connecting to github through server permission denied (public key) - github

I am connecting to github through my ftp server. I added the public key generated by my server then tried to connect and it is still giving me "permission denied", I attached a screenshot below.

You cannot just ssh into githubs servers in this way. Github's SSH server allows you to use git through their servers, not shell access. You get "permission denied" because you login with user github instead of git.
After adding your SSH public key to Github (which you've done correctly), just use git with the SSH remote.
If you have not a local repo yet, just use something like:
git clone
Otherwise, add a new remote to your existing git repo:
git add origin
After that, push your local repo with:
git push
See also


VertexAI GCP not allowing me to connect to Github via SSH keeps erroring

I have connected my managed notebook to Github using the instructions here
I cloned my repository using the HTTPS url which works fine only issues is it asks me for UN and PW every time I push or pull so I tried to clone the repository using SSH url which failed to work
I then tried these steps here to Switching remote URLs from HTTPS to SSH using
$ git remote set-url origin
this failed to work also with VertexAI basically freezing up disconnecting from the HTTPS and not recognising the SSH
I have added the relevant SSH keys to my account using the instructions here
does anybody have any advice or any solutions
In short I want to be able to connect VertexAI managed notebook to GitHub via SSH to avoid having to re-enter by UN and PW every time I push or pull
I've tried to clone the repository using the SSH url no avail
I've also tried to change the remote repository using
$ git remote set-url origin

Github deploy keys - permission denied on cloning

I try to clone a private organization github repo onto a server instance, running debian. I try to avoid putting in my private SSH keys, because if they would get leaked, someone would have access to all of my repositories.
Hence I found the way of using deploy keys for private github repos. The way I imagine them to work is the following
create ssh keys on your server
add private key to github repo (under "deploy keys" area)
add config file in ~/.ssh folder on your server
you can git clone the github repository.
Unfortunately, with this setup I am receiving an error that I do not have the correct permissions set.
My config file:
Host github
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/MY-REPONAME-gh
When trying to clone via SSH: git clone
I receive this error:
Cloning into 'MY-REPONAME'... Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

Error in the checkout of a Github using Subversion with SSH - Linux Command line

Github recently enforced a no password rule with their repository access. I can't do two factor authentication, so, I am stuck with SSH keys. I want to use subversion, but when I try to checkout my repo, using:
svn co "svn+ssh://"
I get the error:
Invalid command: ' svnserve -t'
You appear to be using ssh to clone a git:// URL.
Make sure your core.gitProxy config option and the
GIT_PROXY_COMMAND environment variable are NOT set.
svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'svn+ssh://'
svn: E210002: To better debug SSH connection problems, remove the -q option from 'ssh' in the [tunnels] section of your Subversion configuration file.
svn: E210002: Network connection closed unexpectedly
From the research I've done, I think I need to edit the /home/user/.subversion/config file, but i have no idea how and there is no documentation as to how to use svn with github with ssh. I have setup an ssh key and popped it on my github account. I just need to know how to setup the subversion tunnel to github.
I don't think that github supports the svnserve protocol.
AFAIK, you should generate a personal access token (PAT) in GitHub and use it as a password in the Subversion client. I.e., enter your PAT when the client prompts you for a password.

GitBucket SSH Based Authentication

I configured the SSH based authentication as below
Created a public key on my UNIX server
Added the public key on my Bitbucket repository with reading and write privileges (also tried it at account level)
changed the URL from https to SSH at bitbucket and Unix server
verified the URL using and it is displaying SSH URL only
Then Tried to push, but I am getting the below error:
Permission denied (public key). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.
I have read and write access to the repository
push command
git push -u origin master
Any idea?
You should try:
GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -Tv" git push
You will see what Git is using as an SSH key, and if there are any error messages.
If the error persists, it is possible there is something preventing SSH to operate properly (as in here, when not connected to a VPN)
Using HTTPS, of course, is a workaround:
git remote set-url origin
After discussion, the missing step was to add the private key to the ssh-agent
ssh-add OEDQ_BIT added the private key

bitbucket git push not permitted

i am trying to push code to bitbucket account from eclipse, where i am getting error *"push not permitted"*, i am able to clone and get files from the bitbucket repository.
i am facing problem while pushing to upstream command in eclipse git, am getting below error push not permitted
i am not admin, but i have read and write access granted by my admin, i have tried both ssh and https push, i am getting same error. i am stuck with this issue. i have another user who is admin ,can able to push his code to bitbucket.
Thanks for your replies
Ssh would work if your public key was added to the repo admin ssh key management page.
https should work if you are using your bitbucket username and email, provided the admin did grant you access using that exact email
So try:
git remote set-url origin
(replace myusername by your BitBucket account username)
See "Grant users and groups access"
Double-check with that admin which email he/she used to grant you write access to this repo.
A mentioned by jszakmeister in the comments, look out for a typo in the url you end up using.
For instance, there is a user (instead of 'codedevelopers').