AVAudioPlayer setVoume:x, when x > 1.0 - iphone

I have been working with AVAudioPlayer on the iPad (original version) running IOS 4.3.3
The documentation for the volume property states:
"The playback gain for the audio player, ranging from 0.0 through 1.0."
Curiously it seems to allow you to use a value > 1.0, with the expected effect (the volume is increased accordingly). This means if you are playing a quieter track, you can (for example) mix it at volume 2.0 with the line
[myPlayer setVolume:2.0];
Reading back the volume property returns 2.0 as the current value.
so my question is: is this a mistake in the documentation, or a bug we can expect to be rectified in later releases?
It does turn out to be a useful feature, however does have potential to increase the playback volume to "over zero", should the audio being played happen to contain samples which when multiplied by the volume are over the supported bit resolution. In my app i am planning on using it to "level match" playback levels after scanning the audio.
Otherwise I'd need to turn down "loud" tracks to a predetermined nominal zero value, and not turn down the "quiet" tracks as much. It makes more sense to be able to increase the volume of the quieter tracks to actual "zero", thus giving more overall dynamic range.


How to getting acquired frames at full speed ? - Image Event Listener does not seem to be executing after every event

My goal is to read out 1 pixel from the GIF camera in VIEW mode (live acquisition) and save it to a file every time the data is updated. The camera is ostensibly updating every 0.0001 seconds, because this is the minimum acquisition time Digital Micrograph lets me select in VIEW mode for this camera.
I can attach an Image Event Listener to the live image of the camera, with the message map (messagemap = "data_changed:MyFunctiontoExecute"), and MyFunctiontoExecute is being successfully ran, giving me a file with numerous pixel values.
However, if I let this event listener run for a second, I only obtain close to 100 pixel values, when I was expecting closer 10,000 (if the live image is being updated every 0.0001 seconds).
Is this because the Live image is not updated as quickly I think?
The event-listener certainly is executed at each event.
However, the live-display of a high-speed camera will near-certainly not update at each acquired-frame. It will either perform some sort of cumulative or sampled display. The exact answer will depend on the exact system you are on and configurations that are made.
It should be noted that super-high frame-rates can usually only be achieved by dedicated firmware and optimized systems. It's unlikely that a "general software approach" - in particular of interpreted and non-compiled code - will be able to provide the necessary speed. This type of approach the problem might be doomed from the start.
(Instead, one will likely have to create a buffer and then set-up the system to acquire data directly into the buffer at highest-possible frame rate. This will be coding the camera-acquisition directly)

Callback at certain times during audio playback

Is it possible to play an audio file from the user's ipod library and have a callback occur whenever the player reaches a certain time point ? I need it to be very accurate, so simply using methods like currentPlaybackTime might not be enough because float equality is inaccurate. I could use the A - B < Epsilon float check, but is there a better, more accurate way of achieving this?
If you can target iOS 4.0 or hight, try using AVPlayer. Then you will be able to use
- (id)addBoundaryTimeObserverForTimes:(NSArray *)times queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue usingBlock:(void (^)(void))block
which takes an array of NSValues for CMTimes and will run the contents of the block each time one of the boundary times is hit. (Beware of some behavior like, if you pause the audio file inside of the block, the callback will fire again when you unpause it).
Since CMTime is not a float, I think this will be more accurate than checking for the currentTime repeatedly.

OpenAL problem - changing gain of source

I've recently been working on porting my game to be cross-platform, and decided to go with OpenAL for my cross-platform audio engine.
I have 16 "channels" (OpenAL sources) for playing up to 16 sounds concurrently. To play a sound, I switch which buffer is linked to a given source, and also set the gain, source position, and so on in order to play a sound in a given "channel" (source).
The problem is, I've noticed that my "gain" settings do not seem to have immediate effect. For instance, if a loud "lightning" sound plays in a given source at 0.5 gain, then when I have a button click sound play at 0.15 gain later, this click starts off FAR too loud. Then, each subsequent time it is played, the volume decreases until around the 3rd or 4th click it sounds like it's around the proper 0.15 gain.
The first button click is barely audible, and it seems to ramp up in volume until it reaches the 0.15 gain.
So in short, a "source" seems to be remembering the former gain settings, even though I am resetting those before playing a new sound in the same source! Is this a bug? Or something I don't understand about OpenAL? How can I get it to "instantly" change to the new gain/position settings?
Relevant code to play a sound:
[Channel is a value between 0 and 15, soundID is a valid index into the gBuffer array, stereoPosition is an integer between -255 and 255, and volume is between 0 and 255. This is from a function that's a wrapper for my game that used to use values between 0-255, so it converts the values to proper OpenAL values.]
// Stop any sound currently playing in this channel ("source")
alSourceStop( gSource[channel] );
// What sound effect ("buffer") is currently linked with this channel? (Even if not currently playing)
alGetSourcei( gSource[channel], AL_BUFFER, &curBuffer );
// attach a different buffer (sound effect) to the source (channel) only if it's different than the previously-attached one.
// (Avoid error code by changing it only if it's different)
if (curBuffer != gBuffer[soundID])
alSourcei( gSource[channel], AL_BUFFER, gBuffer[soundID] );
// Loop the sound?
alSourcei( gSource[channel], AL_LOOPING, (loopType == kLoopForever) );
// For OpenAL, we do this BEFORE starting the sound effect, to avoid sudden changes a split second after it starts!
volume = (volume / 2) + 1; // Convert from 0-255 to 0-128
float sourcePos[3] = {(float)stereoPosition / 50, 0.0, 2.0};
// Set Source Position
alSourcefv( gSource[channelNum], AL_POSITION, sourcePos ); // fv = float vector
// Set source volume
alSourcef( gSource[channelNum], AL_GAIN, (float)newVolume / 255 );
// Start playing the sound!
alSourcePlay( gSource[channel] );
I can post setup code too if desired, but nothing fancy there. Just calling
alSourcef( gSource[n], AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, 5.0f );
for each source.
We just faced the same problem when setting the ByteOffset for seeking to a position in a sample and found now the solution to get it working:
Just always delete and recreate the source before setting any parameter on it.
So if you want to change the gain and/or other parameters:
newSourceId = OpenAL.AL.GenSource();
OpenAL.AL.Source(newSourceId , OpenTK.Audio.OpenAL.ALSourcef.Gain, yourVolume);
OpenAL.AL.Source(newSourceId , OpenTK.Audio.OpenAL.ALSourcef.xxx, yourOtherParameter);
Hope it works for you and finally have a workaround after 10 years :-)

AVAudioPlayer change sound tempo?

I am making a rhythm game. I need to play a sound with different tempo. In other words e.g. if I have [AVAudioPlayer play] 8 times in 2 seconds.
Check out the
property on the AVAudioPlayer Class. After you create the audioplayer, but before you play, set
then after you play, set rate to a number above or below 1.0 to speed up or slow down the track. For music, less than 0.8 or more than 1.2 starts to sound bad, but for a few BMP up or down, it will easily do the trick.
Note that play sets the rate to 1 and stop sets the rate to 0, so be sure to set the desired rate after playing.
I've used Pitch Shifting using the Fourier Transform – Source Code

MPMoviePlayerController: key frame issue

I have a MPMoviePlayerController in my project.
Documentation says that next call:
moviePlayer.initialPlaybackTime = time;
starts at the closest key frame prior to the provided time.
Is it possible to start playing video from the specified time (not from the nearest key frame)?
No, it really isn't. Temporally compressed video streams can only generally start playback on a keyframe, as inter-frames depend on the keyframe for rendering. If seekability is important to you, consider making files with smaller keyframe intervals.