I'm using the NES sample which works out of the box. Then I have swapped the NServiceBus 2.5 version with an older 2.0 but this results in the following error when starting the MVC application:
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
at NES.EventConverterFactory..ctor()
at NES.DI.<.cctor>b_6() in C:\Users\werner\Downloads\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\src\NES\DI.cs:line 24
at NES.DependencyInjectionContainer.ResolveTService in C:\Users\werner\Downloads\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\src\NES\DependencyInjectionContainer.cs:line 20
at NES.DependencyInjectionContainer.<>c_DisplayClass42.<Register>b__3() in C:\Users\werner\Downloads\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\src\NES\DependencyInjectionContainer.cs:line 45
at NES.DependencyInjectionContainer.Resolve[TService]() in C:\Users\werner\Downloads\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\src\NES\DependencyInjectionContainer.cs:line 20
at NES.DependencyInjectionContainer.<>c__DisplayClassa4.b_9() in C:\Users\werner\Downloads\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\src\NES\DependencyInjectionContainer.cs:line 59
at NES.DependencyInjectionContainer.ResolveTService in C:\Users\werner\Downloads\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\src\NES\DependencyInjectionContainer.cs:line 20
at NES.DependencyInjectionContainer.<>c_DisplayClass4`2.b__3() in C:\Users\werner\Downloads\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\src\NES\DependencyInjectionContainer.cs:line 45
at NES.DependencyInjectionContainer.ResolveTService in C:\Users\werner\Downloads\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\src\NES\DependencyInjectionContainer.cs:line 20
at NES.UnitOfWorkFactory.Begin() in C:\Users\werner\Downloads\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\src\NES\UnitOfWorkFactory.cs:line 18
at NES.NServiceBus.MessageModule.HandleBeginMessage() in C:\Users\werner\Downloads\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\elliotritchie-NES-9a56ad8\src\NES\NServiceBus\MessageModule.cs:line 10
at NServiceBus.Unicast.UnicastBus.TransportStartedMessageProcessing(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at NServiceBus.Unicast.Transport.Msmq.MsmqTransport.ReceiveFromQueue()
at NServiceBus.Unicast.Transport.Msmq.MsmqTransport.Process()
Now this happens when the Global.asax.cs hits "AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas();". In the end, the error occurs in "EventConverterFactory.cs" line 13 where the static constructor tries to iterate "Global.TypesToScan" which is null.
Does anyone know how to get this sample going? It is odd that the exact same code seem to work with NSB 2.5 assemblies...
It looks as if a message is being handled in an endpoint that hasn't been initialised with the .NES() extension.
I am trying to revive / recompile an old Outlook Plugin that was written in VB6 however I am getting an error seemingly related to setting a button on the Ribbon bar. Just cannot work out why and would appreciate any feedback / guidance.
The Plugin still works fine on Outlook 2003 on Windows 7 for both x86 and x64
The issue though is trying to recompile it so I can tweak it and also have it run with the more recent versions of Outlook name 2013 - 2018
In compiling I am getting - Error in loading DLL for xxxx.CommandBars ( Lines 40 and I presume also 70 )
Public Function CreateTSEButton() As Boolean
10 On Error GoTo CreateTSEButton_Error
20 If Not objExplorer Is Nothing Then
Dim mCommandBar As CommandBar
30 On Error Resume Next
40 Set mCommandBar = objExplorer.CommandBars("E-mail")
50 On Error GoTo 0
60 If mCommandBar Is Nothing Then
70 Set mCommandBar = objExplorer.CommandBars("Standard")
80 End If
90 If mCommandBar Is Nothing Then Exit Function
'Command Bar Initialized, Now Find the Control First
Dim mControl As Object
100 For Each mControl In mCommandBar.Controls
110 If UCase$(Trim$(TypeName(mControl))) = UCase$(Trim$("CommandBarButton")) Then
120 If UCase$(Trim$(mControl.Caption)) = UCase$(Trim$(IDS_TSE_ON)) Or UCase$(Trim$(mControl.Caption)) = UCase$(Trim$(IDS_TSE_OFF)) Then
'Button Found
130 Set mTSEButton = mControl
140 Exit For
150 End If
160 End If
170 Next
180 If Not mTSEButton Is Nothing Then
190 Call UpdateButtonStatus
200 Else
210 Set mTSEButton = mCommandBar.Controls.add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
220 mTSEButton.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
230 mTSEButton.BeginGroup = True
240 mTSEButton.Enabled = True
250 mTSEButton.Visible = True
260 Call UpdateButtonStatus
270 End If
280 Set mControl = Nothing
290 Set mCommandBar = Nothing
300 End If
310 Exit Function
Definitions ;
Private WithEvents objOLApp As Outlook.Application
Private WithEvents colInspectors As Outlook.Inspectors
Private WithEvents objExplorer As Outlook.Explorer
Private WithEvents mTSEButton As Office.CommandBarButton
References (image grab);
screen grab of the references list
I have done a lot of hunting around and a bunch of reading and from what I have seen Microsoft moved to a XML type model along the lines of CodeJock if that name rings a bell.
The code in the plugin is solid, I just cannot compile it due to the above error which if having to guess relates to the new XML format that should be used for 2013 onwards ?
I do have a couple of other VB6 apps here that use CodeJock for the Ribbon bar so they are self contained and work fine in VB6 so I can see what goes on there.
However tapping into Outlook and from the VB6 code and adding / interacting with a button in the Outlook Command bar or Ribbon bar as I think it is now called is not working for me.
My questions (or requests for help) fall around the following ( I'm not very clued up on Outlook interfacing );
a) has "Outlook.Explorer" been replaced with something else so it is just a matter of using what the new whatever is ?
b) I have read about IDTExtensibility2 but not sure how that factors in if at all
c) Do I actually have to rewrite the code completely for placing button on the Ribbon Bar / Command Bar of Outlook 2013 + and if so could you point me to an example please for VB6 and Outlook 2013 or 2016 etc as I am having trouble finding anything.
I would prefer not to have to rewrite this VB6 code in VB.Net if I can help it.
Note that there is no way to load a 32-bit DLL into a 64-bit process (and vice versa).
I'm pretty sure VB 6.0 runtime files are 32-bit. So your Outlook 2016 should be 32-bit as well. The reason it works okay with Outlook 2003 is because Outlook 2003 is a 32-bit application.
A possible solution would be either (1) or (2) as listed below:
rebuild this plugin under VB.Net to get 64-bit binary
use 32-bit version of Outlook 2013 - 2016
You need to rewrite your code that accesses the command bars in Outlook with XML based ribbons. You'd be better off creating a new VSTO addin in VB.Net - that will let you use the built-in Ribbon designer.
See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/vsto/walkthrough-creating-your-first-vsto-add-in-for-outlook?view=vs-2019
Here is what I suppose: When the code causes a trap (system call or exceptions), xv6 will replace the registers with certain values to transfer the control to alltraps(), in which trap() is called.
But sometimes xv6 runs into trap() out of my expectation, and I want to know why it got into this trap. When debugging, after I set a break point in trap() and xv6 stopped here, I can only see this in the debugger (I'm using CLion). In the call stack, the bottom stack frame is alltraps() so I can't find out when and why the trap is caused.
I want to find out in which file, at which line the trap is caused for a certain call of trap(). Is this possible?
If you will examine trap() code more carefully, you will see that it also handles hardware interrupts (timer, ide and so on).
36 void
37 trap(struct trapframe *tf)
38 {
39 if(tf->trapno == T_SYSCALL){
47 }
49 switch(tf->trapno){
50 case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_TIMER:
51 if(cpuid() == 0){
52 acquire(&tickslock);
53 ticks++;
54 wakeup(&ticks);
55 release(&tickslock);
56 }
57 lapiceoi();
58 break;
59 case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_IDE:
So what are you seeing is hardware interrupt coming and processor transfers control to one of the IDT vectors then to alltraps then to trap(). Most likely you are facing timer interrupt, which is used for context switch.
I want to find out in which file, at which line the trap is caused for a certain call of trap(). Is this possible?
No it is not possible, because this is a hardware event and it has no relation to source code.
Today I did couple of updates on the front-end side of things, and then I did get the execution exception error, while running the app, that points to the written code within the target folder.
Execution exception
[IllegalStateException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException]
Pinter to the error on line 31 (/target/scala2.11/routes/main/controllers/ReverseRoutes.scala:31):
28 // #LINE:65
29 def versioned(file:Asset): Call = {
30 implicit val _rrc = new ReverseRouteContext(Map(("path", "/public")))
31 Call("GET", _prefix + { _defaultPrefix } + "vassets/" + implicitly[PathBindable[Asset]].unbind("file", file))
32 }
Where should I look for this error, as obviously I did not wrote the code within the target folder.
Note 1: Commented whatever I did after I did get the error, and I do still get the error.
Note 2: I did clean compile with no error, however when I try to run it through the browser I do get the error.
this error is strictly connected with template and using controllers call (your methods from controllers)
you have to localize on your template which controller method calls this error
for instance I had a problem with nullpointerexception and I found a problem. I had below controller:
and it turns out that in db getValue had null and play reported it as a problem. he somehow detect that this value is null
Strange for me but maybe it will help
i have the following stack trace:
0 MyApp 0x000833a3 +[TFCrashHandler backtrace] + 26
1 MyApp 0x000836bd TFSignalHandler + 28
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x33eac727 _sigtramp + 34
3 ??? 0x00000002 0x0 + 2
4 MyApp 0x000803f1 msgpack_unpack_next + 112
5 MyApp 0x0007faeb +[MessagePackParser parseData:] + 74
6 MyApp 0x0007f84b -[NSData(NSData_MessagePack) messagePackParse] + 26
7 MyApp 0x000254c3 +[Http get:params:cacheMins:msgPack:complete:] + 146
And i'm wondering how to read it:
I assume i go from the bottom up, eg line 7 called line 6 called line 5, etc.
What does the '+ 112' on line 4 mean? Is that a line number in the code file where it crashed?
What does the '???' on line 3 mean?
Thanks a lot
0 MyApp 0x000833a3 +[TFCrashHandler backtrace] + 26
Crash was generated from +[TFCrashHandler backtrace] + 26; from whatever instruction fell at that symbol location + 26 bytes.
If that is really the bottom of your stack trace and it crashed there, then the TCrashHandler is obscuring the real crash. The real crash looks to be a couple of frames above.
1 MyApp 0x000836bd TFSignalHandler + 28
TFSignalHandler was what called +backtrace.
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x33eac727 _sigtramp + 34
Ewww... a signal trampoline. The app received a signal and the a trampoline was set to call TFSignalHandler().
There are situations where a signal handler might be called on a random thread. I.e. there is a minuscule chance that this particular crash had nothing to do with the parser and everything to do with a crash somewhere else. However, without knowing more about the parser, I'd question whether it is hardened against malicious input (which could certainly cause a crash like this).
3 ??? 0x00000002 0x0 + 2
Stack was undecodable. Ignore. Meaningless. Best case; fallout from compiler optimization. Worst case; somebody pooped on the stack and the backtrace mechanism can't figure out what is going on (highly unlikely -- usually, stack poop splatters to the point of preventing a full backtrace).
4 MyApp 0x000803f1 msgpack_unpack_next + 112
Ooooh... trickzy. Someone is using C to parse stuff. And it crashed. Whatever instruction was 112 bytes from the entry point to the function went boom. But, not really, because it called the signal handler and was handled by that; which is still a boom but the signal handler has effectively destroyed additional forensic evidence.
The "trickzy" comment references that an optimizing compiler against a big pile o' C can end up collapsing frames to the point that the crash could have happened in a function well below this one.
5 MyApp 0x0007faeb +[MessagePackParser parseData:] + 74
MessagePackParser was parsing when things went horribly wrong.
6 MyApp 0x0007f84b -[NSData(NSData_MessagePack) messagePackParse] + 26
7 MyApp 0x000254c3 +[Http get:params:cacheMins:msgPack:complete:] + 146
Ahh... yes.... somebody done grabbed some data from HTTP and it was malformed, causing the crash.
Bottom line; the parser got bogus input and crashed. There was a signal handler in place that tried to help by creating a backtrace, but -- apparently -- didn't really reveal any more info. A long shot alternative is that the signal was generated somewhere else and this thread was randomly selected to handle it -- if you can consistently recreate this crash, the random-thread-signal case is unlikely.
Unless you have a capture of the input data or can somehow guess how msgpack_unpack_next() might crash, you are out of luck without providing more info.
The '???' is something that can't be identified, probably code that was compiled without symbols, but could also be something else.
Those are the line numbers in the implementation file. And the hex is the pointer in memory to the line call.
I'm seeing the following crash on two different devices (an iphone 3g and an ipod touch) when in adhoc mode, although it seems to be OK when building in debug mode for those devices. It also seems to be OK on iPhone 4's.
Here's the stack trace that I'm getting in ad hoc mode:
From what I can tell, this stack trace is producing a recursive call to requestWithURL:delegate: - although it makes no such call in code:
+ (TTURLRequest*)requestWithURL:(NSString*)URL delegate:(id /*<TTURLRequestDelegate>*/)delegate {
return [[[TTURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:URL delegate:delegate] autorelease];
So what's going on here? How can I debug this further?
From your stack trace (line 8) it looks like something is calling an undefined function
8 CoreFoundation 0x000a5b28 -[NSObject(NSObject) doesNotRecognizeSelector:] + 8
9 CoreFoundation 0x0004ae00 ___forwarding___ + 500
10 CoreFoundation 0x0004abb8 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 40
11 App 0x0005684a +[TTURLRequest requestWithURL:delegate:] + 42
12 App 0x00056840 +[TTURLRequest requestWithURL:delegate:] + 32
First add some print statements in to see which function call is the offender, use:
[object doesRespondToSelector:#selector(someFunction:withArg:)]
If it is not your code which is calling an undefined function make sure the arguments you are passing in are valid, print out the value of URL, and delegate to ensure they are are indeed of the expected type and value. Most importantly make sure that delegate does respond to whatever messages TTURLRequest will pass to it.
Also, is TTURLRequest your class, can you give the full definition, does it extend another class, does it define 'initWithURL'? Can we see the source? Those are important questions for anyone trying to debug your code.