Playframework - querying and displaying results from multi-table join - jpa

I'm a newcomer to java and the play framework (I'm using play 1.2.2 with a local MySQL5 database). I'm trying to query a couple of tables in a database and display the table join results on a web page.
This is what I have in the various bits:
Controller :-
public static void index() {
List<Mutation> mutation_list= Mutation.getDisorderGene();
Model :-
public class Mutation extends Model {
public static List<Mutation> getDisorderGene() {
EntityManager entityManager = play.db.jpa.JPA.em();
List<Mutation> muts = entityManager.createNativeQuery("select disorder_name, gene_name from Disorder,Mutation where = Mutation.disorder_id order by disorder_name, gene_name").getResultList();
return muts;
View :-
#{list items:mutation_list, as:'mutation'}
And this is the error message I get!
Template execution error
Execution error occured in template /app/views/Stu/index.html.
Exception raised was MissingPropertyException : Exception evaluating
property 'disorder_name' for java.util.Arrays$ArrayList, Reason:
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: disorder_name
for class: java.lang.String.
I'm unsure where the problem lies. Is it with the JPA table join query or is something wrong in the view.
Are there any changes in the view I can make to display the columns?
Many thanks.

A native query that selects multiple columns by default returns them as Object[], thus your getDisorderGene() should return a List<Object[]>, and your template should look as follows:
#{list items:mutation_list, as:'mutation'}

What if you put the as clausule...
select disorder_name as NameMyPropertyModelClass, gene_name as NameMyPropertyModelClass
from Disorder,Mutation
where = Mutation.disorder_id order by disorder_name, gene_name


playframework selecting from h2 database

I am trying downloading all records from table in h2 buildin database in playframework.
I am facing an error:
[IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: * near line 1, column 8 [SELECT * FROM TABLE]]
Method CODE i class Table:
public static Result view() {
Query query = JPA.em().createQuery("SELECT * FROM TABLE");
List<Table> downloaded_from_db = query.getResultList();
return ok(view.render("none"));
Please help me. I would like to see downloaded records in console in simple view.
Please give me some tips or good tutorial.
After changing my class loooks like this:
public static Result view() {
List<MedicalIncidents> data = JPA.em()
.createNativeQuery("SELECT * FROM MedicalIncident")
//.createQuery("Select m from MedicalIncident m")
AND I think it works, cause I have 2 entries in that table in database:
But System.out.println(data) return in plaay console:
[[Ljava.lang.Object;#70a0c9be, [Ljava.lang.Object;#4c1d12b6]
But it should return this object by model name like in example: computer-database-jpa:
[models.Computer#214c6fde, models.Computer#63728eb3, models.Computer#75f6bcc6, models.Computer#19e3a7ab, models.Computer#3114d8d4, models.Computer#4fa75f78, models.Computer#756ce822, models.Computer#40fc4c68, models.Computer#73fc612c, models.Computer#3e4fcb31]
So I think that there is something wrong with it. Please help
You mxied SQL queries with JPQL query. The method you used createQuery needs an JPQL query:
SELECT e FROM Entity e
Also please note in JPQL there is no SELECT *. If you want to write a SQL query, use the method em.createNtiveQuery().

Spring Mvc/Jpa-OneToMany : How to display a list of class associated to another one

I've got a class Module with a OneToMany binding with a class Sequence.
My aim is to show the list of Modules, and by clicking on one of them, display the associated list of Sequences
But it doesn't work, I have a HTTP 500 error.
Here there is my controller :
#RequestMapping(value="formation", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView allModules() {
List<Module> allModules = moduleService.findAll();
return new ModelAndView("formation", "modules", allModules);
#RequestMapping(value="sequences/{module}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String displaySequences(#PathVariable ("module") Module module, Model model) {
List<Sequence> allSequences = sequenceService.findByModule(module);
model.addAttribute("sequences", allSequences);
return "sequences";
and the jsp which show the list of modules to return the list of sequences
<c:forEach items="${modules}" var="module">
So, where does my error come from?
It works when I do that:
#RequestMapping(value="/sequences/{moduleId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String displaySequences(#PathVariable ("moduleId") Long moduleId, Model model) {
Module module = moduleService.findById(moduleId);
model.addAttribute("module", module);
return "sequences";
and I change the link with :
<a href="sequences/${module}">${module.titre}
but I'd like to understand my error.
The reason why you weren't able to display sequences is Spring doesn't know how to parse this
into Module instance.
You can read on this in Spring docs here in the section's URI Template Patterns last paragraph. I paste it here for convenience.
A #PathVariable argument can be of any simple type such as int, long, Date, etc. Spring automatically converts to the appropriate type or throws a TypeMismatchException if it fails to do so. You can also register support for parsing additional data types. See Section, “Method Parameters And Type Conversion” and Section, “Customizing WebDataBinder initialization”.

Spring MVC custom editor and select-options bad performance

Im using custom editor in Spring MVC to map string valuest to my domain objects. Simple case: User object refers to Company ( -> Company). In User form I register data binder:
protected void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) throws Exception {
binder.registerCustomEditor(Company.class, new CompanyEditor(appService));
Editor is defined as folows:
class CompanyEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {
private AppService appService;
public CompanyEditor(AppService appService) {
this.appService = appService;
public void setAsText(String text) {
Company company = appService.getCompany(text);
public String getAsText() {
Company company = (Company) this.getValue();
if (company != null)
return company.getId();
return null;
When I use dropdown in my form
<form:select path="company">
<form:options items="${companies}" itemLabel="name" itemValue="id"/>
I experience severe performance problems because (to check if company is selected, I suppose) fires setAsText and getAsText for each option, which makes it to run a SQL query for each company.
I thought that setAsText is used when I commit form to make application know how to translate compnany id to Company (persisted) object. Why should it fire it in dropdowns. Any ideas how to fix it?
If your form backing object is stored as session attribute(i.e. you have something like #SessionAttributes("command") in your controller), so you can try to modify your setAsText(String text) method
public void setAsText(String text) {
Company currentCompany = (Company) this.getValue();
if ((currentCompany != null) && (currentCompany.getId().equals(text)))
Company company = appService.getCompany(text);
but I think that Spring 3.1 #Cacheable abstraction was introduced exactly for the such kind of things and is preferable
see examples in documentation
public Book findBook(ISBN isbn) {...}
P.S. Consider using new Converter SPI instead of Property Editors.
In general, it's possible to implement a generic converter for your look-up entities, so it will automatically convert entities from text using id if they have some specific attribute, for example, in one of my projects all #Entity types are being automatically converted using a global ConditionalGenericConverter implementation, so I neither register custom property editors during binding nor implement specific converters for types which are simple #Entity classes with #Id annotated primary keys.
Also it's very convenient when Spring automatically converts textual object ids to the actual entities when they are specified as #RequestParam annotated controller method arguments.

Identifying sub rows using TableBuilder - GWT 2.5

When building a celltable using a TableBuilder, I encounter a problem to set a unique class name to sub rows. (gwt 2.5RC)
the code that builds the rows looks something like this:
public void buildRowImpl(AdGroupProxy mainAdGroup, int absRowIndex) {
super.buildRowImpl(mainAdGroup, absRowIndex);
for (AdGroupProxy adGroup : mainAdGroup.getChildren()) {
super.buildRowImpl(adGroup, ++absRowIndex);
Every <tr> been generated inside the loop is a subrow.
The <tr>'s are generated with the attribute __gwt_subrow=1,__gwt_subrow=2 ...
however, due to the issue of GWT isn't supporting CSS3 I cannot use the following selector to select the sub rows:
I don't want neither to implement the method buildRowImpl myself.
Any suggestions of how to set a class name to sub rows only?

Entity Framework IQueryable

I'm having problems querying the entity model to get additional information.
My db has a Program table with a one to many relation with an Events table. The Entity model generates the relationships just fine, but I'm unable to figure out how to query the model to get the progam object with its events.
I can do this:
var foo = from program in entities.ProgramSet
where program.StartDate >
orderby program.StartDate
select program;
No problems there. From what I've found on Microsofts Page (Shaping queries with Entity framework):, if I wanted to get the child objects, I just do the following:
// Define a LINQ query with a path that returns
// orders and items for a contact.
var contacts = (from contact in context.Contact
select contact).FirstOrDefault();
However, there is no .Include or Include that I can find on the query.
Any suggestion? I know that I can do a foreach across the results, then run a .Events.Load() on it, but doesn't that force the IQueriable result to execute the sql, instead of optomize it to run only when a .ToList() etc is called on it?
Here is some sample code from my project:
public class ProgramRepository : CT.Models.IProgramRepository
CTEntities db = new CTEntities();
public IQueryable<Program> FindAllPrograms()
return db.ProgramSet;
public IQueryable<Program> FindUpcomingPrograms()
var programs = from program in FindAllPrograms()
where program.StartDate > DateTime.Now
orderby program.StartDate
select program;
return programs;
With the FindUpComingPrograms I would like to have it also include the Events Data. There is a relationship between the Program and Events model. Program has a List<Events> property, that I would like to fill and return with the IQueryable method.
Thanks again!
The Include Function is part of the ObjectQuery object...
I think you are going to need to re-write your query to look something like this:
var contacts = context.Contact.Include("SalesOrderHeader.SalesOrderDetail").FirstOrDefault();
//Not sure on your dot path you might have to debug that a bit
Here is an Article that has some examples...