Upgrading vBulletin 3.8 to 4.0 - vbulletin

I looking forward to upgrade vBulletin 3.8 to vBulletin 4.0. What i need to know is how much effort it will be to migrate. I have about 15 products installed.
Any idea is there any change in hooks or functions or way to call things that i will need to change in products and templates? Also is there any thing that deprecated in 4.0 that i will have to look into?

I found Styles are not at all compatible and Products are not compatible 99% of times. SO i will have to redo styles and also fix custom products and upgrade downloaded products.


Moodle 4.0 problems with Moove 3.11.05 theme (the site is not showing breadcrumbs)

Basically I've installed the Moove 3.11.05 theme and everything seems to work except the breadcrumbs. I've done the research and didn't find any solution. Has someone else encountered this problem and how can it be fixed?
Moove for Moodle 4.0 is already available. You can donwnload it from its page: https://moodle.org/plugins/theme_moove/versions
There are significant changes to the user interface in Moodle 4.0 - many of which will require changes to any custom / third-party theme.
If you want to use any such themes with Moodle 4.0, then the best advice would be to hold off upgrading until the maintainer of that theme has released a Moodle 4.0 version.
In the meantime, you may find some useful information at: https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Moodle_4.0_developer_update

Moodle installation 2.7? are there any known login vulnerabilities?

Guys I am planning to use moodle 2.7 as the lms in my organization..could you please let me know if there are any know vulnerabilities which could grant a user a higher order privilege?? if yes then how do I make sure I fix it...I have to use moodle 2.7 only..cannot upgrade that
Moodle 2.7 is out of support in about 6 weeks. It's patched (security wise) as of this point in time, but if someone discovers something 3 months from now, it won't be fixed and you'll have to upgrade anyway. It's a really, really bad idea to use it for a new site when you might as well use 3.1 (LTS) or 3.2

Definition List in TinyMCE

Is it possible to activate, create a Definition-List in TinyMCE
"Definition list" is checked in TinyMCE Toolbar settings
plone.app.widgets 1.8
TinyMCE 4.x
Plone 4.3.4
I assume it did not work in your case? right?
First thing you try is to update to the moste recent compatible version for you Plone version and also update Plone 4.3.x to moste recent version.
Few weeks ago they released plone.app.widgets 1.9. They put a lot of effort into it to make it feel more like the Plone 5 version.
Update to Plone 4.3.10.

Can I still release a product with iText 2.1.5?

I can not find any link related with 2.1.5 from SourceForge. I wonder whether I can still use this version as a third party component in my product.
Any comment would be appreciated very much!
Sure you can. Search the web and you will find that version easily (e.g. here or here) It is a different question however whether you should still use that version. It is quite old and lots of bugs have been fixed and new functionality has been added. So do the following:
check the license restrictions (LGPL vs. AGPL)
if you don't have a problem with a GPL based license then use the latest 5.X version
if you can't use APGL buy a commercial license or use at least version 2.1.7
if you go the 2.1.7 route do some testing - in many cases it will do its job still fine. If not you'll probably have to fix it by yourself
Update: I would now use openPDF which is a maintained fork based on 2.1.7.

Laravel php version for open application?

I want to create a php application that can be used by many users, As laravel 4 requries 5.3.7 i am confused weather to use it or not because many of the users may not have the php version supported as they will be using shared hosting.
How to overcome this ? Is it by using older version of laravel or some other solution please help me. I am really intersted in using laravel cause of its robust nature.
To be honest, depending on what your application is, it's probably enough to think that most users are either already going to be on PHP 5.3.7+ or they will be willing to upgrade to the latest version or a more recent version of PHP.
When PHP 5.3.20 was released, there was an extremely public announcement that PHP 5.3 was going to be EOL'd after March 2013.
It's now obviously past March 2013.
People should have moved to PHP 5.4 by now. If your application is a one of a kind, or the best in it's class, then you should not need to worry about what version of PHP is being operated on, as people should either
be running PHP version > 5.3.20
be able to upgrade to a PHP version > 5.3.20
The Laravel dependancy on PHP 5.3 is a nice one, and to be honest, with all of the new features and general code style of Laravel being introduced, I would not be surprised if the version requirement is increased to PHP 5.4 "soon" (in say the next 6-12 months).
If you want to create an application used by many users, simply advise them that there is a minimum requirement for PHP 5.3.7. This is not too unusual for web applications.
For example, a very popular PHP forum phpBB has required PHP 5.3.3 since March 2012.