Flex-Mobile: Should I use the menu-stuff provided or is it better not to because the iphone does not have a menu button? - iphone

I would not have asked the question if I owned an iphone, but so far I only have an android phone for development.
The question is: Should I use the View.viewMenuItems that are provided by flex mobile? Or should I better embed the functionality in another way? I don't know what possibilities might exist on iphone to open the menu, because it has no hardware button "menu".
By the way: How could I open the menu in the Flash-Builder mobile device emulator - there are no buttons, too....

you can detect the Menu Button through KeyBoardEvent in Android. In Iphone, the Home Button will exit out your application, so you should do some interface buttons to show your menu.
private function _onAddedToStage(event:FlexEvent):void
//removes listener
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onAddedToStage);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, _onKeyDown);
private function _onKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if(event.keyCode == Keyboard.MENU)
_text.appendText("\nMenu Pressed");

The latest versions of Android's Honeycomb OS does not support the menu button. So if you do take advantage of Flex's ViewMenu feature beware that if you build using Flex 4.6 or newer there won't be a button on the latest Android Tablets and iOS devices.
In ADL you can choose Device > Menu to simulate clicking a hardware menu button.


Ionic Android Strange routing when physical key is pressed [Honeywell CK65]

We are developing Ionic android app and we are having a strange problem with Honeywell CK65 device, to be more specific with device physical keyboard.
If the app is being used only by touch, without device physical keyboard, the app is working correctly.
But when physical keyboard is used, example
when ENTER key is pressed, it should navigate to another page but the remain freeze and it appends on the bottom page the previous page.
Any help will be appreciated. thanks in advance.
You need to somehow configure the app to use the devices keyboard. My guess is that you need to create a custom plugin to call the device's built in keyboard and map those keys to a function.
We resolved the problem using ionic ion-router-outlet instead of angular router-outlet

Is there a way to launch notes application in flutter from button click?

I have a button in my app. On click of the button, I want the notes app in the device to get launched whether iOS or Android. I there a way around this with flutter? I haven't discovered any solution yet.
Yes there is this plugin external_app_launcher will helps you to open another app from your app by providing PackageName for Android and URLscheme for IOS external_app_launcher

How to add a shortcut to mobile homescreen in Xamarin.Forms?

How can I add a shortcut icon to mobile homescreen in Xamarin.Forms ?
I am a beginner in Xamarin and try to do this.
Currently I don't have attached an Mac for IOS, yet
so what I want is to run only Droid for now
If you deploy your Android application via the Android play store, the shortcut will be added to the home screen automatically.
For iOS, it should get added by default when you install the app.
Add the following attribute to your Activity-class:
[Activity (MainLauncher=true)]
public class MainActivity: FormsApplicationActivity {
// ...
That should be all. For iOS there is no special action required.

Html forms and mobile web browsers problem

Mobile keyboard (Android IPhone) has no tab button. That is why native application go to next field when enter is pressed. However browser forms are submitted when enter is pressed.
How can I solve this problem?
Use tabindex properly and it should work just like with native applications.
By the way, on Android at least, native apps don't have to do anything special to get this behavior (at most they have to specify nextFocusForward, if the layout is too complicated and Android can't figure that out by itself).
I assume you're talking about the on-screen keyboard. iPhone will show Previous | Next as a keyboard accessory in web forms. Android will too.
If they don't then something might be wrong with your markup. Is it possible for you to post your form HTML code?
I would also say that nLL's suggestion is correct. It will make it feel more polished.
since you are targeting high-end phones you can handle enter key with simple JavaScript
var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
if(code == 13) { //Enter keycode
//Do something

multitasking and return to application

on iphone with multitasking and iOS 4.x i run my app it work properly, now if i hit the home button (send a sms) and then double click the home button to return to my app i've notice that the app run like the first time not continue where i left it what is the solution to return to the point where you click the home button.
You might want to make sure you're implementing the multitasking app delegate callbacks- check out the protocol reference: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/UIApplicationDelegate_Protocol/Reference/Reference.html.