Cocoa Design Patterns for Authentication - iphone

After developing for iOS for some time now, I have gotten comfortable with the language and am trying to get better at designing well-structured applications. Initially my focus was on seeing something functional, so I ended up with gigantic view controllers which were horribly architected. Now, I'm learning to separate my model classes and trying to keep my architecture more modular. I would greatly appreciate any advice on the following sample situation:
I am developing an app which (among other things) pulls a list of articles from a server and displays them. However, the user has to be authenticated to be able to retrieve this list. Because other aspects of the application utilize the same authentication, I want a single class to manage the authentication. The goal is that when any controller requests data from the model which requires authentication, if the user is not authenticated, the authentication prompt will automatically be presented.
I expect to create the following:
- ArticlesView
- AuthenticationView
- ArticlesViewController
- AuthenticationViewController
- ArticleManager (singleton)
- AuthenticationProvider (singleton)
- Article
When the application first loads, execution will reach the ArticlesViewController's viewDidLoad method. In this method, I get a shared instance of the ArticleManager, specify the authentication class to be the authentication provider, and ask it for a list of recent articles.
// ArticlesViewController.m
-(void) viewDidLoad {
AuthenticationProvider *authProvider = [AuthenticationProvider sharedInstance];
[[ArticleManager sharedInstance] setAuthenticationProvider:authProvider];
[[ArticleManager sharedInstance] fetchNewArticles];
If no authentication was necessary, the ArticleManager would successfully retrieve the list from the server and post a notification letting anyone interested know that the articles have been retrieved. The ArticlesViewController would handle this notification:
// ArticlesViewController.m
- (void) handleNewArticlesNotification:(NSNotification *)note {
[self updateUI];
However, if authentication is required, the user needs to be presented with a login screen before the articles can be fetched and displayed. So I imagine the ArticleManager doing something like this:
// ArticleManager.m
- (void) fetchNewArticles {
if( [self.authenticationProvider isAuthenticated] ){
// go fetch list from the web
else {
[self.authenticationProvider presentAuthenticationRequest];
Now, at this point I run into some difficulty fleshing out the remainder of the details. The AuthenticationProvider could present the AuthenticationViewController as a modal view controller from the AppDelegate's window's rootViewController and AuthenticationProvider would be the delegate of AuthenticationViewController. The AuthenticationViewController would probably be dumb to the actual actions that it is taking, and would have it's delegate (AuthenticationProvider) do the work to authenticate the user. Once the user is authenticated, AuthenticationProvider would dismiss the modal view controller (AuthenticationViewController).
But how does ArticleManager get notified that the authentication that it requested has completed? It would need to be able to handle both successful and failed authentication attempts separately. A successful authentication would eventually result in fetchNewArticles being called again.
One thought is for ArticleManager to be a delegate of AuthenticationProvider. This seems to work in this case, but there are other Model Managers which could also rely on AuthenticationProvider. Presumably this would be resolved if AuthenticationProvider is not a singleton. Would that be a decent design approach?
Thanks for taking the time to help me understand a good design approach. I have coded this a couple of times, but always get stuck/confused toward the end. Also, if the entire approach needs to be re-architected, please feel free to point me in another direction.
Many thanks!

I have always used Global NSNotifications to post when a user has logged in or logged out. Every view controller that presents data differently can subscribe to those notifications and update themselves accordingly when an event happens.
This is nice, because you may already have other views (perhaps in other tabs) that have already loaded and will need to refresh when a user has logged in or out.

One thought is for ArticleManager to be a delegate of
AuthenticationProvider. This seems to work in this case, but there are
other Model Managers which could also rely on AuthenticationProvider.
Presumably this would be resolved if AuthenticationProvider is not a
singleton. Would that be a decent design approach?
Perhaps instead you could have the AuthenticationProvider singleton provide AuthenticationSession objects, set the caller as the delegate of the AuthenticationSession, and ask the AuthenticationSession to perform the authentication.


How to use Grails session for login

I am messing around making an app in grails. At this point I have already made a login view and the controller. How its working is I got a service which queries my db for the credentials and then if they are valid proceeds to the main screen as shown below. Now I need to add a session to it so that you cant bypass the login. Keep in mind I got no Domain classes because all I need Im querying the database.
This is how the controller works rn:
The login service is basically a firstrow query.
It isn't clear what you really need but in your controller is a variable named session which you can interact with as a Map and do things like session.isLoggedIn = true or if(session.isLoggedIn) { ... } etc. You probably shouldn't do that sort of thing in your app though. You should consider something like

Replacing MVC's built in User objects with Facebook Connect

I have an ASP.NET MVC 3 project where I have NO local user management. I have intergratred Facebook Connect successfully. While this works, it makes my Controllers and Views messy and verbose.
I'd like to replace the default objects such as the User object exposed by Controllers and Views to return my FacebookUser object instead.
Anyone have a better solution than having my Controllers digging around in FacebookWebContex.? It just feels dirty.
Not quite sure which facebook library you are using. But if you impliment IPrincipal and IIdentity in your FacebookUser object, you will be able to set HttpContext.Current.User to that FacebookUser which will allow you to pull that FacebookUser instance from the User property in the controller.

How to create multiple login views using Zend Framework?

I'm new to ZF and need to create multiple login views for each of my 3 user types, employees, employers and admins. Should I use the indexcontroller to serve up the login for the employees and create separate controller classes to handle the employer and admin login pages? How might I utilize JQuery to direct my employer and admin users to the correct login page from the index view?
Thanks much:)
I can give you 2 options.
Split your Application into logical segments called modules, for those 3 groups each group will receive its own Module.
Each module mimics the well known standard "Application" structure:
You check which type of user is currently logged and decid via "if()" statements which view should be rendered.
Custom view rendering is done as described by "Lobo":
If you don't have any user session data, I mean, if you absolutely do not know of which kind the user visiting your page is you simply have to serve 3 links to either a different module or different controller or to one and the same controller but passing the user type as param.
Link to module: /modulename/controllername/actionname/
Link to certain controller: /emplyeecontroller/login
Link to general controller handling different params: /logincontroller/login/type/emplyee
There are many possible solutions to achieve your desired aim.
You have to decide which one fits the most into your project.
I would say that this is a bit to open ended to answer in a good way, but I'll try to fill in the blanks with my imagination and give you an answer. I don't use JQuery so I can't give you an answer there unfortunately.
If this is just to handle login I would guess that the logic is more or less the same (and even if it isn't the logic should be in models anyway), and you just want to change the visual appearance, so then you could use the code
This code will render the view called /application/views/scripts/controller/*view-name*.phtml by default. Thus you can get whatever variable you use to distinguish the different users and give them the right view.
If there's more differences than just the visual I would probably use different actions within a loginController or something like that.
Then I would use standard indexAction (and thus the view index.phtml as default) for the normal employees, and on that page show some kind of text like "Not an employee? Go to the employers login instead". Employers are then directed to login/employer or something like that which by default will call the employerAction and use the employer view. And then you do something similar with the admin login. the controller will then look something like this
class LoginController
public function indexAction()
/*Do login stuff here*/
public function employerAction()
/*Do login stuff here*/
public function adminAction()
/*Do login stuff here*/
Lastly, if there are major differences between how the different users interact with your page, you might consider looking into modules.
You can find all this information at

ShareKit for iphone - SHKShareTypeText

I am using ShareKit for iphone to share some text in facebook. Can any one tell me which delegate is called after publishing the text successfully. I need this to inform the user that his action was successful.
The shareDelegate property in SHKSharer isn't the easiest to get to and change, but there are notifications sent from the delegate methods of SHKSharer, one for each of the methods: SHKSendDidStartNotification, SHKSendDidFinish, SHKSendDidCancel, SHKSendDidFailWithError. Observing these notifications turns out to be a simple way of listening for the outcome of sharing.
See shareDelegate property of SHKSharer . All the concrete sharers (e.g. SHKFacebook) extend this base class.
Having said that, I'm not sure where you set a class to be the delegate using ShareKit's public API (so I'm not claiming this to be a complete answer).

Zend Controller Plugins vs Subclassing Action Controller

I've got a pretty standard ACL system in my application. There's a Login controller and a bunch of other controllers redirecting back to Login if user is not authorized. I use a Controller Plugin for checking the ID and redirecting and I obviously don't want Login controller and Error controller to perform such a redirect.
Now I've read several times that using Controller Plugins is a better practice than subclassing the Action Controller. Yet what I see is it's much easier to extend all my controllers from this abstract base controller class which performs the necessary checking in its init method, except for the Login controller which extends Zend_Controller_Action directly.
So the question is, is there a way to attach the plugin to the controllers selectively? Of course I can always make an array out of certain controllers, send it to a plugin through a setter method and do something like:
$controller = $request->getParam('controller');
if (count($this->exceptions))
if (in_array($controller, $this->exceptions)) return;
//...check ID, perform redirect, etc...
Yet something tells me it's not the best way doing it.
And advices?
EDIT 1: #Billy ONeal
Thank you for your reply, but I don't quite catch. I can do
public function init()
$this->getRequest()->setParam('dropProtection', true);
(or run some method that sets some private variable of the plugin) in my login controller, and then say if 'dropProtection' is not true then check the user ID. But the actual dispatch process looks like this:
So I cannot check this 'dropProtection' param earlier than in Plugin::postDispatch and that's a bit late. (by the way, why the preDispatch and postDispatch are being called twice?)
If you want to do it earlier, I think you can use the first method (passing an array of exceptions to the plugin) and test the module name or the controller name in routeShutdown.
Personnaly I use an action helper to check the auth in all my actions. It's more flexible and give me more control. It's only one line for each private action.
And DON'T SUBCLASS your action controller. I did it on one of my project and now my base class is a piece of shit. Use action helper instead.
is there a way to attach the plugin to the controllers selectively?
Of course. Just don't register the plugin if the request doesn't contain the parameters you're looking for. Alternately, assume all pages are protected, and have those pages which should not be protected call some method on your plugin during the init stage.
If you want to protect just a single controller, you could reverse that -- have the plugin only take action if there's some method called during the init stage.
Finally, you could make the entire logged-in section of the page it's own module, which would allow you to have the plugin check for that module before checking credentials and redirecting.