How to Show and Edit HTML in iOS? - iphone

I have a PM-system in my homepage and now building a app for this.
I want to show this PM now and in the next view edit it.
Showing is very simple, because I can use UIWebView for this.
But how to have and editable UIWebView, something like a RichtTextBox in iOS for this?
My only idea was to cut the HTML complete away from the PM an then display and edit in UITextView.

Does your system provide any kind of webservice interface (like REST or SOAP)? If you want to build the PM system as a native iOS App you should forget about the uiwebview and build the user interface yourself. Get the data remotely from your PM system (as XML, JSON, whatever), parse it and update the ui elements. That way you can layout and manage your ui and data as you wish.
Edit: If it doesn't maybe you should make the views of you web app iPhone compatible (e.g. sencha touch, jquery mobile) and try e.g. Phonegap.


How to add a TabbarController using phone gap for iPhone App

I am making a iPhone app using phone gap in that I want to add a tab bar Controller either using HTML or by using native components to it. Can anyone suggest to me how to do that.
If you are using phonegap/cordova versions 1.5+ you can create a native tabbar with this plugin:
Other phonegap/cordova plugins can be found here:
Here's a tutorial how to implement this:
This is of course the best approach. Other one would be to use a jQuery Mobile and create a HTML tabbar. This is a harder way because it will take time to style it properly and even then it would not fully act as a native tabbar.

Using iOS 5 rich text editor

as you know the Mail app in iOS 5 have a rich text editor is there any possible way to use this feature for a regular UITextView ?
I know of two fundamental approaches to creating a rich text editor in iOS 5:
Use Core Text and a custom view. I don't have any experience with this approach.
Use a UIWebView (instead of a UITextView) and the contentEditable HTML attribute. The basic idea is to load a custom HTML document from your app resources directory. The bare minimum that it needs is this:
<div contentEditable>TEXT_PLACEHOLDER</div>
To initialize the rich text editor view:
1. Load the contents of this file into an NSMutableString and replace the TEXT_PLACEHOLDER string with the text you want to edit.
2. Send the loadHTMLString:baseURL: message to the UIWebView with that HTML string.
Now you have a UIWebView displaying your text inside a div with contentEditable. At this point, you should be able to run your app tap on the text, and be presented with a cursor and be able to add/remove text. The next step is to add rich text formatting functionality. This is done with a set of simple javascript function calls. See the Mozilla documentation on contentEditable for a great reference. You will also want to add a Javascript function to your HTML template file like this:
function getHtmlContent() { return document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTML; }
So you can easily retrieve the edited text as HTML using [myWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"getHtmlContent()"]. You can also add custom context menu items like you show in the screen shot in your question.
If you have access to the Apple iOS dev center, the WWDC session Rich Text Editing in Safari on iOS talks all about this approach.
A variation of this approach is to use a third-party rich text editor like TinyMCE. I've heard of some success with integrating this into a UIWebView in iOS 5. Again this relies on the contentEditable attribute.
Here is my implementation. Still haven't added UIMenuController functionality, but it's planned to be added soon.
The iOS 5 rich text edit control is also present in the notes app in iOS 4 (make a rich text note on the computer and sync it to see).
This is a custom Apple-made control which they use in their own apps, but it is not published in any official developer API. It's probably in the SDK somewhere, but because it is undocumented, even if you find it and use it, Apple will reject your app.
Basically, if you want a rich text control you will have to make your own.
Edit: Try using this: I haven't used it, so I don't know how well it will work. (Link from this question)
look at which is more good open source editor than Omni editor

How to place a web browser inside an iphone application?

such that when the user open the application the website referenced will be loaded in the web browser
I know the code the will open a URL with in an application
[NSURL URLWithString:#""]];
But this is not what I need I need the application to display the web browser within its form.
If you are only to show one page I suggest you should use ModalViewController to present the page inside your app and put a UIWebView in it.
If you are to render the web page as an application than you should use UIWebView
If you want to present some pages but also want to make use of navigation functions of the safari inside your app you can use DLWebView framework which suppors ModalView with navigation function.
Here you can watch the video how it works:
You need UIWebView class : UIWebView Class Reference
Also you can try to search for a ready webview with all needful buttons.
Have you looked into UIWebView?
If you need browser functionality within your own app, you will need to create your own, i.e. it's not possible to embed the Safari browser within a view in your own app.

How to Show a GPL licence in iphone application bundle

i am making an app for iphone and for that i am using certain free libraries.My problem is that i want to show their complete license of nearly 4-5 pages in my application bundle so that a user can open settings in iphone and see that licensing page at one time but i am unable to do it.I have read these Specifiers for making an application bundle .
but i want to show a page full of text like Settings->General->About->Leagl
just like in iphone through PSChildPaneSpecifier .Please help me how to do this>???
You can create the same effect as used by Apple's iWorks apps for the license > section of the settings, without using any custom preference controller. Note this works for iOS 5 on the iPad, I have not tried it elsewhere. Use a PSChildPaneSpecifier for the initial control in the root plist. This points to the name of another plist file which will be the displayed child pane. You do not add .plist to the name within the root.plist file, it is implied. This plist file must be within the settings bundle. Next, use PSGroupSpecifiers in the child pane as the controls. For each paragraph use another PSGroupSpecifier - so the thing will scroll. Only use the Title section of the PSGroupSpecifier. The next gotcha that I found, was that by putting the strings in the plist file, the text was clipped in portrait orientation, so a placeholder string needs to go in the plist file and a StringTable used to point to a strings file. Text read from the strings file is properly kerned and displays without clipping.
The iPhone's "Legal" page is a custom preference controller which you can't use (not even with undocumented methods – you need to write a preference bundle in system locations which AppStore apps can't reach at all).
If you'd like to display the license, show it in the app.
I think you are going to need to use something like a UITextView, just make it non-editable. You can make in unobtrusive in your app but I think that is the only way to have 4-5 pages.
I don't think there is a nice way of displaying this in the preferences bundle. Personally I would either provide a series of url links or bring the preferences into the app itself. There is a good framework on github here that you may be able to modify.

Launching Safari in-app?

Is it possible to Launch Safari without having the app close? Just like the in-app email compose window.
I'm aware of how to display a webpage in UIWebView. I'd like to use a full web browser, i.e. Safari.
You can use a UIWebView to display web content in your app.
You can create a UIWebView with the URL to display. It will follow any links that the user touches, but that won't give you the address bar, search, navigation buttons, bookmarks or the page (tab) control. Those you'll have to add yourself, but odds are you don't want all of that. (Do you really need Google searches in your app?)
Creating a controller to manage a UIWebView and as much or as little navigation as you need is pretty easy. With a little planning, your custom controller class will also a good thing to keep in your library for the next app.
No you can not make use of the full Safari from within your own application. Your application must terminate for Safari to open.
In iPhone OS 2.0 you also had to terminate in order to send e-mails, so some chance exists that Apple couls open up Safari in the same way for iPhone OS 4.0. Make sure to request it at if you are eager.
The second best option currently available is to roll your own "Browser view controller" using UIWebView. Let it have back, forward, stop/reload buttons, and an extra button for opening in Safari if the user is not content. This is how many of the greatest apps our there, like Tweetie, does it.