Why Use Properties? - iphone

So I've been programming on Objective-C for over a year now, and I can't seem to understand the use for properties. I have searched the internet a few times but never really found a good explaniation. I understand how to create them:
#property (something, something) something *variableName;
#syntheize variableName;
But should I make all my instance variables properties. To me, from what I know, it seems like a waste of code. But when I look at code online, sometimes I see like 25 properties in one class. Which I think is a waste. The only time I ever use them is when passing info from a UITableView cell selected to a detail viewController. For that, I use:
#property (copy) NSString *myString;
Can you also explain what: nonatomic, copy, retain, assign, etc. mean.

These properties are convenience methods for creating getters and setters.
Atmoic v Nonatomic
Assuming that you are #synthesizing the method implementations, atomic vs. non-atomic changes the generated code. If you are writing your own setter/getters, atomic/nonatomic/retain/assign/copy are merely advisory.
With atomic, the synthesized setter/getter will ensure that a whole value is always returned from the getter or set by the setter, regardless of setter activity on any other thread. That is, if thread A is in the middle of the getter while thread B calls the setter, an actual viable value -- an autoreleased object, most likely -- will be returned to the caller in A.
In nonatomic, no such guarantees are made. Thus, nonatomic is considerably faster than atomic.
What atomic does not do is make any guarantees about thread safety. If thread A is calling the getter simultaneously with thread B and C calling the setter with different values, thread A may get any one of the three values returned -- the one prior to any setters being called or either of the values passed into the setters in B and C. Likewise, the object may end up with the value from B or C, no way to tell.
Ensuring data integrity -- one of the primary challenges of multi-threaded programming -- is achieved by other means.
Assign, retain, copy
In a nutshell, assign vs retain vs copy determines how the synthesized accessors interact with the Objective-C memory management scheme:
assign is the default and simply performs a variable assignment
retain specifies the new value should be sent -retain on assignment and the old value sent release
copy specifies the new value should be sent -copy on assignment and the old value sent release.
Remember that retain is done on the created object (it increases the reference count) whereas copy creates a new object. The difference, then, is whether you want to add another retain to the object or create an entirely new object.

Properties are a good technique to expose values. You shouldn't expose all instance variables as that would break good OOP encapsulation.
Here is Apple's documentation on the matter.
A key point is:
Declared properties address the problems with standard accessor
methods by providing the following features:
The property declaration provides a clear, explicit specification of
how the accessor methods behave.
The compiler can synthesize accessor methods for you, according to
the specification you provide in the declaration. This means you have
less code to write and maintain.
Properties are represented syntactically as identifiers and are
scoped, so the compiler can detect use of undeclared properties.

Properties enable automatic handling of the variables. So when you do a synthesize the compiler will generate your getters and setters allowing one to do class.variableName = value (indicating that the compiler will execute [class variableName:value].
Pretty decent explanation of the properties here: http://cocoacast.com/?q=node/103

If you need getters and setters to expose some instance variables, or you want some automatic retain/release memory management or thread safe accessors, then properties are a less verbose way to automatically create these smart getters and setters. If you don't want to expose something outside an object or thread, and don't want runtime memory management (say, for some malloc'd C struct) then properties might either a waste, or syntactic sugar (which may or may not improve code readability), or put there by a coder who doesn't know the difference.

The properties is a nice feature which gives you getter and setter method automatically by synthesize and give you relief by not setting and getting the value.
A property may be declared as "readonly", and may be provided with storage semantics such as "assign", "copy" or "retain". By default, properties are considered atomic, which results in a lock preventing multiple threads from accessing them at the same time. A property can be declared as "nonatomic", which removes this lock (reference from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objective-C#Properties).


On benefits of using ivar variables instead of getters

Though i am using Objective-C syntax, the question language agnostic.
Assuming the following declaration
#synthesize activities = _activities;
self.activities will call the getter and _activities will check for the value which was already assigned. The main benefit of this assignment, as i understand it, is to clearly differentiate when setter is called and when local variables is called instead.
While this is nice, what is the real tangible benefit of using ivar vs using getter methods?
I can think of one, what are others?
I suppose using ivar is faster then calling the getter, but compared with what goes on with touch events, the difference is negligible.
Accessing the instance variables directly means circumventing any atomicity protection and memory management supplied by the synthesized accessors. If it's clear when you're doing that, it's easier to audit such access to ensure that you're looking after these aspects of the class's behaviour yourself.

ObjectiveC ivars or #property

Working on iPhone, after a lot of headache and memory problems I just realized from other examples that we do not need to necessarly create #properties for each instance variable we define in header file. And actually I found out ivars easy to just allocate and release it after I use anywhere in the class, for #properties I have to use autorealese or I have serious problems and becareful how I allocate..
For instance for objects below, #properties(retain/copy..) is not used in headers in many examples;
NSURLConnection *connection;
NSMutableData *xmlData;
NsMutableString *string
But for some strings or object types #properties is used, I know that when we set #property cocoa creates some setters getters which are handling the relasing and retaining of the objects. But seems like as for xmlData or connection instance variables we do not need that and they do their job like this.
Are there some reference guidelines I can keep in mind on deciding whether or not to create #property's or just use simple ivars?
My only problem when using properties is not becuase I am lazy to define it, but when I carefully allocate and init them in code, I have to use autorelase and dont feel like I have the control when to release reset and allocate it again, and it gives me one more thing to worry about while and when and how should I release, reset it. I find ivars I can alloc and release anytime once anywhere easily without worrying about anything..or I am missing other things here.
There seem to still be some misconceptions flying around about properties.
that we do not need to necessarly create #properties for each instance variable we define in header file
Correct. You can use private instance variables directly in your implementation file. However, since synthesized properties come with free memory management, you might as well take advantage. My rule of thumb is to use the ivar directly until the first time I find myself writing:
[ivar release];
ivar = [newIvar retain];
As Sam says, there is already a potential bug there if iVar == newIVar. This is the point at which I switch from using ivars directly to creating a property. However, I put the declaration of the new property in a class extension in the implementation file. This means that the property is officially not part of the public interface (and will cause compiler warnings if used accidentally).
when we set #property cocoa creates some setters getters which are handling the relasing and retaining of the objects.
Actually, no. The #property just declares a property. In order to automatically generate the getter and setter, you need to #synthesize it. You could, alternatively write your own getters and setter which do not even have to reference a real ivar.
Technically, you should not use the property in the init or dealloc methods because a subclass might have overridden them or (in dealloc) you might set off a KVO notification.
From Sam's answer and comments
If you want a property regardless, you could use a private interface at the top of the implementation file
As I say above, private categories have sort of been obsoleted by class extensions (which is near enough the same thing but allows you to put the implementation of the methods in the main class implementation).
If you want the benefits of using dot notation shorthand
Some of us would argue that there are no benefits to dot notation. It's a gratuitous and needless pollution of the struct member syntax. However, dot notation has no relation to #property declarations. You can use dot notation for any accessors no matter how they were declared, provided they adhere to the pattern -foo and and -setFoo:
Create properties only for variables that need to be accessed from outside the class. Any class variables that are used internally need not have getters/setters defined.
Generally speaking an abundance of properties indicates high coupling and poor encapsulation. You should restrict what variables your class exposes in the interface.
EDITED to respond to comment:
Using properties over direct access may be preferred because it gives you easy memory management.. for example:
// interface
#property (retain) Object *someVar;
// implementation
self.someVar = otherVar;
is the same as
// implementation
if (_someVar != othervar)
[_someVar release]
_someVar = [otherVar retain];
However you should not needlessly expose vars in your interface because it opens the class up for people to use in the wrong way.
If you want a property regardless, you could use a private interface at the top of the implementation file
#interface TheClass(Private)
// private stuff
First of all, let me say that Sam's answer is complete, IMO, and gives you clear guidelines (+1 from me).
My only problem when using properties is not becuase I am lazy to define it, but when I carefully allocate and init them in code, I have to use autorelase and dont feel like I have the control when to release reset and allocate it again, and it gives me one more thing to worry about while and when and how should I release, reset it. I find ivars I can alloc and release anytime once anywhere easily without worrying about anything..or I am missing other things here.
You should not worry about autorelease in the following idiom:
self.stringProperty = [[[NSString alloc] initWith...] autorelease];
because this is the way that things are meant to work;
EDIT: [the above statement has several parts:
the object is allocated and initialized (retain count is 1);
immediately, the allocated object is also autoreleased; this means that the object will be released automatically, (more or less) when the control flow gets back to the main loop;
in the very same statement, the allocated object is assigned to a retained property, self.stringProperty; this has the effect of (once again) incrementing the retain count;
So, it is true that autorelease adds some "ambiguity", because the object will be released at a time that you don't know precisely (but pretty soon anyway), but assigning to the retain property will increase the retain count so that you have full control over the lifetime of the object.]
If you don't like the autorelease you can always use a constructor method which gives you back an autoreleased object, when available:
self.stringProperty = [NSString stringWith...];
or assign directly to the ivar:
stringProperty = [[[NSString alloc] initWith...] autorelease];
because by accessing directly the ivar you are bypassing the setter and getter. Anyway, do the it only in this case (IMHO) to avoid ambiguities.
More in general, the autorelease glitch is the only drawback that using properties has over directly accessing the ivars. The rest are, IMO, only advantages that in many cases will save your life, and if not your life, a leak or a crash.
There is nothing you cannot do with directly accessing the ivars and taking care of when it is necessary to release before assigning, or not forgetting to set to nil after releasing, etc., but properties will do that easier for you, so my suggestion is simply use them and accept the autorelease shortcoming. It's only a matter of getting the basic "idioms" right.
It has long been custom to access ivars directly. That is, IMO, fine from inside the same class, although many properties are classes and then properties provide protection against retain/release issues.
IMO, it is, however, preferrable to encapsulate most ivars into properties, especially those that have retain/release semantics, but also those that need special handling, i.e. for which you write your own handlers, instead of using the synthesized ones. That way you can filter access to certain ivars, or even create properties that don't have any backing storage, and are just "aliases" to other properties, e.g. an Angle class that has a degrees property giving the angle in degrees, and a radians property denoting the same angle in radians (this is a simple conversion), or a property that must do a dictionary search to find its value, etc.
In Delphi, which was (AFAICT) one of the first languages with properties as language construct at all, it is customary to wrap ALL ivars in properties (but not all have to be public), and there are many such "unreal" (I am deliberately avoiding the term "virtual" here) properties, i.e. the ones that are only implemented in code, and not just getters and setters for an ivar.
Properties provide encapsulation, abstraction and a degree of protection against certain often made errors, and that is why they are to be preferred over direct access to ivars, IMO.
It doesn't make sense to declare and implement (either via #synthesize or with custom setters and getters) public properties for each ivar. Only expose publicly what others may need. Internal state can also be exposed to your own code via properties, but that should be done with a private or empty category in the implementation file. That way you get the automatic handling of retain/release and still don't expose them to the public.

How to use properties in Objective-C?

When should I use the nonatomic, retain, readonly and readwrite properties in Objective-C?
For example:
#property(nonatomic, retain) NSObject *myObject;
If I use nonatomic and retain, does this mean that the object will be retained?
First off, I wanted to promote the comment from David Gelhar to a full answer. The modifiers atomic and nonatomic have nothing to do with thread safety. See this question for more detail in that space.
The other items you listed can be addressed relatively simply. I'll hit them briefly and point you toward the documentation on property modifiers if you want more.
atomic vs nonatomic primarily ensures that complete values are returned from synthesized getters and that complete values are written by synthesized setters.
readwrite vs readonly determines whether a synthesized property has a synthesized accessor or not (readwrite has a setter and is the default, readonly does not).
assign vs retain vs copy determines how the synthesized accessors interact with the Objective-C memory management scheme. assign is the default and simply performs a variable assignment. retain specifies the new value should be sent -retain on assignment and the old value sent -release. copy specifies the new value should be sent -copy on assignment and the old value sent -release.
If you use nonatomic, reading and writing the property will not be threadsafe. At this point I don't think it is something you need to worry about, but nonatomic access can be faster than atomic access which is why it is used here.
If you use retain, writing to the property will cause the outgoing value to be released and the incoming value retained, maintaining proper reference-count based ownership of the value.
nontomic Basically, if you say nonatomic, and you generate the accessors using #synthesize, then if multiple threads try to change/read the property at once, badness can happen. You can get partially-written values or over-released/retained objects, which can easily lead to crashes. (This is potentially a lot faster than an atomic accessor, though.)
atomic is the default behavior. nonatomic is thread safe.
readonly Externally the property will be readonly.
readwrite property will have both the accessor, and the setter.
assign (default) — Specifies that the setter uses simple assignment.
retain — Specifies that retain should be invoked on the object upon assignment. This attribute is valid only for Objective-C object types. (You cannot specify retain for Core Foundation objects)
copy — Specifies that a copy of the object should be used for assignment. The previous value is sent a release message. The copy is made by invoking the copy method. This attribute is valid only for object types, which must implement the NSCopying protocol.

How can I avoid redundancy while declaring new class attributes in Objective-C?

In my code, every time I need a new object attribute for my class, I typically copy/paste its name in 4 different places!
The declaration in the header file (NSObject * myObject;)
The #property() line
The #synthesize() line in the implementation
Releasing it under dealloc: (only for objects of course)
I do this because it works, not because I completely understand what's going on. I do know that the declaration in the header file allows other classes to see its attributes, the property specifier determines how its getter/setter methods will be constructed. And the synthesize line actually builds those getter/setter methods. I also know that primitive types should use (nonatomic,assign) instead of (nonatomic,retain), but I have no clue when I should omit the nonatomic.
What can I do to avoid redundancy in my code. If I change or add a variable in my class I have to check 4 different places, and it gets old really fast. Are there any key strokes to make this process faster? Are there lines of code I can simplify or combine to obtain the same result?
Accessorizer will automate a lot of this for you.
In the latest version of Clang (Ships with XCode 4, not in XCode 3 yet) you get default #synthesize as well as default ivar creation. The default ivar creation already works, but not on the simulator. With both of these features all you need to do is add the #property line and deal with the memory management in dealloc
As far as nonatomic vs atomic. atomic is the default, and what happens when you leave off the nonatomic annotation. Atomic guarantees that the value is completely set before allowing anything to access it, nonatomic doesn't. Atomic is only useful in threading situations, and is slightly slower in singlethreaded applications.
It's important to understand what each of those lines of code does. They are not all the same and they are not necessarily redundant. One thing that will help is to use the correct terminology — for example, with NSObject *myObject; you're probably referring to an instance variable declaration.
First and foremost, a #property declaration in an #interface lets you say that instances of a class expose a piece of state. It doesn't say much about the implementation of that state, only that it's exposed by instances of your class and the API contract (memory management, atomicity, methods) for the state.
The #synthesize directive tells the compiler to create or use a specific instance variable as storage for a declared #property. This does not need to be how you provide storage for a property. For example, Core Data provides its own storage for modeled properties, so you use #dynamic for those instead. You also don't need to use an instance variable with the same name as your #property — to extend your example above, you might name your instance variable myObject_ while naming your property object and that's perfectly fine.
Finally, you send the instance variable -release in -dealloc — for an object-type property marked retain or copy — because you've said you'll manage its memory. You're not releasing the property, you're releasing the storage. If you implemented the storage some other way, you'd clean it up some other way.

Instance variables, default being atomic

I'm not quite sure if I understand atomic correctly. From what I read, it says that atomic is the default for the iPhone. Now is that for properties only, or any instance variable. For example, if I have an instance variable that I am going to write my own setters/getters, and do not declare it as a property, does that make that instance variable atomic? Is the downside mainly that it is optimized for threading, which my instance variable / application might not even need? Thanks.
The atomic keyword in property declarations does double duty--it's both documentation and an instruction for synthesized accessors. The keyword only applies to accessor methods--manually accessing ivars is essentially the same as accessing a C struct, and is never atomic.
You can still write your own accessors if you use property declaration syntax, but if you do, you should adhere to the declaration (if you don't declare it nonatomic, you should manually implement atomicity). If you #synthesize your properties, they will follow your declaration automatically.
The downside of atomic properties is that they use locking, which is quite expensive--if the property won't be accessed by multiple threads, you should always declare it nonatomic (at least on the iPhone).