Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency - eclipse

I am using eclipse helios (IDE for Java EE developers) 64 bit latest version
and when I am trying to update it from help>check for updates
I am getting the error:
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency
Why I am getting this error, and how can I solve it?

You are getting this because there is a conflicting dependency somewhere. For example, if you have plugin A that depends on dependency.X-1.0.0 installed, and try to install plugin B that depends on dependency.X-1.1.0, there is a conflict. When you check for updates, Eclipse will check all plugins and features you have installed in the past. Try to update one thing at a time to identify which update has a conflicting dependency.
Hope this helps!

Download bundles from here:
linux 64 bit vm:
linux 32 bit vm:
Starting with ADT bundle 23.0.2, you should be able to update to future versions of ADT.

I couldnt get things working in the 'normal' update screen, but when going to 'About eclipse platform' screen and push the 'installation details' button. I got another screen, where you can select an installed plugin and update it.... in there it worked.
In there I first selected the plugin that seemed to be causing the conflict, and update it. Then the other one conflicting with this one... (the conflict in my case was between the android sdk and my java development tools)
Don't ask me why and what's the difference.... this option might be of help to others...

If running on Windows 7, these errors can often be resolved by running Eclipse as Administrator, then update.

I Could resolve it by checking already installed plugins at where it was giving me this error. I just uninstalled all the plugins which had conflicting dependency and try to install the updates. It worked well.!
check the marked area in this linked image
Generally, why it should happen is that while updating plugins lately,they have evolved 2-3 updates and during which plugins have introduced some new functions that have to be installed and also are to be updated. This thing creates conflicts of dependency. Eclipse tries to update which is not already existing/installed and it also tells install it first which creates conflicts.
So, when you uninstall the plugins, now it installs the latest plugins rather then updating. it means you updating eclipse plugins manually(by uninstalling older and installing latest). This may happen if you have skipped 2-3 updates and now looking for latest update.

I agree with Michel.iamit. I tried all other options of updating the ADT and it did not work. With Michel's solution, my environment did not work and it complained about the conflict.
So here is what I did and got it to work:
First uninstall all ADP Plugins.
Then check for updates and it will prompt you regarding the missing plugins.
Select all, accept all licences and proceeed.
Hope this helps someone.

I solved this problem by downloading the latest ADT release from following urls
linux 64 bit vm:
linux 32 bit vm:
After opening eclipse IDE go to Help ->Install New Software->Add
Name = ADT plugin ,
location = link and select all Developer Tools . After installation completed please restart your ide and all the bugs get solved now.

I resolved this issue by running eclipse as root, and then installing the updates from Help>Install New Software and adding the latest update version to the download list ( Not sure if this is the best way, but it worked to go from Indigo (3.8) to Luna (4.4). I'm doing this on Ubuntu 14.04 x64


Eclipse on Mac doesn't allow to downgrade (E)Git

I have updated my Eclipse for Committers to version 2021-12 (For MacOS), and found out that the default Git-plugin version installed is 6.0. Since Git deprecated some features who are still crucial to me, i tried to downgrade Git version to 5.11 (the last version i know that has the requested features).
But apparently Eclipse doesn't allow to uninstall any of it's Git add-ons, which is the first step in the downgrading process.
I tried to uninstall from different menu paths, but they all lead to failure. I also tried that with "Eclipse for Java developers" (non-committers), and with older versions of Eclipse, without success.
Does anyone know what can i do?
Like it says in the dialog, the Git Integration is required by something else you have installed. There's little unique about the "Eclipse for Committers" download, meaning if you can't uninstall something you want to uninstall, you can still start from the bare basics and then install more into it. You should start with an SDK download from and then add the versions of software you actually want to it.

Error in updating to ADT rev 23 for Eclipse [duplicate]

I updated Eclipse with the new SDK tools (rev. 23), but now when Eclipse starts I receive the error:
This Android SDK requires Android Developer Toolkit version 23.0.0 or above. Current version is 22.6.3.v201404151837-1123206. Please update ADT to the latest version.
No updates were found with "Check for updates". If I try "Install new software", I can see version 23, but I can't upgrade due to the following error:
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
Software being installed: Android Development Tools (
Software currently installed: Android Developer Tools 22.2.1.v201309180102-833290 ( 22.2.1.v201309180102-833290)
Only one of the following can be installed at once:
ADT Package 22.6.3.v201404151837-1123206 ( 22.6.3.v201404151837-1123206)
ADT Package (
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Android Development Tools (
To: []
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Android Development Tools 22.6.3.v201404151837-1123206 ( 22.6.3.v201404151837-1123206)
To: [22.6.3.v201404151837-1123206]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: ADT Package 22.2.1.v201309180102-833290 ( 22.2.1.v201309180102-833290)
To: 22.2.0
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Android Developer Tools 22.2.1.v201309180102-833290 ( 22.2.1.v201309180102-833290)
To: [22.2.1.v201309180102-833290]
After download of the last ADT from the web site, it seems there's another problem.
With SDK Tools rev. 23 proguard is not installed, the folder SDK dir/tools/proguard is missing, and other tools are missing. This version contains several bugs.
Google has released ADT v23.0.2. This solved many problems of previous ADT version 23.
Menu Help → Install New Software...
For "Work with", select the Android source
Tick ADT v23.0 for installation, then click "Next"
Eclipse will show "Install Remediation Page" since there is conflict with previous version. (If it does not, see below.) Select "Update my installation to be compatible with items being installed" to uninstall the old version and install the new one. After that, proceed with the usual steps.
Note: When I installed the new version of ADT, I didn't include the new version of "Android Native Development Tools" package. Instead, I installed the rest of packages first, and then installed "Android Native Development Tools". For a reason, if I try to install all the new packages including "Android Native Development Tools", the installation fails.
If there is no "Remediation page", the only way to remove the ADT plugin from Eclipse is to go to menu Help → About Eclipse → Installation Details and uninstall from there. But there is a risk of uninstalling Eclipse itself.
Google response:
This is a packaging bug. The entire proguard file is missing. We'll have an update asap, but until then just copy it over from a previous version of the tools:
and copy over the following files:
So at the end if you started from a new ADT copy by hand the files :)
Edit: with the latest ADT release, the bundle should now work with auto-update, so install these new versions:
linux 64 bit vm:
linux 32 bit vm:
Don't try to upgrade from previous version because it doesn’t work at all.
If you have got problems with zipalign, it's now under build-tools and no more under tools/ so you can do a symbolic link or just copy it into the expected folder.
None of the other answers worked for me using the ADT bundle published on
I ended up downloading the latest version of Eclipse (not the ADT bundle) and then installing the ADT plugin via menu Help → Install new software → entering (mentioned by #RED_).
I also had to update my workspace to point to my previous workspace, and most things seemed to be restored.
On a side note: This seems like a good time to migrate to Android Studio...
NOTE: Use this approach with caution because this might break your Eclipse installation (see comments).
This might help you if you installed the ADT plugin manually. But if you are using the version of Eclipse from the Eclipse ADT Bundle the below steps could break your Eclipse installation, and you may not be able to use Eclipse again!
Go to
Menu Help → About Eclipse SDK → Installation Details.
Now you will see all 22.0 versions and then click Uninstall button at bottom.
After uninstallation goto:
Menu Help → Install New Software → enter
Then install all the things, and now it is ready.
I was updating my build server today and came across the same issue. It has been reported here:
The fix is in progress and the work around according to the project manager is:
Please wait for an updated version within a day or two. Until then, your workaround is to do download one of
and copy over the following files:
zipalign was missing for me too, check to see if you need to copy this as well
It works for me :)
If for some reason you installed an ADT preview and need to revert back to the current stable, you can't use the dialog to install "new" software since what you want is actually an older one. Instead do this:
Open Help > About Eclipse... on Windows or Linux. On Mac, use the app's menu > About...
Click the "Installation Details" button.
Select the "Installation History" tab.
Select one of the previous configurations.
Click the "Revert" button at the bottom.
is what they are saying about this:
OK, guys, sorry about all this trouble, and we apologize for the messed up releases. Here's the summary:
There is no way to update an existing ADT bundle that you might have downloaded.
You can do one of two options:
Install Eclipse from and install ADT by pointing to the update site:
Download bundles from here:
Linux 64-bit VM:
Linux 32-bit VM:
Windows 32-bit:
Windows 64-bit:
Starting with ADT bundle 23.0.2, you should be able to update to future versions of ADT.
I have done following to resolve an issue.
Go to and download the latest ADT ZIP file (at the bottom of page).
Go to Eclipse → menu Help → About Eclipse → Installation details
Delete Android DDM, Android Development Tools, Hierarchy Viewer, Native Development Tools, TraceView, etc., 22.X version.
Menu Help* → Install New Software → Add → Archive → *Select the downloaded ZIP file in step 1.
Select all the latest version of all 23 which I have deleted in step 3 and accept the license agreement.
Restart Eclipse, and it fixes my issue.
Only helped:
Fresh Eclipse installation (
Help --> Install New Software -->
If you install a new Eclipse version it will work.
Here's what I did:
Installed the new Eclipse version, Luna
Made a backup of the current workspace.
Ran the new Eclipse, Luna, and updated the workspace
Installed the ADT plugin (Help -> Install New Software)
Restarted Eclipse
There is a lot of confusion going around in this thread. There are two solutions depending on how you installed ADT.
If you installed the ADT plugin manually then I believe you can use the "Delete ADT" -> "Install New Software" approach.
If you are using the ADT Bundle then do not follow that solution! You will break Eclipse. Here is an update from a Google member - read #18:
You must download a new version of the ADT-Bundle (yep, it's frustrating!).
Just uninstall the previous ADT.
Go to menu Help → About Eclipse → Installation Details
Uninstall all plugins which Id start with
Install ADT again from the update site.
Warning: Please see the comments below this answer. These steps have had a negative impact for many people.
Click Help / Install new software...
Click on What is "already installed" (as in picture below)
In the new window you can uninstall the old ADT (uninstall Android Development Tools, Android DDMS, Android Hierarchy Viewer, Android TraceView, Android Native Development Tools and Tracer for OpenGL ES)
Restart Eclipse
Then again click on Help / Install New Software
Choose ADT... Install
I hope it helps!
After trying the approaches in other answers without success, I just installed a new bundle from and that worked fine.
Do the following:
As you don't want to re-download all the platforms again, copy the existing one from /OLD_ANDROID_SDK_PATH/sdk/platforms to /NEW_ANDROID_SDK_PATH/sdk/platforms.
When opening the new Eclipse from the recent downloaded bundle, make sure you reuse the previous 'workspace' folder. That will ensure that all your previous settings will be remembered.
After opening the new Eclipse on the previous workspace, please check if the used Android SDK is pointing to the new one (Eclipse preferences -> Android). It might be pointing to the old one, as you've reused the previews workspace settings.
With these steps, you should't have to reconfigure everything, and you won't need to spend time troubleshooting this BUG on this upgrade from Google Developers.
Good luck! ;-)
You need to uninstall the old version and install 23
Help > about Eclipse SDK > Installation Details
select Android related packages to uninstall
And then install V23.
There is no way to update an existing ADT bundle that you might have downloaded.
You can do one of two options:
Install Eclipse from and install ADT by pointing to the update site:
Download bundles from:
Linux 64 bit VM:
Linux 32 bit VM:
Windows 32 bit:
Windows 64 bit:
Starting with ADT bundle 23.0.2, you should be able to update to future versions of ADT.
I was getting the same "conflicting dependency" error on Mac OS X 10.9.3 and simply upgrading was not an option. What finally worked was downloading the latest Eclipse ADT bundle zip file from, extracting it and moving only "eclipse" folder to the place where my old eclipse folder was. (extracting the Eclipse ADT bundle zip file will give you "eclipse" and "sdk" folders).
If you decide to go the same route, first make sure you know what your Workspace path is. This can be found in Preferences. Then rename your old "eclipse" directory (not to something like eclipse-22.6.3, then move extracted "eclipse" folder into its place. Run new inside, and when it asks you about Workspace, just enter the same path as you noted above. Or it can also be set later in Preferences.
Maybe worth adding is that to re-enable Android SDK Manager and Android Virtual Device Manager choose Window -> Customize Perspective -> Command Groups Availability and select Android SDK and AVD Manager. This will add these 2 items to the "Window" menu item for the current perspective (Java).
I didn't move the extracted "sdk" folder, because I already had sdk folder in the same directory as eclipse, which I have already updated to the latest Android tools. But if it makes you feel safer, you can also rename your old sdk folder (for backup purposes) and move the freshly extracted one into its place.
I faced the same problem and solved it. You need to uninstall the Android plugin entirely from within Eclipse (from the "about" section..), including trace view..
Then added the ADT Plugin again ( and install it.
The problem is solved!
I guess it's a bug with the SDK manager or ADT Plugin update mechanism...
How to update from 22.xx.x to 23.0.2 (my solution). This will beat the dependency issues.
I was suffering from this issue for days, and I have tried every single solution on this link, but no luck. I finally figured out a solution that actually works!
Please note that this solution works in Windows 7 (64 bit). It should probably work for other Windows operating systems.
Here we go:
download the latest ADT bundle from
unzip it and open "eclipse" folder --> "plugins" folder
Now go to your old eclipse and open "eclipse" folder --> "plugins" folder, and copy everything inside.
Now paste them into the "plugins" folder of the (NEW ECLIPSE), but DO NOT overwrite anything.
While inside of the "plugins" folder of your new Eclipse, do the search. Type in 22. (notice 22 with a dot) and hit enter.
The search result will show up all the files or folders with .....22.6...... For example,**22.6.2**.v201403212031-1085508
Highlight all of these files/folders and hit delete key.
Make sure to update your old API/SDK to the latest version and load this sdk directory to work with your new eclipse.
You can watch this video, which shows you how to move all your SDK/API to your new SDK folder.
I have not tried to update from any other ADT versions, but I think it should work for any old ADT versions too.
Don't forget to backup stuff before attempting.
What I have just found is that you need to update your ADT plugin in your Eclipse (whether stand alone or ADT Bundle) before updating your build tool.
If your Eclipse installation points to the most recent Build Tool and your Eclipse is having ADT 22.x, it will show those errors.
What worked for me: (on Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit)
Installed an older version of Eclipse and ADT (from the Bundle)
This copy of Eclipse was pointing to an older SDK verion with old build tools (before 20)
Updated the ADT to v23 (via archive, in my case)
Pointed Eclipse to the latest version of build tools.
You may not have an older copy of Eclipse and Build tools, in that case you can uninstall latest build tool from SDK Manager and install the older copy.
Once everything starts working fine, do the above steps.
I am trying to upload older copies of such bundles somewhere on the Internet, will update the links here, once I am done uploading.
I found these instructions in a comment.
Download the newest version of ADT and use your existing workspace. This is actually the least pain-full upgrade you'll ever do. It didn't mess with the .android folder so I still had my original debug key. Only things missing were a couple of add ons I hardly ever use and they are easily installed into the new version.
Note don't install into your existing adt folder create a new folder so you can still fall back if the new install doesn't work.
On ADT-bundled Eclipse I had to first uninstall the ADT and then do a fresh install.
To remove the ADT plugin from Eclipse:
Go to menu Help → About Eclipse → Installation Details.
Select ADT plug-in, then click Uninstall.
After uninstallation install ADT from Help → Install new software.
For me it helped to delete Android 4.4W which is also API 20 and might be a cause for the conflict. So only install Android 4.4W or Android L until they fix it.
And (again this might only be for me) it only works in Android Studio not in Eclipse ...
I had to delete ADT and install it again.
However be warned, this caused me and one other person to have an annotations.jar missing errors in the Java Build path for certain projects, probably because it was trying to look for an old SDK, so upgrading projects is the next step I have to take.
The errors relate to libraries mostly, Google Play Services, Facebook SDK, ActionBarCompat.
For this step, you uninstall ADT, then put the URL back in to download them. The url is:
I found a solution for the problem with "conflicting dependency". I don't have the same page of Daniel Díaz's response, but a page show "conflicting dependency", and I can't make anything.
The problem is that I'm not the owner of the file. Eclipse was installed in other session (on OS X). I have the right to read and write the Eclipse file, but I'm not the owner. Make a "chown" command on all Eclipse files to solve the problem. After, I have the same result as Daniel Diaz.
I hope this helps someone.
There is now an update for ADT 23.0.1, but the Windows and Linux scripts are messed up, so wait with the upgrade!
You could check for example tools/proguard/bin/*.sh in
I did this to solve the same issue (in OS X):
Help > Install New Software > Add or select this repository ""
Under "Eclipse platform" select the newest version of Eclipse.
The installer will ask if you want to uninstall the ADT, click finish.
Restart Eclipse and install ONLY the ADT 23 using this repository:
Restart Eclipse and install DDMS, Hierarchy Viewer, Trace View etc.
Restart Eclipse again.
Hope it helps.
If Eclipse gives an error after uninstalling the ADT plugin from your Eclipse installation, try to edit file config.ini in the Eclipse folder → configuration. Find:
And change it to:
I hope it works for you too.
I simply went to my Android resources folder on my C:/ drive (C:/Android), deleted the 'eclipse' folder and all its contents. I downloaded Android Developer Tools once more and just moved over the 'eclipse' folder.
I started up and everything was fine; I had updated to version 23.
Hopefully this helps, possibly not suitable for everyone as some of you have Eclipse modifications but for someone who, like me, wanted a quick fix and get back to developing this seemed to be the easiest path.
I am using Eclipse v4.3 (Kepler), and this is how I solved my problem.
Goto menu Help → Install new software → click Add.
In the popup, give any name (I named it as Eclipse ADT Plugin), and in the link's place, use
Once you click OK, you will be displayed with new packages that will be installed and old packages that will be deleted. Don't worry about these packages. Click OK.
New packages will be installed, and this should solve your problem.

Pydev missing after upgrading Eclipse on FreeBSD

I recently updated my ports on my FreeBSD 9.0 release machine and I think eclipse was upgraded due to a port upstream forced Eclipse to be rebuilt. Now Pydev is gone. I tried uninstalling then reinstalling Eclipse, then installing Pydev using inside Eclipse. It appears to install ok but I can't create a Pydev project or use the Pydev view. I tried removing my ~/.eclipse folder to force the creation of a new one, and reinstalling Eclipse and Pydev to no avail. What am I doing wrong? I'm running Eclipse Indigo version 3.7.1 build id: R3_7_1
This question was most similar to mine, but the solution didn't work for me. I also tried pointing my install site as: per another question on StackOverflow, to no avail.
After some more testing I finally got the newest FreeBSD port to work. I had to launch and install the plugins as root. It didn't work another time I ran it but, this great troubleshooting document helped out. I methodically went through each step one by one, and the logs indicated there was an error on my /usr/local/lib file it was trying to unzip. My user doesn't have write access to that directory but root does. I don't know why it didn't work the last time I ran it as root, perhaps I didn't install the plug-in as root. It works now, so I'm happy. Thanks Fabio, for your input.
I'm not sure how FreeBSD packages things, so, maybe an easy way out would be getting Eclipse from and installing PyDev on that fresh install (or if you're also doing web stuff, I'd suggest grabbing Aptana Studio 3, which comes with PyDev preinstalled, so, you don't have to worry about configuring it).
See: for details

Eclipse Java EE - Galileo - Unable to view plugins

I am new to Eclipse so I am having a hard time troubleshooting this problem. I have a new installation of Eclipse Java EE - Galileo on Windows, and I am unable to see any changes made in the IDE after installing plugins. I have verified that the plugins are installed via installation details, but see no changes made.
For example, after installing the maven integration plugin m2eclipse I go to File->New->Project ... and I have no option for maven. After installing the QuickRex plugin I have no view for it etc.
I have tried re-installing the plugins, re-installing Eclipse, and starting Eclipse with the -clean option, but nothing has resolved the issue.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Ok. This is just a wild guess but could you start over with a fresh install and make sure that you uncheck the option Contact all update sites during install to find required software as shown below:
alt text
I faced a similar problem (on another platform than yours), some updates were "disabling" all my plugins. Not checking this option allowed me to work around this issue.
Follow-up: You'll need to install that Zest stuff manually from the GEF update site:
alt text

Eclipse randomly exits after installation of Blackberry plugin/SDK

Since adding the Blackberry Java classes from their website into eclipse, I've had it where eclipse will randomly close, with no discernible pattern, rhyme, error or reason. Here is the environment/software packages that I am using:
Windows XP SP2
Eclipse v3.5.1
Blackberry Java Plugin v1.1.1.200911111641-15
Blackberry Java SDK
I've tried the usual steps of complete uninstall and reinstallation of Eclipse and the accompanying plugins on multiple systems with the same configuration, including one that had a fresh install of Windows XP SP2. Upgrading to Eclipse 3.6 didn't work (the plugin wont' install as it's the wrong version), nor the downgrade to 3.4 for the same reason. I also increased the heap size to 512 (system has two gigs of memory) as some research into Eclipse doing this type of thing with Groovy was resolved that way, but again, no dice. Eclipse works great when the blackberry plugins are not installed, and no entries of errors or issues in the event log are helping to show what the issue with these plug-ins might be.
So if anyone has ran into this issue, and even better, has a solution, I'd love to hear about it. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: An additional to my issue, autoComplete with the Blackberry SDK seems to make this extremely unstable, like almost a guaranteed crash. Is this fixable at all?
For anyone that loads this question up trying to find a solution, I've never found a fix. It seems to be a bug with this version of the IDE. If there is a fix, please post.
Did you try to downgrade Eclipse to 3.4 (Ganymede)? I experienced similar issues when I tried upgrading Eclipse to something greater than 3.4.2.
I think the problem is with the plugin, not the IDE. Eclipse has always been stable for me until I installed the BB plugin. Since then it crashes all the time. Since I've installed the release (non-beta) version of the plugin that was recently released I can't even get my project to build.
This could be a manifestation of this bug in Eclipse. Check your C:\eclipse directory for files like hs_err_pidxxxx.log. The file goes on to explain this error:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x753ba053, pid=3144, tid=5820
# JRE version: 6.0_20-b02
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (16.3-b01 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [USP10.dll+0x1a053]
I've been experiencing this as well. It's completely debilitating. It causes Eclipse to just up and crash out of nowhere (and programming in a language as verbose as Java without Content-Assist is insane).
The bug has been fixed in Eclipse 3.6M7, but unfortunately I can't get the JDE Plug-in to install in the latest release candidate.
This is a known issue with Eclipse 3.5.X and has been fixed for 3.6.0
Bug Ticket link on Eclipse Bugzilla:
Looks like we are stuck with this until the next update to the BB Eclipse plugin.