Why does git-rebase encounter conflicts when upstream is already reachable? - git-rebase

I have a git branch "dev". Branch "master" is reachable from dev. While on branch "dev", if I type "git log master..dev --pretty=oneline" it clearly shows that master is reachable (104 commits earlier). But if I type "git rebase master", it will stop with conflicts. Why is that? Shouldn't rebase have nothing to do in this case, since dev is already based on master?
The reason I am asking this is because I really want to do an interactive rebase with squashes and rewords to clean up a lengthy history. But I am put off by having to resolve all the conflicts that should have already been resolved once I start the rebase.
The following are some related questions that I've already looked at:
Why does git-rebase give me merge conflicts when all I'm doing is squashing commits?
Conflicts with `git rebase`

git rebase master rebases your branch to be based off the latest commit in master. If you want to base it off something earlier, you need to specify the exact commit, i.e.
git rebase `git merge-base master HEAD`

rebase != merge
If you just want to fast forward, use
git pull --ff-only ...
git merge --ff-only ...
If you want to 'automatically rebase/fastforward' depending on the current context and relationship of your branches, I suppose this would work:
git pull --rebase ...
You may want to read the man page on what it does, precisely


How to cancel a rebase after it has successfully completed : GIT

I need to come to the state before rebase.
The following command gives the error, which makes sense. My rebasing was successful.
git rebase --abort
No rebase in progress?
Any idea?
In the general case, if you completed your rebase, then your branch is now sitting on a new base of one or more commits, and you may have reworked some of the commits which were already on the branch, as you reapplied them.
One possible fix here would be to just reset your branch to the remote tracking branch:
git reset --hard origin/feature
Note that this option would only make sense if you have not made any new commits since you last pulled. Assuming this, the tracking branch would serve as a sort of backup of the branch before you did the unwanted rebase.

Eclipse Git (EGit) - How to revert local master back to remote master after a foul merge & commit with a local branch

I have the following setup:
Remote origin/master (default branch)
Locally, I got the master and created another branch - NewBranch.
Someone in my team updated master on the remote. I was able to pull in all the changes that they made.
However, while merging I had conflicts. Unintentionally, instead of updating NewBranch with the conflicted result, I have updated the local master with NewBranch (because master was the one that was currently checked out-or "active" in Eclipse). Furthermore I committed this change (locally) to my local master branch...
I was able to switch to NewBranch and merge it with all the latest changes (so my Newbranch is perfectly the way I want it).
Now, I'd like the master to point to the same version as remote master does.
So that in the future I have a clean merge between my NewBranch and the Master
I've tried to "Reset" the master, but after performing a hard reset, the Hash Ids b/w the local master and remote master still do not match.
I also have References in my git eclipse and the reference of FETCH_HEAD is the one I'd like my master to revert to.
How can I do this using git in Eclipse?
Thanks in advance
I am guessing you are asking these 2 questions?
Now, I'd like the master to point to the same version as remote master
If I'm right follow this, if you master should point to remote master
git pull origin master
If your NewBranch should point to remote master
git pull origin NewBranch
I also have References in my git eclipse and the reference of
FETCH_HEAD is the one I'd like my master to revert to.
Please right-click on project in your eclipse--->go to team----> check the git options
These commands will help you to revert to a specific commit
git checkout master
git reset --hard e3f1e37
git push --force origin master
# Then to prove it (it won't print any diff)
git diff master..origin/master
Sometimes you may want to undo a whole commit with all changes. Instead of going through all the changes manually, you can simply tell git to revert a commit, which does not even have to be the last one. Reverting a commit means to create a new commit that undoes all changes that were made in the bad commit. Just like above, the bad commit remains there, but it no longer affects the the current master and any future commits on top of it.
git revert ~specificCommit
But remember this after git revert, if you want to go back, you need to read this Git revert be careful
before you do it.
git revert 45ae34 e34526a #created two revert commits
git revert HEAD~2..HEAD #by taking ranges, it will revert last 2 commits
git revert -m 1 <merge_commit_sha> #this basically reverts a merge commit
# To get just one, you could use `rebase -i` to squash them afterwards
# Or, you could do it manually (be sure to do this at top level of the repo)
# get your index and work tree into the desired state, without changing HEAD:
git checkout 34e2w34 .
git commit #commit here
git docs: undo merges

git / github unresolved conflicts but no visible differences

I am using eclipse, git and github. A friend of mine forked my github repo and changed some code. There was a pull request, I accepted the changes to my github repo. Now I tried to commit my own files and I am not able to 'commit and push'. As you can see in my screenshot there are no visible differences in the file. What procedure will solve this conflict?
Assuming your friend's work got merged into master and you are on branch your-feature-branch then:
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout your-feature-branch
git rebase master
will attempt to rebase your work on top of master, which already includes your friend's changes. The rebase procedure will process your commits one at a time and inform you of any conflicts which you can then resolve. Each file with conflicts will have conflict markers that tell you the changes introduced by each branch. After resolving the conflicts stage your changes then do
git rebase --continue
Repeat until rebase finishes. If at any point you become confused you can always abandon the rebase with
git rebase --abort
Once your work is rebased push your-feature-branch to origin, open a pull request, then merge.
I got the same issue sometimes, without a visible reason. Using a git rm on the directory containing the bad file, followed by a git reset --hard solved the issue for me.
git rm --cached -r DIRECTORY
git reset --hard

Merging changes head branch to master branch in git

I am currently making a project in eclipse.I made changes in head branch and as well as in master branch.I want to merge those changes and push them to remote repository.Please tell me the correct steps so i merge both branches and push the changes to remote repository without getting non fast forward warning.
I am currently making a project in eclipse.I made changes in head branch and as well as
in master branch.
Normally when people refer to "head" they are talking about HEAD, which is not actually a branch but a reference to the "tip" of the currently checked out branch. So if you
git clone foo
cd foo
git checkout bar
assuming bar is a branch, then HEAD would refer to the "tip" or last commit of the bar branch.
If you are getting a non fast forward warning on a push, changes have been made to the remote repository. You to bring those changes into your local branch before you can push.
This is because git requires merge conflicts be resolved in the local repository, not the (usually shared) remote repository. To bring those changes to your local repository you will need to execute a pair of commands; git fetch ... and git merge ... results in a merge commit, which some prefer -- while git fetch ... and git rebase ... if merging the changes without a merge commit is preferred. Note that git pull ... is the same as git fetch ... and git merge ... and git pull --rebase ... is the same as git fetch ... and git rebase ....
Which ever way your prefer, once you get the changes to your local repository (and resolve any conflicts there may be) you will be ready to push.

eclipse git confusions: How to merge & push?

I can never seem to figure out how to use git. I just do random commands and it works eventually. This is what I usually do when I want to push:
Fetch from upstream
Push to upstream
However, the above steps don't work sometimes. For example, when I do fetch from upstream, my local branch doesn't get updated.
How do I merge the remote branch into my local branch? Is there a difference between pull and fetch?
"git pull" is equivalent to "git fetch" followed by "git merge"
What you want to do is:
git commit -am "your message here"
This commits your current changes locally, and only locally. Now, assuming branch "foo":
git pull origin foo
This does a "git fetch" followed by a "git merge". Everything in this step is done to your local branch, and still has no effect on the remote branch. Depending on how your git is setup, you might need to specify the branch.
If you have a merge conflict, you will have to fix the files listed, then add them back:
git add path/to/resolved.file
When you are done, push everything you have from your local changes, to the remote server:
git push origin foo
If you pull before committing, that might cause your local branch to not be updated.
tl;dr, always commit before pulling!
Well to understand differences betwene git fetch and git pull look here.
In the simplest terms, "git pull" does a "git fetch" followed by a
"git merge".
You can do a "git fetch" at any time to update your local copy of a
remote branch. This operation never changes any of your own branches
and is safe to do without changing your working copy. I have even
heard of people running "git fetch" periodically in a cron job in the
background (although I wouldn't recommend doing this).
Working with git in eclipse might be a little bit tricky, but if you understand git basics, you should cope with it. I recommend you to read one of git tutorials, so you will be able to understand basic git operations.
The first step to learn git: Don't use egit.
Now, you are fetching and pulling from upstream. That makes me think that several people have write-access to the same repository, so we probably don't want to be doing a whole lot of merges to complicate history. It would be best to do this. I'm assuming you have already committed a changes or a set of changes to your local master branch that you want to place on the upstream repository which has been pushed to by someone else while you were making your commits.
First, we fetch the new changes but don't use them yet. This updates upstream/master to the new head of the upstream master branch.
git fetch upstream master
Now, we need to pull in these changes. This command rewrites history, and we are assuming
that you have not published your changes anywhere yet.
git rebase upstream/master master
If you have published your changes, this messier command is the one you should use (do not use both, just use this one!)
git merge upstream/master master
Now, we can push:
git push upstream master
The first two steps can be shorted to git pull --rebase and git pull for the rebase and merge versions respectively.
If you are already on the master branch, most of those second arguments are superfluous but I wrote them in for clarity. Notably, giving a second argument to git-rebase or git-merge will simply check out that branch before doing the operation. Supplying master to fetch and push is only necessary if you don't have the refs set up to automatically fetch and push master.