initWith Frame?? CGRectMake - XIB Size is wrong - iphone

In my MainControllerClass I have a few XIB's that I am initializing and throwing on the screen - Here is an Example
self.widgetPeopleToBuyFor = [[WidgetAddPeopleToBuyFor alloc] initWithNibName:#"WidgetAddPeopleToBuyFor" bundle:nil andUser:self.currentUser];
self.widgetPeopleToBuyFor.view.frame = CGRectMake(10,10,492,537);
self.widgetPeopleToBuyFor.delegate = self;
[self.viewMainView addSubview:self.widgetPeopleToBuyFor.view];
[self.viewMainView bringSubviewToFront:self.widgetPeopleToBuyFor.view];
if ([self.currentUser.wPeopleToBuyForRect length] > 2) {
CGRect rect9 = CGRectFromString(self.currentUser.wPeopleToBuyForRect);
self.widgetPeopleToBuyFor.view.frame = rect9;
self.widgetPeopleToBuyFor.view.frame = CGRectMake(10,10,492,537);
I'm building this app so the user can resize the the view to their desire, move it around etc. So when he user Exits I call this method to grab the view information.
- (NSString *) showInfoViewSize: (UIView *) view
return NSStringFromCGRect(view.frame);
So from there I save the information in the Database, it saves ok - But I just learned the size doesn't matter - I could change it to (10,10,200,200) and the view stays the same exact size on the screen.
So I know I threw a buch at you there. But in the End, the DB works fine - the IF statement gets fired off - Its just I can't resize the XIB on launch.
Should I be resizing it a different way? Should I keep track of the TRANSFORM from the pinch recoginier and just retransform it the scaleFactor at load? Seems kinda hokey to me.
Any help is appreciated - I've been beating myself up on this, and I bet its something super simple I'm missing.

view does not loads from xib until it is presented and hence at that time there will be no frame to set for view. let the view load first then set its frame afterwards.
change the view.frame in "viewWillAppear" in your controller's implementation.

Normally when something is just not working, it's because you've got a nil floating around somewhere you didn't expect. Remember, sending messages to nil is completely legal in ObjC (it just always returns nil).
So I'd step through this in the debugger and check everything to make sure it's a real instance and not nil.
But generally what you're doing (allocing a controller with a nib, setting that controller's view's frame, then adding the controller's view to a superview) is the correct way to do it.


How to check if a UIView is a subview of a parent view

I have an app which I add a subview to (and remove the same subview based on user interactions). I am looking for a way to check whether the subview is present or not at any given time.
For example:
In the current view (UIView *viewA) I add a subview (UIView *viewB). I then want a way of checking whether viewB is being displayed at any given time.
Sorry if this isn't very clear, it's quite hard to describe.
an UIView stores its superview and is accessible with the superview-property just try
if([viewB superview]!=nil)
NSLog(#"not visible");
But the better approach is to use the hidden-property of UIView
I went through the same issue and consulted Apple Documentation and came up with this elegant solution:
if([self.childView isDescendantOfView:self.parentView])
// The childView is contained in the parentView.
I updated to Swift4, Thanks a lot to #Shinnyx and #thomas.
if viewB.superview != nil{
print("not visible")
if selfView.isDescendant(of: self.parentView) {
print("not visible")
func isDescendant(of: UIView)
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the receiver is a subview of a given view or identical to that view.
Here's a method I put in the appDelegate so that I can display the entire subview hierarchy from any point.
// useful debugging method - send it a view and it will log all subviews
// can be called from the debugger
- (void) viewAllSubviews:(UIView *) topView Indent:(NSString *) indent {
for (UIView * theView in [topView subviews]){
NSLog(#"%#%#", indent, theView);
if ([theView subviews] != nil)
[self viewAllSubviews:theView Indent: [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# ",indent]];
call it with a string with one character and it will indent for you. (i.e. [appDelegate viewAllSubviews:self.view Indent:#" "];)
I find it useful to clear the debug pane first, then call this from the debugger, and copy it into a text editor like BBEdit that will show the indents.
You can call it using the mainWindow's view and see everything on your screen.

“loading” spinner not leaving the TTTableViewController

I had a TTTableViewController used in iPad and initially I want it to be empty. When it first loads it actually calls:
- (id)initWithNavigatorURL:(NSURL*)URL query:(NSDictionary*)query {
if (self = [super init]) {
self.dataSource = nil;
return self;
However, the "loading" spinner stays in there and won't go away.
Why is this? I thought that this could happen because init wasn't called, but indeed it is.
I need some help.
When a TTTableViewController is presented on screen, it accesses it's model. If there's no model set, like in your case it creates a model in [TTModelViewController createInterstitialModel]. By default this will be a TTModel (the class not the protocol), which in turn does nothing then appearing to be loading.
In your createModel implementation you would need to create a model that does what you want and assign that to self.model.
Also note, that creating dataSources and / or model in the initializer is not optimal, consider creating your dataSources / models in createModel. They will be created only when needed (when the view appears on screen).

How do i properly discard a subview?

I have a problem with my app where the code for which is far too long to go into, but suffice to say when i'm removing a UIView and replacing it with a new one like so:
NSLog(#" .. %#", (Icon *)[self viewWithTag:index]);
Icon *icon = (Icon *)[self viewWithTag:index];
CGRect frame = icon.frame;
int tag = icon.tag;
[icon removeFromSuperview];
[icon release];
Icon *icon2 = [[Icon alloc] init];
icon2.frame = frame;
[icon2 makeIconStandardWithTag:(int)tag];
[self addSubview:icon2];
It does some weird thing where that NSLog the first time (because the view is already there) shows that the object is an icon, but the second time after running this code shows that it's a UIImageView for some reason now, and it displays what i presume to be the original icon at some odd position on the screen. It's very erratic behaviour. But what i do know is this:
Removing the [icon removeFromSuperview]; line, although keeping the object there, stops this behaviour and causes the NSLog to return an Icon, as it should.
So my guess is that it's not removing icon correctly. Is there a way to completely remove icon, or is removeFromSuperview as far as i can go. What i could do is just have it set to alpha = 0 but this is more of a patch-over solution and not how i want to solve it.
"Is there a way to completely remove
icon, or is removeFromSuperview as far
as i can go"
You can set the object to nil:
icon = nil;
Can you verify what "self" is in this line of code:
It might not be what you think.
[self addSubview:icon2];
NSLog(#" Self is %#", self);
This is a guess, but try setting self.tag to -1 or some other value that doesn't collide with the tags you're setting on your Icon objects. The viewWithTag: method searches the current view and its subviews for a match, so if self.tag == 0 and you call [self viewWithTag:0], you'll get self.
Did you retain icon somewhere prior to this? If not, no need to release it after the call to removeFromSuperview. Similarly, unless you need the reference to icon2 elsewhere, you can release that after calling addSubview.
Views retain views added via addSubview, and they release views removed via removeFromSuperview.

loading custom slider from NIB vs from code: no subviews present when loaded from code

I am trying to create a custom UISlider. I need to insert subviews (like a label) to self. I'm using the
[self insertSubview:_label1 atIndex:2];
method to do so. Everything works fine when I create my slider in IB and assign my PWSlider class to it.
However, if I try to create my PWSlider from code, there are no subviews present when I do my inits (adding my subviews).
For the init in code I override initWithFrame, for the NIB-case I tried both, awakeFromNib as well as initWithCoder - same result.
When I debug with
NSLog(#"subview count: %d", [self.subviews count]);
the result is that loaded from NIB I get 3 subviews, loaded programmatically I get 0.
Any ideas?
I assume your PWSlider is inherited from UISlider and also assume you have code which is something like:
-(id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)r {
self = [super initWithFrame:r];
if(self) {
// add your subviews here, starting from index 0
return self;
Did you debug and check that your initWithFrame gets called?
Also, if you don't care at which locations your subviews are, use addSubview instead of insertSubview:atIndex:.

How to change the UIImage of a UIImageView from a subview?

I want to change an image on a view, from a popup dialog of 4-6 icons (imagine like changing your image on a messenger application).
The way I implement this modal popup is by creating a new view at IB, with opacity on the background, and then I load this as a subview:
IconsViewController *iconsViewController = [[IconsViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"IconsView" bundle:nil];
[self.view addSubview:iconsViewController.view];
So, when the user touches an icon, I have
- (IBAction)iconIsSelected:(id)sender {
switch ([sender tag]) {
case 1:
[(ParentViewController*)[self superview] changeIcon];
case 2:
// same here..
[self.view removeFromSuperview];
[self release];
The changeIcon just sets the image to a corresponding icon.
As you can guess, this is not working - the changeIcon message never works.
I can't understand what am I doing wrong, any help much appreciated!
You have a few choices here...
First one is create a property on your IconsViewController of type ParentViewController*, for example:
#property (readwrite,nonatomic,assign) ParentViewController* parentController; // weak reference
To break this down further:
readwrite because we want to be able to access the value via [self parentController] but also change it via [iconsViewController setParentController:self]
nonatomic because I'm not too worried about threading
assign to make it a "weak reference" where the parent will not be retained by the child. If they each retain the other, it could lead to memory leaks later because unless explicitly released you'd end up with a retain circle causing neither object to hit a zero retain count.
When you load from nib, set the property:
IconsViewController *iconsViewController = [[IconsViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"IconsView" bundle:nil];
iconsViewController.parentController = self;
Then, call to it from inside of iconIsSelected like this:
[[self parentController] changeIcon];
Alternatively, you can create a delegate protocol:
#protocol IconViewSelectedDelegate (NSObject)
- (void) changeIcon;
And use that protocol as a property, instead of the parent view controller type. This is more abstract, but it keeps the design cleaner. The parent view controller would then implement that delegate protocol, as one of many others.
Another option is to use NSNotificationCenter and publish/subscribe to events from your dynamic view. This is the "loosest" coupling between the two objects, but it might be overkill for this scenario.
The superview of a view is a view, not a view controller, yet you cast the superview to be of class ParentViewController. If the view has no superview, it returns nil, and message to nil are no-ops (which explains why you don't crash there).
BTW, that [self release] at the end is highly suspicious.