thanks for any help with this.
I'm using the Three20 Photo Viewer in my app. Before I navigate to the photo viewer, all my views appear correctly, but after I click back out of the Photo Viewer, all of my content is slid up underneath my navigation bar.
Has any one experienced this, and found a solution?
Thanks for any help,
TTPhotoViewController sets navigation bar to be translucent and also sets it's wantsFullScreenLayout to YES. You need to play with those in your controller (when you are back to it from photo controller) to fix stuff.
I'm trying to embed a Segment Control in the middle of a Navigation Bar, and as you can see from the video, the Navigation Bar isn't responsive.
The video
Anyone got any suggestions or workarounds? Thanks!!
source code :
Why won’t you try to insert segmented control without view? Just simply drag it to the navigation bar
Thanks for reading my question!
I have a 5-part tabbar which I use for app navigation, the center tab is covered by a UIButton and is slightly larger (much like the instagram app). This works fine.
But what I want is the far right tab bar item to show a overlaying menu when clicked. I don't want it to switch to a viewcontroller with a menu. I want the menu to be displayed no matter which of the other views you're in at the moment. So I want it to act much like a button which is in the tabbar. But I have no idea how to go about doing this.
Should I use a overlaying button over the tabbaritem or should I catch the tabbarclick, but how can I prevent the view from changing in that case?
Thanks you for any help!
You need to implement UITabBarDelegate. Then override tabBar:didSelectItem: and implement your custom displaying here. See below for reference
Then i would just make a custom UIView and fade it in when that specific tagged UITabBarItem is pressed.
i'm pretty new to iOS programming. How do i change the image for each of the items in toolbar as shown on the picture below. The toolbar is on the bottom of the screen. Thanks in advance.
if you want to change or modify the tab bar items in anyway it is very possible. here is the link to ray's tutorial of how to change the images and colors of the uitabbar items and even tab bar itself. hope it help you. also you can explore ray's site for more info in ios development . it has been very helpful to me. happy coding.
If you are creating your UITabBarController in code, see the methods on UITabBarItem itself. Specifically, finishedSelectedImage and finishedUnselectedImage
If you are creating your UITabBarController in Interface Builder, look for the "Image" dropdown in the Attributes inspector, while you have the Tab Bar Item selected.
I'm developing an iPhone application using the Three20 library. The main screen is a TTLauncherView (with images inside, like Facebook) and a TabBar at the bottom. Each time a new item is selected in the TabBar, I have to change the images inside my TTLauncherView.
I thought that I only had to change the "pages" property of my TTLauncherView, but it doesn't work. Nothing is displayed.
What am I doing wrong ? Is there a way to achieve this simple task ?
Thanks in advance
No, this is not simple. You have to create multiple TTLauncherView to populate into your TabBar view controllers, not by changing the pages property.
I have a UIImagePickerController as one view in a TabBar setup. Is it possible to tell the UIImagePickerController to not show the Cancel button in the top navigation bar when browsing photos libraries?
Not in a supported way. UIImagePickerController is designed to be shown as a modal controller.
I just wrote a short blog article on customizing the view hierarchy created by UIImagePickerController. It's targetted at the camera capture mode rather than photo library, but the principles should be the same.
See: The Airsource - Views of UIImagePickerController