Emacs Tramp unable to open directory at times - emacs

Normally I am able to use tramp just fine to edit files and browse through the remote file system through SSH. Though at seemingly random times I would lose the ability to browse remote folders in emacs.
I get the error message:
Wrong type argument: number-or-marker-p, //DIRED-OPTIONS//
I've tried doing a clean reinstall of emacs without any customizations and the error still happens.
Also sometimes the error happens after browsing 1 or 2 directories while other times I'm able to do five or six directories before the error will appear.
I'm using Emacs 23.3 running on OS X 10.6.8
Edit 2:
While I'm still going through the tramp debug log A couple of other pieces of information.
After the error I'm still able to use tramp of open and save files, just not view directory listings.
It seems to happen only when I save to a directory that is version controlled using git.
In the debug log the directory contents are listed out but it is not being outputted to the user
The directory listing inside the debug log show ^M (I usually notice this in the emacs info bar when editing files that have been versioned in git) even when I try to access a non-version controlled directory

The message is useless by itself. You should try to obtain more traces on the tramp behavior in order to find where is the issue. See the Traces and Profiles Section of the TRAMP User Manual.
Sorry to not help more but with another release on another platform…
Put the following in your emacs file
(require 'tramp)
(setq tramp-verbose 10)
(setq tramp-debug-buffer t)
Then, use tramp. Now, You should have a *debug tramp/method hostname* buffer.

I found out that this happens when I enable:
(setq-default dired-omit-mode t)
But for now I don't know how to make it work with this mode


My .emacs.el file is not loading, how can I get it to load? [duplicate]

I tried looking for the .emacs file for my Windows installation for Emacs, but I could not find it. Does it have the same filename under Windows as in Unix?
Do I have to create it myself? If so, under what specific directory does it go?
Copy and pasted from the Emacs FAQ, http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/windows/:
Where do I put my init file?
On Windows, the .emacs file may be called _emacs for backward compatibility with DOS and FAT filesystems where filenames could not start with a dot. Some users prefer to continue using such a name, because Windows Explorer cannot create a file with a name starting with a dot, even though the filesystem and most other programs can handle it. In Emacs 22 and later, the init file may also be called .emacs.d/init.el. Many of the other files that are created by Lisp packages are now stored in the .emacs.d directory too, so this keeps all your Emacs related files in one place.
All the files mentioned above should go in your HOME directory. The HOME directory is determined by following the steps below:
If the environment variable HOME is set, use the directory it indicates.
If the registry entry HKCU\SOFTWARE\GNU\Emacs\HOME is set, use the directory it indicates.
If the registry entry HKLM\SOFTWARE\GNU\Emacs\HOME is set, use the directory it indicates. Not recommended, as it results in users sharing the same HOME directory.
If C:\.emacs exists, then use C:/. This is for backward compatibility, as previous versions defaulted to C:/ if HOME was not set.
Use the user's AppData directory, usually a directory called Application Data under the user's profile directory, the location of which varies according to Windows version and whether the computer is part of a domain.
Within Emacs, ~ at the beginning of a file name is expanded to your HOME directory, so you can always find your .emacs file with C-x C-f ~/.emacs.
There's further information at HOME and Startup Directories on MS-Windows.
It should be stored in the variable user-init-file. Use C-H v user-init-file RET to check. You can also open it directly by using M-x eval-expression RET (find-file user-init-file) RET
Open the file like this in Emacs for Windows:
C-x C-f ~/.emacs
More information in the Emacs Wiki
On my Vista box it's in C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\
Note that it may NOT be enough to just type Ctrl-x Ctrl-f ~/.emacs and create the file.
It may be that your Emacs application uses a different place to store your init file, and if so, then creating the file ~/.emacs simply creates a useless file which your Emacs application ignores.
Also, you may want to do more than just access the .emacs init file, but you may want to know where it is, i.e., its pathname.
To get at this there are two methods:
Easy way: type Ctrl + H V user-init-file Return
Slightly trickier way:
You can find out where your system is storing its own .emacs file by:
Click options and scroll down to "Set Default Font..."
Change the font setting and click okay
On the options menu, go down to "Save Options"
When the options are saved, the system saves its .emacs file,
and you can read the file path in the minibuffer at the bottom of the Emacs screen
In Windows 7 put your init.el file in C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Roaming\.emacs.d\, where user-name is your user/login folder.
Take care so your init.el file won't be named init.el.txt. This is something Windows does if you create your file with some editor like Notepad.
On versions of Emacs on Windows above 22, it seems to have moved to
, ~ being the value of your environment variable HOME (see Control Panel → System → Advanced → Environment variables).
The file itself might not exist. In that case just create it.
You must create an emacs initialization file. One is not automatically created.
I had a similar issue and this answer tracks down what I did.
My issue was my ~/.emacs.el file was not loading. Strange because this has always worked for me.
This question/answer helped me but I had to put my init file in the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\.emacs.d\init.el because this is apparently the default behavior on Windows.
To troubleshoot this, I ran the following in the emacs *scratch* buffer.
When I saw user-emacs-directory was ~/.emacs.d, I simply moved my .emacs.el file to %USERPROFILE%\.emacs.d\init.el. But this still didn't work.
I continued with expand-file-name as shown below:
(expand-file-name user-emacs-directory)
Got to love how Windows works. (not) So I moved my emacs.el file to the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\.emacs.d\init.el and this worked. The file was now being read. But I got other errors because my initialization file loaded other (personal emacs) files (in ~/myenv/emacs/*.el.
Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading ‘c:/Users/pats/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/init.el’:
Hum... Seems like all my files ~/myenv/emacs/*.el would need to be moved in order for this to work but I didn't want to do that. Then I realized that because the HOME environment variable was not set, emacs was performing its default behavior.
Once I set my windows HOME environment variable to %USERPROFILE% everything began to work like it has for the past 25 years. :-)
To set the HOME environment variable, I typed WindowsKey+"edit environment variables for your account" to open the Environment Variables dialog box, and entered HOME=%USERPROFILE%.
Now my emacs initialization file .emacs.el is is back to its rightful place $HOME/.emacs.el and not in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\.emacs.d\init.el
To be fair, if Windows had just one place to put files for user installed packages the solution of making HOME=%USERPROFILE\AppData\Roaming might be acceptable, but because some applications use %USERPROFILE%, some use %USERPROFILE\AppData\Roaming and others use %USERPROFILE\AppData\Local it just makes it difficult to know where to find your configuration files.
I prefer having everything in my %USERPROFILE% or $HOME directory.
Another similar question was here:
Emacs init.el file doesn't load
As kanja answered, the path to this file is stored in the user-init-file variable (or if no init file exists, the variable contains the default value for where to create it).
So regardless of which of the possible init file names you are using, and which directory it is in, you should be able to visit your init file with:
M-: (find-file user-init-file) RET
Or display its full path in the echo area with:
M-: (expand-file-name user-init-file) RET
On Emacs 23 and Windows 7 it only works if you set:
After Emacs 27.1, emacs has started respecting the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. The init file or the init directory can now be found in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/emacs/init.el.
In Windows $XDG_CONFIG_HOME could translate to %LOCALAPPDATA%.
In any case you can use the following emacs variables to find out the location of the your initialization file by M-x eval-expression
or the emacs configuration directory
I've found that Emacs 22 will occasionally open either "C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\.emacs", or just "C:\Documents and Settings\username\.emacs" on my XP machine. I haven't found an explanation for why it occasionally changes it's mind.
~ will always point to whatever the current instance of emacs thinks is HOME, but kanja's tip (C-h v user-init-file) will always tell you what ~/.emacs actually maps to.
On Windows 8.1, if Emacs is started from Windows Explorer, a shortcut or from cmd console it uses C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming.emacs init file. When I start Emacs from PowerShell, Emacs looks for its init file in C:\Users\<USER> folder. The fix to this issue was to set the HOME user environment variable (Control Panel\System and Security\System->Advanced system settings->Advanced->Environment variables) to C:\Users\<USER>. After this change, no matter how I start Emacs, it uses the same init file (see the accepted answer of this question)
On Windows XP it's:
C:\Documents and Settings\yourusernamehere\Application Data\
There is a list of directories based on your Windows version and extra information:
For WIndows7& Emacs26.3:
if HOME environment is set, then the .emacs file should be in that folder.
otherwise, it should be in c:\.
In both cases, if .emacs is not there, _emacs should be used.
This is because we cannot create .emacs file according to the windows file naming rules.(but we can download or copy it from somewhere else).

Issue disabling lock files in Emacs

I would like to disable emacs lock files. Per this thread it is possible to do it with (setq create-lockfiles nil).
However, when I put this in my .emacs file and start up, the value of this variable (via describe-variable) is t. If I set it manually via set-variable then it sticks and works as expected.
I'm using GNU Emacs 24.5.1, via the Goulet installer for windows. For what it's worth, I tried a fresh install of Emacs on a brand new PC (Win10) and it has the same issue. I also tried commenting out everything except this line in my config file, and it still failed to work.
Why would it not work if put at the end of my .emacs file? Is some other emacs package overwriting this (perhaps ESS)? Is there a way to set it permanently, after everything else is loaded?

emacs not picking up my init.el file on windows

I have my emacs.d folder located at:
In this folder, I have my init.el file but it is not being picked up by emacs.
Is there another step I am missing, do I need to set an environment variable or something?
When I enter C-x d ~/ RET I end up at
If I move the init.el file there, it is still not picked up. I have a deliberate error in the file that is not causing emacs to crash when it is opened.
Most likely you have an old ~/.emacs file somewhere else which Emacs ends up using in preference to the other one.
You probably want to check the value of user-init-file which will tell you which file Emacs ended up using as "the ~/.emacs file".
I suggest you report this as a bug, requesting that when several files are found as possible init file, Emacs should not just pick the first and ignore the others but should at least emit a warning about the fact that it ignored the others.
This is tricky on Windows 10 but I solved since I was suffering from same issue.
I created an Environment Variable called HOME with the path C:/user/<username> in the box "User variables for " create a new one
Just open with double click any file that is by default opened with Emacs and it will take few seconds to load then take changed on the init.el
create an init.el with just one line of code like:set-background-color "honeydew"
to test this, first before doing something more complex.
Hope That It Helps!
On Windows, Emacs is started with some Properties defined, found when you right-click the executable on your windows system. There you can define the
execution-directory, e.g. "C:\Users\loggedin_user\" (in parantheses)
where emacs executes
and looks for the .xemacs (.emacs) directory, where it find its init.el. (I had to create an .emacs File in my Windows Home Directory, which is defined in the Windows HOME Environment)
And where you can define the startup instructions (like (setenv "HOME" "c:/Users/Username/") ) etc.
If you configure that, the next time, emacs starts from the directory, you defined, with the initialisation-file
Windows 10 and Emacs 27.1 could not find .emacs.d: one more possibility, in my case %HOME% was set like HOME=%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%. This redirection seems not to work and emacs was using literally C:\Users\<loggedin_user>\%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% for searching .emacs.d. I did not dare to edit %HOME% but created link:
C:\Users\username> cd %HOME%
You perhaps need to remove some files in C:\Users\<loggedin_user>\%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% which emacs already created.
Create link:
C:\Users\<loggedin_user>\%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%> mklink /d .emacs.d ..\.emacs.d

emacs can't open files outside current directory

So here is an interesting error...there is a particular folder on my desktop (hdrive, connected to a university-wide backup system, was set up automatically by IT) where emacs has difficulty opening files. In some directories within hdrive emacs can't open files above the current directory. For example,
cd ~/hdrive/directory/
emacs ../another_directory/file
gives the error message
emacs: `get_current_dir_name' failed: No such file or directory
I get the same error if instead I try
emacs ~/hdrive/another_directory/file
The files themselves are not missing and not corrupted, as using cat in place of emacs in these commands works fine. And I don't get this problem with all directories in hdrive - sometimes even a directory with this problem will have a subdirectory without it - but the directories with this problem are consistent.
There is no .dir-locals.el anywhere in hdrive, so that can't be messing things up.
Any ideas?
For me, this problem occurred because I was standing in a folder that I had deleted and recreated in another terminal (git issue).
Navigating away from the folder and back again made emacs and/or the terminal understand which folder I was actually in, and I could start emacs again with no problems.
I doubt this will solve the specific issue the questioner had, but anyone else ending up on this page through a google search on the error message might find my answer useful.

Stop tramp-mode running on emacs' startup

I was trying out tramp-mode, but now I cannot seem to get rid of it.. Whenever I start emacs, it spends about 20 seconds going through various tramp-related initialisations..
tramp: Waiting 60s for prompt from remote shell
tramp: Setting up remote shell environment
..and so on.
How on earth do I unload tramp? grep'ing my ~/.emacs.d found nothing aside from the plugin itself (which doesn't seem to be loaded anywhere..)
I've cleared the recent-files history, but that made no difference..
Aha, I found where tramp was being loaded:
Loading /Users/dbr/.recentf...done
Loading tramp-mode..
I had a two files in my ~/.recentf file-history which were opened with tramp, removing them stops tramp from loading..
I just found this section of the emacs wiki explaining the problem,
When using TrampMode with recentf.el, it’s advisable to turn off the cleanup feature of recentf that attempts to stat all the files and remove them from the recently accessed list if they are readable. Tramp means that this requires recentf to open up a remote site which will block your emacs process at the most inopportune times.
(require 'recentf)
(setq recentf-auto-cleanup 'never) ;; disable before we start recentf!
(recentf-mode 1)
Another possibility is a listing in ~/.ido.last, if you are using ido-mode. In that case, the remedy is just "rm ~/.ido.last".
It sounds to me like you have a file that is opened via tramp and is being reopened at startup. Have to set emacs to restore your session?
From the tramp faq:
How can I disable tramp?
Shame on you, why did you read until now?
If you just want to have Ange-FTP as default remote files access package, you should > apply the following code:
(setq tramp-default-method "ftp")
Unloading tramp can be achieved by applying M-x tramp-unload-tramp. This resets also > the Ange-FTP plugins.
Note that I haven't tried this but hope it works for you!