How to mirror Photoshop window to iPhone/iPad screen for mockup/development? - iphone

Is it possible to live preview a photoshop document on an iPhone or iPad? I tried it with VNC, but it only transfers a limited range of colors which is suboptimal. Is this possible with Apple's Developer Tools?

Easier, free way that works both on windows and mac :
PS Play - works with Photoshop's Remote Connections (Edit->Remote Connections). Just add your computer's IP address and the password configured in Photoshop and you're done.

I came to this page with the same question. looked at the answer --> the app --> reviews and decided I'd use what I had to get it done. The results are awesome!
Iphone /Ipad App: Air Display ($9.99)
Photoshop CS4+
1.) Download Air Display.
Air display is by far the best app out there for mirroring or creating an extra screen with your iOS device. I looked at all flavors of VNC/DNS. VNC is for screen sharing and the results don't exactly make you cheerful. Air Display uses your iOS device as an extra screen like your desktop setup. $9.99 is premium pricing but well worth it. There are many uses for the app after you buy it. Check out their site here:
2.) Setup Air Display
These instructions are covered in the app. You'll end up with this sort of setup:
Take into account your hot corners.
3.) Create a mirrored window for your document
Create a new window for your document.
Menu Bar --> Window --> Arrange --> New Window For [Your Document]
4.) Setup your window
A new document tab will pop up with the same name as the original. Drag this tab to your extra screen and there you go. Mirrored photoshop on your iOS device!
Now this new window will mirror the document on your main screen. The great part is this new photoshop window can be set up with its own View attributes (guides, rulers, etc). Here's some more tips:
You'll know your working with the right window when your in Photoshop and the main windows actions are greyed out. Now the menu bar will affect the mirrored window
Use These Settings:
Full screen
Fit on screen
Actual Pixels
Turn Off Guides (CMD ;)
Turn Off Rulers (CMD R)
There you go. An awesome mock up interface for Photoshop --> iPad

For anyone coming across this question now, check out Skala Preview (link below). If you have CS5 or higher, it even allows for live previews. Only problem for me is it requires iOS 5 and OSX 10.7, and I'm quite happy on 10.6.

The only way that this would work built in (that I am aware of) is if a UIWebView managed to open it. Otherwise I think you're out of luck.

You could try manipulating a photo that is synced to the device then syncing the device with iTunes.
I'm more inclined to think that you would be better off writing an app specific to this task and just have it open the file over wifi or something like that.

I came up with using a Photoshop action which saves a PNG to a web server. Atomic Web Browser supports a full screen mode which then shows this PNG embedded in a HTML file which reloads once per second. It works good enough.

You've tried the rest, now try the best!
Xscope is an app for mac & iphone. Install it, and not only will it give you a bunch of useful tools, but one of those tools is called 'mirror'.
You simply:
Jump into Photoshop and go to Edit / Remote Connections... to set a password
Open Xscope on mac and put that same password in your preferences
Then in Xscope, click the 'Mirror' button, then the 'Photoshop' button (see
Open the Xscope Mirror iPhone app and press the button to connect to your mac
And that's it. You should then be able to see your canvas. The app also lets you scale the image larger or smaller based on ratios, and even take snapshots for later reference.
It's a pretty cool app. Promise to God I don't work for them!


Do we have to upload different resolutions icons in unity?

Android requires 5 different resolution of images and ios requires 3 different resolution of images during development.
Does unity requires different resolutions of images while building for android or ios?
The short answer is NO. But it's way more complicated than that.
On unity, you can always submit your icon once and it will resize to each required size on each platform you'd like to publish your app. You can see that on player settings. Build Settings > Player Settings > Icon. You can also submit your own custom icon for each platform selecting the checkbox "Override for ...", there you can submit different sizes for each platform.
Now comes the tricky part. During the last four years, I've published 7 games and I ALWAYS had problems with icons on iOS and XCode. When publishing your game to iOS, I never tested the cloud build but whenever you build your game to iOS locally, you'll be prompt with a Xcode file that you have to edit before building for profiling and archiving which will allow you to publish your game to iTunes Connect. This is the part where I constantly have problems. I didn't test the new 2017 version but before that, some required icon sizes were not filled correctly so you had to go and drag from your computer. It's better to be ready to, MAYBE, fill some icon sizes yourself.
Another thing you might notice is that on store listing, you might have problems with icon sizes too. For example: For your google play listing, you'll require a 512x512 icon. For your iTunes Connect, you'll require a 1024x1024 icon and for Windows Phone, much like apple, you'll require all sorts of icon sizes. The same goes for screenshots.
But TL:DR: For Unity, you can always submit your icon once and Unity will resize it for each platform and required size you need. You can check that under Build Settings > Player Settings > Icon

Switch to fullscreen

I started programming with the Google Cardboard v0.6 about a year ago. I really nailed what I was trying to do with this software. The problem is, my software requires a toggle between full screen and stereo screen modes which I have applied a canvas button for. It is also supposed to start in full screen with an option of stereo mode.
I have three questions:
With the new SDK, is it possible to script a stereo to full screen toggle routine?
I noticed they make the GoogleVR as a fixed SDK mount within the build settings. I read something along the lines of widget controls within the Android SDK but I'm not to savvy with the way Android Studio reads the APK and how to modify it. Honestly, I'm running Visual Studio with a Source Control library in TFS so I want to keep it out of Android Studio as much as possible.
I also read there is supposed to be a full screen toggle button programmed directly into the SDK but it just doesn't pop up on my screen. Perhaps there's a method of making this button pop up that will save the day?
Even if the button exists, if there is a toggle button I'd love to have the script reference so I can apply it On Start in order to start in full screen mode.
Will toggling full screen reactivate screen canvases?
I know the new GoogleVR does not allow canvases because they have a RenderTexture problem. I'm not too concerned because I'm going to make the Toggle button freeze if no control device is registered to the bluetooth, and if there is I have a button on the control device that returns to full screen (or hopefully with that magical screen button that should exist). Whether I can toggle between the two settings is not going to make a difference if it still doesn't allow for Canvases in full screen.
My greatest frustration right now is with the discontinuation of the scripts on build. I've been using the GVRViewer and such which work just like the V0.6 software, but it appears to completely negate these scripts on build and force the build to use the SDK. I've read in the release notes that at the moment they have no intention of returning to the v0.6 platform and even recommend rolling it back to v0.6 if this is the case, but honestly - if we are forced to use an antiquated version of the software, how long will it be before it gets phased out? In my opinion based on my current observations, this feels a lot like a "one step forward, two steps back" situation.

How to put iPhone's screen onto mac in Xcode

I watched a tutorial, what that guy did on his iPhone, appeared in Xcode simultaneously, and just like in a simulator. How to do that? THX.
Open QuickTime Player,
File>New Movie Recording
Besides Record button(on the Quick Time Player), there is down arrow.
Click on down arrow and select iPhone
There are several possibilities, depending on what exactly you saw in the tutorial.
Live video
If the video was live, there are two things he could have been doing:
Airserver, etc. (blue bar)
He could have been using an AirPlay Mirroring server app to use Airplay Mirroring on the iPhone to show his screen directly onto the Mac's screen. This is the most probable method.
Simulator (no blue bar)
He could have actually been using the simulator, unless he specifically said he was using a device. There are apps you can use to make your mouse look like a finger on the simulator's display. Slightly unlikely.
Still pictures
This is the more unlikely version of the two, and would mean that all you could see was individual still pictures of the app running on the device.
In the Xcode organizer, you can go to the screenshots tab for a device and take a screenshot of the current display of the device. Highly unlikely.

Safari: how to size the browser for the iPhone size (or some other solution)?

I am coding a web app for an iPhone and I'm wondering how best to use Safari to develop for the iPhone, the main problem being that I've got is that Safari apparently cannot be resized to the narrow 320 pixels of width. How can I do that?
Any other tips and tricks?
If you are looking for an environment to test, Ripple emulator seems a nice option.
I had the same problem and solved it quickly and simply by using a 320x480-sized iframe. Additionally, I added options to change the size (iPhone portrait, landscape, iPad, status bar or not, ...) and presto! an iPhone “simulator”!
Edit: that also allows the use of the Web Developer tools, they're invaluable in Safari or Chrome (I prefer to use the latter, but both are Webkit-powered).
The absolute best way is to use a real device - iPhone or iPod touch - so you get a proper feel for how the device responds. If you're doing hefty animations, for example, testing on a desktop computer may leave you scrambling once you realize the entire page lags horribly on a real device the day before launch.
Barring that, you should use the iOS Simulator that comes with the xCode iOS SDK.
You can use a browser extention or plug-in. For Safari there is ResponsiveResize for instance. You can donwload it here. It allows you to use a predefined browser size, or use any custom size you'd like.

Easy ways to crop out the status bar when taking iOS Screenshots?

Apple recommends cropping out the status bar from screenshots submitted to the app store. Doing this manually in Preview is a very tedious and error-prone process.
Do any developers have any best-practices recommendations or automated techniques for speeding up this process? The goal would be to take as input iPad and/or iPhone screenshots, and output them with the toolbar cropped off. We need to support both portrait and landscape orientation, and Retina-resolution iPhone screens.
I've found a few utilities online that purport to help with this, but the ones I have found seem to fail on Retina-display resolution screens. And another that works via the iOS Simulator requires a 1920x1080 resolution monitor to process iPad screenshots - making it useless for non-17" laptop-based developers.
Any other recommendations for taking good screenshots for the AppStore? I know (based on my searching) that there are a lot of other developers who would be interested in a quicker workflow to handle this.
Bonus points for being able to bulk-process an entire directory.
I developed a free App, Status Barred which is on the Mac App Store. It crops your iOS screenshots from iPhone, iPad, portrait, landscape, normal & retina display.
I used the ImageMagick command line tools to batch crop all the Screenshot png files, but haven't figured out how to not use auto assigned output filenames.
convert Screenshot*.png -crop 640x920+0+40 920Screenshot.png
Here are two ways, assuming you mean status bar and not toolbar (which you probably shouldn't crop out of the screenshots).
If you have photoshop, just change the canvas size by subtracting 20 (low-res) or 40 (retina) and anchoring the bottom of the image. This works perfectly.
It's also easy in iPhoto using the Edit/Crop feature. Set the dimensions to the correct size (Portrait: 320x460 or 640x920 and Landscape: 480x300 or 960x600) and move the crop screen to the bottom of the image. This does it perfectly as well.
After much searching, the easiest tool I have found is the iOS Simulator Cropper. It does a great job of handling different resolutions and orientations, and it is painless to use. No need to muck around with Photoshop or other slow / cumbersome tools.
The developer reports that they have enhanced the iOS Simulator Cropper to bulk process screenshots taken on device as well as via the Simulator. I haven't tried this yet since the update, but if it works well this will be the perfect solution.
I have also found a very useful tool in the Mac App store called "Status Barred" that also very simply crops the status bar out of any images handed to it.
How about just using Preview? Command+A to select all, drag the selection down to 920px then Tools => Crop.