can install both (one from iTunes, one from xCode) but I'm interested in ways that I'm better able to tell the two apart. I could just change the name or icon temporarily, but that doesn't seem very failsafe, i.e. I might forget and ship it with the wrong icon.
Is there a happy funtime developer way to do this?
I was inspired by Eric's idea of adding a user-defined setting to the project but I didn't want to run a script every time I built the project.
We know that the iPhone looks for icon files named "Icon.png" by default. It turns out that the "Icon File" setting in the project plist isn't necessary at all if you've named your icon properly. However, if there is no file named "Icon.png" in the project, xCode looks at the value of the "Icon File" setting.
I set a user-defined setting in "Debug" called "Icon_Name" to a non-standard icon name, "DevIcon.png" and "ReleaseIcon.png" for the "Release" config. The "Icon File" setting in the project plist can now be set to ${ICON_NAME} and will take on the value of whatever config file we're using. Now building under two different configurations does use two different icons.
Edit: For multiple icons (high res, small, ipad, etc) I made a slightly different approach. The user-defined setting is now "IconPrepend" which is "Dev" for debug and "Release" for release config. I'm now using "Icon Files" (rather than "Icon File") in the info plist which takes an array of strings. Each string is prepended with ${ICONPREPEND} so that debug configurations look for "DevIcon.png" or "DevIcon#2x.png" and release configurations look for "ReleaseIcon.png" or "ReleaseIcon#2x.png".
Here's an idea - if you set a User-Defined Setting in your Project Build properties for Debug only along the lines of USE_DEV_ICON=YES (or something). Then, using the "Run Script" option in your Build Target you could copy different icons based on which Active Configuration you called.
Something along the lines of (pseudo-code):
cp DevIcon.png Icon.png
cp RealIcon.png Icon.png
Then every time you build, depending on the active configuration, it will copy the correct icon.
Most probably there is no other way. Your app store version and development version is completely different to the OS. If you want to distinguish, you need to change the icon or name. You can also include some debugging label (e.g. version number) in your development version, but you may also forget to remove this.
Maybe you'd just buy a second iPhone? Seriously. On your place I'd ask the same question as you do, but I will definitely take such a solution in mind. If I was an iPhone (or whatever other specific platform) developer, I'd most probably have more than one.
Couldn't you make a new target which has a different Bundle name in the Info.plist file, and use this target whenever you want to build the app to run on your iPhone?

iPhone build configurations - Entitlements.plist

Is it possible to have two Entitlements.plist files so that the one which the debugger can attach is associated with the debug build configuration whilst the one without would be associated with the release configuration?
Sure. In the build settings, you can specify a different Entitlements plist file for specific build configurations. Just set the appropriate one for Debug and a different one for release/distribution etc.
The settings is called "Code Signing Entitlements" or "CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS" depending on whether you have show names or titles set.
Just specify the name of the Entitlements.plist file you wish to use, eg: