iPhone / IOS No Audio Interruption Ended after playing video in Safari - iphone

We have an app that is recording audio in the background. No problem.
1) Phone call comes in
2) App gets Audio Interruption Event
3) Phone Call ends
4) App gets Audio Interruption Ended Event
5) We popup a Local Notification to restart
6) User says ok
7) We come to front and start the recorder
But when someone plays a video in say Safari
1) User plays video in Safari
2) App gets Audio Interruption Event
3) Video Ends / User stops / ends Safari
4) NO Audio Interruption Event.
Anyone else has seen this? Work around? Some other event?

Well, about the time of the posting, I Logged a bug report with Apple with a small app the demonstrated the issue. So far have heard nothing..... So the answer is there still is no answer....


How to get AirPlay from UIWebView to continue playback when app is backgrounded *without* setting AVAudioSession category to Playback?

I've been attempting to make this work for quite a while now:
My app has the potential to play videos of Youtube from within UIWebView. The user could want to use AirPlay for this. When AirPlay is on, the device could go to sleep and normally video stops playing moments after that happens. As advised in other posts, I set the AVAudioSession category to the Playback one and it works - AirPlay continues even when the device display goes to sleep.
However, this has a side-effect; if the user has activated the app while music playback is on in the background, setting the app's audio session category to Playback causes the playing music to stop and this is definitely annoying.
Ideally, I want to set the AVAudioSession category when playback of Video starts, not when my App is activated - but I've not seen any central or UIWebview notification / delegate method to determine this.
I've got a hackish workaround for iPhone where the UIWebview hosted video player always loads full screen modal and thus can be determined. But my app is Universal and on iPad the video starts inline; I can't figure out a way to know when Video playback is going to happen. This is exactly the point when the audio category should be switched to Playback - it will actually help users who want background music playing only until video starts up.
I don't want to fool around with adding Javascript events on to Video tags inside the UIWebView - that seems too fragile to me.
Is it possible to observe any AVFoundation notifications that trigger for the UIWebView video playback? Or anyone know of any other way to determine if video playback will start / has started?

Stops audio AVPlayer on iPhone sleep (iOS6, iPhone5)

If someone has experienced this issue, that would be great to hear from.
So here is a case scenario when the audio stops working:
Load app, start playing
Exit the app
The phone goes to grey mode, then sleeps
Audio stops playing
Uunlocked the phone
Bring the app back
Stream loads back

Stream problems on Safari

I have problems with the above page. Setup information is on the page.
It does not play on iPhone (iOS 5). The file plays if downloaded to iPhone first but does not stream from the page. The play button does nothing.
It only plays after loading the video on Safari on Windows. i.e. it doesn't stream as soon as you click on the play button but wait to load the video. Then it plays. This doesn't happen on Safari for MacOS.
What am I doing wrong?

iOS - Access output audio from background program

Scenario: My app is running in the background. An iPhone/iPad user launches the iPod app (or Pandora or another program that plays audio) on their device and starts playing music. My app detects that that music is now playing, and records or in some way does things with the current playing audio (like stream it to a server), all while still running in the background.
Is this possible? Can anyone point me in the right direction in the SDK on how to do this?
You can't do this. And that is that.

MPMoviePlayerViewController and background audio

I am having trouble playing audio inside a MPMoviePlayerViewController in the background. I can point it to mp3's just fine and listen to the audio, but when I go into the background, I don't hear audio anymore.
I set the plist entry to keep playing audio and set the audio session toAVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback. When I hit the home button, wait a few seconds, and go back to the app, the audio advanced as if it had kept playing, I just can't hear a thing when the app is in the background.
Any idea what causes this?
I just tested in the simulator, and it fails there. It does work fine on the device though. Must be a bug in the simulator.