Using SalesLogixPortalDeploymentUtility - deployment

Not sure if anyone has much experience working with SalesLogix, but I've been working with this 3rd-party utility in attempts to deploy a VFS without the need for Application Architect. I wasn't able to find any documentation for it and it seems that it's missing a bunch of files it needs to run (I already spent some time feeding it all the necessary DLLs it needed in the places it needed them in). Please let me know if you can lend any insight. Currently, I'm able to connect to the database, but the deployment is not happening. Here are some of the initial errors from the log file:
Error running transform: System.IO.FileLoadException: Unable to load file, '\Entity Model\Process Orchestration Support\ProcessInstanceStatus\OnAfterDelete.method.xml'. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error reflecting type 'Sage.Platform.Orm.Entities.OrmEntityMethod'. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error reflecting property 'PreExecuteTargets'. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error reflecting type 'Sage.Platform.Orm.Entities.OrmMethodTarget'. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error reflecting type 'Sage.Platform.Orm.Entities.OrmMethodTargetSnippet'. ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: A strongly-named assembly is required. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131044)
Thanks in advance!

If you omit the ProcessOrchestration deployment, will it finish the other target deployment(s)? I've never used that product before, but I'm taking a stab at it anyway.


Trying to Use ESAPI but getting Error as ConfigurationException

ESAPI: WARNING: System property org.owasp.esapi.opsteam is not set
ESAPI: WARNING: System property org.owasp.esapi.devteam is not set
ESAPI: Attempting to load via file I/O.
ESAPI: Attempting to load as resource file via file I/O.
ESAPI: Not found in org.owasp.esapi.resources directory or file not readable:
ESAPI: Loading via file I/O failed.
ESAPI: Attempting to load via the classpath.
ESAPI: could not be loaded by any means. fail.. Caught java.lang.IllegalArgumentException; exception message was: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to load as a classloader resource.
ESAPI: SecurityConfiguration for ESAPI.printProperties not found in Using default: false
ESAPI: SecurityConfiguration for Encoder.DefaultCodecList not found in Using default: [org.owasp.esapi.codecs.HTMLEntityCodec, org.owasp.esapi.codecs.PercentCodec, org.owasp.esapi.codecs.JavaScriptCodec]
org.owasp.esapi.errors.ConfigurationException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException Encoder class (org.owasp.esapi.reference.DefaultEncoder) CTOR threw exception
You can safely ignore those warning messages. It's a red herring. That's referring to a more secure configuration option that you can use (although most people don't) when deploying an application that uses ESAPI.
The idea is that it allows you to split the file into two files, one controlled by the dev team and the other controlled by the operations (ops) team. Any property found in the one controlled by the ops team overrides and identical property in the dev version.
This feature was developed in the days before DevOps became as prevalent as it is today (and long before things like HashiCorp Vault), so perhaps it doesn't make as much sense now, but the intent was to allow the devs to have there own file with properties like Encryptor.MasterKey that all the developers can safely share, but that the operations team can set a separate version for QA and production deployments. (It of course applied to other properties as well, but I think that was the properties that drove it.)
So that explains the warnings part.]
But your actual problem is that ESAPI cannot find your file anywhere. Looks at this for an explanation of how ESAPI tries to locate your configuration files:
If you are still having trouble, what I generally recommend is setting the system property 'org.owasp.esapi.resources' on the 'java' command line.
If for some reason that you don't want to do that, you will have to provide us with more details, like ALL the messages, including the complete exception stack trace.
Hope that helps.

Why can't I read variable values anymore?

So I’ve been having some sort of issue with my iOS project.
I’m no longer able to debug properly on xcode the po command will no longer work.
this is what I get when i try to use “po”
error: expression failed to parse:
error: virtual filesystem overlay file '/Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SendBirdCalls-dbjqlfwikkijbkgvuxucoxlahpdv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/SendBirdCalls/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/' not found
error: virtual filesystem overlay file '/Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SendBirdCalls-dbjqlfwikkijbkgvuxucoxlahpdv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/SendBirdCalls/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/' not found
error: couldn't IRGen expression. Please check the above error messages for possible root causes.
can someone clarify what is going on?
i’ve already tried to clean derived data.
I also tried to follow these steps just to end up with another problem.
unable to debug some variables

Error "Failed to get the lock" while creating or deleting TYPE Metadata object in APACHE ATLAS

I am trying to create custom TYPE Metadata objects in Apache Atlas for a Reporting tool. I can create or delete, but most of the time I get the below error. I am not sure what is triggering this error.
{"errorCode": "ATLAS-500-00-005","errorMessage": "Failed to get the lock; another type update might be in progress. Please try again"}
Can someone please help me with the reason why this error occurs and how to resolve this issue?
Error code ATLAS-500-00-005 Failed to get the lock

Azure Data Factory CICD error: The document creation or update failed because of invalid reference

All, when running a build pipeline using Azure Devops with ARM template, the process is consistently failing when trying to deploy a dataset or a reference to a dataset with this error:
ARM Template deployment: Resource Group scope (AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment)
BadRequest: The document creation or update failed because of invalid reference 'dataset_1'.
I've tried renaming the dataset and also recreating it to see if that would help.
I then deleted the dataset_1.json file from the repo and still get the same message so it's some reference to this dataset and not the dataset itself I think. I've looked through all the other files for references to this but they all look fine.
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?
try this
Looks like you have created 'myTestLinkedService' linked service, tested connection but haven't published it yet and trying to reference that linked service in the new dataset that you are trying to create using Powershell.
In order to reference any data factory entity from Powershell, please make sure those entities are published first. Please try publishing the linked service first from the portal and then try to run your Powershell script to create the new dataset/actvitiy.
I think I found the issue. When I went into the detailed logs I found that in addition to this error there was an error message about an invalid SQL connection string, so I though it may be related since the dataset in question uses Azure SQL database linked service.
I adjusted the connection string and this seems to have solved the issue.

Salesforce Refresh Error Entity of type 'WorkflowFieldUpdate' Not found

Refresh error: Entity of type 'WorkflowFieldUpdate' named 'Case.ISHERE' not found Project/src package.xml line 1 1248190153153 205
any ideas what this means?
It's stopping us from deploying, as workflows don't appear on the deployment candidate list in Eclipse.
The fieldUpdates, definitely do exist in the Sanbox, when it says "not found" does in mean on the server or in the src\workflows\Case.workflow file?
It means that your package.xml file references a workflow field update on Case called "ISHERE", but there is no corresponding file on your local filesystem. You should either remove the reference in package.xml if you don't care about that being deployed or you should do a refresh from server to get the latest metadata (watch out for any local changes you've made!).