Any API for getting deleted IDs from the Graph API? - facebook

In attempting to keep photo URLs in sync between my application and Facebook, I'd like to detect if a photo is deleted from an album. Is there any API for getting something like recently deleted IDs, or is the only option to walk the collection (in this case, an album) and compare the IDs to ones stored in my database?

Sorry, there isn't an API for getting deleted IDs. You would, as you mention, need to walk over all the photos to figure out which one has been deleted.


How to get latest profile pictures (not only the current) of a Facebook user using Graph API?

I'm trying to get latest profile pictures of the requesting user (with the user_photos permission, of course). Getting the current profile picture is trivial, getting the latest photos (including all photos, not just profile pictures) is trivial, but getting latest profile pictures explicitly doesn't seem to be trivial.
I can get all albums, iterate them all, find the one with the type set to profile, then find photos in that albums by its ID. But this includes multiple queries, and I'm not even counting corner cases where user may have too many albums updated recently that we need to paginate down to Profile Pictures album etc.
Is there a way to get current user's latest profile pictures in a single query, just like in the old days of FQL?

No new data after a RealTime update, and missing recent posts in OpenGraph /feed

I'm having a hard time getting access to most recent posts and comments for a given user using the OpenGraph API.
I have the read_stream permission, and get realtime notifications for feed field on the user object. The notification comes in, but fetching the /<user id>/feed stream doesn't include the new action.
When playing around with the Graph API Explorer, the data I see via OpenGraph and data I see by going directly to the page is different. Viewing my friend's profile, I see his latest update, yet it doesn't come back via /friend_id/feed. A comment I left a week ago shows in my /feed, but one from a few hours ago (which sent a realtime notification!) isn't showing up.
It's almost like some posts are filtered for the API. Is this how it's supposed to work?
My actual goal is to get all the comments made by my application's user.

Facebook Apps: View all scores for your app?

I had an issue with my game that allowed people to easily fake their score. How can I, as the administrator, view ALL scores so I can delete the offending ones? I don't want to delete all scores, which I'm aware is possible.
I've looked all through my app page including the insights and do not see scores anywhere.
As far as I'm aware there is no way to do this without querying each individual user's scores (you can also query a user's friends' scores if you have their access token from /your_app_id/scores).
I've looked for an API for this as well (even to pull the top global scores) and haven't been able to find one.

Is there a way to update a photo and its message?

I'm developing an iOS App which uploads some photos on Facebook.
I'd like to update the photo I uploaded earlier and also its associated message when data is updated in my app. Regarding the Facebook Graph API documentation, I believe there is no permission to do that, am I wrong?
I'm not sure I completely understand your question, but here's what I gather.
There is a permission that allows you to manage photos, ("user_photos"), which is listed under facebook's permissions reference.
I gather you want to know if there's something that would allow you to update a photo. To my knowledge the answer is no. However, you can easily delete the object instead, and then simply reupload the object, which I gather you've already implemented.
In the Graph API, every photo is an object with a url where it resides, so if you send a 'DELETE' post request to the url, you will be able to delete the photo.
It's described in under "Deleting".

Facebook application data storage

I created a Facebook app(game) in JavaScript. I used Facebook's php-sdk. I dint make a good use of the sdk except to display the name of the user logged, and his details.
I want to store the score of each user at some place. Checked FQL. As far as I saw, it doesnt allow you to store data, there was only SELECT query available. So is there any way in which we can append the score to user information or something similar.
In short can we store the data on Facebook
We should use our own database server only to store the data.
In general you need to store your own data. While it might be possible to fake it by using some attribute of a user, it's certainly not the way it's designed to work and you can't count on the data always being available. You are better off setting up your own database and use the users' FB IDs to tie the info together.
Facebook now supports posting scores via scores api found here.
You can also publish achievements relevant to the game as in here
These have enough guidance to help you out !