iPhone Dividing string into multi line and display as Label - iphone

I've a string as follows:
#define BEEF_LABLE #"Recommended Internal Temp 145 - Medium Rare 160 - Medium 170 - Well done"
I want to display it in a 4 lines label. "Recommended Internal Temp" in one line, "145 - Medium Rare" in 2nd line, "160 - Medium" in 3rd line and "170 - Well done" in 4th line.
How can I split the text accordingly.

yourLabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap;
yourLabel.numberOfLines = 0;
and add ("\n") in the String accordingly... like this
#define BEEF_LABLE #"Recommended Internal Temp \n 145 - Medium Rare 160 \n- Medium \n 170 - Well done"


Meaning of x_descenders and x_ascenders in hOCR file?

Here's the line from Tesseract 4 output (.hocr file):
<span class='ocr_line'
title="bbox 36 92 580 122; baseline 0 -6; x_size 30; x_descenders 6; x_ascenders 6">
What's the meaning of x_descenders and x_ascenders properties?
I know in typography a descender is "the portion of a letter that extends below the baseline of a font". But there are situations when x_descenders is not an integer but a float like in x_descenders 5.2608695. Then what that would mean?
Then I wonder how to interpret decimal parts of

Ghostscript -- convert PS to PNG, rotate, and scale

I have an application that creates very nice data plots rendered in PostScript with letter size and landscape mode. An example of the input file is at http://febo.com/uploads/blip.ps. [ Note: this image renders properly in a viewer, but the PNG conversion comes out with the image sideways. ] I need to convert these PostScript files into PNG images that are scaled down and rotated 90 degrees for web presentation.
I want to do this with ghostscript and no other external tool, because the conversion program will be used on both Windows and Linux systems and gs seems to be a common denominator. (I'm creating a perl script with a "PS2png" function that will call gs, but I don't think that's relevant to the question.)
I've searched the web and spent a couple of days trying to modify examples I've found, but nothing I have tried does the combination of (a) rotate, (b) resize, (c) maintain the aspect ratio and (d) avoid clipping.
I did find an example that injects a "scale" command into the postscript stream, and that seems to work well to scale the image to the desired size while maintaining the aspect ratio. But I can't find a way to rotate the resized image so that the, e.g., 601 x 792 point (2504 x 3300 pixel) postscript input becomes an 800 x 608 pixel png output.
I'm looking for the ghostscript/postscript fu that I can pass to the gs command line to accomplish this.
I've tried gs command lines with various combinations of -dFIXEDMEDIA, -dFitPage, -dAutoRotatePages=/None, or /All, -c "<> setpagedevice", changing -dDISPLAYWIDTHPOINTS and -dDISPLAYHEIGHTPOINTS, -g[width]x[height], -dUseCropBox with rotated coordinates, and other things I've forgotten. None of those worked, though it wouldn't surprise me if there's a magic combination of some of them that will. I just haven't been able to find it.
Here is the core code that produces the scaled but not rotated output:
## "$molps" is the input ps file read to a variable
## insert the PS "scale" command
$molps = $sf . " " . $sf . " scale\n" . $molps;
$gsopt1 = " -r300 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4";
$gsopt1 = $gsopt1 . " -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=$device_width_points";
$gsopt1 = $gsopt1 . " -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=$device_height_points";
$gsopt1 = $gsopt1 . " -sOutputFile=" . $outfile;
$gscmd = "gs -q -sDEVICE=pnggray -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH " . $gsopt1 . " - ";
system("echo \"$molps\" \| $gscmd");
$device_width_points and $device_height_points are calculated by taking the original image size and applying the scaling factor $sf.
I'll be grateful to anyone who can show me the way to accomplish this. Thanks!
Better Answer:
You almost had it with your initial research. Just set orientation in the gs call:
... | gs ... -dAutoRotatePages=/None -c '<</Orientation 3>> setpagedevice' ...
cf. discussion of setpagedevice in the Red Book, and ghostscript docs (just before section 6.2)
Original Answer:
As well as "scale", you need "rotate" and "translate", not necessarily in that order.
Presumably these are single-page PostScript files?
If you know the bounding box of the Postscript, and the dimensions of the png, it is not too arduous to calculate the necessary transformation. It'll be about one line of code. You just need to ensure you inject it in the correct place.
Chapter 6 of the Blue Book has lots of details
A ubc.ca paper provides some illustrated examples (skip to page 4)
Simple PostScript file to play around with. You'll just need the three translate,scale,rotate commands in some order. The rest is for demonstrating what's going on.
% function to define a 400x400 box outline, origin at 0,0 (bottom left)
/box { 0 0 moveto 0 400 lineto 400 400 lineto 400 0 lineto closepath } def
box clip % pretend the box is our bounding box
clippath stroke % draw initial black bounding box
(Helvetica) findfont 50 scalefont setfont % setup a font
% draw box, and show some text # 100,100
box stroke
100 100 moveto (original) show
% try out some transforms
1 0 0 setrgbcolor % red
.5 .5 scale
box stroke
100 100 moveto (+scaled) show
0 1 0 setrgbcolor % green
300 100 translate
box stroke
100 100 moveto (+translated) show
0 0 1 setrgbcolor % blue
45 rotate
box stroke
100 100 moveto (+rotated) show
It may be possible to insert the calculated transformation into the gs commandline like this:
... | gs ... -c '1 2 scale 3 4 translate 5 6 rotate' -# ...
Thanks to JHNC, I think I have it licked now, and for the benefit of posterity, here's what worked. (Please upvote JHNC, not this answer.)
## code to determine original size, scaling factor, rotation goes above
my $device_width_points;
my $device_height_points;
my $orientation;
if ($rotation) {
$orientation = 3;
$device_width_points = $ytotal_png_pt;
$device_height_points = $xtotal_png_pt;
} else {
$orientation = 0;
$device_width_points = $xtotal_png_pt;
$device_height_points = $ytotal_png_pt;
my $orientation_string =
" -dAutoRotatePages=/None -c '<</Orientation " .
$orientation . ">> setpagedevice'";
## $ps = .ps file read into variable
## insert the PS "scale" command
$ps = $sf . " " . $sf . " scale\n" . $ps;
$gsopt1 = " -r300 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4";
$gsopt1 = $gsopt1 . " -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=$device_width_points";
$gsopt1 = $gsopt1 . " -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=$device_height_points";
$gsopt1 = $gsopt1 . " -sOutputFile=" . $outfile;
$gsopt1 = $gsopt1 . $orientation_string;
$gscmd = "gs -q -sDEVICE=pnggray -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH " . $gsopt1 . " - ";
system("echo \"$ps\" \| $gscmd");
One of the problems I had was that some options apparently don't play well together -- for example, I tried using the -g option to set the output size in pixels, but in that case the rotation didn't work. Using the DEVICE...POINTS commands instead did work.

Regex application to string?

Currently, I am looping through phone numbers to find matches in a database. However, I need to remove dashes and any area codes so that the database search can exact. Currently, I am trying to use this regex on the phone numbers :
and I am trying to apply it as such
if let longNumber = (contact.phoneNumbers.first?.value as? CNPhoneNumber)?.stringValue {
let phoneNumber = longNumber.replacingOccurrences(of: "(?:\+\d{2}\s*(?:\(\d{2}\))|(?:\(\d{2}\)))?\s*(\d{4,5}\-?\d{4})", with: "$1", options: .regularExpression)
However, I receive the error Invalid escape sequence in literal and Missing argument for parameter 'for' in call
How can I properly get only the phone digits from the string? ie if it is +1 300-300-3000
I need it to return 3003003000.
+1 390 - 456 - 8823 -> 3904568823
+92 084 765 4902 --> 0847654902
+922 (064) 864 0921 --> 0648640921
842.231.9072 --> 8422319072
+1 (972) - 864 - 0921 --> 9728640921
+92 33 - 783 - 9382 --> 337839282
From the examples you have shown, I assume the following rules:
Phone numbers are formatted in 3 or 4 parts
Part1 (optional)
1 to 3 digits
one or more whitespaces follow
May be enclosed in ( and )
2 or 3 digits
a hyphen or a decimal point or a whitespace with extra whitespaces at both ends follows
3 digits
a hyphen or a decimal point or a whitespace with extra whitespaces at both ends follows
4 digits
(Please remember, this sort of phone number notation rule is local to a specific region. When you want to internationalize your app, you may need many more rules. The pattern you have now may be written for some other region.)
Partial pattern for each part would be something as follows:
let part1 = "(?:\\+\\d{1,3}\\s+)?"
let part2 = "(?:\\((\\d{2,3})\\)|(\\d{2,3}))\\s*[\\s\\.-]?\\s*"
let part3 = "(\\d{3})\\s*[\\s\\.-]?\\s*"
let part4 = "(\\d{4})"
(Please do not miss that all backslashes are escaped.)
Testing code:
import Foundation
let numbers: [(long: String, expected: String)] = [
("+1 300-300-3000", "3003003000"),
("+1 390 - 456 - 8823", "3904568823"),
("+92 084 765 4902", "0847654902"),
("+922 (064) 864 0921", "0648640921"),
("842.231.9072", "8422319072"),
("+1 (972) - 864 - 0921", "9728640921"),
("+92 33 - 783 - 9382", "337839382"), //I assume your example is wrong here
for number in numbers {
let longNumber = number.long
let part1 = "(?:\\+\\d{1,3}\\s+)?"
let part2 = "(?:\\((\\d{2,3})\\)|(\\d{2,3}))\\s*[\\s\\.-]?\\s*"
let part3 = "(\\d{3})\\s*[\\s\\.-]?\\s*"
let part4 = "(\\d{4})"
let pattern = "^\(part1)\(part2)\(part3)\(part4)$"
let phoneNumber = longNumber.replacingOccurrences(of: pattern, with: "$1$2$3$4", options: .regularExpression)
print("\(longNumber) --> \(phoneNumber)", phoneNumber == number.expected ? "Success" : "Fail (expected \(number.expected))")
+1 300-300-3000 --> 3003003000 Success
+1 390 - 456 - 8823 --> 3904568823 Success
+92 084 765 4902 --> 0847654902 Success
+922 (064) 864 0921 --> 0648640921 Success
842.231.9072 --> 8422319072 Success
+1 (972) - 864 - 0921 --> 9728640921 Success
+92 33 - 783 - 9382 --> 337839382 Success
The code above may not work as expected for possible other inputs, please try to fix it to fit for such inputs by yourself.

How do I print a string in one line in MARIE?

I want to print a set of letters in one line in MARIE. I modified the code to print Hello World and came up with:
ORG 0 / implemented using "do while" loop
WHILE, LOAD STR_BASE / load str_base into ac
ADD ITR / add index to str_base
STORE INDEX / store (str_base + index) into ac
CLEAR / set ac to zero
ADDI INDEX / get the value at ADDR
SKIPCOND 400 / SKIP if ADDR = 0 (or null char)
JUMP DO / jump to DO
DO, STORE TEMP / output value at ADDR
LOAD ITR / load iterator into ac
ADD ONE / increment iterator by one
STORE ITR / store ac in iterator
JUMP WHILE / jump to while
STR_BASE, HEX 12 / memory location of str
STR, HEX 48 / H
HEX 65 / E
HEX 6C / L
HEX 6C / L
HEX 6F / O
HEX 0 / carriage return
HEX 57 / W
HEX 6F / O
HEX 72 / R
HEX 6C / L
HEX 64 / D
HEX 0 / NULL char
My program ends up halting past two iterations. I can't seem to figure out how to print a set of characters in one line. Thanks.
Your value of STR_BASE is almost certainly incorrect. Based on what is here I would say it needs to be 18 instead of 12. Also you would either want to remove current null char that is between "HELLO" and "WORLD" and replace it with a space or simply remove that line, depending on your intended output.

How to comment on a specific line number on a PR on github

I am trying to write a small script that can comment on github PRs using eslint output.
The problem is eslint gives me the absolute line numbers for each error.
But github API wants the line number relative to the diff.
From the github API docs: https://developer.github.com/v3/pulls/comments/#create-a-comment
To comment on a specific line in a file, you will need to first
determine the position in the diff. GitHub offers a
application/vnd.github.v3.diff media type which you can use in a
preceding request to view the pull request's diff. The diff needs to
be interpreted to translate from the line in the file to a position in
the diff. The position value is the number of lines down from the
first "##" hunk header in the file you would like to comment on.
The line just below the "##" line is position 1, the next line is
position 2, and so on. The position in the file's diff continues to
increase through lines of whitespace and additional hunks until a new
file is reached.
So if I want to add a comment on new line number 5 in the above image, then I would need to pass 12 to the API
My question is how can I easily map between the new line numbers which the eslint will give in it's error messages to the relative line numbers required by the github API
What I have tried so far
I am using parse-diff to convert the diff provided by github API into json object
"chunks": [{
"changes": [
"type": STRING("normal"|"add"|"del"),
"normal": BOOLEAN,
"add": BOOLEAN,
"del": BOOLEAN,
"content": STRING,
"oldStart": NUMBER,
"oldLines": NUMBER,
"newStart": NUMBER,
"newLines": NUMBER
I am thinking of the following algorithm
make an array of new line numbers starting from NEW_STARTING_LINE_NUMBER to
subtract newStart from each number and make it another array relativeLineNumbers
traverse through the array and for each deleted line (type==='del') increment the corresponding remaining relativeLineNumbers
for another hunk (line having ##) decrement the corresponding remaining relativeLineNumbers
I have found a solution. I didn't put it here because it involves simple looping and nothing special. But anyway answering now to help others.
I have opened a pull request to create the similar situation as shown in question
Using the Github API one can get the diff data.
diff --git a/test.js b/test.js
index 2aa9a08..066fc99 100644
--- a/test.js
+++ b/test.js
## -2,14 +2,7 ##
var hello = require('./hello.js');
-var names = [
- 'harry',
- 'barry',
- 'garry',
- 'harry',
- 'barry',
- 'marry',
+var names = ['harry', 'barry', 'garry', 'harry', 'barry', 'marry'];
var names2 = [
## -23,9 +16,7 ## var names2 = [
// after this line new chunk will be created
var names3 = [
- 'barry',
- 'garry',
- 'marry',
+ 'marry', 'garry',
Now just pass this data to diff-parse module and do the computation.
var parsedFiles = parseDiff(data); // diff output
function (file) {
var relativeLine = 0;
function (chunk, index) {
if (index !== 0) // relative line number should increment for each chunk
relativeLine++; // except the first one (see rel-line 16 in the image)
function (change) {
change.ln1 ? change.ln1 : '-',
change.ln2 ? change.ln2 : '-',
change.ln ? change.ln : '-',
This would print
type (ln1) old line (ln2) new line (ln) added/deleted line relative line
normal 2 2 - 1
normal 3 3 - 2
normal 4 4 - 3
del - - 5 4
del - - 6 5
del - - 7 6
del - - 8 7
del - - 9 8
del - - 10 9
del - - 11 10
del - - 12 11
add - - 5 12
normal 13 6 - 13
normal 14 7 - 14
normal 15 8 - 15
normal 23 16 - 17
normal 24 17 - 18
normal 25 18 - 19
del - - 26 20
del - - 27 21
normal 28 19 - 22
normal 29 20 - 23
del - - 30 24
add - - 21 25
normal 31 22 - 26
Now you can use the relative line number to post a comment using github api.
For my purpose I only needed the relative line numbers for the newly added lines, but using the table above one can get it for deleted lines also.
Here's the link for the linting project in which I used this. https://github.com/harryi3t/lint-github-pr