How can i wait for a process tree so finished? - iphone

I have some updating to do when my application comes from the background, but some updates are dependent on a certain function that although executes first, it finishes after the other update methods(it calls a bunch of chained functions).
How can i ensure that a function tree is finished so that i may then execute the rest of the code?

Have you looked at NSOperationQueue? It enables you to specify dependencies among NSOperations so that you can rely on certain execution orders to be followed.

This might work, with wait untill done flag set to YES. Give it a shot.
onThread:(NSThread *)thr withObject:(id)arg waitUntilDone:(BOOL)wait;
Apple doc says that setting the waitUntillDone on YES will stop the current thread untill your selector has finished its execution.
wait - A Boolean that specifies whether the current thread blocks until
after the specified selector is performed on the receiver on the
specified thread. Specify YES to block this thread; otherwise, specify
NO to have this method return immediately. If the current thread and
target thread are the same, and you specify YES for this parameter,
the selector is performed immediately on the current thread. If you
specify NO, this method queues the message on the thread’s run loop
and returns, just like it does for other threads. The current thread
must then dequeue and process the message when it has an opportunity
to do so.
Let me know if it worked.


How to ensure the order of user callback function in OpenCL?

I am working on OpenCL implementation wherein the host side particular function has to call every time the clEnqueueReadBuffer is done executing.
I am calling the kernels in a loop. It will look like below in an ordered queue.
clEnqueueNDRangeKernel() -> clEnqueueReadBuffer(&Event) ->
clEnqueueNDRangeKernel() -> clEnqueueReadBuffer(&Event) .......
I have used clSetEventCall() to register Events in each read command to execute a callback function. I have observed that, though the command queue is an in-order queue, the order of the callback function does not execute in-order.
Also, in OpenCL 1.2, it has a mention as below.
The order in which the registered user callback functions are called
is undefined. There is no guarantee that the callback functions
registered for various execution status values for an event will be
called in the exact order that the execution status of a command
Can anyone give me a solution? I want to execute the callback function in order.
A simple solution could be to subscribe the same callback function to both events. In the callback code, you can check the status of each relevant event and perform the operation you want accordingly.
Note that on some implementations, the driver will batch multiple commands for execution.
The immediate effect is that that multiple events will be signaled "at once" even though the associated commands complete at a different time.
// event1 & event2 are likely to be signaled at once:
// event1 is likely to be signaled before event2:
I would also check on which exact thread the callbacks are invoked.
Is it the same thread each time? or a different one? If the implementation opens a new thread for this task, it might be wiser to open a single thread yourself and wait for events in the order that you wish.

How to test at runtime if a block is currently executed on the main queue?

I am using an API where it is not entirely clear if the block is always executed on the main queue. If it is not, then I need to call the main queue synchronously.
How can I check if the block is already executing on the main queue? dispatch_get_current_queue() is deprecated. Must I use dispatch_get_specific() to get an comparable identifier?
The unique thing about the main queue is that it is always matched exactly to the main thread. So you can use [NSThread isMainThread].

Cancel NSOperation

I am using the following code in a loop:
objParseOperation=[[ParseOperation alloc] initWithUDID:[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] valueForKey:kDeviceUDID]:self];
[operationQueue addOperation:objParseOperation3];
where operationQueue is an object of type NSOperationQueue. I am calling this method every few seconds.
If I call this method after the first time, do I need to cancel the previous operation or just do [objParseOperation release]?
If you are going to use the same queue for adding more new operations then there isn't much use in releasing it and creating a new one. Simply canceling all operations and then adding more operations is enough. You can do so by calling cancelAllOperations on the queue. Note that operations that are already running will continue to run unless they check for the cancellation.
This method sends a cancel message to all operations currently in the queue. Queued operations are cancelled before they begin executing. If an operation is already executing, it is up to that operation to recognize the cancellation and stop what it is doing.
Wether or not releasing the queue will immediately release the enqueued operations or not is not documented and hence should be considered as undefined behavior. Therefor you shouldn't assume that it will work either way and you should not rely on it (see dangerous to autorelease NSOperationQueue).
There are however evidence that suggests that operations will retain their queue such as that GCD queues are retained by the system while they have asynchronous blocks running/pending. You can read in the Grand Central Dispatch documentation that "the queue is retaind by the system until the block has run to completion". Still, the documentation doesn't specify the behavior for NSOperationQueues like mentioned above.
Submits a block for asynchronous execution on a dispatch queue and returns immediately.
void dispatch_async(
dispatch_queue_t queue,
dispatch_block_t block);
The queue on which to submit the block. The queue is retained by the system until the block has run to completion. This parameter cannot be NULL.
The block to submit to the target dispatch queue. This function performs Block_copy and Block_release on behalf of callers. This parameter cannot be NULL.
This function is the fundamental mechanism for submitting blocks to a dispatch queue. Calls to this function always return immediately after the block has been submitted and never wait for the block to be invoked. The target queue determines whether the block is invoked serially or concurrently with respect to other blocks submitted to that same queue. Independent serial queues are processed concurrently with respect to each other.

Grand Central Dispatch async vs sync [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Difference between DispatchQueue.main.async and DispatchQueue.main.sync
(4 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm reading the docs on dispatch queues for GCD, and in it they say that the queues are FIFO, so I am woundering what effect this has on async / sync dispatches?
from my understand async executes things in the order that it gets things while sync executes things serial..
but when you write your GCD code you decide the order in which things happen.. so as long as your know whats going on in your code you should know the order in which things execute..
my questions are, wheres the benefit of async here? am I missing something in my understanding of these two things.
The first answer isn't quite complete, unfortunately. Yes, sync will block and async will not, however there are additional semantics to take into account. Calling dispatch_sync() will also cause your code to wait until each and every pending item on that queue has finished executing, also making it a synchronization point for said work. dispatch_async() will simply submit the work to the queue and return immediately, after which it will be executed "at some point" and you need to track completion of that work in some other way (usually by nesting one dispatch_async inside another dispatch_async - see the man page for example).
sync means the function WILL BLOCK the current thread until it has completed, async means it will be handled in the background and the function WILL NOT BLOCK the current thread.
If you want serial execution of blocks check out the creation of a serial dispatch queue
From the man page:
Conceptually, dispatch_sync() is a convenient wrapper around dispatch_async() with the addition of a semaphore to wait for completion of the block, and a wrapper around the block to signal its completion.
See dispatch_semaphore_create(3) for more information about dispatch semaphores. The actual implementation of the dispatch_sync() function may be optimized and differ from the above description.
Tasks can be performed synchronously or asynchronously.
Synchronous function returns the control on the current queue only after task is finished. It blocks the queue and waits until the task is finished.
Asynchronous function returns control on the current queue right after task has been sent to be performed on the different queue. It doesn't wait until the task is finished. It doesn't block the queue.
Only in Asynchronous we can add delay -> asyncAfter(deadline: 10..

Does puting a block on a sync GCD queue locks that block and pauses the others?

I read that GCD synchronous queues (dispatch_sync) should be used to implement critical sections of code. An example would be a block that subtracts transaction amount from account balance. The interesting part of sync calls is a question, how does that affect the work of other blocks on multiple threads?
Lets imagine the situation where there are 3 threads that use and execute both system and user defined blocks from main and custom queues in asynchronous mode. Those block are all executed in parallel in some order. Now, if a block is put on a custom queue with sync mode, does that mean that all other blocks (including on other threads) are suspended until the successful execution of the block? Or does that mean that only some lock will be put on that block while other will still execute. However, if other blocks use the same data as the sync block then it's inevitable that other blocks will wait until that lock will be released.
IMHO it doesn't matter, is it one or multiple cores, sync mode should freeze the whole app work. However, these are just my thoughts so please comment on that and share your insights :)
Synchronous dispatch suspends the execution of your code until the dispatched block has finished. Asynchronous dispatch returns immediately, the block is executed asynchronously with regard to the calling code:
dispatch_sync(somewhere, ^{ something });
// Reached later, when the block is finished.
dispatch_async(somewhere, ^{ something });
// Reached immediately. The block might be waiting
// to be executed, executing or already finished.
And there are two kinds of dispatch queues, serial and concurrent. The serial ones dispatch the blocks strictly one by one in the order they are being added. When one finishes, another one starts. There is only one thread needed for this kind of execution. The concurrent queues dispatch the blocks concurrently, in parallel. There are more threads being used there.
You can mix and match sync/async dispatch and serial/concurrent queues as you see fit. If you want to use GCD to guard access to a critical section, use a single serial queue and dispatch all operations on the shared data on this queue (synchronously or asynchronously, does not matter). That way there will always be just one block operating with the shared data:
- (void) addFoo: (id) foo {
dispatch_sync(guardingQueue, ^{ [sharedFooArray addObject:foo]; });
- (void) removeFoo: (id) foo {
dispatch_sync(guardingQueue, ^{ [sharedFooArray removeObject:foo]; });
Now if guardingQueue is a serial queue, the add/remove operations can never clash even if the addFoo: and removeFoo: methods are called concurrently from different threads.
No it doesn't.
The synchronised part is that the block is put on a queue but control does not pass back to the calling function until the block returns.
Many uses of GCD are asynchronous; you put a block on a queue and rather than waiting for the block to complete it's work control is passed back to the calling function.
This has no effect on other queues.
If you need to serialize the access to a certain resource then there are at least two
mechanisms that are accessible to you. If you have an account object (that is unique
for a given account number), then you can do something like:
#synchronize(accountObject) { ... }
If you don't have an object but are using a C structure for which there is only one
such structure for a given account number then you can do the following:
// Should be added to the account structure.
// 1 => at most 1 object can access accountLock at a time.
dispatch_semaphore_t accountLock = dispatch_semaphore_create(1);
// In your block you do the following:
block = ^(void) {
// Do something
// -- Edited: semaphore was leaking.
// At the appropriate time release the lock
// If the semaphore was created in the init then
// the semaphore should be released in the release method.
With this, regardless of the level of concurrency of your queues, you are guaranteed that only one thread will access an account at any given time.
There are many more types of synchronization objects but these two are easy to use and
quite flexible.