Possible to access a dictionary in xcode - iphone

I'm trying to think of ways to import random words into an app that I'm working on and I was thinking that the iPhone has an auto correct library for certain words, so my question is this:
Does the iPhone have dictionary that developers can pull from? And if so, how might one do this? And if not, does anyone have any ideas how I might do that, without entering them all in on my own?

Apple announced that access to a system wide dictionary will be available in iOS5. However, If you need to discuss it further, you will probably want to post a question in the developer forums since the details of the API are probably still covered under NDA.

There is no such dictionary API from which you may use for your mentioned purpose.


Is it possible to embed one iPhone app into another?

Is it possible to incorporate one iPhone app into another in order to redistribute it?
We're going to publish few apps owned by other developers and need to create some pre-rolls with our branding and some other similar features. The original developer could build the app for us, but won't provide us with a source code.
Sorry if the question sounds stupid, we haven't very big experience in the field, just need to clarify some things
Thank you!
No you can't. You are only allowed to execute your own app, you can't embed an other app in your bundle.
It is not possible to embed an app into another app, or better, you could do that, but Apple would reject it and anyway you would not be able to launch it on a non jailbroken device.
More to the point of your specific case, if you have only the binaries you could try and modify the resource files (i.e., .nib and .strings files) to modify the UI to some extent. Of course, you would then need to regenerate the signature for the app (and hope that everything works ok).
It's just a thought, but maybe you could include the other developers apps as static libraries. The advantages would be that the other devs wouldn't have to surrender their sources, you wouldn't face any code signing and bundle id related issues and including static libraries is perfectly safe.
The only disadvantage would be that the devs would still need to deliver the content seperately and they need to learn how to build a static library. An entry point for each app / each library to call it would also be needed, maybe even a small interface to allow the container app to learn about the individual apps status, to cancel them etc.
As I said, this is just an idea, there may be issues with that approach that I do fail to see right now. But maybe others can comment on this...
You might want to check out this link to learn a bit about building static objective c libraries.
Check apples Custom URL scheme, it might find useful for you. Just help=> http://iosdevelopertips.com/cocoa/launching-your-own-application-via-a-custom-url-scheme.html

Does HTTPS in my app considered "Encryption"

I'm using NSURLRequest in my current app which is in the App Store. I need to change to Https in the next version.
Do I need to declare "Encryption" in the Apple "upload binary" section when submitting the application?
I saw 2 related threads, but I'm not convinced with the answers there. If someone with real experience or knowledge could answer this one, it could be great..
This only concerns encryption within the application. If you're not doing any of that then you're OK.
No, they only want to know if you are implementing an encryption algorithm inside the app itself because there are various laws involved in what can be exported to where with regard to types of encryption.
I'd recommend asking Apple, but I suspect the answer is no.
Refer to Apple's Export Compliance FAQ (needs developer access).

Passing data to my app upon install

Is there a way to pass data to my app upon install from a link to the appstore. Perhaps through a query string or something of that nature.
I am looking for some way to allow the user to purchase a license and pass that license to the app install as easily as possible.
Any information and limitation information as well would be very much appreciated.
The App Store will not pass any query strings after the installation. There are really not much analytics other than how many people bought your app, and currently no real way to figure out where they came from.
As for the reasoning behind it too, another limitation may be App Store rules in general. It sounds like your licensing issue may be better solved through In App Purchases.

Is it possible to mass update multiple iPhone applications?

I'm not all that familiar with Apple's iPhone development system, but I'm trying to figure out if theres a way for developers who create custom iPhone apps to update their apps on a mass scale. For example, would a company who publishes hundreds of apps have to resubmit every app they've made manually if they find a minor bug that affects all their apps (assuming they have used a template)? Or is it possible to somehow use or build a custom program that can make this process easier, by automatically generating or updating apps? I don't believe Apple has an API or anything, but it just seems like it would be a nightmare for these developers to fix bugs, and thought maybe I was missing something.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Apple provides no way to automate this. In theory you could write a program to simulate a browser to login and upload new binaries for you, but I'm not sure Apple would like that very much, and it would be a lot of work.
In addition, one might argue that if the apps are similar enough to warrant this automation, it should probably be one app instead of many. But that may be an over generalization without knowing your use case.
There's the Application Loader
(requires login)
It doesn't do bulk uploads, but it does provide a maybe more accessible interface.
Isn't there that separate application that you can use to talk to iTunesConnect? (Though I still don't think it's possible to do mass updates.)

iPhone - does TouchXML use an undocumented APIs?

Recently I've heard that Apple is using tools to search for references to undocumented APIs and are rejecting iPhone apps from the App Store because of it.
The popular Three20 framework is causing people to get rejected.
I also just saw that the KissXML library has also caused rejection.
I'm looking for an Objective C DOM-based XML parser and am now considering TouchXML.
Can anyone confirm that TouchXML does not reference any undocumented APIs? I don't want to risk an app rejection based on this.
I can confirm that I've included no private frameworks in several projects that use TouchXML that have all become apps in the App Store. I would ask the question at the google code site to make sure, but John Wight who wrote the library writes very clean and tight code. It would surprise me if he used any undocumented APIs.
Also, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Build your app and submit it and if it gets rejected, fix it then. Apple will even tell you what API you're referencing that you're not supposed to if that is the case. If you have to go through their bureaucracy anyhow, you might as well benefit from it by making them tell you what's wrong. Also, keep in mind that probably everyone gets rejected at least once--especially if it's your first app. ;-)
Tidy does. My app was just rejected from the app store on that basis.
"3.3.1 Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed
by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs."
The following non-public APIs are included in your application:
I know that there is at least one app on appstore which uses TouchXML. But during development process I found some bugs there, so I try to find some alternative now.
Consider using libxml2. It has a steeper learning curve, but the speed and flexibility are worth it.
I've just had an app rejected precisely because it uses touchXML