Facebook Multiple Tabs - facebook

I would like to add Tabs on my Facebook Page - Welcome, Register, Deals etc. Do i need to create that many facebook applications and then serve it or can i can one application and have many tabs and serve them from the same ?

You will need to have many "Page Tab apps" that you would add to your page, as different tabs. But if you are fine with having only one tab in your page, and then have more tabs within that, then you can make just one "page tab app" and add it to your page.
So i guess its mainly a ux issue. So if you want users to first navigate to your new tab and then have them see more tabs in its iframe, then you add one page tab app. Otherwise if you want many tabs in your page itself then you will need to make more page tab apps for each functionality.
I don't think it's possible to have one app serve many tabs into your Facebook page, as you can specify only one url from where to pull data, plus you can't specify more than one tab name, which basically means that a Facebook page tab app can have only one page tab within Facebook. However that url could have tabs (like any web app) but obviously those will be rendered within the iframe for that tab in your page.
i hope this answers your question. seems a little confusing to myself! Do ask for clarifications if required.


facebook app allows only one tab?

i have a business page ob facebook and i want to create 3 tabs for offers, best selling, promotions.
I have create on my website 3 pages without header and footer and show only the main content.
To do this
I have create an app on facebook developers.
i created my first custom facebook tab that show contents of my
webpage which working fine.
When i tried to created another tab clicking add platform the Page Tab is grey meaning that i cant create another tab.
This means that the app can have only one tab ?
and if i want to have 2-3 custom tabs whats the solution ?
This means that the app can have only one tab ?
and if i want to have 2-3 custom tabs whats the solution ?
To create 2-3 apps.

Facebook Tabs - Difference between apps vs tabs

I have recently inherited the Admin/developer role for our page and I am new to Facebook Development. I am attempting to add a new tab to our page and the only option I am getting is to build an App but all of the App options I come across make it sound like it's trying to do more than what I want it to do.
What I want to do is produce a tab on the page. That will link to an app/canvas displaying an image that the user can click to go to our offer.
So far I've built a basic app with Display Name, namespace, Page Tab Name, Page Tab URL and a Tab image. but when I refresh my page I do not get a new tab and when I preview the app page it is not the format I am looking for.
I've tried going through the tutorials but since this is all new to me I ahve yet to make any sense as to what I'm looking for or missing. Could anyone let me know what app format I am looking for? Or am I in the wrong place entirely?
You need to explicitly add an app to a page. Not sure if you've tried it or not but navigate to:
Replacing YOUR_APP_ID with your app id and YOUR_PAGE_TAB_URL with the url you set for you page tab.

Linking to another page within a page’s tab

I have one company, multiple brands. Each brand has it’s own fan page. I would like to have it so when you open up a ‘brands’ tab on one page, there will be links to the other brands Facebook pages.
I have created the ‘brands’ tab itself, but when I open it, there is nothing there except “Go to Facebook.com”
Just looking as to where I can upload the links so they will appear and the user can be linked to the other pages.
You have a good idea to create a fanpage tab, but you should use links with _blank or _top target because tab content is displayed inside . Protip - you can even add a like button to each page inside tab.

Making page tab searchable?

I have a client that wants their tab application to be searchable in Facebook. You can search for the application itself just fine, but the result comes up separate from the page (with no way of leading back to the page itself).
Is it possible to make a page tab searchable? If not, is there a way of detecting whether or not an application is within a tab (so we could display a custom link back to the page)?
It´s not possible to make a page tab searchable at this moment. Apps are searchable, so the solution should be use a specific app. With that app, you can render content in your tab. But when users search, they will land in your app canvas (not in the tab) but you can redirect back to you tab url with javascript. Place this code in your canvas app view:
window.location = "your_tab_url"

Facebook: Run a page with multiple application tabs of one application

I wanted to know if I can run a facebook with multiple application tabs all from the same application. E.g. I have a tab welcome located under /welcome of my app as well as the tab contact located under /contact. In facebook application settings I can set the domain path http://example.com/ and the page tab location as http://example.com/welcome ... but I want to use more than one tab on a page with my application <-- is this possible or should I have to create for each application tab a new application?? :-|
Unfortunately no. Currently you can only have one tab per app per Page. If you want to add multiple tabs to a single Page, you'll need to have a separate app for each one.
It is possible to serve different tab content to different Pages from one app by using the profile_id property of the signed_request parameter. Check out the other properties of the signed_request parameter for more ideas about ways you can customize Page tab content on the fly.