presenting same image in all orientations in fullscreen - iphone

I was just wondering how can I set up a gallery in landscape and portrait mode, and show the images as normal in both modes (not stretched or squashed). The only way I can think of is having the same image in both sizes so it can be shown the one that suits the orientation. This idea appears "dumb" to me so if someone knows a better way to set an image view in all orientations please give me some advices

Landscape and portrait are different aspect ratios. If you don't want to stretch or squash the images, you can either crop the image or letterbox it.
Cropping is where you don't show the entire image, for instance an image that covers the entire screen in portrait would have the top and bottom removed.
Letterboxing is where the entire image is shown, but with a solid colour surrounding the image. For instance, a landscape image shown in portrait would have black areas above and below the image.
It's relatively easy to do the above on the iPhone by selecting the correct content mode options in Interface Builder.
You can also supply different images as you describe, but that would just mean that you'd be cropping or letter boxing manually.

You should look at the contentMode property of your image view (or any UIView subclass, for that matter). Set it to UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit, which will size the content of the image view to fill as much of it as possible without distorting the aspect ratio or clipping anything. In this case, just set the image view to be as large as possible, and the content mode will handle the rest.


UIImageView does not fit my screen properly

I have a UIImageView that fills up the majority of my screen, with the exception of a navigationBar at the top. On my storyboard, I am using the formatting mode titled "compact width|regular height" that is supposed to work for all iPhones in portrait mode. When I attempt to run my app on an iPhone 5c, with iOS8, the imageView does not fill to fit the screen, and appears to "spill out" of the screen, based on the size and positioning of the image within the imageView. I do not have any auto-layout constraints on my imageView, because when I attempt to put them on they enlarge and distort the image even further. I have tried Scale to Fill, Aspect Fill, and Aspect Fit, and none of those work. I have also made sure that the clip to subviews selection button has been checked, so that the bounds are clipped. If anyone can help me, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
You can disable the auto-layout and use the autoresizing mask.
I used this on images and fixed the prob like yours that I had.

How to keep image size when changing iPhone orientation

I have an image that's 575x300px with text inside it.
While the iPhone is in the landscape position everything's dandy, but change the orientation to portrait and the image 'shrinks' in size (resolution change?) and the text becomes unreadable.
Is there a way to maintain the image size for both orientations?
Edit - I'm talking about a web page, not an app.
Set the view's contentMode to the value you would like. You probably want a value like UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill.
try to set the autoresizing mask property for the UIImageView to UIViewAutoresizngmasknone.

Is it possible to set autosizing in interface builder for rotatable bg image?

I'm designing the UI with IB with a lot of images, and the default design orientation is landscape. However, I need to shrink the whole view to fit in portrait mode, by shrinking to the maximum allowed width and maintaining same aspect ratio for the view with it's inner images. The best way to imagine what I want to achieve is to imagine some landscape photo. When you rotate that to portrait it shrinks to the maximum width, centers vertically, but maintains the same aspect ratio. In my case, I want to shrink a view with its all inner subviews.
First, I'm manually resizing view frame to required size in viewWillApppear, and also calling setAutoresizesSubviews to resize all it's inner views. Those inner views - images are with "Aspect Fit" and all autosizing options set (to fill the available area on resized view). However, inner views pops out of the container: some images jumps to the top, text view expands to full portrait height. Is possible to set some kind of "view-container", then say - "view resize to size X and resize all your but only inside view-container area?
When you design in IB you must check several things. First of all the "view container" properties, that is the view that contains all subview. In order to behave properly on rotation this view must be setup with right IB Autosizing properties, that is with the autosize lines (springs) and border lines (structs) correctly set. In your case you want your container to be exactly fit with the main view so enable the "structs" at the four sides and enable the "springs" inside. Play with this values and look at the "Example" displayed by IB.
Then you must instruct this container to properly behave with its subviews. So check in IB that "Autoresize subviews" and the content mode, if needed, (= "Mode") has the wished setting.
At this point you check in the device or the simulator if your view is rotating and rising properly.
Then you must take care of the content of this view, which is a UIImageView. This must be centered, so remove the structs, and autoresized, so set the springs. Then set the content mode to Aspect Fit or Aspect Fill at your wish.
These settings should work. For more complex stuff, you must programmatically set things.

Changing interfaceOrientation based on image dimensions

I'm looking to change the phone's rotation based on the size of an image. is there a way to detect if the image has 480px x 300px dimensions then use landscape rotation and vice versa?
I have many photos some of which are best view landscape and other best viewed in portrait mode.
thanks for any help.
Think hard about whether you want to rotate the whole UIView that the image is on, versus just doing a rotation transform on the image, so it's turned 90 degrees inside a view that's still portrait mode. When I came up against this issue myself recently, I chose the latter. The whole rest of my app is locked in portrait mode, and to have this one view re-orient its whole thing to be landscape was just weird. Instead I float the image out in a UIView up on top of everything else, and rotate it if that's the best-fit orientation of the image.

Question about using landscape mode with custom images on the iPhone/iPad

Hey I just had a simple question about implementing landscape mode for an app, particularly running on the iPad (but I am sure the concept holds true for the iPhone). I have a custom background image that I am wanting to use for my root view. I designed the image so that it fits the iPad screen size for portrait mode. Do I need to design a second image for landscape mode so that it fits correctly? Is that how the landscape/portrait transition works, switching between two different images? I really don't have any idea, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
One other thing to think about is that the UIImage class has stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:topCapHeight: method to take an existing image, and build a new image that can adjust to any size by repeating only the central portion of the image and leaving the corners of the image as fixed image segments.
You can load in a fixed UIImage, generate a stretchable copy using this method, and assign it to a UIImageView - then as you resize the UIImageView due to rotation, the image will adjust as needed and not resample the image.
Assuming you have a UIImageView as your backdrop, change its image property after the device orientation changes.
See Handling View Rotations in