Adding code to class files just before building - Objective C - iphone

I am looking to develop a framework, for which I dont want get into details.
Suppose if I am having 100+ classes with 1000+ methods in my iPhone application.
In this scenario I want to add NSLog in each method(at start or end or both) of each class.
Manually adding NSLog is possible but is there any better solution?
Like building application in such a way that I can add this Log without me having to do manual work.
Thanks and Regards,
Your answer was most useful throughout many forums.
Thanks a lot.
The reason I'm looking for something like this is, we have many client projects and many time it happens that we get some crashing or other issues while QA and UAT. ~80% of them are not reproducible or require some particular scenario. We were using .crash and dsym to track such issues. But it is not that useful in such scenario.
What I'm looking for is providing add hoc build which will log the steps which user has followed so that it will make easy to reproduce such issues.
Currently I am using precompiled headers and first method you have mentioned (searching for the first opening brace then replace it with macro).
I will look into DTrace and objc_msgSend as you mentioned. I will google out these meanwhile if you have any preferred tutorials it will be great.
Thanks and Regards,

So you want to add a trace facility to your code?
Apple doesn't provide anything like this. You'll have to add your trace facility yourself. If your source code style is consistent, this might be relatively easy to do automatically, something like searching for the first opening brace following a line starting with a minus (or plus) sign...
Alternatively, you might want to use the public Objective-C runtime functions to enumerate all classes and all their methods, then method-swizzle each of them with another one that NSLog before jumping to the original.
Alternatively, you can take the open source implementation of objc_msgSend and insert a call to NSLog at the beginning. Note that obj_msgSend tail calls into the method, so that will prevent you from adding a call upon return. Be prepared to humongous output of course. You might want to condition your call to NSLog to the value of the selector parameter to objc_msgSend (such as a common prefix).
Finally, the best way to trace is probably to attach a DTrace probe to the entry to objc_msgSend. For the same tail-call reason mentioned above, you won't be able to attach a DTrace probe to its return though.
But the better question is why do you want to do that.


vscode: multiple extensions for one language

Is it specified somewhere what happens if I install multiple extensions that declare support for the same language? I can see that if the provided functionality doesn't overlap, then all is fine and I get everything. But if two extensions want to provide completion or hover info, for example, I'm not sure which one provides the answers or if they are merged (where applicable). Does anyone know?
I am not aware of any issues with multiple extension for the same thing, atm I am using a bunch for XML and while they tend to play nice together I've noticed that there are cases that if 1 crashes it might affect the others as well.
In my case a styling extensions was breaking from time to time and in turn my own extension was not getting called but it occurred relatively at random as some times this was not the case.
To me it appears that if - for example - there is an uncaught exception it happens

Counting breakpoint hits

As this question is over 3 years old, I figured I'd bring it up again. Especially since the solution offered there isn't a real option for me.
I'm looking for a way to count passes over a particular breakpoint in the eclipse debugger without actually suspending the code. I need to do this because the issue I'm working on manifests itself only when thousands of messages are sent per second.
The solution offered above is not really feasible for me, as the code being debugged is in a remote location and I cannot really create the static class to track hits. Is there either a default feature or a plugin that will simply count breakpoint hits, or is it not possible in eclipse?
Actually in said question the only reason to use another class is to have a dedicated static variable that you can access from the breakpoint snippet. You can use any other static variable/method that is visble to the snippet.
For instance:
int a = System.getProperty("my-prop");
System.setProperty("my-prop", ++a);
That might be slow, so you could try with ThreadLocals or find youself a static var (or preferably a map to track many places) that you can hijack for this purpose.

Track code changes to specific functions

Not sure how to even search for this topic so I'm just going to ask. I have a couple places in my code where changes to one function have to be also made to a similar function. Basically the operations in the functions are very similar but the data being worked on is different.
I don't like it but for now that's how it is. My question is anyone knows of a way or a tool that will notify me if a certain function has changed. If I get the notification I know to confirm the changes were made to other function.
Please don't tell me to change my code. I know this isn't ideal and thought has been put into alternatives, but nothing elegant has popped up.
Here is an idea I have. Maybe it will set the train of thought...
I can add a special comment in my code for a block that I want to be tracked. The comment will have opening and closing syntax:
I will then have a script that I tell to check a list of files, my_code.php, for now. It will look for the special comment syntax. "1234" will represent a file that holds the last modified code for that function, so 1234.php. If the contents between the comments do not match the code stored in the file then an alert is fired. Also I might add a relationship to the other code so the alert says something like
Code 1234 has changed. Please make sure code 5678 has been updated as well.
I think I can add this script to GIT somehow so it either is part of the core git commands like "push" or maybe just another command I have to run as part of our deployment process. A second option might be adding it to phpstorm's code inspector or something like that.
When the code has been modified and everything is good I will just manually copy the new code into the comparison file. There will not be a ton of updates so this will not be too tedious.
For now this is probably the route I'll go, but any critiques or suggestions are definately welcome.

XCode 4 - IPhone Dev - Good Debug Tutorial

I'm beginning IPhone development with XCode 4 and Objectiv-C. Since I think strong debug and IDE knowledge is required to master a language, I'm looking for good resources about the debugging process and XCode.
A problem I faced recently was that, an unknownException was being thrown in a sample code and I couldn't know how to debug it, since it crashed right after jumping into my Main. I think with a better configuration, it would have been much easier to debug !
I've already found this resource :
But I couldn't find something related to debug in there... Did I miss something ?
Andy, this first is about super basic debugging:
And here you can find two excellent tutorials:
Easy to make mistakes in Objective-C...
Not having a view attached to your view controller
Sending a message to a deallocated instance. Turn on NSZombieEnabled.
Forgot to add the Framework (e.g. MapKit)
If the crash isn't fixed at this point. Set a breakpoint in your app delegate and just step through every line until it crashes. Move the breakpoint up, run again, and inspect the values.
Apple has a list of what they consider to be the best debugging tricks for iOS here.
There is also a couple of videos on the developer's site. I can never find out how to make a direct link, but there aren't that many videos, so just search for "debug":
There is also one from last year:
Access to the developer site requires registration.
Should you ever consider venturing into OS X territory, then here is the Apple-approved debugging magic.

Debug Iphone Program received signal: "EXC_BAD_ACCESS"

My iphone app randomly received this message. I know certain it is memory release problem. However what is the best way to find which object leads this problem. Here are what I have tried
Use Instrument Leak and
ObjectAllocation Trace. Dont saw any
help to know which object have this
Put NSZombieEnabled=YES and project executive ... Dont saw any
help either
Put NSLog everywhere but the EXE_BAD_ACCESS just appear anywhere.
in the debuger, just saw the code
happened in the assembly. like
objc-msg send.
review code many times and read memory management a lot time
and research online a lot time. but
no surprise.
Is there a completed solution to figure out this problem easily. I am a previous Visual C++ programmer, I deal with memory management with years and it is easy to debug and figure out in Visual C++.
If you couldn't see any helpful debug info, I would suggest you find all the places that you are doing a release. It is most likely the case that you have released something that did not need to be released. Code would help us in tracing the issue with you.
As Juan noted, the first stop is the Debugger - what does the debug window give for a stack trace when the app crashes? You should be able to see the line it crashed on... you said in a comment to one response that you saw the crash happen around the lines:
CGPDFDocumnetRef docA=CGPDFDocumentCreatWithURL(myurl);
CGPDFDocumnetRef docB=CGPDFDocumentCreatWithURL(myurl);
Are you really using the same URL object for both calls? Which line is it exactly?
It could be something around the way you make use of the CGPDFDocumentRef, you can find example code how Apple uses them in the QuartzDemo project, file "QuartzImageDrawing.m" (you can find the demo project from the developer portal or embedded in the iPhone documentation with XCode).
XCode is actually pretty powerful, but it does things differently from other IDE's.
In addition to Erich answer, I'd want to add go backward. Start with the most recently added release and work from there.
I ran in to this and it turned out I was releasing an auto-released object that was returned from a convenience method built in to the Cocoa-Touch framework. My problem was as Erich described -- I released this auto-released object. When the system attempted to release it, the program gave the error you are describing.
The best way to know what happend is using the xCode Debbuger, give it a try.
You will also receive the message when you don't pass enough parameters to a variable argument method. For example having a NSLog statement like this: NSLog(#"Hello %#");
To check what the error might be
Use NSZombieEnabled.
To activate the NSZombieEnabled facility in your application:
Choose Project > Edit Active Executable to open the executable Info window.
Click Arguments.
Click the add (+) button in the “Variables to be set in the environment” section.
Enter NSZombieEnabled in the Name column and YES in the Value column.
Make sure that the checkmark for the NSZombieEnabled entry is selected.
found this on iPhoneSDK