Sharing an iOS app for Enterprise in XCode 4.1 - iphone

In articles like this: as well as the official Apple Documentation: it says things similar to: "The manifest file is a file in XML plist format. It’s used by an iOS 4 device to find, download, and install apps from your web server. The manifest file is created by Xcode, using information you provide when you share an archived app for enterprise distribution."
However, in the organizer for XCode 4.1, there is no "share for enterprise option". The only options listed are the ones pictured here:
which are "iOS App Store package (ipa)" and "Archive".
Can someone tell me how I actually get to the "Enterprise Sharing" option?
Thank you

Just follow the instruction in the documentation
until you arrive the "To share your iOS application."
Once you arrive this step, the next screen will ask you for a file name, and an option "Save for entreprise Distribution" will be available (refer image), check for this box and it is here you enter all the information including the most importantly, application URL that must be the same as your bundle


Non-PIE Binary - The executable 'project name' is not a Position Independent Executable.

I uploaded a binary on into iTunes Connect, it was validated and accepted to publish to the App Store. I received an email from Apple, saying that my application is an invalid binary:
Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for
"Project name". To process your delivery, the following issues must be
iPhone 5 Optimization Requirement - Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5. As of May 1, all new iPhone apps and app updates
submitted must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5. All apps must
include a launch image of the appropriate size. Learn more about
iPhone 5 support by reviewing the iOS Human Interface Guidelines.
Though you are not required to fix the following issues, we wanted to
make you aware of them:
Non-PIE Binary - The executable '' is not a Position Independent Executable. Please ensure that your build settings are
configured to create PIE executables. Once the required corrections
have been made, go to the Version Details page and click "Ready to
Upload Binary." Continue through the submission process until the app
status is "Waiting for Upload." You can then deliver the corrected
I have changed the Don't Create Position Independent Executables option in Target > Build Settings to YES, but I still receive the same message above.
There is now a document from Apple explaining the issue and how to solve it: QA1788: Building a Position Independent Executable,
Steps for building your application as PIE
In Xcode, select your target in the "Targets" section, then click the "Build Settings" tab to view its settings.
For iOS apps, set iOS Deployment Target to iOS 4.3 or later. For Mac apps, set OS X Deployment Target to OS X 10.7 or later.
Verify that Generate Position-Dependent Code is set at to NO.
Verify that Don't Create Position Independent Executables is set to NO.
We're getting the same message on all of our app updates this week.
You will need to set "Don't Create Position Independent Executables" to "NO" and "Generate Position-Dependent Code" to "NO", which is the default.
The key is that you will need to set "iOS Deployment Target" to 4.3 or later, or the PIE settings will be ignored.
You can test the app binary with this command and it will show "PIE" at the end of the line for a PIE exe.
otool -vh MyAppExe
as mentioned here by Vincent, to have a PIE-Binary:
follow Apple Q&A QA1788
set deployment target to 4.3 as minimum OS version (this is a requirement for PIE-Binary)
(the missing bit): make sure you don't have a 3rd party library that would not be compatible with PIE-binary, otherwise the all project will not build for PIE-Binary.
check with: otool -hv /path/to/
This said, Apple does not force you "YET" to have a PIE-Binary app. So the question is "will they force to do so ? and when ?"
more info:

Generating an application bundle for submission with Xcode 4

Please help me export my application to iTunes Connect. I dont understand the documents, I have tried my best. I cant find the release of my .app, only the debug version.
I am using xcode 4. Also I dont know if I have signed the application correctly.
Here is a screenshot of my build settings, are these correct.
I setup a distribution certificate, an app ID with a wildcard mask, and a provisioning profile for the App Store, this provisioning profile is then imported into the organizer and on the screenshot below, you see I have assigned it to the Release build.
I cant find the release build at all on my system, only the debug file and would you say my certificates/profiles are set up currently.
Make sure you have configured the Archive panel for the scheme with the name of the archive to create
Then choose Product | Archive from Xcode's menu
Then have a look in your organiser's Archive section
And here are the docs you should be looking at.
First, make sure your Scheme is set to Release. Then, Build your app. If all goes well with no errors, you should be able to get your release build of your app in your Derived Data directory (this is the default Xcode 4 location).
If you don't see anything in Derived Data, check under Xcode->Preferences and go to the Locations tab. That will show you where your builds are going.
Unless I misunderstand the question, to send your app to iTunes connect from Xcode4 you choose Product -> Archive from the menu.
If your certs and IDs are correct, and they seem to be, then you will be shown the Archives view in the Organizer. Select the recent Archive and choose Validate.
If it validates, choose Submit. Your app should be submitted to iTunes Connect.

iPhone Application Installation Link

How can I make My iPhone Application's Installation Link ?
Description : I want to make an installation link of my iPhone Application. If I send a link to somebody ans when he/she clicks on the link , it directly ask for "Do you want to install the App?" and if yes then Installs the app on the Device.
Is there any way to do it ?
EDIT : I didn't submit my app on the App Store. It's for my own. No App Store Submission.
See the Installing Apps Wirelessly section of Distributing Enterprise Apps for iOS 4 Devices Enterprise documentation.
This will work for Enterprise Distribution but also for AdHoc if that device's UUID has been added to your adhoc provisioning profile.
Basically you can host your app binary on a webserver with some additional html & provision files and you point to that link from your other app.
The user will be asked if they want to install X from Y and then it will install if they agree.
There are several packaging tools out there to do this for you automagically. i.e. TestFlight
You can use the link of your app on the app store
Are you trying to create a jail broken application??
Create a distribution profile for your application, install it.
Go to build menu, click on 'build and archive'.
Select 'share application'.
Enter the full path of the url for ipa file.
You should get 'ipa' and a 'plist' file. Upload it. (same path mentioned in the url)
This should help.
It is possible to do ad hoc distribution for beta testing and the like. You'll need the UUID of the phones that you want to install on to and then you can just provide a direct link to the .ipa file.
A quick google for iphone ad hc distribution will give you the methods to do this.

How do I compile my app for submission to the app store?

I have an iPhone app that I've developed and I'm ready to submit it to the app store. I've read the iTunes Connect Developer Guide, but there's nowhere that specifies exactly how to go from an app in XCode to a binary uploaded to the app store.
Is anyone who has done this able to guide me here?
Go to your Target (The blue print looking thing) and go to "Build settings" make sure that the code signing is under "Distribution" and the mobile provisioning profile you are using is set to "App store". This can be checked by logging into the developer portal and looking at the provisions you have under the "Distribution Tab". Make sure to do "Clean" then build the app.
Once done navigate over to the project folder and find the folder that has the in it.
Zip this folder (Since .app is a folder its self) and you are done!
You are ready to submit!
Just make sure to double check the guidelines for submission since the approval process is really slow (up to 4 Days!) so if you get rejected you have to wait the wait again.
may be this will help you
here examples with images

how to create binary of iphone application

On reading the iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide.pdf, i came across the term binary. This is the paragraph found in the pdf:
To submit your application through iTunes Connect and get it posted on the
App Store successfully, make sure you have the following:
Application binary (includes 57px icon), large 512px icon for use on the App Store,
primary screenshot, contract information, export compliance information and applica-
tion metadata
It is also mentioned that the binary should be a zipped file.
Can anyone please explain what is a binary and how to create one?
This is the method I found out. Please correct me if there is any mistake:
Find the file ending in ".app" in the Products folder of your application in Xcode.
Right-click on it and choose Show In Finder.
From there, right-click again and choose Compress.
The resulting zipped file is the binary of your iphone application.
In this case, what Apple really means is the complete Application Bundle. You create it by building your project with XCode for the iPhone OS target. Don't forget to sign it for App Store Distribution during the XCode build process, as described in Apple's iTunes Connect / Developer Pogram Portal documentation.
To submit an app update, just log on to iTunes Connect ( and click on "Manage Applications". Click on the application you want to update. From there, there is the icon of the app and next to it, a button that says "Add Version". Click it, and from there just follow iTunes Connect's advice! If you submit a NEW application with the same name but a different version, it will just add a NEW application to the app store (if it doesn't give you an error)! Then, v1.0 and v1.1 will BOTH be available for download.