How to login to iPhone application through Google,Windows Messenger, Linkedin, Orkut, AOL and My Space [closed] - iphone

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am workin on an app ,In which user is facilitated with login through any social network account (just like stackover facilitated with login through facebook, Google etc )such as Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, Google, Windows Messenger, Linkedin, Orkut, AOL and My Space.
could you please help me out with some good ideas and suggestions

Go to this link.this might be helpful

Well, you have to simply start looking to the developer sites what to do, for example this one is for Facebook:
More specific:


Share app's data on social networking sites [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I am trying share my app's data in social networking sites.i am trying to implement sharekit but i encountered a lot of errors.Is there a way other than sharekit to share my app to social networking sites atleast to facebook and twitter?
If you want to target Twitter and Facebook it's also worth looking into the iOS Social Framework.
Note that Facebook is only supported as of iOS6, but this api is far simpler in use than the other solutions for user handling, posting, etc...
You can find a lot of good tutorials on this topic (ex.

Login to a Spring-powered website using one's Facebook account [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I would like for users of my website to be able to login to my website using their Facebook account. My website is going to be powered by the Spring framework.
Can Spring Social help me or do I need to create a Facebook app?
Any general guidance, advice or pointer welcome.
The accepted answer is technically correct in saying that Facebook is not an OpenID provider. However, OpenID is not the only way that this can be accomplished.
Spring Social's ProviderSignInController can be used to do a "sign-in-with-{provider}" authentication, where {provider} can be any OAuth-secured API, including Facebook. See the Spring Social Showcase for an example of how this is done.

Facebook Articles Application [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Recently i've noticed many news sites creating new application on facebook for sharing articles.
something like mini-site of the website inside facebook platform.
I.e Washington post application.
I've tried to find the how-to-do on facebook developers center but couldn't.
You’re talking about Open Graph actions here. Apps can define objects, and actions that can be performed on them (although fo reading an article you now have to use the build-in types), and then publish these actions on a user’s behalf.
Please familiarize yourself with the concept, start reading here:

Sharing on Google+ on iOS? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 11 years ago.
I understand there is a developer portal for Google+, but I'm not sure how I can use this stuff to implement a +1 button within my iOS app. I want something simple, just like how ShareKit does it with facebook and twitter, but for Google+. How would I get started with this?
Currently Google+ only provides a JavaScript based +1 button. If you would like to +1 URLs from within your iOS app you should star this feature request.
EDIT: The issue is marked as "Fixed" now, but with a solution that probably won't help for iOS apps.
Update: Google now has a Google+ Platform for iOS.
Check out

how to make a gadget for facebook which will share any iframe in users wall [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 11 years ago.
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to make a gadget for Facebook which has the ability to share an HTML iframe on a user's wall? I mean if a Facebook user clicks on the [Share] button then it will share an iframe on their wall.
This is not possible,
You should at least check Facebook's documentation regarding the available communication channels for applications
You might have seen people sharing videos... but this does not mean you can actually add HTML tags to embed your own external content.